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Best Advise To Give Someone Who Will Be Working Or Living In Thailand


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Avoid the kind of women that mark45y and boredinbangkok seem to attract.

Don't pigeonhole people.

Expect to be treated with the same level of respect / contempt that you show to others.

Quote "I spent 20k on a night out here once

I'm planning on going out tomorrow I will be heading for the seedier side of town."

If you recognize the above posts, perhaps it is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

Having said that my post related to beautiful Thai women. And that is the kind of women I attract. Are you suggesting avoiding beautiful women?

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Thailand probably has more beautiful available women than any other country on the planet. YOU'RE ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON DEAR CHAP, MERELY TO CAUTION 'AVAILABLE' MEANS CHEAPEST.HO'S ON THE PLANET. Pace yourself. AS THE WILL SCREW ANYTHING WITH A WALLET, YES! EVEN YOU!

In other countries you may have to resort to marriage to be with a beautiful woman. YES, THEY'RE MUCH MORE PICKY AND OF COURSE THEIR PARTICULAR SOCIAL/CULTURAL STRUCTURE, IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT TO ANYTHING HERE.. Not so Thailand. Pace yourself.

In other countries there may be reasons to buy things. In Thailand there are many lease opportunities. MIA CHAOS, Pace yourself.


You will never run out of beautiful women in Thailand.HMMMM.... Don't worry. Pace yourself. AGAIN?!

Hi so women and lo so women have one big difference. If you find out what it is email me because I have not found it. Pace yourself.

Yes. In my experience, 'hi so's' are exactly the spoiled demanding brats from 'back home'. And the 'lo so's, well not much conversation. But they're ever so ever so grateful take care you. Or have you hacked to pieces:lol: (okay, very rare).

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I would say with the way Thailand is heading as a country . DONT. Unless the person in question is coming to Thailand to take up a really good job. 150,000 baht a month plus. If they are coming to start a business then i would tell them forget about it. Might as well go to Vegas and put all there money on red or black.

Dont listen to lines like that jap.gif

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Reply to immysights,

Available does not mean prostitutes. It may mean that to you but not to me. Available means women across the spectrum of all levels of Thai society.

Hi so women spoiled? Maybe new money hi so's. Old money hi so's with traditional Thai values in my experience are not spoiled. I don't live in Bangkok and don't know any women who live in Bangkok or Pattaya or Phuket for that matter.

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Avoid the kind of women that mark45y and boredinbangkok seem to attract.

Don't pigeonhole people.

Expect to be treated with the same level of respect / contempt that you show to others.

Quote "I spent 20k on a night out here once

I'm planning on going out tomorrow I will be heading for the seedier side of town."

If you recognize the above posts, perhaps it is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

Having said that my post related to beautiful Thai women. And that is the kind of women I attract. Are you suggesting avoiding beautiful women?

No, I'm suggesting that if you think marriage is some kind of last resort in order to end up with a beautiful woman then maybe you are attracting the wrong kind of beautiful women. On the other hand, I guess it could just be a natural disinclination to marry on your part but even so it is a strangly worded sentiment.

I don't see how my enjoying some of the less resepctable aspects of Thailand's nightlife justifies your accusation of the pot calling the kettle black.....maybe you could explain? And what does the amount of money I spend on a night out have to do with any of this?

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Avoid the kind of women that mark45y and boredinbangkok seem to attract.

Don't pigeonhole people.

Expect to be treated with the same level of respect / contempt that you show to others.

Quote "I spent 20k on a night out here once

I'm planning on going out tomorrow I will be heading for the seedier side of town."

If you recognize the above posts, perhaps it is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

Having said that my post related to beautiful Thai women. And that is the kind of women I attract. Are you suggesting avoiding beautiful women?

No, I'm suggesting that if you think marriage is some kind of last resort in order to end up with a beautiful woman then maybe you are attracting the wrong kind of beautiful women. On the other hand, I guess it could just be a natural disinclination to marry on your part but even so it is a strangly worded sentiment.

I don't see how my enjoying some of the less resepctable aspects of Thailand's nightlife justifies your accusation of the pot calling the kettle black.....maybe you could explain? And what does the amount of money I spend on a night out have to do with any of this?

You said to avoid the women I attract. I assumed you meant professional women (ergo my statement about the 20k for an evenings entertainment). I don't attract any more professional women than anyone else. I assumed a bias against BG's. Sorry if I was wrong.

I've been married three times. I am a bit burned out.

I think men feel that marriage is a bargaining chip to be with a beautiful woman. I realize as an older man dating younger women in the west the prospect of marriage was one factor in the equation of attracting a beautiful woman.

It is not necessary in Thailand. There are enough beautiful women to go around without throwing out the carrot of marriage.

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Best Advise To Give Someone Who Will Be Working Or Living In Thailand:

work: don't come here for work, except for an international company of course or part of a reality show, if you have not lived here a while and know the place.

living: spent only that much you can afford to go away by loosing all that long time.

edited - attempt to be stuffy

Edited by Birdman
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Avoid the kind of women that mark45y and boredinbangkok seem to attract.

Don't pigeonhole people.

Expect to be treated with the same level of respect / contempt that you show to others.

Quote "I spent 20k on a night out here once

I'm planning on going out tomorrow I will be heading for the seedier side of town."

If you recognize the above posts, perhaps it is a matter of the pot calling the kettle black.

Having said that my post related to beautiful Thai women. And that is the kind of women I attract. Are you suggesting avoiding beautiful women?

No, I'm suggesting that if you think marriage is some kind of last resort in order to end up with a beautiful woman then maybe you are attracting the wrong kind of beautiful women. On the other hand, I guess it could just be a natural disinclination to marry on your part but even so it is a strangly worded sentiment.

I don't see how my enjoying some of the less resepctable aspects of Thailand's nightlife justifies your accusation of the pot calling the kettle black.....maybe you could explain? And what does the amount of money I spend on a night out have to do with any of this?

You said to avoid the women I attract. I assumed you meant professional women (ergo my statement about the 20k for an evenings entertainment). I don't attract any more professional women than anyone else. I assumed a bias against BG's. Sorry if I was wrong.

I've been married three times. I am a bit burned out.

I think men feel that marriage is a bargaining chip to be with a beautiful woman. I realize as an older man dating younger women in the west the prospect of marriage was one factor in the equation of attracting a beautiful woman.

It is not necessary in Thailand. There are enough beautiful women to go around without throwing out the carrot of marriage.

I think we are talking at cross purposes here. I didn't spend any of the 20k in my example evening out on prostitutes. If you've had enough of marriage that's your personal decision of course. I've never been married in fact. It's just the way you word your feelings that makes it sound like you think women are a commodity rather than human beings, i.e. considering marriage as a carrot that some of them need in order to be persuaded to spend time with a man.

I am biased against bar girls, hookers, hos or whatever you like to call them, as far as long term relationships go but that's straying a bit far from the OP's question I think and is a topic that has been done to death in numerous other threads. I don't think anybody "attracts" bargirls, they pay for them.

Edited by inthepink
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My advice is come and live here for a while first, travel around to get the feel of the place, don't make any quick commitments, bear in mind it takes a quite a while to know what Thailand is really like, go back home and think it through.:jap:

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. Unless the person in question is coming to Thailand to take up a really good job. 150,000 baht a month plus.

You think 150k/month is a really good job ??:cheesy: .....talk 500k + a month and we are starting to get warmer...

150k/m is an ok job I guess

Almost £3,000 a month is just ok? So, you would not recommend life in Thailand unless you can earn over 10x what Thai people earn?

Do you need a butler by any chance? I'll pm you my cv :)

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I would say with the way Thailand is heading as a country . DONT. Unless the person in question is coming to Thailand to take up a really good job. 150,000 baht a month plus. If they are coming to start a business then i would tell them forget about it. Might as well go to Vegas and put all there money on red or black.

Putting all your money on Johnny Walker is not gambling, its alcoholism

There's better whiskies out there


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Most important advice I would offer is to know why you are in Thailand.

If you are here for work, make sure you have options in case you lose your job or no longer want it. Living in Thailand means always knowing what you will do if the money runs out. Being rich and in Thailand can be exciting. Being poor and in Thailand is hel_l, and not something I would wish on my worst enemy. Money is everything in this country.

If you are here for the naughty night life, then don't get caught up in the illusion. As several others have mentioned, this is not the West. Watch how the Thai men treat these girls, and emulate them. If you leave your Western prejudices at home, you'll do OK.

If you are here because you think Thailand is good value for money, be very cautious. Thailand used to be very good value for money. Today, it merely average value for money. It may still look good to you, but the trend is very much towards higher prices, fewer benefits and lower standards. There is no reason to think this trend will reverse. So be prepared in a few years time to pay similar amounts to what you would in the West, but receive a Thai lifestyle.

Thailand is a great place to be if you are here because you truly love the Thai culture. But if you merely tolerate the Thai culture because you value something else that you think Thailand can provide, you may want to rethink your position on whether you truly want to adapt to life in Thailand. Those other factors are fleeting.

Keep your perspective, and you'll do OK. If you truly love Thailand, you won't need any advice from us long stay expats. Just do what comes naturally, and you will be rewarded with an opportunity to live in a great country. The Thai people are incredibly forgiving of foreigners, even when they get angry. Just don't get angry too often.

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Most important advice I would offer is to know why you are in Thailand.

If you are here for work, make sure you have options in case you lose your job or no longer want it. Living in Thailand means always knowing what you will do if the money runs out. Being rich and in Thailand can be exciting. Being poor and in Thailand is hel_l, and not something I would wish on my worst enemy. Money is everything in this country.

If you are here for the naughty night life, then don't get caught up in the illusion. As several others have mentioned, this is not the West. Watch how the Thai men treat these girls, and emulate them. If you leave your Western prejudices at home, you'll do OK.

If you are here because you think Thailand is good value for money, be very cautious. Thailand used to be very good value for money. Today, it merely average value for money. It may still look good to you, but the trend is very much towards higher prices, fewer benefits and lower standards. There is no reason to think this trend will reverse. So be prepared in a few years time to pay similar amounts to what you would in the West, but receive a Thai lifestyle.

Thailand is a great place to be if you are here because you truly love the Thai culture. But if you merely tolerate the Thai culture because you value something else that you think Thailand can provide, you may want to rethink your position on whether you truly want to adapt to life in Thailand. Those other factors are fleeting.

Keep your perspective, and you'll do OK. If you truly love Thailand, you won't need any advice from us long stay expats. Just do what comes naturally, and you will be rewarded with an opportunity to live in a great country. The Thai people are incredibly forgiving of foreigners, even when they get angry. Just don't get angry too often.

wise words

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Many good ideas I agree with above (especially language and care around money). New things to add:

1. Be socially adaptable and pay attention to signals. Stick to good people/businesses/institutions like glue and treat them well; you will be rewarded in kind. Loyalty goes reasonably far here.

2. Know how much people in different jobs usually make and scale down your own stated earnings so as to drive away those with 'ulterior motives.'

3. Expect decent behaviour from people, same as in any place you're from, and when you find you're in a place where they don't behave that way- leave.

4. Examine yourself from an outsider's perspective- how do you work, how do you look, how do you live? Then, don't expect more respect from others towards you than you would give someone else doing what you're doing. If you want more, change how you are.

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Response to inthepink

It is important to be earnest. I think I am channeling Oscar Wilde this morning. What would have happened if Wilde fell in love with Nok the bar girl?

It is also important to be honest especially for the shock value.

It is difficult to talk about sex in Thailand without treating the object of your affection as a commodity.

At the risk of exposing my shallow personality and tawdry existence I can't think of any other reason to be in Thailand as opposed to another place except sex.

Of course I may be the only one and perhaps I am obsessed but I think Thailand has sex as a very top priority for most folk who live here.

A good example of this is Thai entertainment. In the west there are singers who come on stage and sing a song and that's about the extent of it.

In Thailand the singer is always backed up by 20 usually female dancers in various stages of undress.

Almost anyone, young old or whatever, who sings on a Thai stage has 20 female back up dancers. Sometimes the dancers are men but they all wear eye makeup.

A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her, so says Oscar.

In Thailand one does not have to worry about running out of beautiful people. Everyone is beautiful even the boys in the band are beautiful.

Excuse me for thinking the 20k was for sex. But I can't think many other things worth 20k in only one evening.

Of course I am being egocentric and have not considered buying the entire village a few drinks.

Advice on living in Thailand. If you like sex you are in the right place. Where else can you go to the mall to buy bananas and get a massage with a happy ending while your wife is buying vegetables only a few feet away.

If you don't like sex learn how to rationalize everything. And pay attention to the posters on Thai Visa to find out excuses for enjoying Thailand without sex. Not that anyone back home will actually believe you but you can give it a shot anyway.

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars, Oscar Wilde.

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At the risk of exposing my shallow personality and tawdry existence I can't think of any other reason to be in Thailand as opposed to another place except sex.

Of course I may be the only one and perhaps I am obsessed but I think Thailand has sex as a very top priority for most folk who live here.

At the risk of returning to the topic under discussion, as suggested by the OP's post - One other reason might be work. And with the right deal the motivation might be several times that which one might receive to back in the old country.

Back to the subject of advice, we should all of us remember the definition of good advice here on ThaiVisa - That which supports the views and opinions of the person asking for the advice.

I chose my sig line with this in mind.

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At the risk of exposing my shallow personality and tawdry existence I can't think of any other reason to be in Thailand as opposed to another place except sex.

Of course I may be the only one and perhaps I am obsessed but I think Thailand has sex as a very top priority for most folk who live here.

At the risk of returning to the topic under discussion, as suggested by the OP's post - One other reason might be work. And with the right deal the motivation might be several times that which one might receive to back in the old country.

Back to the subject of advice, we should all of us remember the definition of good advice here on ThaiVisa - That which supports the views and opinions of the person asking for the advice.

I chose my sig line with this in mind.

I always pass on good advice. It is the only thing to do with it. It is never of any use to oneself. Oscar Wilde.

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......I think I am channeling Oscar Wilde this morning. What would have happened if Wilde fell in love with Nok the bar girl?

Wasn't Oscar Wilde's preference that of naked man sex? I don't think he would have sought out naked woman sex.

The likelihood of Oscar Wilde falling in love with a bargirl would have been as likely as some TVF members having a successful marriage: Very unlikely.

It is difficult to talk about sex in Thailand without treating the object of your affection as a commodity.

Maybe some people should consider associating with people possessing a modicum of self respect and personal dignity?

At the risk of exposing my shallow personality and tawdry existence I can't think of any other reason to be in Thailand as opposed to another place except sex.

Of course I may be the only one and perhaps I am obsessed but I think Thailand has sex as a very top priority for most folk who live here.

Too late, as it looks like some has already made clear where his moral compass points. Thailand as a sex destination? Only for those that can't score a quality woman or man. A gentleman can always find a decent woman. Quality attracts quality. There are plenty of guys in Thailand that may look to be simple or of humble means, but they met someone special because they were good people. There are tens of millions of people in Thailand who's main are putting food on the table, dealing with a personal debt or a medical crisis. Others put the welfare of their families as a top priority. I don't think the beggers that grace the walkways have sex on their mind. They are thinking about where their next bowl of rice will come from. The flooded out farmer isn't thinking about sex. He or she is thinking about the loss of crops.

A good example of this is Thai entertainment. In the west there are singers who come on stage and sing a song and that's about the extent of it.

In Thailand the singer is always backed up by 20 usually female dancers in various stages of undress.

Almost anyone, young old or whatever, who sings on a Thai stage has 20 female back up dancers. Sometimes the dancers are men but they all wear eye makeup.

??????? Talk shows in the USA feature a parade of weirdness. You can't flip a channel without some talkshow hosting a story that runs along the lines of I had sex with my girlfriend's grandmother and then I impregnated the local McDonalds manager for a Big Mac. So what?

A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her, so says Oscar.

What would Oscar Wilde know about a relationship with a woman? The man was a homosexual. I don't think he is the right person to offer advice on a relationship with a woman.

If you like sex you are in the right place. Where else can you go to the mall to buy bananas and get a massage with a happy ending while your wife is buying vegetables only a few feet away.

Is it any wonder some marriages fail? Who would have sex with a hooker within feet of the wife?

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars, Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde was indeed living in the gutter. A pompous, pretentious, puffed up, poppinjay. He died alone in a filthy hovel coughing up blood, Usually gutter dwellers attempt to drag everyone into the gutter with them. Due to revisionism, he has been lifeted to sainthood. What is not mentioned is his exploitation of impoverished adolescents to satisfy his depraved sexual desires. A pox on Mr. Wilde and his cadre of elitist snots. Mr. Wilde would have fit in well in Pattaya.

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......I think I am channeling Oscar Wilde this morning. What would have happened if Wilde fell in love with Nok the bar girl?

Wasn't Oscar Wilde's preference that of naked man sex? I don't think he would have sought out naked woman sex.

The likelihood of Oscar Wilde falling in love with a bargirl would have been as likely as some TVF members having a successful marriage: Very unlikely.

It is difficult to talk about sex in Thailand without treating the object of your affection as a commodity.

Maybe some people should consider associating with people possessing a modicum of self respect and personal dignity?

At the risk of exposing my shallow personality and tawdry existence I can't think of any other reason to be in Thailand as opposed to another place except sex.

Of course I may be the only one and perhaps I am obsessed but I think Thailand has sex as a very top priority for most folk who live here.

Too late, as it looks like some has already made clear where his moral compass points. Thailand as a sex destination? Only for those that can't score a quality woman or man. A gentleman can always find a decent woman. Quality attracts quality. There are plenty of guys in Thailand that may look to be simple or of humble means, but they met someone special because they were good people. There are tens of millions of people in Thailand who's main are putting food on the table, dealing with a personal debt or a medical crisis. Others put the welfare of their families as a top priority. I don't think the beggers that grace the walkways have sex on their mind. They are thinking about where their next bowl of rice will come from. The flooded out farmer isn't thinking about sex. He or she is thinking about the loss of crops.

A good example of this is Thai entertainment. In the west there are singers who come on stage and sing a song and that's about the extent of it.

In Thailand the singer is always backed up by 20 usually female dancers in various stages of undress.

Almost anyone, young old or whatever, who sings on a Thai stage has 20 female back up dancers. Sometimes the dancers are men but they all wear eye makeup.

??????? Talk shows in the USA feature a parade of weirdness. You can't flip a channel without some talkshow hosting a story that runs along the lines of I had sex with my girlfriend's grandmother and then I impregnated the local McDonalds manager for a Big Mac. So what?

A man can be happy with any woman, as long as he does not love her, so says Oscar.

What would Oscar Wilde know about a relationship with a woman? The man was a homosexual. I don't think he is the right person to offer advice on a relationship with a woman.

If you like sex you are in the right place. Where else can you go to the mall to buy bananas and get a massage with a happy ending while your wife is buying vegetables only a few feet away.

Is it any wonder some marriages fail? Who would have sex with a hooker within feet of the wife?

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars, Oscar Wilde.

Oscar Wilde was indeed living in the gutter. A pompous, pretentious, puffed up, poppinjay. He died alone in a filthy hovel coughing up blood, Usually gutter dwellers attempt to drag everyone into the gutter with them. Due to revisionism, he has been lifeted to sainthood. What is not mentioned is his exploitation of impoverished adolescents to satisfy his depraved sexual desires. A pox on Mr. Wilde and his cadre of elitist snots. Mr. Wilde would have fit in well in Pattaya.

That is a great post and an excellent factual reaction.

Sometimes I a frustrated when people read my posts and don't get the point. You, on the other hand not only got the point but actually read and understood 100% of my post.

That I don't agree with you is minor. Communication sometimes is it's own reward.

I said something and you completely understood what I was saying even the hidden meaning stuff.

I always knew you were bright and intuitive.

Bravo, excellent response. I am not in the least being sarcastic. I really mean it.

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Reply to Geriatrickid view of Oscar Wilde.

I beg everyones indulgence if I seem to go a bit off topic but I think it is relevant to the topic at hand.

Attitude. Attitude about Thailand and attitude about wherever one comes from.

Oscar Wilde in this example was a foil. He is a lot like many people in Thailand, a pompous, pretentious, puffed up, popinjay to use geriatrickid's words.

Geriatrickid is an officer and a gentleman. How do I know this? He tells us in any number of ways. 1. Maybe some people should consider associating with people possessing a modicum of self respect and personal dignity? 2. Only for those that can't score a quality woman or man. A gentleman can always find a decent woman. Quality attracts quality. 3. Is it any wonder some marriages fail? Who would have sex with a hooker within feet of the wife? 4. A pox on Mr. Wilde and his cadre of elitist snots. Mr. Wilde would have fit in well in Pattaya.

I think it is obvious Mr. Geriatrickid and I walk in different circles.

It is also obvious that he has a problem with homosexuals. He did say, “naked man sex.” I think that is a pejorative way of describing gay behavior or “exploitation of impoverished adolescents to satisfy his depraved sexual desires.” A lot of the people working in Pattaya have the mental age of an adolescent even though well beyond legal age and certainly many are impoverished.

Geriatrickid is the great white colonial come to impoverished Asia to act the part of a gentleman. Never go native is his byword. The rest of his post carries out this impression. English values and morals prevail in decent people no matter where. There are good upstanding people in Thailand and they also have moral upstanding English values.

Everything good about Thailand is the same as the good things about England. Decent people attract decent people in London the same as Bangkok. Truth, justice, morality are to be applauded and put on a pedestal. Of course it is English truth justice and morality but no matter good Thais are the same as good Englishmen.

That is where the argument falls down. Thais are not the same as Englishmen. Thais don't have a clue what democracy is. When Clinton got in trouble with Monica Thais did not have a clue why. I had many ask me, why? He is a good man and good President. Why so many angry with him? Don't forget not to bring a copy of the movie, “The King and I.” It is banned in Thailand.

You would also be advised to leave your prejudices at home also. Enter Thailand with an open mind. Try and not impose your moral standards on the Thai people. They have enough problems. It may be difficult not to become judgmental and define people by what you know from your home country. You are probably are used to people fighting fair. Mano e mano. It doesn't happen here. You might be used to people assigning value to truth. It is different here. You might be used to people driving in the direction of the one way street. Here, direction and stop lights and pedestrian crossings are only a suggestion and not a law. You might think it is wise to call the police if you have a problem. No, not here. It is not England.

Be patient and tolerant of English gentlemen. It is not their fault they are the way they are. The Empire did exist for a long time. They are used to being the moral ruling force in the world.

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:cheesy: :cheesy: :clap2:

A most amusing attempt at a profile.

I do not like Oscar Wilde because I went to school with smegs like him. They were unbearable.

Well you may walk in a circle, but I walk in a specific direction. I believe a moral compass helps one find his way. (pwnage to the max.)

He did say, “naked man sex.” I think that is a pejorative way of describing gay behavior or “exploitation of impoverished adolescents to satisfy his depraved sexual desires.” A lot of the people working in Pattaya have the mental age of an adolescent even though well beyond legal age and certainly many are impoverished.

You may wish to consider some cognitive enhancement exercises as your thinking is faulty. Either that or that lone neuron firing is going to be awfully lonely. Naked man sex and naked girl sex are tongue in cheek terms my friends and I have used for ages. It's a bloody giggle term lifted from a comedy sketch. As for maintaining a wholesome lifestyle, I do try. I believe the secret is lots of fiber. Whole grains, legumes and quality fruit.

I do not know why anyone would think that Thais are Englishmen. They fail on the tea test. Did you know many Thais pour their tea and then add cream. Just not done. Horrid lapse in protocol. Milk, not cream should be used, and it is poured first. I also note that some people will swirl their teaspoons. One should fold the liquid, not grind it about as if cleaning a toilet bowl. This may require a seperate thread as it is a very important subject. Although, I am basically a coffee drinker and I like it black and strong. That's one of the best things about Thailand. I can get a strong cup of coffee most places, if I avoid the curse of the Nescafe satchets. Nescafe satchets are evil. perhaps that too will necessitate a seperate thread.

As for the rest of that disjointed entry of yours, I suppose I should be grateful that you did not suggest that I am the illegitimate scion of Captain Peacock. However, the one thing that seems to be missing from your views is a more definitive statement. As you seem to be from the Slocum school of thought, a rousing "I am unanimous in that" statement would have driven home the point.

A very amusing position put forward by you and I do intend to share it with my friends. We shall all have a good laugh. Thank you.

And now I must go and clean my pith helmet. I like to wear it when I go to the market. It impresses the locals. A pith helmet sets me apart from the condominium guard in his Sam Browne belt.

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Geriatrickid is an officer and a gentleman.

I do not agree with geriatrickid all of the time, but I give him a lot of credit for writing some really excellent, informative posts (not necessarily in this thread). happy0034.gif

He's got a point about the helmet though... Whenever one goes out, do not forget to take the pith.


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