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Scaffolding In Front Of Central World Bangkok Collapses, Killing 2

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Life is cheap in Thailand and this story serves to remind us of that.

It's a good job that all the proper permits are in place, regulations and standards met and it'll never happen again.

At least the guy calling out for help won't have to wait long to be rescued. After all, in Bangkok a high ranking politician should be able to spare the time by Tuesday to get down there and have his photo taken as the poor sod emerges. I just hope the building worker remembers to be grateful and learn his genuflecting speech.

I would stay off the thinners/turpentine...:whistling:

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I Certainly hope the dodgy construction company and the RED Shirt criminals can be made accountable for these unfortunate alas additional victims.

What did the red shirts have to do with it?

My question as well. As I recollect, the television showed black shirts torching the place - not a red shirt to be seen. Plus Black shirted thugs accosted both Red Shirt activists and the Police...

I Certainly hope the dodgy construction company and the RED Shirt criminals can be made accountable for these unfortunate alas additional victims.

What did the red shirts have to do with it?

Even though they burnt the place down, they can't be held responsible for shoddy construction methods.

True, but had they not started the fire, there would have been no need for scaffolding


RIP for the victims, a needless tragedy for both them and their families.

My guess is this is compounded of several causes:

1. Theft or sabotage of brackets/bolts

(red shirts? Could be - they don't like CW, remember - or just scavengers? Either is possible, maybe both, maybe one and the same!)


2. Overloading (pouring concrete? maybe...)


3. Poor supervision (asleep, down the brothel, watching TV, moonlighting)

I'll also put money on some low-level supervisor being found and made scapegoat (the company will like that) while 1 & 2 largely get overlooked.

How many construction sites in Thailand, or anywhere in the world for that matter, have you ever been on, much less actually worked at? Have you ever even been on a scaffold before?

Your post is nothing except spewing stereotypes wrapped up in your own little ethnocentric world in which everyone but you is an idiot.

2 people died, several were injured and all you can do is make stupid, ignorant posts on subject you haven't a clue about.


Thank you Th,needs to be said.

Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.


RIP for the victims, a needless tragedy for both them and their families.

My guess is this is compounded of several causes:

1. Theft or sabotage of brackets/bolts

(red shirts? Could be - they don't like CW, remember - or just scavengers? Either is possible, maybe both, maybe one and the same!)


2. Overloading (pouring concrete? maybe...)


3. Poor supervision (asleep, down the brothel, watching TV, moonlighting)

I'll also put money on some low-level supervisor being found and made scapegoat (the company will like that) while 1 & 2 largely get overlooked.

How many construction sites in Thailand, or anywhere in the world for that matter, have you ever been on, much less actually worked at? Have you ever even been on a scaffold before?

Your post is nothing except spewing stereotypes wrapped up in your own little ethnocentric world in which everyone but you is an idiot.

2 people died, several were injured and all you can do is make stupid, ignorant posts on subject you haven't a clue about.


Thank you Th,needs to be said.

Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all too blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you?

Make it 3 of us.....you wrote absolute twaddle, you may have started out being sympathic, but it deteroriated very quickly into absolute rubbish consisting of conspiracy theories and stereotyping


Lets all blame Karl Benz for road fatalities, or possibly whoever invented the first bullet for gun deaths.

Someone put up some scaffolding, some scaffolding fell down. Whoever built and designed the scaffolding is liable.

If we go back far enough in time as far as some are concerned. In the beginning was the word, and the word was...............

Whoops, wrong country, wrong religion. Obviously fault in Thailand falls a long way from the tree.


or possibly whoever invented the first bullet for gun deaths.

We can blame the Chinese for this, they invented gun powder....

and if all else fails...just blame the French.....:rolleyes:


I blame General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. Look. Let's use TVF logic. No coup hence no red shirt movement hence no burning of CW hence no scaffolding hence no collapse hence no deaths....shit, my Chang's empty.


or possibly whoever invented the first bullet for gun deaths.

We can blame the Chinese for this, they invented gun powder....

and if all else fails...just blame the French.....:rolleyes:

lets blame the french then, they colonised Cambodia. Who knows, maybe a frenchman once used a nut and a bolt, 6 degrees of separation, the french are to blame for everything in Thailand plus making scaffolding fall down.


I know I'm a newbie here, and I'm only here on an extended holiday, but I find it kind of funny about some of the hypocrisy on this board. I assume many people here, at least the most active ones, are expats, who live here at least part of the year, by choice, not by force. And I assume the very low cost of living is a big factor in attracting expats to come here. So it would only stand to reason that a low cost of living equates to corrupt gov't officials and lax enforcement of laws/regulations. Of course, things here are not going to be as well run as in USA/UK/Japan/etc. The people in general do not have the training, and they are always looking to cut corners. And since there is no legitimate oversight, since it is a 'developing' country, accidents like this are an inevitable part of this equation. If if this country was much more well ran, it would probably have a much higher standard of living, meaning it would be expensive, and most expats would not be here in the first place. Of course, this doesn't apply to the people on this board who are here for work, and I have no idea what that percentage is. But even the people working here may well have been sent here for reasons relating to the fact that this is a 'developing country'.

I do agree that it would be very nice for the Thai gov't to get serious about safety standards, and to expect a higher level of integrity and professionalism from all gov't officials, right down to the police. But the fact of the matter is that this is universally a problem in any country of a similar demographic/economic status. I would be more than happy to hear a counterpoint to this observation. I have clearly not been here long enough to be anything close to an expert on Thailand, this is just an observation I have made more as a first impression.


I blame General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. Look. Let's use TVF logic. No coup hence no red shirt movement hence no burning of CW hence no scaffolding hence no collapse hence no deaths....shit, my Chang's empty.

And there has to be a connection to the Thai Elite Card program somewhere in there....therefore its the Farangs fault....knew we would get there in the end..:lol:


Sorry Army burnt the thing down. It was in desperate need of refurb and the owners are very pally with the army.

Desperate need of refurb? Where are you getting this from? It had been refurbished at vast expense only a year or two prior.

It's the feature article in the latest Red Power magazine!


I blame General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. Look. Let's use TVF logic. No coup hence no red shirt movement hence no burning of CW hence no scaffolding hence no collapse hence no deaths....shit, my Chang's empty.

And there has to be a connection to the Thai Elite Card program somewhere in there....therefore its the Farangs fault....knew we would get there in the end..:lol:

Henry Bessemer for producing steel. But maybe he had a French great granddad.


I have clearly not been here long enough to be anything close to an expert on Thailand, this is just an observation I have made more as a first impression.

It shows, you are falling into generalisations and stereotyping, you are making statements of "fact" which you know nothing about.

so I am going to generalise.....

I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class, in fact I, feel safer working here than I have working in the so called 1st world countries...ie UK & US....so please do not automatically equate higher levels of safety with "well run" countries


I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class,

Mate I told you before being the bloke who holds the balloon between his legs while some Thai stripper shoots darts from her vag is not a job on par with CEO of Nestle. But would you listen? On no....


I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class,

Mate I told you before being the bloke who holds the balloon between his legs while some Thai stripper shoots darts from her vag is not a job on par with CEO of Nestle. But would you listen? On no....

That deserves to be framed.


I blame General Sonthi Boonyaratglin. Look. Let's use TVF logic. No coup hence no red shirt movement hence no burning of CW hence no scaffolding hence no collapse hence no deaths....shit, my Chang's empty.

And there has to be a connection to the Thai Elite Card program somewhere in there....therefore its the Farangs fault....knew we would get there in the end..:lol:

Henry Bessemer for producing steel. But maybe he had a French great granddad.

And for a Bessemer Converter to work we need oxygen, and who was one of the people who discovered oxygen ??.....you guessed it....A frenchman...Antoine Lavoisier, a French chemist...


I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class,

Mate I told you before being the bloke who holds the balloon between his legs while some Thai stripper shoots darts from her vag is not a job on par with CEO of Nestle. But would you listen? On no....

That deserves to be framed.

I'd be content with it not being deleted as off topic mate :lol:


I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class,

Mate I told you before being the bloke who holds the balloon between his legs while some Thai stripper shoots darts from her vag is not a job on par with CEO of Nestle. But would you listen? On no....

.:lol: .....been "drenched" a couple of times, but never had a dart stuck in me, so there we are a good safety record, 10 million man hours without a days away from work....


RIP for the victims, a needless tragedy for both them and their families.

My guess is this is compounded of several causes:

1. Theft or sabotage of brackets/bolts

(red shirts? Could be - they don't like CW, remember - or just scavengers? Either is possible, maybe both, maybe one and the same!)


2. Overloading (pouring concrete? maybe...)


3. Poor supervision (asleep, down the brothel, watching TV, moonlighting)

I'll also put money on some low-level supervisor being found and made scapegoat (the company will like that) while 1 & 2 largely get overlooked.

How many construction sites in Thailand, or anywhere in the world for that matter, have you ever been on, much less actually worked at? Have you ever even been on a scaffold before?

Your post is nothing except spewing stereotypes wrapped up in your own little ethnocentric world in which everyone but you is an idiot.

2 people died, several were injured and all you can do is make stupid, ignorant posts on subject you haven't a clue about.


Thank you Th,needs to be said.

Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.

You have no idea what caused this accident.

Conjecture is only conjecture.

TH made a valid point in my opinion.


I work in Thailand, and in the industry I am in, the safety standards in Thailand are world class,

Mate I told you before being the bloke who holds the balloon between his legs while some Thai stripper shoots darts from her vag is not a job on par with CEO of Nestle. But would you listen? On no....

.:lol: .....been "drenched" a couple of times, but never had a dart stuck in me, so there we are a good safety record, 10 million man hours without a days away from work....

" Drenched " Class. Pure class.


Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.

No problem, just sick of stupids.

You have no idea what caused this accident.

Conjecture is only conjecture.

TH made a valid point in my opinion.

What are stupids?

Conjecture is only conjecture? Yes. And? Is conjecture forbidden?


Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.

No problem, just sick of stupids.

You have no idea what caused this accident.

Conjecture is only conjecture.

TH made a valid point in my opinion.

What are stupids?

Multiple idiots ?.....:lol:


Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.

No problem, just sick of stupids.

You have no idea what caused this accident.

Conjecture is only conjecture.

TH made a valid point in my opinion.

What are stupids?

Conjecture is only conjecture? Yes. And? Is conjecture forbidden?

Sorry, let me make it easier for you.

I should have said stupid people.

Clearer now ???


Is endorsing a flame the same as a flame, as "philw" does here?

My point was that theft of essential materials, coupled with improper use and supervision were probably all to blame.

Exactly how is this "stupid" and "ignorant'? I'd also point out I began my post by paying respects to the unfortunate victims of this.

What's your problem? Both of you? Your reactions don' make any sense.

No problem, just sick of stupids.

You have no idea what caused this accident.

Conjecture is only conjecture.

TH made a valid point in my opinion.

What are stupids?

Multiple idiots ?.....:lol:



Cost cutting???? I Certainly hope the dodgy construction company and the RED Shirt criminals can be made accountable for these unfortunate alas additional victims.


also why was my post removed about the investigation? I simply said palms will be greased and it will all be forgotten about

Your post was removed because the moderators on this forum are ultra-sensitive about offending anyone who may read this forum. I've never had a post removed from any forum until I joined this one. Anyway, it's too bad about the people who died. Although it could have been much worse. If they ever introduce welfare in this country, I'm sure construction workers wages would automatically increase to a humane level, and in a round about way, bring some other benefits in the ways of safety to industries such as this one.


However, a team of investigators will be set up to find the cause of the collapse.

And then?

"And then?" And then Unstable Member Provocateur and jokers like him will post a bunch of unfounded speculations about shortcomings of the investigation. :cheesy:


reds to blame? government to blame? y'all are making the yellows feel like wall flowers at this dance!

let's see,, if it wasn't for the airport..... nah forgert it hahaha

You forgot. The Reds started it all when they attacked and injured hundreds in July 2007, pre-dating the airport occupation by a year and a half.

That action of theirs was the precursor to subsequent violent acts by both sides.

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