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Hope I can get some help.

My problem: after a few hours of use, the image on the screen starts to bounce, first a few lines at a time, then whole pages, and once, just got stuck at the bottom of the document. I can’t read and I can’t write.

I took it to a computer shop for service. There was an image on the screen to advise me that this copy of Windows was not validated. Annoying but I wasn’t going to waste money validating it. Even MS original products I’ve bought were broken before I opened the box. The techie said the bouncing would stop if he removed that warning notice but that after that I would not be able to get updates from MS. A simple choice: I chose to forgo MS updates so that I could read and write. It was fine for a week and I didn’t miss any updates, but today the bouncing started again.

Is it the software, or the computer?

Should I just trash it and buy a new Mac, forget about MS?

Any advice, please?


Once you got the nag-screen I think it is too late and you will have to reinstall Windows from scratch.

When Windows is installed you get the choice to automatically update it or do it manually. You MUST choose to check for updates manually! Every time there is updates, read through the description of the update. The ones that cause the nag-screen to come up will always say something about WGA or counterfeit or something like that, it's very obvious what it is. Just untick the update box for that update and continue installing the rest. Like that you always have your Windows updated without the nag screen.


Once you got the nag-screen I think it is too late and you will have to reinstall Windows from scratch.

When Windows is installed you get the choice to automatically update it or do it manually. You MUST choose to check for updates manually! Every time there is updates, read through the description of the update. The ones that cause the nag-screen to come up will always say something about WGA or counterfeit or something like that, it's very obvious what it is. Just untick the update box for that update and continue installing the rest. Like that you always have your Windows updated without the nag screen.

Of from the current situation try if you can do a system restore to a point where it was working well, then unchoose Windows auto update. Sometimes it works.


Thanks for the advice. "Nag window." I didn't know it had a name. Maybe installing W7 is my most viable bet.

I was under the impression that Mac users were free, relatively free of viruses and all that stuff, that W users are plauged with. "I wish I'd switched to Mac ten years ago," is often heard. If a machine gives you reliable service, or a program, instead of delays and loss of documents and all the frustrating problems I've encountered with Windows, would it be worth the extra, "overpriced" What good is cheap if you have problem after problem and the product has a short life span?


Paying for the plague is always a waste...

To see if this is a HW or SW problem run the computer on a live CD for some hours and see if you get the same problem.



Thanks for the advice. "Nag window." I didn't know it had a name. Maybe installing W7 is my most viable bet.

I was under the impression that Mac users were free, relatively free of viruses and all that stuff, that W users are plauged with. "I wish I'd switched to Mac ten years ago," is often heard. If a machine gives you reliable service, or a program, instead of delays and loss of documents and all the frustrating problems I've encountered with Windows, would it be worth the extra, "overpriced" What good is cheap if you have problem after problem and the product has a short life span?

The nag window comes about because you're using an illegal copy of windows. Wouldn't it have been better to pay the extra to buy a legal copy of Windows in the first place?

Windows XP has been around since 2001 and is due to be supported until at least till 2014. I wouldn't call that a short life span.

All operating systems are vulnerable to viruses. Being Windows is the most popular operating system, attackers go for the biggest bang.

Finally ask yourself why is Windows the most popular operating system? Especially when Linux/Ubuntu is free. There must be a reason.


Finally ask yourself why is Windows the most popular operating system? Especially when Linux/Ubuntu is free. There must be a reason.

3 words: Predatory Marketing Practices


Agree a Non-Genuine OS would not make a bouncing screen.

The OP was quite definite about a bouncing screen so I don't understand how the whole post turned into a discussion about non legal software.

I would guess it's a screen or graphics problem.



Non-genuine OS will only deliver warning messages, not bounce the screen around the place.

Is it a separate monitor, laptop...etc?

It's a laptop.

Have you done the usual like check for viruses etc?

Update your display drivers from manufacturer's website. Or completeley remove them, restart and Windows will re-install.

Please also reboot into safe mode and see if the problem happens there.


Can you also please describe the environment your laptop is in when the problem occurs?

First, does it just happen say at home? Have you taken the laptop elsewhere and had the problem repeat?

Are you using wireless keyboard / mouse? Is your wireless router located very close to your laptop?

Also can you describe a bit more about exactly when the problem occurs. Is it just when using firefox, IE, or all the time (e.g. playing solitaire, or on the desktop etc).


Can you also please describe the environment your laptop is in when the problem occurs?

First, does it just happen say at home? Have you taken the laptop elsewhere and had the problem repeat?

Are you using wireless keyboard / mouse? Is your wireless router located very close to your laptop?

Also can you describe a bit more about exactly when the problem occurs. Is it just when using firefox, IE, or all the time (e.g. playing solitaire, or on the desktop etc).

Thank you for your interest. "Nag screen" happens only in my room and I don't takeit out. Just an ordinary lap top, no wireless keyboard or mouse. Lately besides bouncing up and down after using Word for an hour or so, it'salso going side to side. I think this ship is going to sink. BTW, I made an appointment this morning to have

xp re-installed, but the guy didn't show up to work. "Maybe he back tomorrow." I won't be.

So where in CM can I get original Windows installed?


Can you also please describe the environment your laptop is in when the problem occurs?

First, does it just happen say at home? Have you taken the laptop elsewhere and had the problem repeat?

Are you using wireless keyboard / mouse? Is your wireless router located very close to your laptop?

Also can you describe a bit more about exactly when the problem occurs. Is it just when using firefox, IE, or all the time (e.g. playing solitaire, or on the desktop etc).

Thank you for your interest. "Nag screen" happens only in my room and I don't takeit out. Just an ordinary lap top, no wireless keyboard or mouse. Lately besides bouncing up and down after using Word for an hour or so, it'salso going side to side. I think this ship is going to sink. BTW, I made an appointment this morning to have

xp re-installed, but the guy didn't show up to work. "Maybe he back tomorrow." I won't be.

So where in CM can I get original Windows installed?

OK, thanks for this. No fan near your laptop when you use it?

If you go somewhere tomorrow, take your laptop. I want to eliminate electrical interference entirely (this is a common cause of screen bounce).

Did you virus check?

Could you please make sure your router is off, reboot into safe mode and see if the bouncing screen (forget the nag box) problem happens here?


I have the same problem with my laptop (cheap charly acer), bouncing started only after using it for 8-10 hours, then stopped when the computer is rested for 1 day or 2. The more rest the later the bouncing restarted.

Did you try connecting it to an external monitor and see if the display still bounces, if not (as in my case) it's probably a screen fault. The price for replacing the laptop screen is quite steep I heard (but can be done in 1 hour or so).


Third time I've tried to post this.

Anyway, thanks to the recommendation of one of you, an English-speaking Thai techie solved the problem on my premises. Turns out I did have a valid product key, a corporate one, that hadn't been registered in Ho Chi Minh where I bought it used. He registered it. Problem solved. There was the answer on the underside of my laptop. I know, I know: "Is it plugged in?" Thanks again to all. BTW, I visited the Mac forum. Those guys all seem so happy and content, I got envious.

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