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Thai ICT Ministry May Further Control The Internet

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Geez? Am I glad you were here to point that out. I should probably read more as never in my life have I heard of anyone being arrested for commiting suicide after taking illegal drugs :ermm:

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Internet censorship is wrong but I support a strong monarchy. That's my conundrum! :(

So too do I! But in the long term they will be under mining the institution that they seek to 'protect'

I don't.


Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

Bit naive are we ?

I've watched chantorn posts before. I believe the intent is just to get a rise out of farangs.

Bingo! Athough I personally believe Chantorn to be a middle aged farang chugging back Leos conveniently placed alongside his monitor, hence the misspellings.


Bingo! Athough I personally believe Chantorn to be a middle aged farang chugging back Leos conveniently placed alongside his monitor, hence the misspellings.

I'd say aged. ;)


Bingo! Athough I personally believe Chantorn to be a middle aged farang chugging back Leos conveniently placed alongside his monitor, hence the misspellings.

I'd say aged. ;)

The main thing that I have learnt in regards to Chantorn's posts .... completely ignore them.



Adults should have the right to do as they wish if it harms no one but themselves. if that's what they want to do,It's their lives at the end of the day.

Do you know that commit suicide is a crime.

Do you know that taking illegal drug is a crime.


Selling bibles on Sundays is still technically a crime in Australia also...but 'freedom of thought'?Control mechanism of the highest order...'We'll decide what they can watch,listen and think about!"China eat your heart out!


This reminds me of one of my favorite shows when I was a kid.

There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. If we wish to make it louder, we will bring up the volume. If we wish to make it softer, we will tune it to a whisper. We will control the horizontal. We will control the vertical. We can roll the image, make it flutter. We can change the focus to a soft blur or sharpen it to crystal clarity. For the next hour, sit quietly and we will control all that you see and hear. We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to... The Outer Limits.

— Opening narration – The Control Voice – 1960s

It would appear that this, or something similar, has become the Government's new "mantra".



Bingo! Athough I personally believe Chantorn to be a middle aged farang chugging back Leos conveniently placed alongside his monitor, hence the misspellings.

I'd say aged. ;)

And the lights are on, but no ones home!


Geez? Am I glad you were here to point that out. I should probably read more as never in my life have I heard of anyone being arrested for commiting suicide after taking illegal drugs :ermm:

I have to back you on that one.

I have seen people commit suicide after taking legal drugs – lots of them. They should have been arrested -- legal drugs are so dangerous, not to mention the mess that their bodies make.


Anone having a cheap go at the Royals or any other respectable public figure should get the same dose of medicine you would get if you did it on here. Punished

But why oh Why do countries spend so much time and money blocking sites like adults sites gambling sites etc/

Adults should have the right to do as they wish if it harms no one but themselves. if that's what they want to do,It's their lives at the end of the day.

No one seems to be doing anything about the amount of misleading sites con men are puting up day after day making it near impossible to find what you are looking for.


Try searching for X and Y comes up offering insurance ets and it's got nothing to do with what you were looking for.

If someone is in the news they use their name to to bring up their site where they are selling some crappy product or to get hits which make them money.

Try finding a missing windows file, or after catching malware, spyware a virus etc. try and find the file removal intructions etc

what do you get.?

Page after page after page of people telling you blatant lies that their registry fixer will cure your problem. Put in sh-i-t.exe and they'll say download it here.

Of course their program finds 100's problems and the only way you can remove them is buy there product. You panic you buy it you just been robbed and you still got the malware to attend to.

Misrepresentaion is a crime. Losing you wages playing poker isn't in most countries that's a choice. (albeit a very stupid one)

The authorites and the ISP should be constantly blocking and removing these sites so their customer and citizens are protected,not trying to stop them googling sexy susan.

Consumers put Billions of dollars into paying for a service and instead of protecting them they censor them. Something aint right.

Yes: 100s of system registry problems,created so you buy their product,much the same as the phoney massive Virus hype out there.

All designed to make you ....paranoid about Viruse's,personally in 20 years of Computing,I have only ever had 1 proven Virus on the many Systems I have had over the years.

And that goes for all the operating systems I have used,Dos 6.2,Windows for workgroups,Win 95,Win 98,Win 2000,Win Millenium,Win XP, and now Windows Vista.

I have Used many of the Virus scanners out there too,about a dozen,and none of them has picked up anything,bar the 1 mentioned.

Considering 90% of my computer use is on the Internet, Surely I can't be the only Computer User who has been lucky to be virtually Virus free for all this time?

I'm now on the MS Essentials free Virus Program,(after 6 months use,guess what? found nothing yet!)I got sick of paying these scaremongers,for yet another Virus program.


What pisses me off the most is on the porn tube sites they'll always block the movies I want to download the most and leave the ones I'm not that bothered about unblocked. It's almost as if they can read my mind!


They wouldn't dare read mine. The last person to do so is still undergoing treatment.

BTW my latest literary effort 'Things you can do with strawberry jam and frankfurters'  will be in the shops and on bookstalls in a few weeks. 


Did we forget we always have & always will censor porn??

One big basket of stuff we don't need or want our people seeing.

Long live the red shirt terrorists.

There are more porn sites established every day than the Thai Government could possibly shut down. Such efforts would be akin to those of trying to control water flows after monsoon storms. Without the driving forces of porn and gaming the advances in computer technology would not have been achieved so rapidly.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

You really don't seem to have a grasp of the fundamentals of the free ansd democratic society, which is a pity given the meaning of "Thai"


Thailandis currently engaged in gagging any opposition to the government (Army). Any crusades on a morality ticket are little more than a smoke screen.

the main media TV etc is in the hands of the Army. Newspapers tow the government line. they have closed TV radio and local radio that did not support the government's view.

The government now seeks to control the "social"media - the only outlets left to any opposition parties.

Social media is basically the internet and mobile phones.

The government and Army spend a huge amount of time and effort in closing down web sites - where necessary they invoke the "lese majeste" laws to silence free speech.

it is interesting that the advent of 3G - which would facilitate a lot more anti-government communication - has been blocked, by ...well the government or a government body.

If it had been run by foreigh companies they would surely experience the same problems that other regimes have experienced, with foreign service providers prooving more vociferous when faced with censorship. So they have been removed from the field.

3G is a great way for "the people" to spread news - sound and video are much more easily transmitted and are much harder to censor.

THe government believes it knows what is best for the people and is determined to impose this in a traditional top-down way.

It is also sensitive to foreign criticism of it's censorship policies which is why they are "hidden" behind morality campaigns, quasi-legal hiccoughs and the lese majeste laws.

with a possible election drawing nearer and nearer, the government seems increasingly paranoid about opposition and is getting increasingly draconian in their censorship of the media in all its forms.

It is time for the Thai people to wake up and see what is happening - it would help too if the International Community took note.


The Chantorn troll is doing a nice job, one post over a month ago and even long standing members are taking the bait.

sounds as if you are very familiar with the poster considering this is your first post


Good news, as there are many criminals lurking around in the internet.

There were a lot of -high-so also- criminals BEFORE the Internet, especially also amongst the families, controlling Thailand. White collar criminals they call them in the west.


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