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Marlboro Red Cigarette Packs Tainted?

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Bought a pack of Marlboro cigarettes at 7-11 and I smoked half a cigarette and started feeling very light headed.

I went inside and the head rushes continued, very severely - I started panicking because it was a feeling I had never felt before in my life

My breathing also seemed affected and I could still breathe but I remember being unsure if the air was really reaching my lungs?

I was mentally cognizant, but as the head rushes became more and more severe I was pretty sure I was going to either 1) pass out and probably die or 2) ride it out

In retrospect I should immediately have gone to the hospital

I have been trying to look this up on the internet but I am having a hard time describing what was happening - even during the "episode" I couldn't really describe what was happening to me because I could breathe fine but I felt some of my mental faculties failing and I forced myself to focus only on breathing to ensure that I was at least concentrating on the basics

Anyone ever experienced anything like this?

I made the obligatory promise to God that if I survived I would quit smoking and after that traumatic experience I am definitely gonna keep that promise

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Where did you buy them, can you go back and purchase all their stock for me please.


I don't really have any experience with party drugs but I don't think anyone would want to feel like that


Reminds me of the good old days. In the 70's Marlboro Reds were laced with marijuana and the tobacco company admitted it grew wild withe the tobacco and they had a tough time keeping it out. I would fine on an average of two cigs per carton were laced. When I letup other smokers would comment. Don't bogart that joint my friend.:lol:


You can get them in Maesot border area if you want to die quickly they come from Burma or Myanmar as they call it.

The people in the 7-11 in question are making money for themselves because 7-11 pay shit money.

Maybe this post will be closed now.


SMOKING WILL KILL You its written on the packet and you still light up :blink:

what do you expect every pack is tainted not just the one you bought


ummm - yes, I weighed the health risks/ enjoyment of the cigarettes and made my choice

I do not currently know the ratio of packs that have similar affects so I have posted this to see if others have had any similar experiences


You can get them in Maesot border area if you want to die quickly they come from Burma or Myanmar as they call it.

The people in the 7-11 in question are making money for themselves because 7-11 pay shit money.

Maybe this post will be closed now.

I bet your the kinda guy that always has to have the last word


SMOKING WILL KILL You its written on the packet and you still light up :blink:

what do you expect every pack is tainted not just the one you bought


ummm - yes, I weighed the health risks/ enjoyment of the cigarettes and made my choice

I do not currently know the ratio of packs that have similar affects so I have posted this to see if others have had any similar experiences

It is a sign for you to quit. From GOD.


SMOKING WILL KILL You its written on the packet and you still light up :blink:

what do you expect every pack is tainted not just the one you bought


ummm - yes, I weighed the health risks/ enjoyment of the cigarettes and made my choice

I do not currently know the ratio of packs that have similar affects so I have posted this to see if others have had any similar experiences

It is a sign for you to quit. From GOD.

Finally I agree with Chantorn!!! ;)


I wonder what the ratio of helpful/ well intended replies are on Thai Visa

1/10, 1/20

My question was about tainted packs sold at 7-11 in THAILAND

I completely understand that if I buy a carton of smokes under a bridge in Burma for 100 baht that I am taking a bigger risk

Why is there such a need to be so judgmental?


I wonder what the ratio of helpful/ well intended replies are on Thai Visa

1/10, 1/20

My question was about tainted packs sold at 7-11 in THAILAND

I completely understand that if I buy a carton of smokes under a bridge in Burma for 100 baht that I am taking a bigger risk

Why is there such a need to be so judgmental?

For what it's worth,,,,,,,,,,, I quit smoking cigs in 1983, one of the best things I ever did. Maybe you should reconsider.

Ok. I'm out from this here thread.


Quite simply

Correlation does not imply causation. (eschew obfuscation)

You had some form of disorientation. It happened when you smoked a cigarette. It does not mean the cigarette caused it. You should see a Dr.

If I were to give well meaning medical advice I would have a PET scan done at the least as well as an EEG and EKG.


Marlboro cigarettes in Thailand are imported by Philip Morris, Philippines.

I used to work for BAT (British American Tobacco) in Australia & assuming that a multinational in another country has the same high standards as BAT did (in Australia), I find it hard to believe that the cigarettes were your problem.

It's more likely your health. A good friend of mine quit smoking many years ago. When I asked him why, he told me a story similar to yours. He went to his doctor & the doctor said, "Quit now, while you still have some hope."

He did 'quit' & has never had another episode of;

a] heart palpitations.

b] dizziness.

c] breathlessness.

BTW, I am a smoker.

As a point of interest, there are no 'additives' in cigarettes that are made by a reputable company. The only additive is water in the form of steam.

No, I am not a 'shareholder' in any tobacco related enterprise.


Marlboro cigarettes in Thailand are imported by Philip Morris, Philippines.

I used to work for BAT (British American Tobacco) in Australia & assuming that a multinational in another country has the same high standards as BAT did (in Australia), I find it hard to believe that the cigarettes were your problem.

It's more likely your health. A good friend of mine quit smoking many years ago. When I asked him why, he told me a story similar to yours. He went to his doctor & the doctor said, "Quit now, while you still have some hope."

He did 'quit' & has never had another episode of;

a] heart palpitations.

b] dizziness.

c] breathlessness.

BTW, I am a smoker.

As a point of interest, there are no 'additives' in cigarettes that are made by a reputable company. The only additive is water in the form of steam.

No, I am not a 'shareholder' in any tobacco related enterprise.

Thanks for the info

I will get checked out - I kept the half of the cigarette so I will get that checked out as well


Reminds me of the good old days. In the 70's Marlboro Reds were laced with marijuana and the tobacco company admitted it grew wild withe the tobacco and they had a tough time keeping it out. I would fine on an average of two cigs per carton were laced. When I letup other smokers would comment. Don't bogart that joint my friend.:lol:

Do you actually beleive this?

You are simply recounting an established urban myth regarding the brand Lucky Strike and how it got it's name. Take a spin around the web and feel foolish.

You believed the legend so whole heartedly you created a personal myth around it.

I would avoid hypnotists and charlatans. You are way to suggestible.

OP, sounds like you had some sort of spasm or athsma attack. I'd see it as an omen if I myself were intelligent enough to quit.


More than a few places in the world where that pack might have been worth a bit in terms of a lawsuit, especially if you stumbled out into traffic and got hit by a car or something... not here though.



Planet X. Ive had a few freaky moments with cigarettes in thailand. Not generaly a heavy smoker, but can hit 80 a day when on holiday, so i guess that increases the chances of getting a dodgy box. Ive had boxes full of mould.

I had similar symptoms to you after a dodgy box of marlboro, addmitedly in lao. Afterwards I realised the box stank of petrol (gasoline) and I think it was carbon momoxide poisoning, which Im fairly familiar with from hanging out at too many car auctions. The cigarretes felt a bit "hot" to smoke and hade a slightlty odd taste. Felt like half my brain was dissolving.

After smoking about three I decided to get a new box.........


I took my mate 400 hundred benson and hedges back the other year, saw him about 2 months later and he told me he couldnt smoke them they were terrible, he tried giving them away to his work mates all bricklayers and after trying them not one of them wanted them.

They were bought at the airport.


Planet X. Ive had a few freaky moments with cigarettes in thailand. Not generaly a heavy smoker, but can hit 80 a day when on holiday, so i guess that increases the chances of getting a dodgy box. Ive had boxes full of mould.

I had similar symptoms to you after a dodgy box of marlboro, addmitedly in lao. Afterwards I realised the box stank of petrol (gasoline) and I think it was carbon momoxide poisoning, which Im fairly familiar with from hanging out at too many car auctions. The cigarretes felt a bit "hot" to smoke and hade a slightlty odd taste. Felt like half my brain was dissolving.

After smoking about three I decided to get a new box.........

Let's see...

I had similar symptoms to you after a dodgy box of marlboro, addmitedly in lao. Afterwards I realised the box stank of petrol (gasoline) and I think it was carbon momoxide poisoning

Was the pack perfectly sealed in plastic when your bought it?

I ask this for the following reason;

1] Gasoline (or more correctly put, Petroleum) cannot be be inside a cigarette manufacturing plant. If it was, the plant would explode due to all of the electrical machinery in operation (sparks etc).

2] Mould is not the same as petroleum. Mould is a case of poor plant airconditioning & worsened by vendors who hold the product for long periods of time (low sales). Usually, this situation is likely to occur due to a plant a/c failure, a/c problem or a vendor who has very low turnover.

3] Petroleum quite often melts some plastics & can therefore enter a previously sealed product (obvious holes are usually evident unless you are blind). An accident, outside of the manufacturer's control may have occured & you may have experienced the result of such a thing.

4] Carbon Monoxide is produced by cigarettes normally & in higher than normal quantities (thus the 'high' for some people). I would suggest that 'dry' petroleum (get used to this word...or if you like, petrol) would not necessarily increase the CO (Carbon Monoxide) content. It may, however, add chemicals (unknown) to any already chemically rich mixture. BTW, normal 'bushfire smoke' contains at least 5 000 (5,000 for you nonmetric people) chemicals.

Cigarettes are most certainly harmful to one's health but to blame a packet of cigarettes on a brief undesirable situation, especially when the complainant is a long time smoker, is unfounded.

There are many steps between the multinational, who manufactures the product, & the vendor.


:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:

Hey Afroman, Take a chill pill.

I'm not even going to bother giving you an itemised reply. If only I was an educated man instead of a spanner wielding retard, Im sure I could find words to describe your ummmm, emotional post.

I know what happens when petrol, sorry, petroleum (See, getting used to the word now) is spilled on the floor and a match put to it though.



SMOKING WILL KILL You its written on the packet and you still light up :blink:

what do you expect every pack is tainted not just the one you bought


ummm - yes, I weighed the health risks/ enjoyment of the cigarettes and made my choice

I do not currently know the ratio of packs that have similar affects so I have posted this to see if others have had any similar experiences

It is a sign for you to quit. From GOD.

Oh dear, a bible thumper. You guys make me laugh.

And just which GOD would that be, seeing how there are over 5000 distinct deities worshiped around the world today. :whistling:

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