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I was recently asked by watersedge why I wanted to invest in my planned cattle breeding venture. What was my motivation. Why come,late in life, to Issan.

I told him and now I will tell everyone.

After knowing each other for about 2 years my wife and I married 5 years ago. Since then she has worked fulltime.

When I was sick she paid the mortgage on the house we bought after our marriage.

She already owned some land when I met her and we have since aquired land totaling 30 Rai,

So, why do I want to invest

I want to create a legacy

I have sod all of a pension

My wife looks after my every need in life

I want to look after her in death.

I hope my cattle breeding program will be my legacy



jurgen, with sod all pension i don't think those cows will be going to market in a fortuner. that wouldn't be brave. it would be stupid. :)


jurgen, with sod all pension i don't think those cows will be going to market in a fortuner. that wouldn't be brave. it would be stupid. :)

I don't get your post Loz have you been on the magic mushrooms

Barnsley Bob


A lovely sentiment Bob and very well said.

I would love to do a similar thing though I would never be able to say it as eloquently as you.

All the best,




Most will not be able to do what you will be able to do for your love. Your statement reflects honor for which I commend you sir. We can only hope/pray/wish there were more in our world with the sentiment you reflect.

Good fortune and happiness I pray for you and your family.




I have got to know and to like Grimleybob very much over the past few weeks. We talk quite often. You sir on the other hand are a poor excuse for a human being. Despite your constant negative statements and self centred wit I can think of no reason that you exist other than to annoy people like me. Reread the posts above, read the passion and dedication of the OP, a man who wishes to make a total commitment of all he has to his wife and her Thai family. A man who sees himself being renewed in a new life. Cant you see humanity and its recognition in all of that.

Even if you have no such high ideals, at least do yourself a favour and get a life, any sort of life that has meaning. Shed your Rhinosorous hide, for God's sake!

In the meantime, stick and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me. I insulate myself and suggest others do likewise and refuse to take your baits and taunts again. Your posts will hereon in be treated by me as background noise and avoided. Continue on either the rocket or plane journey your avitir shows on a trip to nowhere.

Isaan Aussie


He is also a guy who likes calling people boring '<deleted>' ...

As for yourself -- no problem -- use the ignore button and you then don't have to be reminded of my shallow existence and meaningless life ...

... for every guy who writes as you just did above I have many more who write just the opposite whether on TV.com or in the world at large ... have fun (as you have put it) shoveling sh1t just don't become full of it ...


He is also a guy who likes calling people boring '<deleted>' ...

As for yourself -- no problem -- use the ignore button and you then don't have to be reminded of my shallow existence and meaningless life ...

... for every guy who writes as you just did above I have many more who write just the opposite whether on TV.com or in the world at large ... have fun (as you have put it) shoveling sh1t just don't become full of it ...

"He is also a guy who likes calling people boring '<deleted>' ..."

Whats with the plural. I don't recall using the word before. You also state that I "like" to write those words. That implies that I get some weird pleasure from insulting people.I don't

I try to look on the lighter side of life. I look for the best in people although, by your often barbed comments you make this very hard to do. Maybe you don't always realise how hurtfull and spiteful your comments can be.

Take this clip for what it is a bit of humour and lets call it a draw



Good one GB -- at least you have some sense of humor -- maybe you can model your operation after Black Watch Farms which once a big story in USA in the 60s -- the big problem was that they did not figure on the calf loss rate as they were born in the harsh Wyoming winters (the bulls were kept in NY State) -- of this I have first hand knowledge as a young boy:

... (Jack Dick's) largest and most famous operation was known as Black Watch Farms,

which sold investments in Angus bulls in the days when tax shelters

were the rage. Dick himself became a wealthy and prominent figure in

society. The New York Times' Gay Talese chronicled a 1964 bull auction

conducted by Dick that was attended by the likes of U.S. Senator Al Gore

Sr. and a representative for former President Dwight Eisenhower.

Newspapers described Dick's "opulent" life in a mansion that had

formerly belonged to the mother of an owner of the New York Yankees.


it all collapsed. Dick was accused of embezzling $3.2 million from

Black Watch's bank but died before the case could be resolved. Madoff,

who had committed $85,000, was one of many left holding the bag. The

press descriptions of Dick's downfall resonate today. "He's one of the

most brilliant persons I ever met," said one victim quoted in a 1971

Wall Street Journal article. The article noted, "If he has any flaw, one

critic says, it's confidence in his own judgment that is so excessive

it borders on a belief in his own infallibility."


Some legacy ... maybe yours will go better.


At any rate ... good luck with the cattle breeding ... I later lived on 1600 acres in Marin Country California with about 500 breeder cows and I helped move cattle and take care of the calves ... BTW the 'Dancing Cows' come courtesy of Chik-Fill-A founded in SE USA -- to where other than in Thailand I would most likely 'go home' ...

My attitude is to eat the chicken and shrimp while here in Thailand and wait to eat steaks when I am back each year in the USA



At any rate ... good luck with the cattle breeding ... I later lived on 1600 acres in Marin Country California with about 500 breeder cows and I helped move cattle and take care of the calves ... BTW the 'Dancing Cows' come courtesy of Chik-Fill-A founded in SE USA -- to where other than in Thailand I would most likely 'go home' ...

My attitude is to eat the chicken and shrimp while here in Thailand and wait to eat steaks when I am back each year in the USA


Thanks very much . I'm going to get sued by a giant US Co-operation. My legacey's gone and its all your fault

Only joking (I think)


"A legacy is money you really should have spent 40 years ago when you where young enough to enjoy it" Robert Grimshaw 2010

Nice epitaph.

if I'm buried in Thailand my epitaph will be:-



US Copyright Law gives a lot of leeway to non-commercial 'parody' so I would not worry about the 'Dancing Cows' -- the real ones may be something else.

The photographer Annie Leibovitz sued Paramount Pictures for copyright infringement over their use of the 'Demi Moore' photograph on the left ... Ms. Leibovitz lost her case ... Paramount's use of parody was upheld



"A legacy is money you really should have spent 40 years ago when you where young enough to enjoy it" Robert Grimshaw 2010

Nice epitaph.

if I'm buried in Thailand my epitaph will be:-


i suspect that you will be burned Bob....

.. Hopefully not for a long time ! :)


"A legacy is money you really should have spent 40 years ago when you where young enough to enjoy it" Robert Grimshaw 2010

Nice epitaph.

if I'm buried in Thailand my epitaph will be:-


i suspect that you will be burned Bob....

.. Hopefully not for a long time ! :)

With my fat content it'll be the biggest fire in Issan


US Copyright Law gives a lot of leeway to non-commercial 'parody' so I would not worry about the 'Dancing Cows' -- the real ones may be something else.

The photographer Annie Leibovitz sued Paramount Pictures for copyright infringement over their use of the 'Demi Moore' photograph on the left ... Ms. Leibovitz lost her case ... Paramount's use of parody was upheld


A while ago I gave Watersedge the name Mr Wickipedia you are now Mr Wickipedia2


I am honored (or honoured, I guess).

BTW This is a photo (from a distance) of the 'hill' on the 1600 acre cattle ranch that I mentioned in a post above near Pt. Reyes, CA ... nearby and up the road is the town of Bodega Bay where Sir Alfred Hitchcock shot The Birds.


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