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Thaksin: Don't Name Pheu Thai Candidate Yet


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And the Theienews.Blogspot address was blocked by MICT, when I tried to access it, a few minutes ago.

It is not blocked to me and is open now.

I am using DTAC EDGE from home in central Thailand.

Thaienews.Blogspot is blocked for me, using TOT in office in Phuket. I'm pretty sure that the different ISPs have different policies over how urgently they react to the MICT's blocking requests.

Blocked for me as well now, though so close to literally one of the first ever times I've seen a "CENSORED BY THE TOTALITARIAN THAI GOVERNMENT website" actually blocked. They know they can just make the claim without fear of widespread ridicule because they're not claiming it for the benefit of anyone living in Thailand.

Simply has to be ill-advised and pointless silliness by MICT surely? When the 'threat' or 'offence' is weighed up against the tiny kernel Thailand's enemies love to pounce upon and blow up into x10000 as proof of a totalitarian regime which - if that is totalitarian intent - they're not very good at it lolz. Bless their cotton totalitarian socks.

I'm yet to see any concerning repression of free speech. Every day I read articles which are in breach of lese majeste, published online or in The Bangkok Post, clearly authored by writers with no fear of sanction. Bemoaning brutal censorship and repression of free speech in the mainstream print media...over and over again...has a strange beautiful irony to it.

No doubt not appreciated by the villains who gleefully exploit the very freedoms which allow them to falsely deny they possess. And no doubt unnoticed by their foreign readership, who are surely too dull to question from whence the authors derive their admirable, inspiring courage. And amazingly consistently high % uptime.

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Who are the possible PTP candidates for PM?

Chalerm? Chavalit?

There are many more very capable people at Pheu Thai. But in the end does it really matter? Anyone of these people is a better choice than the present PM.

Surely you jest? Or have you finally grown completely home-blind?

Well, how about you next on defend the little lie *some* Red Fans like to spout that the movement and party (being pretty much the same beast) no longer answers to Thaksin? Seems they listen a lot to someone they don't listen to.

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