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Butter is Better has begun making Rhubarb Pies with a real butter crust. No vegetable shortening, no trans fats. We tend to like the pie quite tart but recognize that others might like it sweeter. So we have tried to compromise on the amount of sugar. We are willing to adjust the sweetness up or down if there is a lot of feedback indicating a preference. If you want a whole pie we can custom bake a pie for you with the sweetness adjusted however you like it. That also goes for our apple, blueberry, and cherry pies.

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make your mark by makin gthe same tasty Pie over and over again . maybe two version oa sweet version or a less sweet one .

is not wise to custom every pie for your customer. cos you would end up not making the same taste . and in long run losing customer .

you may please a few but as time passes will you be able to remeber all the 100 or 1000 of customer with different request or taste .

have pride in your skill and allow customer to choose from what you have .

simple is good . don't confuse your customer . this way i believe you will have a bigger client list.

but nevertheless it show that you care for your customer .

. i think you need better photo in your website . if you need help :)

let me know would be happy to help you with some simple photo notthing very professional but i believe will be good for your website .


you can't please everyone , but you can sure bake good and decent pie i am sure :)


I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.


I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.

I agree with you about the pies they are really good. Rhubarb is a matter of taste, I like it quite tart others might like it sweet, but I'm sure BIB will come up with the right formula - they always do. In fact I've found that everything I've tried at BIB is very good and I'm always tempted to stop every time I go past.


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

I think 500 baht is more like 12 euros and its £10.

If it's a made a bit tart you can always sprinkle sugar over it ; if its too sweet there's not much you can do about it.


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

We all want to buy things as cheaply as possible, but, for some people, an excellent pie for 500 baht is better than an insipid one for 300 baht and that is usually the choice in Thailand. ;)


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

Actually most of our pies are 285 baht including the rhubarb. The blueberry is 295.


I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.

The Dukes ice cream is more expensive and not nearly as good. I've never tasted such great ice cream for the price as I have experienced at BIB. Häagen-Daz is about as good, but waaaaaayyyyy more expensive.

As for the pies, I agree 100% - I had the rhubarb pie and it was outstanding. They also have a Boston cream cake that is the best. Lastly, the best chocolate chip cookies that I have had in Thailand. Outstanding - and the cost is only B 20 on 20% discount Wednesdays.


make your mark by makin gthe same tasty Pie over and over again . maybe two version oa sweet version or a less sweet one .

is not wise to custom every pie for your customer. cos you would end up not making the same taste . and in long run losing customer .

you may please a few but as time passes will you be able to remeber all the 100 or 1000 of customer with different request or taste .

have pride in your skill and allow customer to choose from what you have .

simple is good . don't confuse your customer . this way i believe you will have a bigger client list.

but nevertheless it show that you care for your customer .

. i think you need better photo in your website . if you need help :)

let me know would be happy to help you with some simple photo notthing very professional but i believe will be good for your website .


you can't please everyone , but you can sure bake good and decent pie i am sure :)

I agree with this post very much. +1 for you

to the OP, do what you do and do it good. if you try to make everybody happy you will make nobody happy. all you can do is make a good tart that most people like.

also you sound desperate for business offering to change so much of your recipes.


make your mark by makin gthe same tasty Pie over and over again . maybe two version oa sweet version or a less sweet one .

is not wise to custom every pie for your customer. cos you would end up not making the same taste . and in long run losing customer .

you may please a few but as time passes will you be able to remeber all the 100 or 1000 of customer with different request or taste .

have pride in your skill and allow customer to choose from what you have .

simple is good . don't confuse your customer . this way i believe you will have a bigger client list.

but nevertheless it show that you care for your customer .

. i think you need better photo in your website . if you need help :)

let me know would be happy to help you with some simple photo notthing very professional but i believe will be good for your website .


you can't please everyone , but you can sure bake good and decent pie i am sure :)

also you sound desperate for business offering to change so much of your recipes.

no just pathetically eager to please


i did try to go down yesterday but i guess i miss the turn and i end up in a vietnam food outlet .

i might try to go down in a few days since my wife love ice cream . and i do like pie if it not too pricey .

my offer for better photo for yo still stand . if you do need it let me know on Pm .


I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.

The Dukes ice cream is more expensive and not nearly as good. I've never tasted such great ice cream for the price as I have experienced at BIB. Häagen-Daz is about as good, but waaaaaayyyyy more expensive.

As for the pies, I agree 100% - I had the rhubarb pie and it was outstanding. They also have a Boston cream cake that is the best. Lastly, the best chocolate chip cookies that I have had in Thailand. Outstanding - and the cost is only B 20 on 20% discount Wednesdays.

Just to clarify one point. The 20% discount is available at our outlet at the Rim Ping Supermarket Mee Chok branch. Not at the restaurant.


I have tried all of Butter is Better pies and they are excellent - which is very unusual in Thailand. However, it is hard to resist their amazing home-made ice cream (that is only 20 baht a scoop), so don't pass it up. The only other place that I will eat ice cream these days is at the Duke's.

They also have all beef hot-dogs and chili-cheese dogs now which are as good as any I have had back home.

If you are on a diet, they have a bunch of natural, whole-grain snacks too and they are so good that you do not feel too deprived.

I would eat there 3 times a day sometimes - if they were only open at night.

The Dukes ice cream is more expensive and not nearly as good. I've never tasted such great ice cream for the price as I have experienced at BIB. Häagen-Daz is about as good, but waaaaaayyyyy more expensive.

As for the pies, I agree 100% - I had the rhubarb pie and it was outstanding. They also have a Boston cream cake that is the best. Lastly, the best chocolate chip cookies that I have had in Thailand. Outstanding - and the cost is only B 20 on 20% discount Wednesdays.

Just to clarify one point. The 20% discount is available at our outlet at the Rim Ping Supermarket Mee Chok branch. Not at the restaurant.

Excuse my ignorance but does Rhubarb grow in Thailand ?


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

Actually most of our pies are 285 baht including the rhubarb. The blueberry is 295.

Why is a mango pie in Rimping supermarket 495 Baht Then.


I would never ask my customers how I should make my product....especially on this forum. What you make is what you make and as of now you are doing it right. Rhubarb pie should be tart. If they want something sweet then another pie is the way to go.


It is hard to beat the rhubarb pie at Love at First Bite. It is just perfectly prepared in my opinion. And, if you want it a special way, say with no sugar, and equal instead of sugar, they are only too happy to accommodate you. The pie is a little pricy, but it is worth it!!!!!


Seems as though somebody has been meticulously following my "rhubarb rants", so I thought a contribution was fitting.

Rhubarb pie wishlist:

Sour/tart as possible

No thickening with the juice so as to fill it out with flour/fruit paste. That's just gross!

No pastry a mile thick - we like the rhubarb and don't want to consume a zillion calories to get to it.

No sugar sprinkled over the pastry.

My only gripe with L@FB rhubarb pie is that you buy a section and often it has disintegrated into a blobby mess. If I didn't know the flavour was so good I would object paying full price for an accident on a plate. So maybe cut on demand rather than pre cut!

I await my next rhubarb fix with excited anticipation!


The thing about online marketing is , you totally got to get your price correct .

if you going to give a discount , you really got to give a discount . but by selling one at 495b and give 20% while another is selling at 295 b

the thing with online is people talk and compare mor ethen you think ..

you can do it in the old days when internet is not posisble you can jolly sell one pei at 500b on the front of the street and one at 200 at the end of the street , people would be lazy to walk to compare , but with internet .

is really a few click away and asking the right person .

i think you need more then people pleasing . and fancy discount for your marketing .

my advice is .. stop playing this marketinggame of your and focus on making the best pie you can .

it would be really sad if a good baker like you which already praising your good recipe an baking skill be LOST in the marketing game .


2. Produce good PHOTO

3. ASSURE your customer your pie is the SAME PRICE AND SAME STANDARD every where .

4. BE yourself and not try to please everyone . cos nobody really can please all

5. be TRUE to yourself and your CUSTOMER . good old decent HEART .

6. DOn't GIve up

Last but not least , choose if you want

1. tourist

2. expat

3. local

cos this will vary alot with your pricing

simple golden rule , if it cheap and good people will be coming non stop

if it good and expensive people will just buy it once in a blue moon


so having the right pricing is very importance . and also if you are willing to work harder at the same time providing good pie

Good Luck


make your mark by makin gthe same tasty Pie over and over again . maybe two version oa sweet version or a less sweet one .

is not wise to custom every pie for your customer. cos you would end up not making the same taste . and in long run losing customer .

you may please a few but as time passes will you be able to remeber all the 100 or 1000 of customer with different request or taste .

have pride in your skill and allow customer to choose from what you have .

simple is good . don't confuse your customer . this way i believe you will have a bigger client list.

but nevertheless it show that you care for your customer .

. i think you need better photo in your website . if you need help :)

let me know would be happy to help you with some simple photo notthing very professional but i believe will be good for your website .


you can't please everyone , but you can sure bake good and decent pie i am sure :)

I agree with this post very much. +1 for you

to the OP, do what you do and do it good. if you try to make everybody happy you will make nobody happy. all you can do is make a good tart that most people like.

also you sound desperate for business offering to change so much of your recipes.

I agree whole heartedly. Make them far apart in sweetnessand tartness and you will please %95 of the people.B)


I like pies and I love them. But when I see a pie as Butter is better cost of 500 baht the I loose the appetite. Its not the price but the size of the pie that makes me refuse it.

Thats 10 euros I can eat a lot of pie for that.

Actually most of our pies are 285 baht including the rhubarb. The blueberry is 295.

Why is a mango pie in Rimping supermarket 495 Baht Then.

Because I wrote"most" not ”all”. Also, we make that mango sourcream pie in alarger size. We can make it the same size as the other pies in which caseit costs 300 baht. We actually haven't made it in at least 2 months. It must have made quite an impressionon you for you to recall it after all this time. I'm flattered and maybea little humbled.

We also make custard or pudding pies which bearabout as much relation to fruit pies as do quiches.

In this class, we offer a large pumpkin piewhich costs 450 baht.

Occasionally we offer something called achocolate pudding pie but it uses a homemade graham cracker crust. I can'trecall the price of it off the top of my head.

We will be offering other custard and cream piessoon.


Why is a mango pie in Rimping supermarket 495 Baht Then.

I wondered how Mr. Butter is Better could go around giving stuff away for free to the customers all the time.



I vote tart, B is B. (can't bring myself to type BIB :rolleyes: .

As mentioned above, a scoop of vanilla ice cream will be a perfect counterpoint to the tartness.

My mother used to grow rhubarb, and make rhubarb pie. All home made crust, but in the 50's Crisco was the weapon of choice in pie crust making. Still excellent and flakey. I was the plant tender and harvester. The leaves are poisonous, did ya know?

Have to come by soon for a pie or two.....


Excuse my ignorance but does Rhubarb grow in Thailand ?

I can't believe that with all the clever dicks / know all's that get on here that no one can answer my question ;).

Mr Butterisbetter, where do you get your Rhubarb from ? or is it a trade secret :o


I happen to know that he buys imported rhubarb at the moment, but I would guess that it is grown in Thailand as Love at First Bite has it pretty much all the time.

Does anyone know for sure?

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