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Feel A Bit Ashamed


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I arrived in Thaiand in 2005 for a 6 month vacation to S.E. Asia. I really loved Thailand and decided to stay. Now I like much about this country food,sights history and yes the women, however I don't consider myself a sex tourist.

That said I did visit beer bars and go-go clubs from time to time and found myself in the company of a young lady I like beer bars more because its not so in your face and the women tend to be a bit older 25 plus. but a couple times i ended up with 19-21 year olds

I ended up getting married to my Thai travel agent and we now have two wonderful kids a boy 4 and a girl 1. We moved up to north Thailand near my wifes parents and she opened a small travel agency. I soon found myself bored and wanted to work so I took a tefl course and now teach high school near chiang mai.

To my suprise I really love this job, best job I ever had (not the pay) and the kids are great. Thai students are helpful, friendly, kind,funny and most of all innocent in the sense they dont know much about the world.

But these girls are just kids yet some of them the same age as those in go-go bars. Of course the go-go girls no longer have that innocent charm about them. they are now pros and wil do what it take to serperate you-farang from your money. Please dont get the idea she loves you she is in it for the money and i dont blame her one bit, but what i hate and feel ashamed about is the fact she is no longer a kid, and will never get the chance to grow up the right way.

For you men who prefer younger girls, thats ok if its what you prefer but keep in mind not long ago she was playing with her friends and listening to boy bands. Remember that is somebodys kid, baby even and would you want your daughter working in a go-go bar.

and while your money may or may not help her family they are other ways of helping thais in need.

as for the boy's is it worse? not all of them are gay if fact most are not. I can't help but wonder the boy's not only sleep with somebody they are not attracted to but somebody who belongs to the wrong gender



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I don't really understand the point you are trying to put across. It reads a bit weird to me but then l have had an early beer. :unsure:

I might have a beer now and then come back and read it again. it may well make more sense then! :blink:

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ok so let me try and unravel this

You came to Thailand, not as a sex tourist, but visited the gogo and beer bars, mostly the beer bars because the women are older, although you took some young girls 20-21, then you got married and started to teach, and only at this point did you realise the girls that your porked earlier when you first got here are humans with families?

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am i missing something here ? whats the whole point, ive been out with 19 -20 yr old girls , big deal ? they will still buy and sell you ( not the other way round ) these chicks are sharp so i dont in the least bit feel guilty or ashamed, so why do you ? they are over the legal age limit and fully matured woman. kids is a different matter , my avatar says it all !!

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He loves teaching. Now he has discovered that his students with whom he has a good rapport, come from normal, country thai families. Their values are often a bit more conservative, but their daughters who are smart, attractive and intelligent, see that the choice is between becoming a rice/jasmine farmers wife and earning nothing, or going to the 'fleshpots' to earn more money and preferably marry a farlang who will support everyone. Daughters here are still tradeable commodities - sad but true. The O/P by comparison and his wife have done well. Such is life.

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ok so let me try and unravel this

You came to Thailand, not as a sex tourist, but visited the gogo and beer bars, mostly the beer bars because the women are older, although you took some young girls 20-21, then you got married and started to teach, and only at this point did you realise the girls that your porked earlier when you first got here are humans with families?

good question and the answer is yes, putting things in perspective at the go-go bars you dont think 18 school kid at least i didn't. but if i teached first and then went to the bars no way would i seek the company of just a kid. Rememer i did state i was/am ashamed of my actions ....i was a fool

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am i missing something here ? whats the whole point, ive been out with 19 -20 yr old girls , big deal ? they will still buy and sell you ( not the other way round ) these chicks are sharp so i dont in the least bit feel guilty or ashamed, so why do you ? they are over the legal age limit and fully matured woman. kids is a different matter , my avatar says it all !!

i wrote the orginal post. I am not so sure they became sharp prior to working the bars its something they learn from other girls any yes they can be real sharks.

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Some farang find poverty in Thailand saddening and depressing. For others, it puts a huge smile on their face because they can get something out of it.

I don't think that the second category of people are inherently wrong. The people from the second category probably weren't doing too great in their home country so when they come to Thailand they feel like they are a winner whereas back home they were a loser.

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I think the OP is trying to say something nice. I get it. But then, I don't drink beer.

He repents. But he can't say that (still in a tinsy wincy bit of denile- not the one in Egypt)

So he asks you punters ignorant of his enlightened state to repent and mend your ways instead. Very noble.

Better still, take your teachers salary down to the local (and there will be one locally even if you don't see it right away) "bar" and fine a couple of girls and send them off home or to the cinema. That will make you feel all warm and cozy inside.

Best go with your wife though, to avoid any confusing stories arising later.

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What I enjoyed most about this rant was him making gay people out to be worse for using prostitutes than he is for having used them. :)

News-flash to the OP ... with men there HAS to be a certain level of arousal for things to work.

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Should calirfy here - TV members are models of probity who would never "go" with a "go-go" girl and only have sex on the third Saturday of each August from within the confines of the marital bed with their highly eductaed Thai-Chinese wives.

Hope that's clear.

I hate to admit this, but pretty much every woman that I've ever been with iin my life had a mother and a father and a family and we did some very naughty things.

The shame. smiley-ashamed001.gif

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