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The good doctor gives "stupidity" as his short reason for Daveyo's banning.

God forbid this becomes a precedent, as at least half of us can pack our bags on the basis of this ruling.

I've read Daveyo's postings and they are, as most of us will agree, pretty stupid, and yet...

Somewhere hidden in his clumsy attempts at self expression can be found a nuance on the paedophile story that is always ignored by hysterical "dick cutters".

Paedophilia at it worst, as in the case of the sick Manchurian (and the even sicker) should always be condemned. But the modern witch hunts are not aware of the shades of paedophilia freely promoted and endorsed by our culture.

From "Alice in Wonderland" and "Peter Pan" to the films of the psychologist Brad Thompson. From Boy Scouts to the "Classroom" go go bars in Pattaya. That deep in the lust (meant in a Freudian way) of every man (animal) is the need to mate with the youngest and freshest. It is only a small perversion of these lusts to include the pre-adolescent in these desires. Desires that perhaps, more often than not, are based in an expression of love.

We rail and scream against the paedophile as our forefathers did in 16th century against the so-called witches. How long will it be before we will see that most paedophiles’ only crime is misguided love rather than an affinity with the devil?

But what about the children, you ask?

Quite rightly any crime of violence against a child should be severely punished. But the act of sex, mutually consented to? Are we only condemning this with such anger because we are still fettered by the puritanical restrictions of a Victorian age that hypocritically condemned all sexual acts as dirty?

I hope you will think again, and reverse your decision, Dr.


The decition is made by two admins, and Dave will be on the "waiting list" for a little while, but are welcomed again later. We don't discuss individual matters here at the open forum, any questions please use PM to me or dr_pat_pong.

The reason that we must act for some members now, is that this forum might be monitored by some influential Thai's sometimes, that we don't want to upset. Please read our Terms of Service, link at the top "Forum Guidelines".

Thread closed.


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