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Collecting Unemployment From Usa?


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Something came up during a recent discussion. Is it possible to collect unemployment from the USA while in Thailand if one's legal address is still in the USA (DC)?

I am "retired" and previously was self-employed except for a few months in 2004 (HI) and 2006 (GA) when I agreed to work as a W2 employee as a condition to perform contracted services.

Curious if I could apply for benefits now. Anyone doing it, please reply. Thanks!

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Your work was way too far back anyway to qualify in any state. Generally unemployment benefit elegibility is figured by going back 5 quarters and that begins the year the benefits are based upon. You must be seeking work. I was drawing unemployment from washington state while pursuing a job building an LRT in Manila with a Canadian company. This was fine with the unemployment people. Searching for work, being available for work and/or complying with union out of work requirements are the key.

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You have to be actively seeking employment in order to qualify for unemployment benefits. Every two weeks you have to send in a form and check a box under penalty of perjury that you did in fact look for work.

In some cases, you must even list the companies you contacted during that 2 week period.

So as a start you would be committing perjury every single time you mailed in the form. That can land you in jail. Is it worth it? They are allowed to check if they see anything suspicious. What would you do if they called you in for a consultation? Fly back to the states on a moments notice? The airfare would be more than the benefits you received.

If you were truly willing to lie and try to scam the system, you might be able to get away with it. But it is fraud if you get caught. And each time you check that box would be another instance of fraud. You'd have to ask someone else how likely it is they would ever check, but for my money, I'd skip the possible prison sentence and just forget the whole idea.

There are less dangerous people to steal money from.

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Since the employer is notified prior to unemployment benefits being paid, their contribution into the fund is determined by the number of claimants and they can protest any payments, I doubt you have a snowball's chance in the underworld. Requirements to draw benefits, besides actively seeking employment, is a listing of those potential employers you contacted each benefit period.

Besides potentially telling a porky about your physical location (read post mark on required correspondence), your job hunt record may be another porky. All it would take is a overzealous new benefits employee looking for a attaboy, and you could even have problems collecting retirement benefits.

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Listing the specifics of your job search activities is not always a standard requirement when filing for your biweekly check. I don't remember EVER having to do that in California and I was legitimately on UI several times while living there. I am not suggesting scamming the system, but don't broadcast false information either.

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Listing the specifics of your job search activities is not always a standard requirement when filing for your biweekly check. I don't remember EVER having to do that in California and I was legitimately on UI several times while living there. I am not suggesting scamming the system, but don't broadcast false information either.

I agree with the Pattaya Baht Bus rider... Unemployment program requirements vary from state to state. In Washington state you dial in your claim on Sunday and the check is in your box by Tuesday. I never had to do the search proof as I have always been a union member. Teamsters and Operating Engineers. Payments generally reflect your earnings. Washington state had the highest benefit amount paid by any state last time I qualified...$550 per week... but one had to make a large amount to qualify for that amount...Really no one size fits all answer for this one.Also please remember that this is unemployment insurance. Depending on which state you live in you may pay some part of this insurance . When in Alaska we paid half and the employer paid half. The benefits are your money. No pay in...no pay out.

Edited by bunta71
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How about you go back to the USA, get a Job, and stop trying to scam the system at the expense of honest taxpayers?

You can see the British Jeans coming through , bet he has some English ancestors some where, We the hard workers of the UK who pay taxes and work hard , are like you , we have had enough of scammers scroungers and just idle gets, I agree with you , get a Job .

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Listing the specifics of your job search activities is not always a standard requirement when filing for your biweekly check. I don't remember EVER having to do that in California and I was legitimately on UI several times while living there. I am not suggesting scamming the system, but don't broadcast false information either.

Well I stand corrected in regard to the great state of California. As other states are not near that big crack in the ground which is rumored to emit a gas which has a affect on those who inhale it, thus possible affect on those who set the requirements for referenced benefits. The listing may not be a requirement on a regular basis, but can be requested at any time, by some states. I would imagine that the terms and conditions of any potential payment, are given/sent to potential claimants prior to any monies.

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Also in Cali, they can also contact you anytime they like for further information, but it is not a standard thing that happens all the time, in my experience and the experience of people I know, it usually doesn't.

Of course you did need to fill in a form every two weeks and sign it. If the form had a Thai post mark, you know that would raise a red flag, not to mention if you had a friend forge your signature, that surely must be a felony.

Edited by Jingthing
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Let me guess, the OP is a democrat. :annoyed:

How about you get off your azz and work for it, like the rest of us.

Something for nothing and your chicks are free... Life ain't like a music video sport.

No, he's a tea bagger wants something for nothing from the government and when he gets it complains about the government being on his back.

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Sure are a lot of miserable and suspicious people replying and reading into what is not there. I feel sorry for ya.


1. I am doing just fine without a job, thank you very much. I paid into the system and was simply wondering (as in not seriously contemplating) if it were possible to get some of MY money back via the system if I wanted to do so.

2. Hello? It's 2010. Job searching and interviewing is done via the internet these days. Especially for my former line of work (I worked my azz off and retired comfortably at a young age, thank you very much). So, meeting the actively searching requirement would be easy. Not all states require a physical presence in the US. That much, I do know for sure.

Thanks to the few who attempted to answer the question as posted rather than make up their own fantasy scenario and azz-umptions.

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Sure are a lot of miserable and suspicious people replying and reading into what is not there. I feel sorry for ya.


1. I am doing just fine without a job, thank you very much. I paid into the system and was simply wondering (as in not seriously contemplating) if it were possible to get some of MY money back via the system if I wanted to do so.

2. Hello? It's 2010. Job searching and interviewing is done via the internet these days. Especially for my former line of work (I worked my azz off and retired comfortably at a young age, thank you very much). So, meeting the actively searching requirement would be easy. Not all states require a physical presence in the US. That much, I do know for sure.

Thanks to the few who attempted to answer the question as posted rather than make up their own fantasy scenario and azz-umptions.

You be sure an report back here when you get caught, since with an "entitlement" attitude as you have displayed you most certainly will get caught (and by the way, the amount you contributed is minor compared to what your employer put into the fund and if you don't think they are watching who is collecting you really don't know anything about the system)

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To clarify and restate for the intensely dense posters:

I was self employed for a long time. That means I paid both the employer AND the employee portions. I was an employee for only two short periods during which I paid only the employee portion. It is 100% MY money that I paid into the system that I would be interested in getting back. Not 100% +$.01.

It cannot be done as too much time has elapsed since I was last "employed". The matter is closed.

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