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Thaksin To Return To Thailand If Pheu Thai Wins


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Thaksin seems to have done a lot for the rural people of Thailand, well they seem to think so.

Maybe I should correct them and reply, all the rich foreigners on Thai Visa seem to think Thaksin is a very bad man but they never lived in your village, they don't care if you and your children had schools and hospitals. They don't care if your lives are ruled by drug dealers. Maybe when Thaksin comes back, the first thing he should do is should get rid of the rich foreigners from your country.

You could do that.

But if you really had their best interests at heart, you would explain to them that Abhisit is giving them a "Cradle-to-Grave" Welfare State. Trillions of baht more in Welfare / Education / Medical benefits than Thaksin will ever give them. And Abhisit is allocating the massive handouts with transparency.




But, of course, what use do they have for the B73 billion allocated in this year's budget for the education of their children?

How can they be expected to value trillions of baht for a sustainable future for their children, so that their daughters don't have to sell their bodies? So that their sons don't turn to crime and drugs?

Why would they care about the future, when they have to line up for a lousy B500 today?


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My daughter goes to a state school, How much do I need to pay, I asked my wife. School is free, answered my wife, Thaksin made all the schools free.


If Thaksin made all the schools free, why has Abhisit had to bring in a policy to make schools free up until 15 years of age?

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My daughter goes to a state school, How much do I need to pay, I asked my wife. School is free, answered my wife, Thaksin made all the schools free.


If Thaksin made all the schools free, why has Abhisit had to bring in a policy to make schools free up until 15 years of age?

Thaksin had a number of bad eduacation policies and some good ones (e.g. making state universities accept entrants on high school grades rather than just an entrance exam), but free state school wasn't one of them. I can't tell you who started that one, it's been around for a while though.

Abhisit expanded the free education system to allow students to learn for free until 15. I think it was 12 before.

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Norway to Hold Meeting Between Sanan and Thaksin

Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister, Sanan Kachornprasart, and ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra might hold a meeting in Norway very soon.

Legal Advisor Noppadon Patama said on Wednesday, although he could not confirm, that he believes Sanan would like to meet Thaksin at a Buddhist temple.

Sanan is presently making a trip to Norway to bring back an old Buddhist scripture for exhibition in Thailand, says The Nation.

Noppadon knows that Sanan keeps in touch with fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, but




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Norway to Hold Meeting Between Sanan and Thaksin

Thailand's Deputy Prime Minister, Sanan Kachornprasart, and ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra might hold a meeting in Norway very soon.

Legal Advisor Noppadon Patama said on Wednesday, although he could not confirm, that he believes Sanan would like to meet Thaksin at a Buddhist temple.

Sanan is presently making a trip to Norway to bring back an old Buddhist scripture for exhibition in Thailand, says The Nation.

Noppadon knows that Sanan keeps in touch with fugitive ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, but




K. Noppadon said 'might', 'could not confirm', 'believes'. Basicly he only suggests that k. Sanan might meet with k. Thaksin while being in Norway on other business. Not sure why k. Sanan would like to meet k. Thaksin at a Buddhist temple, to shave his head ? I'm almost convinced that next we will read k. Sanan 'refuses' to answer questions.

Once more k. Noppadon has done his duty towards his paymaster: keep him in the newspapers in a positive way ;)

PS does Norway knows she holds a meeting ?

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Why do you say that, care to share some facts / data which indicates that Bangkok people like the army, and also explain it's relevance to the discussion?

I like the Royal Thai Army.

They protected my city and my home from these guys.


This picture is 100% fake! Unless the guy with sword just cut of the catapult guys hand extending is arm by 1 foot

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On a more positive side.

One of the rellys gave birth last month, up in the mountains somewhere ..... nice little hospital, wards and equipment as good as anywhere in the UK, how much does having the baby here cost, I asked? 30bht the mother replied ...... Thaksin is a great man, before I couldn't afford to give birth in hospital.

They were ripped off. The current government has removed the 30 baht cost and made it free.

Interesting that someone would keep charging the 30bt.

Is this under orders to keep saying Thaksin brought it down to 30baht,

but trying to pretend Abhisit has NOT removed that charge completely.

Can not be shown up, so don't let it be seen at all.

Classic hide the Dems good acts, and push up the Thaksin myth.

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You could do that.

But if you really had their best interests at heart, you would explain to them that Abhisit is giving them a "Cradle-to-Grave" Welfare State. Trillions of baht more in Welfare / Education / Medical benefits than Thaksin will ever give them. And Abhisit is allocating the massive handouts with transparency.


This graphic is also 100% fake

I mean dust free roads???

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Why do you say that, care to share some facts / data which indicates that Bangkok people like the army, and also explain it's relevance to the discussion?

I like the Royal Thai Army.

They protected my city and my home from these guys.


This picture is 100% fake! Unless the guy with sword just cut of the catapult guys hand extending is arm by 1 foot

Hardly, it's just the foreshortening of the angle.

And the mans arm is full extended and elbow hidden by the machette hand.

Nice try, no sale. I have seen this pic for 2 years now.

I think this might even be a Nick Nostriltiz shot. Shot on the night of Sept 1-2 2008

after Samak let the reds off the leash to attack PAD at their camp,

and create the excuse for the S.O.E.

Several PPP junior MP's were seen on the DAAD stage providing vitriolic speeches and alcohol and incitement, and even walking along for a few klicks, but tailed off before the violence commenced. This was the 'Great Samak Mistep', because the army knew he and PPP militants had set up this violence, and refused the demanded S.O.E. From there it was all down hill for the Samak government.

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You could do that.

But if you really had their best interests at heart, you would explain to them that Abhisit is giving them a "Cradle-to-Grave" Welfare State. Trillions of baht more in Welfare / Education / Medical benefits than Thaksin will ever give them. And Abhisit is allocating the massive handouts with transparency.


This graphic is also 100% fake

I mean dust free roads???

The graphic is not fake, only a 'stimulus package 1' with a bit of wishful thinking in it. As for 'dust free roads', mission accomplished. Sufficient rains and parts under water :)

(edit: typos only)

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Why do you say that, care to share some facts / data which indicates that Bangkok people like the army, and also explain it's relevance to the discussion?

I like the Royal Thai Army.

They protected my city and my home from these guys.


This picture is 100% fake! Unless the guy with sword just cut of the catapult guys hand extending is arm by 1 foot

Hardly, it's just the foreshortening of the angle.

And the mans arm is full extended and elbow hidden by the machette hand.

Nice try, no sale. I have seen this pic for 2 years now.

I think this might even be a Nick Nostriltiz shot. Shot on the night of Sept 1-2 2008

after Samak let the reds off the leash to attack PAD at their camp,

and create the excuse for the S.O.E.

Several PPP junior MP's were seen on the DAAD stage providing vitriolic speeches and alcohol and incitement, and even walking along for a few klicks, but tailed off before the violence commenced. This was the 'Great Samak Mistep', because the army knew he and PPP militants had set up this violence, and refused the demanded S.O.E. From there it was all down hill for the Samak government.

Its clearly visible in the Photo that the guys forearm is about 30% longer than the upper arm.

In reality the forearm is about 10% shorter than the upper arm so its clearly been edited.

No amount of perspective foreshortening would account for 40%.

The picture just looks odd too.

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Its clearly visible in the Photo that the guys forearm is about 30% longer than the upper arm.

In reality the forearm is about 10% shorter than the upper arm so its clearly been edited.

No amount of perspective foreshortening would account for 40%.

The picture just looks odd too.


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Its clearly visible in the Photo that the guys forearm is about 30% longer than the upper arm.

In reality the forearm is about 10% shorter than the upper arm so its clearly been edited.

No amount of perspective foreshortening would account for 40%.

The picture just looks odd too.

IMO, they had the weapons there to cause trouble, but this shot has been set up to look menacing, but not edited in any way. The forearm looks short because of the shirt and the camera angle (looking directly down the arm).

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Thaksin had all the village drug dealers shot, he saved me, Thaksin is a wonderful man.

Are you being sarcastic?

Assuming that you are not, are you aware of what kind of people you are hoping will lead the country? e.g. Do you know about Chalerm and his sons?

What do you think of Jatuporn Prompan? An honorable man?

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Its clearly visible in the Photo that the guys forearm is about 30% longer than the upper arm.

In reality the forearm is about 10% shorter than the upper arm so its clearly been edited.

No amount of perspective foreshortening would account for 40%.

The picture just looks odd too.


Haha I worked in graphic industry for 25 years I have studied anatomy freehand drawing and perspective theory for 3 years and have probably shopped more pictures than you hot dinners.

Its impossible to tell on a pixel level if the picture is shopped but the proportions somehow just do not add up.

So in my professional opinion the picture has been shopped.

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Nothing to do with the OP, not really.

Interestingly similar questions & posts about photo's, doctoring, pixels, etc. we've also seen when the photo's of Nelson Mandela shaking hands with k. Thaksin first popped-up. At that time some really pointed out frequently the disparity between the color of k. Thaksin's hand and his normal skin color.

The photo here may just be posing. Like tourists standing behind a cardboard with their head on top of a well-known person's body. Just for the fun of it :)

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Thaksin had all the village drug dealers shot, he saved me, Thaksin is a wonderful man.

Are you being sarcastic?

Assuming that you are not, are you aware of what kind of people you are hoping will lead the country? e.g. Do you know about Chalerm and his sons?

What do you think of Jatuporn Prompan? An honorable man?

I don't care who leads the country, not my country, not my business, I'm only visiting (same as you).

My wife and the other villagers do care, they live here and they love Thaksin.

Does it matter what he did?, not really, what matters is what they believe he did!

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Thaksin had all the village drug dealers shot, he saved me, Thaksin is a wonderful man.

Are you being sarcastic?

Assuming that you are not, are you aware of what kind of people you are hoping will lead the country? e.g. Do you know about Chalerm and his sons?

What do you think of Jatuporn Prompan? An honorable man?

I don't care who leads the country, not my country, not my business, I'm only visiting (same as you).

My wife and the other villagers do care, they live here and they love Thaksin.

Does it matter what he did?, not really, what matters is what they believe he did!

I hope your wife doesn't mind that you're only visiting. When are you leaving?

Myself, I have a business here and pay taxes, have lots of Thai friends, and plan to stay a long time. So I care who runs the country, for my sake and my friends.

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Thaksin had all the village drug dealers shot, he saved me, Thaksin is a wonderful man.

Are you being sarcastic?

Assuming that you are not, are you aware of what kind of people you are hoping will lead the country? e.g. Do you know about Chalerm and his sons?

What do you think of Jatuporn Prompan? An honorable man?

I don't care who leads the country, not my country, not my business, I'm only visiting (same as you).

My wife and the other villagers do care, they live here and they love Thaksin.

Does it matter what he did?, not really, what matters is what they believe he did!

I hope your wife doesn't mind that you're only visiting. When are you leaving?

Myself, I have a business here and pay taxes, have lots of Thai friends, and plan to stay a long time. So I care who runs the country, for my sake and my friends.

Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

What's more, does it matter what he did? Is this a serious question? It absolutely DOES matter what he did.

I would also suggest that between 5% and 40% of the Thaksin-endorsed "anti-drug" extra-judicial deaths had nothing to do with the drug trade.

Thaksin is not only NOT a wonderful man, he is least wonderful man in Thai history. I would relish the opportunity to kick him in the balls, and that is something I've never done to anyone.

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Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

According to the Thai goverment and immigration officers, every foreigner is 'just visiting' (lets not bother to count the 500 foreigners with residency)

I am 'just visiting' my wife and family for a year, if I can't show 400,000bht in the bank next year, I will no longer be visiting.

As I said, not our business.

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Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

According to the Thai goverment and immigration officers, every foreigner is 'just visiting' (lets not bother to count the 500 foreigners with residency)

I am 'just visiting' my wife and family for a year, if I can't show 400,000bht in the bank next year, I will no longer be visiting.

As I said, not our business.

You are incorrect. Tourist visa (and visa exempt) holders are visiting. Long-term Visa holders are residing, just not guaranteed permanently.

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Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

According to the Thai goverment and immigration officers, every foreigner is 'just visiting' (lets not bother to count the 500 foreigners with residency)

I am 'just visiting' my wife and family for a year, if I can't show 400,000bht in the bank next year, I will no longer be visiting.

As I said, not our business.

Well, I wish your wife well. Hopefully, for her sake, you are just visiting. "It's not my problem" is not a very good attitude when your family have to live here.

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Thaksin had all the village drug dealers shot, he saved me, Thaksin is a wonderful man.

Are you being sarcastic?

Assuming that you are not, are you aware of what kind of people you are hoping will lead the country? e.g. Do you know about Chalerm and his sons?

What do you think of Jatuporn Prompan? An honorable man?

I don't care who leads the country, not my country, not my business, I'm only visiting (same as you).

My wife and the other villagers do care, they live here and they love Thaksin.

Does it matter what he did?, not really, what matters is what they believe he did!

I struggle to understand you're not caring what happens in a country with family members residing in it.

It's easier to understand your relations staunch support of Thaksin as I initially encountered that with my relations here as well. All 11 members voted for Thaksin in his first election and I struggled to get them to understand his gross manipulations. After many discussions and evidence-producing, it eventually paid off, albeit in a small way, when by his second election, all 11 voted for other Party candidates. Not an earth-moving event in the big scheme of things, but proof that it is possible if one invests the time and energy. A pre-requisite of caring for what happens where one (or one's family) lives is, however, necessary.

btw, my 4,000+ days in-country is one heck of a "visit." :blink:

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With more than 2000 days in residence, I certainly care who is running the place.

It behooves anyone living in a land for more than 3 months, to make an effort

to understand the lay of the land. In a volatile political climate it is even more

incumbent upon you to have a grasp of 'the why's and who's' involved in running the place. Because you are to some extent under their control and discretion.

If I blithely rolled over into complacence and ignored the current situation I would be doing my family a great disservice, for which if harm came to them I would never forgive myself.

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Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

According to the Thai goverment and immigration officers, every foreigner is 'just visiting' (lets not bother to count the 500 foreigners with residency)

I am 'just visiting' my wife and family for a year, if I can't show 400,000bht in the bank next year, I will no longer be visiting.

As I said, not our business.

It looks like a number of other posters have come up with responses as to why this is a really irresponsible and frankly quite stupid point of view. It's not for us to tell you how to treat your family, but I am very glad you're not my dad.

And who is to say I, or any others posting here, am not Thai, half-Thai, one of those 500 (way more than that, by the way) foreigners with residency, or director of a BOI-approved company? In any of these cases, I am not a visitor. If I am on a type-B or type-0 non-immigrant visa, I am not a visitor either. As you're referring to your 400,000 Baht (type-O non-immigrant/retiree visa?), that should include you too.

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As I said, not our business.

Supposing that your wife lived with you in your home country for x number of years and after expressing an opinion on the political situation in your country, someone dismissed it as being unimportant as she is Thai and as such it is not her business. Would you not be inclined to tell that person that your wife had every right to an opinion as she had been living and working there for so long and had her family to care for and consider? I would. I'd also tell them where to go.

And if you're lucky enough to have married someone who loves you and values your opinion, she would react in the exact same way were the situations reversed.

Just because you might not have the same legal standing here that your wife would in your country, doesn't mean you have to switch your brain off and tell yourself that your opinion doesn't matter.

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With more than 2000 days in residence, I certainly care who is running the place.

As someone who also clocks over 2000 days in the country and with a son here, and no plans to move anytime soon, I care who runs the place.

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Yes, anyone non-Thai who lives here - and not visiting - definitely should care who leads the country and politics is very much their business, even if they don't have a vote.

According to the Thai goverment and immigration officers, every foreigner is 'just visiting' (lets not bother to count the 500 foreigners with residency)

I am 'just visiting' my wife and family for a year, if I can't show 400,000bht in the bank next year, I will no longer be visiting.

As I said, not our business.

I think, Sarah'sbloke, that you will find yourself fairly isolated on this one.

I also don't believe you are as dismissive as your post suggested. Judging by the content of your other posts, I think you DO care.

There is little/nothing we can do to influence who runs this country but, as many of us have chosen it as our home, we should at least take a fleeting interest in the politics of the country.

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