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Russian Caught In Pattaya Under-Age Sex Trap


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A little perspective.. Just over 20 years ago, the gogo bars on Patpong were FULL of gals 14-19 years old.

Back then, a high school education was for the lucky few. Most kids were on their own after graduating from 6th grade aged 12 or 13.

At that point they could work with their family or find another way to survive.

Go ahead and hang me high, but I'd much rather see a 15 year old dancing nud_e than these stretch marked, tattooed, body pierced ladies and ladyboys that now fill the "entertainment" zones.

A pedophile seeks relationships with pre pubescent kids. That Russian guy is likely not a pedophile.

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Rape is often a legal term in many countries, typically applying to sex with underage persons, whether they consent, or not. The legal premise is that minors are not technically capable of giving consent. In other words, there are many ways that the word rape is used. It does beggar belief that the underage victim though used the term in this instance. It sounds more like that was some kind of lost in translation event.

Accepted ... I wonder if she was dragged into the car the other 5 times.

I think that any normal child being dragged of the street into a car and raped would be extreemly traumatised. I could not see her meeting up with her attacker on another 5 occassions. Apart from this he has a huge hurdle to jump as she is a minor

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A little perspective.. Just over 20 years ago, the gogo bars on Patpong were FULL of gals 14-19 years old.

Back then, a high school education was for the lucky few. Most kids were on their own after graduating from 6th grade aged 12 or 13.

At that point they could work with their family or find another way to survive.

Go ahead and hang me high, but I'd much rather see a 15 year old dancing nud_e than these stretch marked, tattooed, body pierced ladies and ladyboys that now fill the "entertainment" zones.

A pedophile seeks relationships with pre pubescent kids. That Russian guy is likely not a pedophile.

Do you understand what you have said?

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Isn't 15 the legal age in Thailand??

The youngest I've been was 17. But I had only just turned 23. Not quite old enough to be her father unlike most of ya'll 555

The youngest I've been is zero. How did you manage 17.

I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

Yep he has just admitted to being a sex offender under thai law. Hope it was just a typing error

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I am seriously confused.

so if he was under watch and was raping under-age girls, does that mean that BIB watched and allowed him to rape xxx number of girls before making a move in him???

if she was working on the beach road, does not that make her a working girl, ie a prostitute? So with all the raids the police has done on the beach they could not see her?!

He raped her, yet he paid her and took her another 5 times, how is that a rape? and if it was a rape the first time, why has not she reported it? and gone 5 more times?

If you ask me, the entire story is little stinky!!!!

I would imagine they knew her as an underage working girl,

and so knew that chances were good, 30 minutes after she went up there,

he would be caught in flagrante delicto.

I suspect she might be one of his 'older playmates', he was known to frequent,

but never nabbed with the young ones for some reason, but they couldn't be

sure with the youngest, so went for the sure thing. Supposition of course.

At least he's off the streets now.

Anyone considered he may be wealthy and thus viewed as a source of income to BIB ?

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A little perspective.. Just over 20 years ago, the gogo bars on Patpong were FULL of gals 14-19 years old.

Back then, a high school education was for the lucky few. Most kids were on their own after graduating from 6th grade aged 12 or 13.

At that point they could work with their family or find another way to survive.

Go ahead and hang me high, but I'd much rather see a 15 year old dancing nud_e than these stretch marked, tattooed, body pierced ladies and ladyboys that now fill the "entertainment" zones.

A pedophile seeks relationships with pre pubescent kids. That Russian guy is likely not a pedophile.

Do you understand what you have said?

I totally understand what I said and I stand by it.

You really didn't need to change my post when you quoted me. I underscored nothing. I know it would be foolhardy to go out and look for something that used to exist, but no longer does except for the wealthy Thais in private clubs.

I also believe that I am in a silent majority non politically correct camp when discussing this "taboo" subject.

A person cannot talk about the aesthetic beauty of young ladies under 18 without being painted with the broad brush of being sick or sexually deviant.

There is a modern witch hunt that makes some people feel good in their convictions that those dirty pedophiles are less than human and their sins make your sins more acceptable or less atrocious.

Go ahead and enjoy watching the ladyboys and stretch marked tattooed and pierced skanks that make up the vast majority of what is supposed to be entertaining.... I won't judge your tastes.

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I fear this girl is nothing more than a tool of the male natives, and females accessories here. This would include her father (if she has contact with him), her male peers, who pimp her out, or "love" her and ask her to get them money; and even the police, who do not seem that interested in her personal safety up to the point of being violated sexually. Yes; she is simply a tool; and I submit that she is a willing tool. That incriminates her, as well as the male natives who use her. She performs for the native males, and gets something in return; something that she is willing to barter for that brings some sort of comfort or balance into her chaotic life. She may not be at the age of consent for the foreigners, but she certainly has consented to numerous encounters and abuses with her male counterparts. Otherwise, where are the rap sheets of all the native males who have raped her? And why is it that this particular girl always seems to find herself on her backside with a male on top of her? What part of "STAY HOME" does she not get?

She is 15, and probably fits somewhere into that percentile of teenagers who become impregnated by the native males while they are 13 years of age or so. She is 15 and clearly sexually active. One would be a damned fool to assume that she limits her sexual activity exclusively towards foreigners. I could just as easily say that she limits the major portion of her sexual activities towards the Thai males, which subsequently is a no-profit game for her, and only reaches out to the foreigners when cash is needed. Again, she is a tool of the native males.

As far as the emotional damage, I suspect there is not much remaining in her head or body to damage (according to Western standards) at this point of her life, and subsequently would be of little or no value or worth to the NGO's and Do-gooders. This, simply due to the fact that were they to rescue this poor innocent girl, then these groups would be responsible for ensuring (at taxpayer's expense) that she behave like a good little girl, and not take advantage of the new established environment, as well as slip back into her old behavior on the side.

As it is quite evident to me that these cast-off females in Thai society (made that way by their own masters) are of no interest to the Thai people themselves, then it is possible that these cast-off girls become the human resources for adult Thai males (and accessory females) to perform any act towards them as a means to an end; personal sexual gratification, or a method of increasing their income, and quite possibly as a means to create the illusion that the system "works" because these animals are in control. "Let's put her in harms way, and then rescue her, so we can mug for the cameras! Brilliant! And also, let's ignore how she got that way! Absolutely!"

Any police officer could swing a dead cat and hit a Thai breaking the written law. That is a certainty. From driving under age / without helmets / licenses, illegal squatting, drunkenness, prostitution, domestic violence, and on and on. It almost seems that there is no interest in enforcing the law against a people who do not respect their own laws, and do not have the finances to support the ones who are supposed to enforce these laws. Enter the foreigner and their bank cards. Use the natives to entrap the foreigner and generate the income to exist. This girl is a tool. Beyond that she is useless and a cast off. No money to be gained off her, but only through her, until she is no longer a shiny ornament to attract the moths.

Now, beyond that opinion of mine, this story is useless towards bringing about a stoppage of foreign predators. Since it is my belief that the laws are more or less enforced towards foreigners, and ignored towards the natives who do not respect them and can not produce any funds to defend themselves, it is my belief that crimes like these will never reveal the true source of the problem, simply because it is not a problem in the minds of these people. It is simply a means that gives Thais the right to set out bait to get foreigners to pay their way out of a situation that is ignored towards those who have no money, and who simply do not care.

Thai people are fond of defending themselves against foreigners by saying, "This is our country, if you were not here, this would not have happened." Perhaps what they are really saying, is, "As long as you are here, we will use little girls and boys (underage human bait) from the stables of what we like to do anyway (have sex with underage girls and boys) to do everything possible to tempt and lure you, the foreigner, into a pay or suffer situation." I see no other consideration towards the good will of any humans in this matter beyond the pocket books of the accusers and the offended.

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I fear this girl is nothing more than a tool of the male natives, and females accessories here. This would include her father (if she has contact with him), her male peers, who pimp her out, or "love" her and ask her to get them money; and even the police, who do not seem that interested in her personal safety up to the point of being violated sexually. Yes; she is simply a tool; and I submit that she is a willing tool. That incriminates her, as well as the male natives who use her. She performs for the native males, and gets something in return; something that she is willing to barter for that brings some sort of comfort or balance into her chaotic life. She may not be at the age of consent for the foreigners, but she certainly has consented to numerous encounters and abuses with her male counterparts. Otherwise, where are the rap sheets of all the native males who have raped her? And why is it that this particular girl always seems to find herself on her backside with a male on top of her? What part of "STAY HOME" does she not get?

She is 15, and probably fits somewhere into that percentile of teenagers who become impregnated by the native males while they are 13 years of age or so. She is 15 and clearly sexually active. One would be a damned fool to assume that she limits her sexual activity exclusively towards foreigners. I could just as easily say that she limits the major portion of her sexual activities towards the Thai males, which subsequently is a no-profit game for her, and only reaches out to the foreigners when cash is needed. Again, she is a tool of the native males.

As far as the emotional damage, I suspect there is not much remaining in her head or body to damage (according to Western standards) at this point of her life, and subsequently would be of little or no value or worth to the NGO's and Do-gooders. This, simply due to the fact that were they to rescue this poor innocent girl, then these groups would be responsible for ensuring (at taxpayer's expense) that she behave like a good little girl, and not take advantage of the new established environment, as well as slip back into her old behavior on the side.

As it is quite evident to me that these cast-off females in Thai society (made that way by their own masters) are of no interest to the Thai people themselves, then it is possible that these cast-off girls become the human resources for adult Thai males (and accessory females) to perform any act towards them as a means to an end; personal sexual gratification, or a method of increasing their income, and quite possibly as a means to create the illusion that the system "works" because these animals are in control. "Let's put her in harms way, and then rescue her, so we can mug for the cameras! Brilliant! And also, let's ignore how she got that way! Absolutely!"

Any police officer could swing a dead cat and hit a Thai breaking the written law. That is a certainty. From driving under age / without helmets / licenses, illegal squatting, drunkenness, prostitution, domestic violence, and on and on. It almost seems that there is no interest in enforcing the law against a people who do not respect their own laws, and do not have the finances to support the ones who are supposed to enforce these laws. Enter the foreigner and their bank cards. Use the natives to entrap the foreigner and generate the income to exist. This girl is a tool. Beyond that she is useless and a cast off. No money to be gained off her, but only through her, until she is no longer a shiny ornament to attract the moths.

Now, beyond that opinion of mine, this story is useless towards bringing about a stoppage of foreign predators. Since it is my belief that the laws are more or less enforced towards foreigners, and ignored towards the natives who do not respect them and can not produce any funds to defend themselves, it is my belief that crimes like these will never reveal the true source of the problem, simply because it is not a problem in the minds of these people. It is simply a means that gives Thais the right to set out bait to get foreigners to pay their way out of a situation that is ignored towards those who have no money, and who simply do not care.

Thai people are fond of defending themselves against foreigners by saying, "This is our country, if you were not here, this would not have happened." Perhaps what they are really saying, is, "As long as you are here, we will use little girls and boys (underage human bait) from the stables of what we like to do anyway (have sex with underage girls and boys) to do everything possible to tempt and lure you, the foreigner, into a pay or suffer situation." I see no other consideration towards the good will of any humans in this matter beyond the pocket books of the accusers and the offended.

Funny you bring that up. Speaking to almost all girls "working" they all say they started at the age of 12-13, usually they do start in Thai only brothels (usually this is where they are sold) and 3-4 years later end up on the foreign market.

This is not to defend the guy, but to me it sounds like it was more like a money making operation rather then "saving a life one"

Every time gogo bar gets raided, there is always 1-5 girls found working of underage and these are the known bars, what about all other bars that are visited by the BIB? I am sure the % of underage is much much higher.

I have personally known a girl who was sold for one night at the age of 14 for 30 000 baht. later at 15 she was sold to a gogo bar in bkk on a 4 year contract. Sold by her mother. Rest assured mother would not be pressing any charges for rape or anything of a kind if she was being paid.

By the age of 22, according to her own words all she is good for is sex and her only money making skill is her vagina. Sad yes, but a reality for many of those girls.

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this topic will stay open for serious and civil discussion.

Be aware the person mentioned in this article has not yet been tried by a Court of Law.

We will not tolerate:

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- flames, racist comments or insults

If posters cannot follow these restrictions then the topic will be closed immediately and all members in violation of these restrictions will earn an immediate suspension.

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And all this from a guy named "Rimmer". Kind of hard to ... swallow (sorry :whistling: )

(I will probably be crucified. So let this be a test of how much freedom of speech is a human right with a horizontal enforcement.)

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Caught in the Act after the police investigating him allowed him to take the 15 year old to his condo . Wait a bit , then raid the place , allowing him AGAIN to perform a lurid act so to trap him. If the girl was having intercourse when they raided then the police are just as guilty for letting him have the time to do her again.

As for the pedophile , give him the sentence he deserves .

As for the girl she is a minor , regardless of consent or not. Children need protecting .

Fully agree.

Just the Constitution Court scandals which was an obvious trap, those who set up the trap is guilty, and not those that fallen nto the trap.

I don't follow your logic. The Americans have arrested a Pakistani American citizen who plotted with undercover US security agents (in a sting trap) to bomb the New York metro. Are you saying that they should let him go?

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Go ahead and enjoy watching the ladyboys and stretch marked tattooed and pierced skanks that make up the vast majority of what is supposed to be entertaining.... I won't judge your tastes.

Apparently there is a demand for those type or else they wouldn't be there. I personally can't see what the attraction is. Girls in pattaya are certainly bottom of the barrel, but guys are dishing out big cash for these well used over the hill types.

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Rape is rape. There is an age of consent. She is under it. Therefore can not give consent. Ergo rape. Clear?

Actually, that isn't the case in most countries. Rape is rape (forced sex with violence and/or treats), sex with a minor is sex with a minor.

I do however know that in the US for example they have decided to legally confuse the terms for political grand-standings.

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Isn't 15 the legal age in Thailand??

The youngest I've been was 17. But I had only just turned 23. Not quite old enough to be her father unlike most of ya'll 555

The youngest I've been is zero. How did you manage 17.

I think you will find the age of consent is 18, so admitting the 17 year old on a public forum monitored by government agencies is probably not the wisest thing to do. Just a thought.

Yep he has just admitted to being a sex offender under thai law. Hope it was just a typing error

No, he isn't a sex-offender under Thai law. Nor was his sexual adventure in Thailand (most countries, incl. EU, have a lower age of consent than 18) which you would know if you read the posts before you replied.

So now you are guilty of slander.

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Rape is rape. There is an age of consent. She is under it. Therefore can not give consent. Ergo rape. Clear?

Actually, that isn't the case in most countries. Rape is rape (forced sex with violence and/or treats), sex with a minor is sex with a minor.

I do however know that in the US for example they have decided to legally confuse the terms for political grand-standings.

I am under the impression that Thai law also classifies underage sex (adult - minor) as rape. You are correct these things vary across countries. I am also pretty certain Thai law has (at least) two severity classifications for such crimes, depending on age of the minor. In other words, as most would find reasonable, it is a more severe crime to have sex with a 10 year old than with a 17 year old.

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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

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Pattaya is aptly known as "Sleaze By the Sea", and justifiably so. Tourists (sex or otherwise), are wisely advised to stay away. The place is one big trouble area.

Have you actually been to Pattaya?

Where is it advised to stay away?

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Sex with a minor is statutory rape, even if consent is give by the minor,

because they are considered not old enough to give informed consent.

You are using legal terms, and laws and definitions of those terms vary in every country. It is rarely as black and white as sex with a girl under a certain age and your in the nick. Especially in this part of the world.

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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


"If the commission of the offence according to

the first paragraph is committed against a girl

not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

"If the commission of the offence according to

the first of second paragraph is committed by

participation of persons in the nature of raping

and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

explosives, the offender shall be punished with

imprisonment for life."

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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

As supplied to me by my Police nieghbour as I mentioned before..

Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


"If the commission of the offence according to

the first paragraph is committed against a girl

not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

"If the commission of the offence according to

the first of second paragraph is committed by

participation of persons in the nature of raping

and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

explosives, the offender shall be punished with

imprisonment for life."

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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

As supplied to me by my Police nieghbour as I mentioned before..

Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


"If the commission of the offence according to

the first paragraph is committed against a girl

not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

"If the commission of the offence according to

the first of second paragraph is committed by

participation of persons in the nature of raping

and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

explosives, the offender shall be punished with

imprisonment for life."

From where have you copy and pasted that? From http://www.ageofcons...om/thailand.htm :

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over fifteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

As supplied to me by my Police nieghbour as I mentioned before..

Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


"If the commission of the offence according to

the first paragraph is committed against a girl

not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

"If the commission of the offence according to

the first of second paragraph is committed by

participation of persons in the nature of raping

and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

explosives, the offender shall be punished with

imprisonment for life."

From where have you copy and pasted that? From http://www.ageofcons...om/thailand.htm :

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over fifteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


emailed to me .

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I fear this girl is nothing more than a tool of the male natives, and females accessories here. This would include her father (if she has contact with him), her male peers, who pimp her out, or "love" her and ask her to get them money; and even the police, who do not seem that interested in her personal safety up to the point of being violated sexually. Yes; she is simply a tool; and I submit that she is a willing tool. That incriminates her, as well as the male natives who use her. She performs for the native males, and gets something in return; something that she is willing to barter for that brings some sort of comfort or balance into her chaotic life. She may not be at the age of consent for the foreigners, but she certainly has consented to numerous encounters and abuses with her male counterparts. Otherwise, where are the rap sheets of all the native males who have raped her? And why is it that this particular girl always seems to find herself on her backside with a male on top of her? What part of "STAY HOME" does she not get?

She is 15, and probably fits somewhere into that percentile of teenagers who become impregnated by the native males while they are 13 years of age or so. She is 15 and clearly sexually active. One would be a damned fool to assume that she limits her sexual activity exclusively towards foreigners. I could just as easily say that she limits the major portion of her sexual activities towards the Thai males, which subsequently is a no-profit game for her, and only reaches out to the foreigners when cash is needed. Again, she is a tool of the native males.

As far as the emotional damage, I suspect there is not much remaining in her head or body to damage (according to Western standards) at this point of her life, and subsequently would be of little or no value or worth to the NGO's and Do-gooders. This, simply due to the fact that were they to rescue this poor innocent girl, then these groups would be responsible for ensuring (at taxpayer's expense) that she behave like a good little girl, and not take advantage of the new established environment, as well as slip back into her old behavior on the side.

As it is quite evident to me that these cast-off females in Thai society (made that way by their own masters) are of no interest to the Thai people themselves, then it is possible that these cast-off girls become the human resources for adult Thai males (and accessory females) to perform any act towards them as a means to an end; personal sexual gratification, or a method of increasing their income, and quite possibly as a means to create the illusion that the system "works" because these animals are in control. "Let's put her in harms way, and then rescue her, so we can mug for the cameras! Brilliant! And also, let's ignore how she got that way! Absolutely!"

Any police officer could swing a dead cat and hit a Thai breaking the written law. That is a certainty. From driving under age / without helmets / licenses, illegal squatting, drunkenness, prostitution, domestic violence, and on and on. It almost seems that there is no interest in enforcing the law against a people who do not respect their own laws, and do not have the finances to support the ones who are supposed to enforce these laws. Enter the foreigner and their bank cards. Use the natives to entrap the foreigner and generate the income to exist. This girl is a tool. Beyond that she is useless and a cast off. No money to be gained off her, but only through her, until she is no longer a shiny ornament to attract the moths.

Now, beyond that opinion of mine, this story is useless towards bringing about a stoppage of foreign predators. Since it is my belief that the laws are more or less enforced towards foreigners, and ignored towards the natives who do not respect them and can not produce any funds to defend themselves, it is my belief that crimes like these will never reveal the true source of the problem, simply because it is not a problem in the minds of these people. It is simply a means that gives Thais the right to set out bait to get foreigners to pay their way out of a situation that is ignored towards those who have no money, and who simply do not care.

Thai people are fond of defending themselves against foreigners by saying, "This is our country, if you were not here, this would not have happened." Perhaps what they are really saying, is, "As long as you are here, we will use little girls and boys (underage human bait) from the stables of what we like to do anyway (have sex with underage girls and boys) to do everything possible to tempt and lure you, the foreigner, into a pay or suffer situation." I see no other consideration towards the good will of any humans in this matter beyond the pocket books of the accusers and the offended.


CoC is 100% correct. It is well documented that 99% of the rapes are committed by Thais, not farangs, yet where are their pictures in the newspapers? You would think that only farangs were committing these crimes. These police tactics have been going on for a while, but have increased since the financial collapse in 2008. In Koh Samui I have been approached by several girls from 12-14 who were soliciting their services. In each case they told me they were underage so I assumed it was a trap. Several of my friends have taken bar girls home only to find out the next morning that they were only 14 -- hard to blame them since they assumed all bar girls had to be 18. All farangs be very careful out there as this is becoming a major cash cow for the police.

Edited by parallaxtech
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@ TAWP I am not guilty of slander and have checked my facts. The age of consent in Thailand is eighteen (18) http://www.avert.org...-of-consent.htm Also confirmed with my nieghbour (BIB) and Thai wife, 18 is the legal age.

You can't even read your own dam_n source properly, see note 15 "Although Thailand's age of consent is usually said to be 15, the laws can be interpreted to allow prosecution for sex with someone under 18. Due to this, we have stated 18 as the age of consent."

As supplied to me by my Police nieghbour as I mentioned before..

Referrence: Section 277 of The Thai Penal Code:

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over eighteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


"If the commission of the offence according to

the first paragraph is committed against a girl

not yet over thirteen years of age, the offender

shall be punished with imprisonment of seven

to twenty years and fine of Bt14,000 to

Bt40,000 or imprisonment for life.

"If the commission of the offence according to

the first of second paragraph is committed by

participation of persons in the nature of raping

and/or murdering a girl, or by using weapons or

explosives, the offender shall be punished with

imprisonment for life."

From where have you copy and pasted that? From http://www.ageofcons...om/thailand.htm :

"WHOEVER has sexual intercourse with a girl

not yet over fifteen years of age and not being

his own wife, whether such girl shall consent or

not, shall be punished with imprisonment of four

to twenty years and fined between Bt8,000 to


Just checked your link and is different to that given to me by BIB,

I. Ages for legal purposes

Age of simple majority

According to the Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act, " child " means a person who is not

yet over 18 years of age.

I guess when in Thailand the safe bet is believe the BIB over expats. Take advice from expats could end up in goal.

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Just checked your link and is different to that given to me by BIB,

I. Ages for legal purposes

Age of simple majority

According to the Prostitution Prevention and Suppression Act, " child " means a person who is not

yet over 18 years of age.

I guess when in Thailand the safe bet is believe the BIB over expats. Take advice from expats could end up in goal.

Is there a date on what was emailed to you? The link has 2002 dates. It's possible it's been updated since then.

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