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Russian Caught In Pattaya Under-Age Sex Trap


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Russian Caught In Lolita Under-Age Sex Trap

PATTAYA: -- A Russian preying on under Lolita-like, 15-year-old girls, was arrested after being caught in the act - having sex and performing what Anti-Human Trafficking boss called ‘obscene acts’ - in an after-midnight raid. While in custody Investigations are in process to ascertain his involvement in an unnamed international porno ring.

Pattaya, 29 October 2010: Gospodin (Mr.) Rafael Sadxkob [51], Russian national, subject of a current pornography and under-age sex investigation currently being undertaken by police, was surprised in flagrante delicto with an under-15-year -old girl in his Jomtien Beach Condo in a 1am police raid, Thursday.

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“He dragged me into his car and later raped me!” ... She said she’d had paid sex with him five more times since at Bt500 a go.

<deleted> ... Why would you believe that he raped her if A ) she had paid sex with him five times after it, and B ) (although it doesn't specifically say it) she was working on Beach Road.

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Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

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Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

Accepted ... I wonder if she was dragged into the car the other 5 times.

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He seems to have been targeted as a 'known probable'.

But in general the plausibility of the girls statement is a bit suspect.

But then again she is 15 and under...

Well let the courts deal with it.

No bets on if the girl isn't back to Beachroad by the weekend.

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I thought I was having a crappy day till I read this guy's story.

Would nt want to trade places.

In as much as how stinky all the sting operation sounds to me, and obtusely confused why a SWAT officer should be involved with the arrest of an old allegedly pedo,,I should ask why is Lolita hanging out on beach road known to be home to violent lady boys.

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I hope they don't find out he is a pedophile in the Thai prisons, I hear they tough enough as it is. Then again, these scumbags wrote their own ticket didn't they. Hopefully his friends and people reading this topic will get the message and stop abusing children.

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Any girl looking remotely under 20 ought to be left alone. Foreigners coming to Thailand just to have cheap sex ought to be punished and immediately extradited without the right to ever return to the Kingdom

Edited by Renbe
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Caught in the Act after the police investigating him allowed him to take the 15 year old to his condo . Wait a bit , then raid the place , allowing him AGAIN to perform a lurid act so to trap him. If the girl was having intercourse when they raided then the police are just as guilty for letting him have the time to do her again.

As for the pedophile , give him the sentence he deserves .

As for the girl she is a minor , regardless of consent or not. Children need protecting .

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Caught in the Act after the police investigating him allowed him to take the 15 year old to his condo . Wait a bit , then raid the place , allowing him AGAIN to perform a lurid act so to trap him. If the girl was having intercourse when they raided then the police are just as guilty for letting him have the time to do her again.

As for the pedophile , give him the sentence he deserves .

As for the girl she is a minor , regardless of consent or not. Children need protecting .

Fully agree.

Just the Constitution Court scandals which was an obvious trap, those who set up the trap is guilty, and not those that fallen nto the trap.

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I am seriously confused.

so if he was under watch and was raping under-age girls, does that mean that BIB watched and allowed him to rape xxx number of girls before making a move in him???

if she was working on the beach road, does not that make her a working girl, ie a prostitute? So with all the raids the police has done on the beach they could not see her?!

He raped her, yet he paid her and took her another 5 times, how is that a rape? and if it was a rape the first time, why has not she reported it? and gone 5 more times?

If you ask me, the entire story is little stinky!!!!

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Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

Accepted ... I wonder if she was dragged into the car the other 5 times.

wish not got into this now----------historically multiple naughtiness goes on and may never be reported due to fear

Edited by neilf
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I am seriously confused.

so if he was under watch and was raping under-age girls, does that mean that BIB watched and allowed him to rape xxx number of girls before making a move in him???

if she was working on the beach road, does not that make her a working girl, ie a prostitute? So with all the raids the police has done on the beach they could not see her?!

He raped her, yet he paid her and took her another 5 times, how is that a rape? and if it was a rape the first time, why has not she reported it? and gone 5 more times?

If you ask me, the entire story is little stinky!!!!

It's not so confusing, really.

It's just as illegal to have sex with an underaged prostitute as an underaged non-prostitute.

The word rape as used here is most probably referring to the legal charge not a violent act, which means all sex with underaged persons is legally considered rape, apparent consent or not. Minors aren't legally able to give consent so these sex acts are considered forced sex acts, thus, rape.

Of course, sometimes people charged with underaged crimes are ALSO guilty of forced violent sex acts, but most likely not in this case if the report is true and the minor was actively hooking.

Edited by Jingthing
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I am seriously confused.

so if he was under watch and was raping under-age girls, does that mean that BIB watched and allowed him to rape xxx number of girls before making a move in him???

if she was working on the beach road, does not that make her a working girl, ie a prostitute? So with all the raids the police has done on the beach they could not see her?!

He raped her, yet he paid her and took her another 5 times, how is that a rape? and if it was a rape the first time, why has not she reported it? and gone 5 more times?

If you ask me, the entire story is little stinky!!!!

I would imagine they knew her as an underage working girl,

and so knew that chances were good, 30 minutes after she went up there,

he would be caught in flagrante delicto.

I suspect she might be one of his 'older playmates', he was known to frequent,

but never nabbed with the young ones for some reason, but they couldn't be

sure with the youngest, so went for the sure thing. Supposition of course.

At least he's off the streets now.

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Rape is rape. There is an age of consent. She is under it. Therefore can not give consent. Ergo rape. Clear?

The role of the Police is pitiful but then that's Thailand. Yes they condone it by allowing it to take place in order to have evidence. Whereas, they actually are aware of other ocassions when the couple repeated a pattern of bahaviour that resulted in them spending time alone in the condo.

There is adequate evidence by way of the girl's statement and a medical examination to establish that sex with the Russian did take place. The need for the police to hide in the closet and spring out [plan a] was not needed.

My hair has worn thin from scratching as I struggle to understand the police let alone how they think. After all this, he'll make bail, pay his tab and just go gently back into that dark night.

Well done Boris and Plod.

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If this was a police setup and the prostituting minor looked as if she MAY have been of legal age, a good defense case could be made in many countries that the perp was unfairly entrapped. I don't know what the minor looked like, but this is Thailand, and aspects of "fairness" are not the same here.

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Caught in the Act after the police investigating him allowed him to take the 15 year old to his condo . Wait a bit , then raid the place , allowing him AGAIN to perform a lurid act so to trap him. If the girl was having intercourse when they raided then the police are just as guilty for letting him have the time to do her again.

As for the pedophile , give him the sentence he deserves .

As for the girl she is a minor , regardless of consent or not. Children need protecting .

After 5 more times, she needs protecting from herself.

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Isn't 15 the legal age in Thailand??

The youngest I've been was 17. But I had only just turned 23. Not quite old enough to be her father unlike most of ya'll 555

The youngest I've been is zero. How did you manage 17.

I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

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Isn't 15 the legal age in Thailand??

The youngest I've been was 17. But I had only just turned 23. Not quite old enough to be her father unlike most of ya'll 555

The youngest I've been is zero. How did you manage 17.

I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

Meh, she wasn't Thai, so mai pen rai.

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"He dragged me into his car and later raped me!" claimed the anonymous 'Lolita'. Lolita told police that was how she had first met Gospodin Rafael on Pattaya's notorious Beach Road some time ago. She said she'd had paid sex with him five more times since at Bt500 a go.

Police spokesman Lt.Col. Panya Cha-emthet, Anti-Human Trafficking boss, told Pattaya Daily News that Gospodin Rafael has been under lengthy surveillance as part of an ongoing, coordinated anti-teeny-sex and pornography operation."

I suspect that this is not as it seems.

I could be wrong (but I am sometimes right) but isn't underage for sex in Thailand under 15? (I have a number of Thai friends who were married with a child at 15.)

So, is it underage sex?

"He raped me but then I had sex 5 times with him after giving my consent for 500 baht" ? This is not normal. I suspect that he may not have raped her - perhaps he just did not pay her the first time? Maybe he broke a verbal contract, but is that rape? (I honestly do not know.)

The police had him "under lengthy surveillance as part of an ongoing, coordinated anti-teeny-sex and pornography operation." Teenage sex is not a crime once they reach the age of consent! However, pornography is a crime!

I am confused. Time for bed said Zeberdee! :whistling:

Edited by Tropicalevo
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Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

Right on.

This is why they call minors willing to have sex, jail bait. Once taken the bait the guy becomes just like the fish in a fisherman`s net: OWNED.

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I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

Lets not be silly now. It's 15; 18 with prostitute.

It's only 13 in Japan!!! 555

Same for Spain, though I think the scenario of an old man tainting a girl of this age is frowned upon nonetheless, as it should be.

But just to get things into perspective, there is no age of consent in Saudi/Oman, though you need to be married :blink: ... guess that's Mohammed off the hook.


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