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Living In Thailand


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The worst thing about living in Thailand are the things that do not directly effect my life, but I still am bothered by them on principle: poverty, nationalism, corruption...geez man, I'm sure you've heard this all before.

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :o

I live in bangkok, so noise can be a slight irritant.

For example:

At 11pm each evening, the neighbors housekeeper (who camp out under my bathroom window) begins cooking by chopping on some meat with a cleaver, This chopping shakes her entire kitchen setup, causing all the pots, pans and dishes to crash around. Sounds like a construction project eminating from by bathroom.

This only goes on fro 20 minutes or so. Not too bad.

What's bad is her deaf sister decided to raise 6 cats and they generally hang around my windows from midnite till 4 or 5am and have cats fights every hour.Somehow I can sleep a bit untill my neighbors that live upstairs stumble in at 4:30am (they own a bar).

They usually yell and scream and throw things for an hour or so untill they pass out. Sometimes they bring the whole bar home and have parties by the poolside at 5am.

About 6:00, they go home to sleep.

At 6:15 the nice Vietnamese lady next door brings out her Poodle. She love to smile and watch it bark at the cats.

6:30am., the school mini vans arrive and park under my window and let their diesel engines idle and fill my apt with fumes.

At 7:00, the people 2 doors down let their 5 small dogs out and they bark nonstop for 30 minutes or so.

8:00, the construction crew starts driving piles with a huge gas powered compressor.

Around 9am the fruit vendor arrives with the loudest speaker system. We can hear him coming and going for 45 minutes.

About 10 oclock it gets pretty hot and time to fire up the air con. I usually have to look outside because it sounds like a small aircraft landed on my porch.

Except for the construction, it usually is peacefull unless the maintence man is jackhammering somthing.

3pm, the neighbors kids come back from school and the nannys bring them out to play. I guess Thai nannys are not allowed to discipline or teach them about being polite. They are cute though.

Did I mention the pool pump?

This runs for 19 hours everyday and sounds like it's gonna implode at any minute.

Other than the noise, it's paradise.

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :o

I live in bangkok, so noise can be a slight irritant.

For example:

At 11pm each evening, the neighbors housekeeper (who camp out under my bathroom window) begins cooking by chopping on some meat with a cleaver, This chopping shakes her entire kitchen setup, causing all the pots, pans and dishes to crash around. Sounds like a construction project eminating from by bathroom.

This only goes on fro 20 minutes or so. Not too bad.

What's bad is her deaf sister decided to raise 6 cats and they generally hang around my windows from midnite till 4 or 5am and have cats fights every hour.Somehow I can sleep a bit untill my neighbors that live upstairs stumble in at 4:30am (they own a bar).

They usually yell and scream and throw things for an hour or so untill they pass out. Sometimes they bring the whole bar home and have parties by the poolside at 5am.

About 6:00, they go home to sleep.

At 6:15 the nice Vietnamese lady next door brings out her Poodle. She love to smile and watch it bark at the cats.

6:30am., the school mini vans arrive and park under my window and let their diesel engines idle and fill my apt with fumes.

At 7:00, the people 2 doors down let their 5 small dogs out and they bark nonstop for 30 minutes or so.

8:00, the construction crew starts driving piles with a huge gas powered compressor.

Around 9am the fruit vendor arrives with the loudest speaker system. We can hear him coming and going for 45 minutes.

About 10 oclock it gets pretty hot and time to fire up the air con. I usually have to look outside because it sounds like a small aircraft landed on my porch.

Except for the construction, it usually is peacefull unless the maintence man is jackhammering somthing.

3pm, the neighbors kids come back from school and the nannys bring them out to play. I guess Thai nannys are not allowed to discipline or teach them about being polite. They are cute though.

Did I mention the pool pump?

This runs for 19 hours everyday and sounds like it's gonna implode at any minute.

Other than the noise, it's paradise.

You are a a very tolerant man!! I'd of killed someone by now, planted land mines, cut the electric and put copius amounts of poison in the cats food supply. Whilst looking for a new apartment of course!!!

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :D

I live in bangkok, so noise can be a slight irritant.

For example:

At 11pm each evening, the neighbors housekeeper (who camp out under my bathroom window) begins cooking by chopping on some meat with a cleaver, This chopping shakes her entire kitchen setup, causing all the pots, pans and dishes to crash around. Sounds like a construction project eminating from by bathroom.

This only goes on fro 20 minutes or so. Not too bad.

What's bad is her deaf sister decided to raise 6 cats and they generally hang around my windows from midnite till 4 or 5am and have cats fights every hour.Somehow I can sleep a bit untill my neighbors that live upstairs stumble in at 4:30am (they own a bar).

They usually yell and scream and throw things for an hour or so untill they pass out. Sometimes they bring the whole bar home and have parties by the poolside at 5am.

About 6:00, they go home to sleep.

At 6:15 the nice Vietnamese lady next door brings out her Poodle. She love to smile and watch it bark at the cats.

6:30am., the school mini vans arrive and park under my window and let their diesel engines idle and fill my apt with fumes.

At 7:00, the people 2 doors down let their 5 small dogs out and they bark nonstop for 30 minutes or so.

8:00, the construction crew starts driving piles with a huge gas powered compressor.

Around 9am the fruit vendor arrives with the loudest speaker system. We can hear him coming and going for 45 minutes.

About 10 oclock it gets pretty hot and time to fire up the air con. I usually have to look outside because it sounds like a small aircraft landed on my porch.

Except for the construction, it usually is peacefull unless the maintence man is jackhammering somthing.

3pm, the neighbors kids come back from school and the nannys bring them out to play. I guess Thai nannys are not allowed to discipline or teach them about being polite. They are cute though.

Did I mention the pool pump?

This runs for 19 hours everyday and sounds like it's gonna implode at any minute.

Other than the noise, it's paradise.

But I still can see the humour and colorful of living in your post, as you made in your diary which time things shall happen. I'm now living in Europe. Outside of the window is the forest, green and bright blue color, but no sound. Nothing. Sometimes I thought there is nobody there only the death. :o

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I think a lot depends on where you live here, but for most people I recon missing family, friends. I'm out in the sticks a bit so sometimes miss just being able to pop out to the pub/bar, talking to people in english and some foods (good cheeses, cooked meats, bread and lamb.

As to how I cope with it well the family and friends come out to visit (sometimes), I try to make new friends and fit in with the comunity around me. Occasionaly get out to the local town which has a fair few bars ect or pop down to BKK or one of the tourist areas. Most food I can make here with local ingrediants, but I make sure when I'm in BKK to stock up on the hard to get things.

I think different things will affect different people, I could'nt cope with living in BKK for instance, with the traffic, polution,noise ect but many people living there would not live where I am. My mother can not stay out here in hot season as its to hot, some people will be affected by mossies ect


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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :D


The continuous influx of Brits -- they've brought a posse to my best hiding place & still have the gall to ask for guidance! :o

Won't be long before Al Queda discovers that they're ALL here -- a blessing for London, but what about us? We're f*cked!

Its getting so one can't even go to the can in peace anymore! :D

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so many bad points ,some guys can overlook them in the short term but i notice mates who moved there long time ago are hankering after a move back home. reasons cited,,

unreliable post, heat & humidity ,bribery and corruption, illogical thai thinking, living in the village is boring , being hassled for money because you are farang ,lack of mags and papers from back home .all the usual stuff and

talking gibberish with thais who cant speak much english . general in depth lack of understanding about thai language and culture .

i tried living in LOS and its not for me ,however its a great holiday destination

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so many bad points ,some guys can overlook them in the short term but i notice mates who moved there long time ago are hankering after a move back home. reasons cited,,

unreliable post, heat & humidity ,bribery and corruption, illogical thai thinking, living in the village is boring , being hassled for money because you are farang ,lack of mags and papers from back home .all the usual stuff and

talking gibberish with thais who cant speak much english . general in depth lack of understanding about thai language and culture .

i tried living in LOS and its not for me ,however its a great holiday destination

What I miss most is loyal friends that can be trusted, how I get around it is stay in touch with my true friends.

When I first arrrived I was out and about trying to make friends to share experiences with. These days I spend a lot of time alone and seem to be doing OK with it.

There seems to be enough social contact without hanging out with Americans. If it gets to lonely I venture forth and start talking and people talk when I have had enough I retreat until I have the need again.

Doing serious business is very difficult language is a major problem, your used to knowing the system and here you don't, you proceed on blind faith.

Not being in a tourist area I don't get the double charging much. Thais live much differently then most foriegners are used to, you can make your life the way you want it within reason.

The first year was really frustrating when yuo don't know how to shop or get anything done. After a while you gte into the swing of things and you can survive and all of sudden your sepending a lot less money as well.

I think one of the thing that has made it so much easier is the internet and sites like this where you can get your thoughts out. learn form other people without the jeopardy of being conned.

What would make it easier learning the language, what is hard learning the language.

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For me the number one thing has got to be NOISE...

it's everywhere.. motorbikes,cars ,bus and 10 wheelers all seem to try and out do each other in the noise stakes...then there are dogs or cats causing mayhem at all hours...if not there's allways the Karaoke... but my favorite is the ice crushing factory just across the street... 2AM the truck arrives with the big blocks of ice

that are unloaded as loudly as possible !!! 20 minutes later serenity returns

untill 4AM when they start crushing the ice, I would guestimate it's 80-100 decibels

ie: as loud as a pneumatic drill..... the ice crushing continues at irregular intervals

all day upto 8PM...then the motorbikes,cars ,buses and 10 wheelers get their chance :o

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :o

Well as we're all different and each have a different perspective, the worst thing about living here can be whatever gets to you. I've been here twenty one years and as a buddhist, nothing gets to me. I observe, don't assume or make judgements and as a result am quite content despite all the things that others complain about. I guess it's how you react to it all.

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :o

Well as we're all different and each have a different perspective, the worst thing about living here can be whatever gets to you. I've been here twenty one years and as a buddhist, nothing gets to me. I observe, don't assume or make judgements and as a result am quite content despite all the things that others complain about. I guess it's how you react to it all.

What a great way to go!

All the best and mucho respect to you.

Buena Suerte y Chok Dii.


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Dogs and noise. Dogs because they just wont keep out of the roads, and noise is something i find hard to live with.

Also friends you dont have to think about trusting, i know one or 2 here i would trust 98% but i wouldn't do it without thinking.

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Hi all

I'v heard all the great things about living in Thailand but I really want to know the WORST thing about living there? and how you cope or deal with it?  :D

Be honest it can't all be happy days :o

Well as we're all different and each have a different perspective, the worst thing about living here can be whatever gets to you. I've been here twenty one years and as a buddhist, nothing gets to me. I observe, don't assume or make judgements and as a result am quite content despite all the things that others complain about. I guess it's how you react to it all.

Sounds fatalistic to me. Guess you are so content you would not even get out of the way of a speeding bus, right? I am pretty sure that would get to you, though!

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tuk tuk and other massage touts. street vendor pushers clogging the streets. Towel tailor tout pushers. Did I mention the stench? stench of garbage and individuals who don't shower walking the streets in front of you at a slow clip blocking your path. lack of variety o supermarket goods, no beer imports. lack of farang sized clothes, shoes. lack of quality of goods. I'm talking in this post about BKK

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tuk tuk and other massage touts. street vendor pushers clogging the streets. Towel tailor tout pushers. Did I mention the stench? stench of garbage and individuals who don't shower walking the streets in front of you at a slow clip blocking your path. lack of variety o  supermarket goods, no beer imports. lack of farang sized clothes, shoes. lack of quality of goods. I'm talking in this post about BKK

people going to live in a foreign country then complaining about what makes that country different in the first place.

As for the food you either dont know where to look or arent looking hard enough..........

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