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Rimping Rant


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You need to stop slandering one store and list every store in Mee Chok in your rant. Or is Rimping supposed to take it on because they're bigger. They may not be making the tons of money you think they are. Have you seen their books? I am certain they are making nothing compared to Carrefour, Tesco and Big C. You choose to slander them for something that is NOT their responsibility but we would be far worse off if they weren't here.

Looking at Carrefour figures for Thailand they are not very healthy at all. Consideration is being given to closing some of their Thai stores. Looking at the number of people who are in the Hang Dong store when I visit I don't know how they can afford the electricity bill. A lot of empty shelves as well.

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It's one of those Thai peculiarities. I've been to Thai homes which have been renovated by the owners to luxury standards in the main house,

then walked into the toilet and it's like a truck-stop bathroom. Upon questioning (politely) the owner says ... ' its not important, its just a toilet'.


Yea right, I'm made that up just for the hel_l of it.

By the way nice articulate reply. The hangover must be banging today huh.

Edited by macsurf
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Rimping rents the Mee Chok store and the Nim City store. You will note that the entrance to the toilets is NOT in Rimping. They are the toilets for the entire plaza and there is no reason Rimping should be held responsible for the condition. And why is there a Carrfour rant attached to a misplaced Rimping rant. The next thing you know the story will change and the rat will be at Rimping. And as for the outdoor market...Rimping hates it more than anybody and has been unable to convince THE OWNER OF MEE CHOK PLAZA to stop it.

Well done, SS, you beat me by just over an hour.

Rimping are TENANTS at Mee Chok Plaza and it's a great shame some posters here didn't bother to inquire or check before libelling the company.

I know this for a fact as I made a polite complaint to the Rimping MD (a charming man named Phairoj - well, that's how he spells it) when the ridiculous Monday market spread to Tuesdays too.

He apologised, said that he didn't like it, had complained about the chaos and lack of parking, but the owners would do nothing. These are NOT popular landlords, as you will discover if you talk to any of the other, smaller tenants.

The fact that the toilet entrances are a very long way away from the Rimping sliding doors, and many other tenants occupy the same block, really SHOULD have been clues, y'know!

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Rimping rents the Mee Chok store and the Nim City store. You will note that the entrance to the toilets is NOT in Rimping. They are the toilets for the entire plaza and there is no reason Rimping should be held responsible for the condition. And why is there a Carrfour rant attached to a misplaced Rimping rant. The next thing you know the story will change and the rat will be at Rimping. And as for the outdoor market...Rimping hates it more than anybody and has been unable to convince THE OWNER OF MEE CHOK PLAZA to stop it.

I have heard the same thing about the owner of the Mee Chok 'complex' renting to Rimping but all are obviously making tons of baht catering to [mostly] falangs.....yet they can't make the most basic of needs or coutasies available to the suckers they are fleecing.

Is it too much to ask for a clean and comfortable place to releive one's self while paying their inflated prices??

I think Rimping might sell adult diapers though!

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"I think Rimping might sell adult diapers though!"

Good one Sam......but I don't think that it's fair to put the blame only on mr Mee Chok. If rimping really cares about customer satisfaction and basic sanitation then they should apply pressure to the owner, especially since they are the biggest shop in the complex and their store attracts the most customers.

Original mention was made about the front toilets. If you want to see something even more gross, then go to the opposite end of the Rimping and look at the 'employee' toilet that is open to the public. Toilet smells mix well with rotting produce, as that is the delivery entrance [ attached to Rimping].

Maybe someone out there has a contact for Mr Mee Chok and we that are offended can voice our complaints directly.

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The ORIGINAL post was, and still is, RIMPING RANT. The biggest store has the biggest rent, the biggest payroll, the biggest marketing bill, etc. They have been unsuccessful at getting the landlord to do anything yet you continue to ASSUME they have influence. Always easier to blame the big guy isn't it?

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"I think Rimping might sell adult diapers though!"

Good one Sam......but I don't think that it's fair to put the blame only on mr Mee Chok. If rimping really cares about customer satisfaction and basic sanitation then they should apply pressure to the owner, especially since they are the biggest shop in the complex and their store attracts the most customers.

Original mention was made about the front toilets. If you want to see something even more gross, then go to the opposite end of the Rimping and look at the 'employee' toilet that is open to the public. Toilet smells mix well with rotting produce, as that is the delivery entrance [ attached to Rimping].

Maybe someone out there has a contact for Mr Mee Chok and we that are offended can voice our complaints directly.

I propose YOU contact "Mr. Mee Chok" on behalf of all those "visitors" who can't squat. Let me know how that goes please!

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"I think Rimping might sell adult diapers though!"

Good one Sam......but I don't think that it's fair to put the blame only on mr Mee Chok. If rimping really cares about customer satisfaction and basic sanitation then they should apply pressure to the owner, especially since they are the biggest shop in the complex and their store attracts the most customers.

Original mention was made about the front toilets. If you want to see something even more gross, then go to the opposite end of the Rimping and look at the 'employee' toilet that is open to the public. Toilet smells mix well with rotting produce, as that is the delivery entrance [ attached to Rimping].

Maybe someone out there has a contact for Mr Mee Chok and we that are offended can voice our complaints directly.

You are truly thick...those are the EMPLOYEE TOILETS for EVERY employee in Mee Chok. But keep blaming Rimping. I think more than your bowels are going.

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I don't think a conversation with Mr. Meechock (I'm guessing that isn't an actual name) is going to bear much fruit. He is apparently not the brightest bulb.

All he is accomplishing by building that costly structure in what should be the parking lot is becoming the landlord of a great many empty shops. Hard to find parking means becomes hard to find customers and eventually it becomes hard to find tenants. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rimping move away as well.

I expect high vacancy in about a year and a half when all the newness has worn off.

Edited by canuckamuck
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I don't think a conversation with Mr. Meechock (I'm guessing that isn't an actual name) is going to bear much fruit. He is apparently not the brightest bulb.

All he is accomplishing by building that costly structure in what should be the parking lot is becoming the landlord of a great many empty shops. Hard to find parking means becomes hard to find customers and eventually it becomes hard to find tenants. I wouldn't be surprised to see the Rimping move away as well.

I expect high vacancy in about a year and a half when all the newness has worn off.

Correct! Rimping may well move...hopefully to one of the other corners which are all empty.

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I think Sansai Sam needs to calm down before he has a heart attack. Who would have thought a customer would have so much brand loyalty to a supermarket that would lead him to defend it so strongly.

I like squat toilets, really satisfying feeling after using them. But then I've not used the ones a Mee Chok. From this thread, I assume they're like this, with a squat (don't view if eating):

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You should try Makro superhighway . The toilet is outside the building and you have to walk out the store and half way round the store and then climb about 40 steps to get upstairs to the toilet room. now thats a real challenge to get from in store and jump the cue to get past cashier and run for your life thinking i wish i did not eat spicy last night and then to be greeted by a stair case of 40steps ohhhhhhhhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhh .If you make it this far then clean or dirty toilets don't jump to mind

Edited by SausageKing
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I go to the bathroom at home before I go out.


Must be a Canadian thing. Im proud to say I have never had a dump in a public toliet in Thailand in the 8 years I have lived here or when I was here on holiday before that. Hopefully I never will have to.

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I go to the bathroom at home before I go out.


Must be a Canadian thing. Im proud to say I have never had a dump in a public toliet in Thailand in the 8 years I have lived here or when I was here on holiday before that. Hopefully I never will have to.

What a bunch of cry babies. If you thank toilets in Thailand are bad you should see the toilets in Saudi Arabia.:bah: Thailand toilets are pristine.:unsure:

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"I think Sansai Sam needs to calm down before he has a heart attack. Who would have thought a customer would have so much brand loyalty to a supermarket that would lead him to defend it so strongly."

Maybe Sam owns an interest in Rimping/MeeChok?? He seems to be defending it so much......or maybe he just likes dirty squat toilets??.......he's the guy that 'lurks' in the toilet :jap:

bottom line......There is no excuse for dirty toilets here where labor and toilet fixtures are so cheap and SOMEONE should take some responsability FOR A CHANGE.

We're talking about basic sanitation here and that luxury should be on hand for everyone.......especially the falangs that pay 25% higher prices for food in Rimping.


Don't invite me to use your toilet Sam.

Edited by jaideeguy
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In real estate practice in the US anyway is that the major or "anchor" tenant has the most sway and influence because they are paying most of the rent and attracting the most people.

Never been to that one but the Rimping and complex at Airport is really nice. They even have jazz and classical music playing inside and outside.

Inside a Tops by comparison and it's a constant rerun of advertisements and lame music. It must drive the employees insane.. Or maybe for Thai's they can block it out.

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I can assure you that none of you guys complaining about the Monday and Tuesday night market at Meechok Plaza will have any influence in eliminating it whatsoever. A lot of those sellers depend on the Mae Jo students who frequent there for a couple of nights of income. They also pay (small) rents to the owner of Meechok Plaza for the space. It is close to impossible to shop at Rimping on those 2 nights but I just plan ahead and go there during the day.

I've never had the need to relieve myself in the facilities, short of taking an occasional leak, so no comment there.

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Well.... if it isn't the toilet showdown of '53 ! it's so tense out there even the nice guys are freaking out on each other. Now I've seen it all.

If I had a place n it was nice and the general area wasn't being maintained by the landowners, well, I'd build my own into my store to take care of my customers. More easily said than done, I know. But I would !

On the 'up to specs' bathroom side-thought (hijacking! a thread about bad bathrooms, naturally begs for people to mention places where they are outstanding... don'tcha think ?), I am super impressed by the facilities at the Big C Hang Dong. Props to them ! And the ppl at Makro Hang DOng to a fairly decent job as well. Everything is all clean n not a lack of stalls or sinks either.

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if you are in the Thapae Gate area, the loo in the Montri Hotel lobby is clean and comfortable and has a powerful, state-of- the-art butt-jet squirter. It is truly outstanding! :clap2:

UG, I live outside of town and sometimes find myself in town for work, and you know..., I know ALL the good hotels to drop a bomb in. But I'm not tellin'. That's classified information !

You always gotta know where to go in case you gotta go. And you should always have one of those little tissue packets available.... like stashed in your car or under your moto seat. Tips from a pro.....

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Two temples in town have outstanding facilities. Wat Phra Singh is very good, but not up to the standard of the one at Wat Chedi Luang (I think). Always very happy to put 20 Baht in the donation box for the privilege of making my other donation in such fabulous surroundings.

Best in Thailand requires a long walk. Its at the Lahu Outpost in Kup Kap, part of the Lisu Lodge group of hill tribe guesthouses. As you sit down on your thrown, you look up and have the most beautiful view of the surrounding countryside. I didn't even need the toilet and sat there for 5 minutes. 

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