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David Crisp: Trial Of His Alleged Murderer(S)


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Friends and admirers of the late, great David Crisp might like to put Nov 23rd in their diaries.

Some weeks ago, a senior policeman told me that this was the date. However, it was not his case, and he didn't know if 1, 2 or 3 of the accused would be in the dock.

Before posting here I have tried to double check with him, but he seems to have dropped out of touch. So I use the word 'provisional.'

I invite anyone else who cares - and has better connections - to confirm this or correct it.

I assume the trial will be held in the court house block of the Sallaklang (Provincial Hall) Mae Rim, which hears serious offences.

It would be good to have a fair attendance, especially the English language press! CM Mail please note!!

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I'll support this. Please keep in touch on the forum with final date and time

It's time farangs reacted to the important issues in Chiangmai. I'm getting fed up of the flaming and bickering from the regulars on the food threads and talkingb of screen names. Take a day away from the keyboard and show some support.

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Sadly, I fear the trial will only be of one of the alleged perpetrators. The fall guy, who we might assume will quite likely get the death penalty (maybe subsequently commuted to life imprisonment), and justice will have been seen to be done.

A few months back I posted a link in this forum to an article telling the fate of the second suspect who was arrested and had apparently been convicted of other, offences, and received a short jail sentence. But, the murder charges were dropped. The article also mentions 23rd November as the date of the trial for the other captured suspect.

The third and, allegedly, probable main perpetrator "escaped to Burma", something best not discussed further.

Either way, whether justice is really done, or merely seen to be done it won't bring David back.

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  • 2 months later...

The trial was scheduled to start yesterday - anyone heard anything?

Thai murder case delayed

A man accused of murdering a Lothian schoolteacher in Thailand has seen his court case delayed again.

Awoei Yaepiang, 23, was due to appear in court in Thailand on Thursday after pleading guilty to robbing and murdering former Lasswade High music teacher David Crisp in January last year.

But the case was postponed and the court did not specify a future date for a fresh hearing.

Despite his guilty plea, a hearing still needs to take place in a Thai court with statements from the prosecution and defence before sentencing can be completed.

He is the only man set to answer for the killing after his former co-accused, Chatchai Tarasaksit, also 23, changed his plea to not guilty.

He is currently in prison after pleading guilty to handling stolen goods.


Edinburgh Evening News - January 29, 2011

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When is the new hearing?

Under the Thai judicial system pleas are only entered at the start of a trial

Perhaps the scottish paper is reporting that the police have a confession?

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Edinburgh Evening News - January 29, 2011

Thanks for the update. :wai:

I guess slow news is better than no news...... Already three months since the first date and just another delay.

mai pen rai... :wai:

Pleased to help out after reading the big thread (unfortunately it's closed) about the case and seeing how obviously well-liked he was.

I hope there is justice at some point in this situation. I'll continue to update as I encounter any news.

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It's good to see Andrew Drummond providing an update, though his article actually gives no new information other than the sentence, e.g. what went on at the trial, or even when it was held. He also states the murder was last year, when it was more than two years ago and "Awe Ye Piang" would now be 24, not 23 (OK I'm being pedantic). The rest is regurgitated quotes from when he was originally arrested. Would be more relevant to know what was said at the trial, both in mitigation and by the judge when passing sentence, but I guess that doesn't make for a good story.

Thai justice has done really well here. They've sentenced one of the perpetrators, who according to his statements, was only an accessory to the murder. Of course, the only people who actually KNOW what happened are the three suspects, so his account may well be a skin saving story. However, if we assume he is telling the truth, the main perpetrator, who allegedly slit David's throat, was never apprehended and was reportedly "hiding in Burma" :whistling: :whistling: :whistling: Meanwhile the second suspect who allegedly hit David over the head with a teak vase, had the murder charge dropped and was/is serving a short sentence for handling stolen property. You can hardly claim the above as a major victory for law and order. :unsure:

I wonder how much effort the BIB are still putting into tracking down that elusive third man. As they know who he is it can't be that hard, surely? It's not like "Burma" or the Shan State is thousands of miles away :ph34r: indeed, there are even parts of Chiang Mai that seem like they are the Shan State :ermm:

Not that I feel even remotely sorry for "Awe Ye Piang", even knowing (according to a recent inmate :rolleyes: ), that he spends his time clanking around in leg irons on the top floor of Chiang Mai Jail (reserved for the real scumbags) but it does seem like he drew the short straw.......

Unfortunately I can't conclude this post as TV doesn't have a "flying pig" emoticon.

Edited by Paagai
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More press, outside Chiang Mai of course, besides Mr. Drummond's piece:



Edit to add: btw, what did the journalist of the year in Chiang Mai write about?

Where the best burgers can be found?

Edited by Buchholz
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