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Does anybody have experience using a "good" US VPN Service in Thailand? I need a US based IP to access a number of sites in the US and find these free proxy sites are not very reliable. I am looking for something that will be fast, seamless and dependable.

Thanks for any tips or recomendations.


PS. I also want my email to appear that is coming from the US if somebody were to check the IP or have setting that show the location of sender. This is not for any type of scam and simply to do with work and avoiding confusion, questions and having my mail end up as Spam when dealing with clients in the US.


PS. I also want my email to appear that is coming from the US if somebody were to check the IP or have setting that show the location of sender. This is not for any type of scam and simply to do with work and avoiding confusion, questions and having my mail end up as Spam when dealing with clients in the US.

Either that or you work in a boiler room.... just joking... I will message you what I use. As the powers that be may block the site if I post it here


Thanks Guys!

This may be a foolish question but thought I would ask ... If I am logged into one of these VPS's ... would there be any issue with then logging into my company VPN?



Could this speed up my internet connection from Thailand to the rest of the world? I mean would VOIP services work better?


No, it's still going trough the pipeline of the Thai network so that will set the speed limit.

Good VPN Services are

Banana VPN ($14.99/month)

Hide My Ass (proxy and VPN)

ICExpat Secure VPN (1y/3day trial)


Strong VPN

VPN Privacy (1 week)


Strong VPN has servers in many locations and you can choose,

even change later if you need to.


Although I don't have VPN this post tweaked my interest to do some research/googling regarding VPN services and based on this research/googling if I was to signup for a VPN service tomorrow I would go with StrongVPN. Web reviews seem to give them good ratings and there is lots of good info on their web site, including speed testing to get a preview of the speed you would probably get with their VPN service from their various worldwide servers.


Although I don't have VPN this post tweaked my interest to do some research/googling regarding VPN services and based on this research/googling if I was to signup for a VPN service tomorrow I would go with StrongVPN. Web reviews seem to give them good ratings and there is lots of good info on their web site, including speed testing to get a preview of the speed you would probably get with their VPN service from their various worldwide servers.

StrongVPN limits the number of switches (changing servers) per month, depending on the package you have with 12 being the max. WiTopia has no limits and also has 4 proxy servers.


Beware that some VPN services, such as PureVPN block SMTP (sending email, but you can receive) through their connections. Pure VPN started blocking SMTP traffic on port 25 (without notice) which I was able to work around by using a secure port (465, SSL), but eventually cut them off when they started blocking this too (again without notifying legitimate customers).

USAIP.eu blocks email on 25 but still allows it on 465. You may need to negotiate access to a secure SMTP port with your employer, but likely they already provide the default (465) or even better a custom port that a VPN provider would be hard pressed to block.



PS on the speed point, I often find that switching to a VPN speeds up access to international websites, presumably because access to nameservers is faster. Even though I use Google nameservers rather than True, the VPN server can have faster access to these than True. Then again often direct access is faster than through a sometimes congested VPN - It's good to have the option, if they both suck, then that's life.

Viewing videos on a certain USA web channel I will connect via one of the US VPNs, start the video (which invariably buffers horribly), then hang-up the VPN and (since they only check the IP once per session) watch all I want at better speed and the advertisements magically disappear. smile.gif


I was wondering about using the company VPN over a VPN service. How would that work? I am pretty sure it wouldn't work on the Mac as each VPN service is its own network adapter. So the StrongVPN would be one, and the Cisco VPN would be another one. Depending on the Cisco VPN settings, it can also lock out all other access (very annoying, but if it's company policy there's not much one can do).

I could imagine it would work if the VPN service was set up on the router - then the computer wouldn't know anything.

How does it work on Windows? Can I do company Cisco VPN over a VPN service?


Although I don't have VPN this post tweaked my interest to do some research/googling regarding VPN services and based on this research/googling if I was to signup for a VPN service tomorrow I would go with StrongVPN. Web reviews seem to give them good ratings and there is lots of good info on their web site, including speed testing to get a preview of the speed you would probably get with their VPN service from their various worldwide servers.

StrongVPN limits the number of switches (changing servers) per month, depending on the package you have with 12 being the max. WiTopia has no limits and also has 4 proxy servers.

Yea, I saw that. Depending on the package selected you could do 5 to 9 switches per month free, with an extra 3 free changes thrown in for the first two weeks of service. But unless a person is jetting all over the Earth, seems a person wouldn't change servers much during the month. Just use the one that gives you the fastest speed and stick with it. Right?


I use StrongVPN and have only felt the need to switch twice in over a year.

After getting US terrible speeds on True in the day/evening time, I took a subscription for US$7.95 with ibvpn. You get 4x US servers, 3x UK, DE, NL and IE (whatever that is). Speeds have improved over tenfold.

Pretty sweet deal for unlimited bandwidth and money back guarantee. They have $4.95 deals too for a smaller amount of servers.


The switching issue was was led me mostly to decide on using W.... instead of using S..... And I remain a happy customer of W after more than a year of use.

At the outset, I did a lot of switching from one connection to another, testing and measuring speeds. In the end, I found the connections to the same city might vary from measurement to measurement, but nothing consistent over time.

There were two things, however, that proved consistent over time:

1. Connections from Thailand are definitely faster if the server you're connecting to is on the West Coast USA, particularly Los Angeles or San Francisco, than elsewhere in the middle U.S. or East Coast, presumably because of the distances involved.

2. Even within the same provider's network, some particular connections seem to work better with certain content providers that are very aggressive in trying to block that kind of access.. So it's important for the end user to try to identify which individual connections will work best with the particular services they use most.

So after working my way thru those two issues, I've pretty much settled on a single location/connection that works well for me 99% of the time, and that's the one I use -- though I have the ability to use any others within my provider if my particular connection is down for some reason.

Yea, I saw that. Depending on the package selected you could do 5 to 9 switches per month free, with an extra 3 free changes thrown in for the first two weeks of service. But unless a person is jetting all over the Earth, seems a person wouldn't change servers much during the month. Just use the one that gives you the fastest speed and stick with it. Right?

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