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In Case Of Credit Card Stolen,Did Thai Banks,Have Insurance For The Deposit Money,On The Acount?

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in eu states,we have a new law,since around 2 years,when you take money from your atm,and someone knock you out from behind,take your card,see your pin,during typing,the bank,must replace the money,what the theef take away from your acount!

how thsi law will be regualted on the siam comercial bank,where i have acount now?

did the pay nothing?

i can report to my travel insurance the will pay,but i must kow now how the law will be in thailand about this?

to more bank questions,what bank in thailand have the highest interests rates,on saving money,this it depend how much i save?

currencly on my bank i got 1.6%.most banks have under one % in Eu now,since the world economy cirses!

last bank question

what bank have the highest €/bath exchange rate,i read one time a report about this in german boards,the say,in the example,the take the same amount of money,on same time,and day/,from 5 diffrent banks,and the hghest rates ATM have the K Excellence bank with the green white sigjn mostly before 7 eleven!


in Bk,i check,around 7 atms of 7 banks,that standing all near together on one place,and find out,that with a maestro card ,was not posible to get 20000 bath with k execelence,with visa was no problem,all other banks allowed me to take 20k bath,and a good knowitng detail,only the SCIB Siam City Bank,with red color

shows me the daily exchange rates,but no bank of them printed them out on the paper!

so i need a site where i can check daily diffrence,of atm course each day,where i can find it?

thanks,for your input!

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in eu states,we have a new law,since around 2 years,when you take money from your atm,and someone knock you out from behind,take your card,see your pin,during typing,the bank,must replace the money,what the theef take away from your acount!

how thsi law will be regualted on the siam comercial bank,where i have acount now?

did the pay nothing?

i can report to my travel insurance the will pay,but i must kow now how the law will be in thailand about this? (end quote)

This almost exact scenario just happened to a friend of mine in Hua Hin. No the bank in Thailand will not replace the money.

Considered your fault for being robbed. They might give you a sorry at the most.

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