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I am about to quit my job, sell my house and leave the UK in search of some adventure in Thailand with a friend who is equally disheartened with life.

I thought I had the Thai visa situation sussed but I stumbled across a page on a website that said the only extension you can get to a tourist visa is 15 days?!

My initial plan was to obtain the 60 day tourist visa in London and then pay the 1900bt to extend to 90 days before travelling to a neighbouring country and obtaining another visa and repeating the process but no I have some doubts if that is possible..

I have also been told that once you stay for 90 days you must leave for 90 days - that can not be right can it?!

Can anyone PLEASE give me some guidance before I throw my life away in the UK for a 90 day holiday to Thailand.

Also any explanation on the multi entry visa's would be great? Do these allow you to have several 90 day visits within a year?

Sorry about all the questions and if it has already been posted, but I really need some current updates!

Thank you in anticipation smile.gif


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All your information is wrong. A tourist visa allows 60 day stay and can be extended for 30 more and there is no limit on how many days/times on paper.

The only location that could provide you a better option is Hull and that would be multi entry non immigrant O visa valid for one year of 90 day stays. You would have to provide some information on visiting someone to obtain.

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Thank you.

I have look up the O visa and do not think I qualify for one at this stage.

From the embassy website you can only extend the 60 day tourist visa once by 30 days = 90 days and then you have to leave the country.

Is my only option then to fly out and visit a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country for another 60 day tourist visa?

I don'd mind country hopping once every 3 months IF it works!


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Go for the multi entry as lopburi3 said it will last for about 15 months if you re-enter Thailand on the day prior to it running out, return delivery post from Hull. It will give you the freedom to come and go from Thailand as you please.

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OK at the risk of sounding incredibly stupid here (but hey the only bad question is one that isn't asked..)

The multi entry O visa sounds great and I am looking at the Thai Embassy in Hull's website now BUT...

Don't you need a specific reason for this type of visa or are they not too fussed?


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The only paperwork Hull requires is the crispy ones, don't worry. You will qualify for a NON-O on basis of visiting friends.

If you insist on a tourist visa, get the double entry one (also from Hull) which will be good for about half a year (60 + 30, then a border hop and again 60 + 30). After that a quick trip to Vientiane will sort you out for the next double entry.

I'd try for the Non-O first though, that'll keep you here for the first 15 months, with a border hop every 90 days and no extensions. After being here for a year and a half you'll know what you want to do next (either go visit England and get a new one or go to tourist visa route for a bit)

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You are right the O visa option sounds like the best I am VERY glad I asked because I did not think that option was open to me!

I may even be able to get a letter from a friend (well a friend of a friend) in Bangkok which might help.

Thanks to everyone who has commented! I will keep you posted..

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Thank you.

I have look up the O visa and do not think I qualify for one at this stage.

From the embassy website you can only extend the 60 day tourist visa once by 30 days = 90 days and then you have to leave the country.

Is my only option then to fly out and visit a Thai embassy in a neighbouring country for another 60 day tourist visa?

I don'd mind country hopping once every 3 months IF it works!


Just got the non imm o visa from Hull and you need hardly anything to get it, just make sure its paid and thats it.

I put a friends name down as a sponsor but you can just put anything, they'll never check it, its just for paperwork.

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