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Explosives aboard U.S.-bound cargo jets spark global terror alert

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Yemen official: Arrested woman didn't mail bombs, is released on bail

Frome here: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/politics/wire/sns-ap-mail-bombs-suspect-released,0,3143705.story

Yemen is not on the list of countries that UPS serves.

Yemen is not on the list : http://www.ups.com/aircargo/using/services/airports/internationalAirports.pdf


An FBI source said that initial tests of the package on the Chicago bound UPS plane found no explosives.




Yemen official: Arrested woman didn't mail bombs, is released on bail

Frome here: http://www.latimes.c...0,3143705.story

Yemen is not on the list of countries that UPS serves.

Yemen is not on the list : http://www.ups.com/a...nalAirports.pdf


An FBI source said that initial tests of the package on the Chicago bound UPS plane found no explosives.



I'm not sure what your point was supposed to be. It doesn't appear they do domestic service, but they do serve Yemen, one is an Authorized Service Contractor, not sure about the status of the other locations.



Building what?

The “BuildingWhat?” campaign is an effort led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7 and shift public opinion such that the New York City Council will be inspired to open an independent investigation into how this building that housed the City’s Emergency Operations Center was destroyed at 5:20pm on September 11, 2001.

The “BuildingWhat?” TV ad begins airing on November 2, Election Day 2010, and will run through November 10. In total it will air 350 times and generate over seven million views, reaching 900,000 “unique viewers” in the New York Metropolitan Area at an average of eight times each. It will appear on thirteen channels including MSNBC, CNN, Comedy Central, HGTV, Logo TV, Bio TV, Versus TV, MSG, Sports NY, VH1, HLN, CNBC and Bravo.




Now realising I set you a hard task for quoting credible scientific papers then here are a few examples ALL peer reviewed by fellow PhD's and correctly and thoroughly referenced.. Great reading if you can spare the time. If you can't spare the time then you may never be able to consider the truth.

Why Prof Steven Jones PhD

The Cannot Be True By Prof David Ray Griffin, Ph.D

Intersecting on 9/11 Joe Firmage

Seismic Job Craig T. Furlong and Gordon Ross, Member, Scholars for 9/11 Truth - quite compelling!

These are all scientific and make compelling reading to anyone with a modicum of intelligence. Now do you have any similar papers that support the official version of events?

No they are not "scientific". Look closely at the experience, history and qualifications of the authors. Take Steven Jones for example. He has zero knowledge in respect to civil engineering. And he has zero knowledge of construction material chemistry. His background is in physics. David Ray Griffin's background is religion and theology. etc. etc. I am not even going to get into their track record of of being shunned and laughed at by the science community. The reality is that all of the 9-11 conspiracy theoories are pushed by people that demonstrate one or more of the following attributes;

i) Have no experience in the civil engineering of large office towers.

ii) Have no demonstrable knowledge of the basic chemmical, and phyiscla principles that were involved.

iii) Do not have the educational qualifications to be able to properly assess and review the data.

iv) Have an existing record of aligning with concepts and ideas that are intended to attract personal attention or cause a commotion sand are not responsible positions.

v) Have an existing history of mental illness.

Having a PhD does not mean someone is all there in the head. I will gladly consider your position once it has been endorsed by one of the acceptable authorities on the subject such as the American Society of Engineers, or the American Academy of Science, or the American Soiciety of Architects or onne of their peer groups.

And your reference to peer reviews is crap. Having a bogus theory reviewed by another wacko does not mean it is peer reviewed, although the parties may be peers. Had one of your reports been reviewed by a credible association, then I wouldn't argue, but everything you have presented is built on bogus claims and lies.

You're wasting your time. Most people I know seem to prefer to believe anything but the truth in cases like this. I think it gives them a sense of importance, feeling that they are privy to something others are not. I don't know if it's a modern phenomena or if it has always been like this.


Tin foil hat time? av-46829.jpg

And you're a sheeple, so ner ner ner ner ner.


Is it possible to get away from the playground level and name calling?


Good Job GIP/CIA, keep the terror fear alive.

Will you be retracting your comment and apologizing for the false allegation now that Al Qaeda has accepted responsibility?

DUBAI (Reuters) – Al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing claimed responsibility for a foiled plot to send explosive parcels to the United States last week, and for the crash of a UPS jet in Dubai in September.A statement that appeared on Islamist websites on Friday, attributed to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), also vowed more strikes on the United States in comments addressed to President Obama. "We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to strike the interests of America and its allies." More on the Reuters news release.


How funny. Just in time for a bit of a patriotic frenzy on the run up to the November elections.!

Call me a cynic but the whole thing is a load of tosh! Either that or these are the worst terrorists in the world. They have done the hard bit by getting the package on to an aircraft undetected, only for it not to go off, and then they have put on the addresses of some Jewish community centers, well that wouldn't raise suspicion in the Yemen now would it! It is all a pile of crap and comes at a time when we need another scare to keep the population under control, and the budgets free from scrutiny.

Who's full of tosh now? Will you be retracting your comment and apologizing for the false allegation now that Al Qaeda has accepted responsibility?

DUBAI (Reuters) – Al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing claimed responsibility for a foiled plot to send explosive parcels to the United States last week, and for the crash of a UPS jet in Dubai in September.A statement that appeared on Islamist websites on Friday, attributed to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), also vowed more strikes on the United States in comments addressed to President Obama. "We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to strike the interests of America and its allies." More on the Reuters news release.


and do not forget the US Gov. lies 2001 :lol:

I believe that before you call anyone or any government a liar you engage in some serious introspection.

shure not Al Qaeda :rolleyes:

Please see your first comment and my answer . BTW, will you be retracting your comment and apologizing for the false allegation now that Al Qaeda has accepted responsibility?

DUBAI (Reuters) – Al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing claimed responsibility for a foiled plot to send explosive parcels to the United States last week, and for the crash of a UPS jet in Dubai in September.A statement that appeared on Islamist websites on Friday, attributed to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), also vowed more strikes on the United States in comments addressed to President Obama. "We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to strike the interests of America and its allies." More on the Reuters news release.


Deleted the last post as I've had just about enough of the propaganda show in this forum. Unless you have better sources than blogs, give it a rest. This reads like an Art Bell interview.

<br />
<br />and do not forget the US Gov. lies 2001 <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /><br />
<br /><br />I believe that before you call anyone or any government a liar you engage in some serious introspection.<br /><br />
<br />shure not Al Qaeda <img src='http://static.thaivisa.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' /><br />
<br /><br />Please see your first comment and my answer  . BTW, w<font size="2">ill you be retracting your comment and apologizing for the  false allegation now that Al Qaeda has accepted responsibility?<br /></font><i><font size="2"><b>DUBAI (Reuters) – Al Qaeda's Yemen-based wing claimed responsibility for a foiled plot to send explosive parcels to the United States last week, and for the crash of a UPS jet in Dubai in September.A statement that appeared on Islamist websites on Friday, attributed to Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP), also vowed more strikes on the United States in comments addressed to President Obama. "We say to Obama, we have struck your jets three times in one year and we will continue, God willing, to strike the interests of America and its allies."</b>  More on the Reuters news release<b>.</b></font></i><br /><br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />

Truth or not truth that is the question. I think, many Al Qaeda VDOs are not Al Qaeda made.

best reg.


Truth or not truth that is the question. I think, many Al Qaeda VDOs are not Al Qaeda made.

best reg.

How about we just stick to this thread where you claimed that the attempted bombings were fabrications from western agencies and that Al Qaeda did not plant the bombs.

Al Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and yet instead of admitting that you were wrong to make false allegations, you go off on a tangent.

Just deal with your allegations that have now been shown as false.

Do you retract the allegations?

Will you cease and desist from spreading falsehoods?

Making false claims and posting unsubstantiated allegations is both dishonest and deceitful. Do the right thing and retract and apologize to the countries and organizations that you falsely accused.

Note that if your intent is to to make credible points in the future, you will always fail since you have posted a false allegation that you refuse to deal with. . If your intent is just to spread hate and ignorance, then you will have succeeded but merely marginalized yourself and undercut the causes you espouse. Think it over.


Truth or not truth that is the question. I think, many Al Qaeda VDOs are not Al Qaeda made.

best reg.

How about we just stick to this thread where you claimed that the attempted bombings were fabrications from western agencies and that Al Qaeda did not plant the bombs.

Al Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and yet instead of admitting that you were wrong to make false allegations, you go off on a tangent.

Just deal with your allegations that have now been shown as false.

Do you retract the allegations?

Will you cease and desist from spreading falsehoods?

Making false claims and posting unsubstantiated allegations is both dishonest and deceitful. Do the right thing and retract and apologize to the countries and organizations that you falsely accused.

Note that if your intent is to to make credible points in the future, you will always fail since you have posted a false allegation that you refuse to deal with. . If your intent is just to spread hate and ignorance, then you will have succeeded but merely marginalized yourself and undercut the causes you espouse. Think it over.

How does a news release by Reuters prove that Al Qaeda planted the bombs?

I'm not claiming to know either way who is responsible, but I am interested to know how a reported admission on a website somewhere proves anything.

Is just the fact that it was reported in the mainstream media good enough for you to KNOW it's the truth?


Truth or not truth that is the question. I think, many Al Qaeda VDOs are not Al Qaeda made.

best reg.

How about we just stick to this thread where you claimed that the attempted bombings were fabrications from western agencies and that Al Qaeda did not plant the bombs.

Al Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and yet instead of admitting that you were wrong to make false allegations, you go off on a tangent.

Just deal with your allegations that have now been shown as false.

Do you retract the allegations?

Will you cease and desist from spreading falsehoods?

Making false claims and posting unsubstantiated allegations is both dishonest and deceitful. Do the right thing and retract and apologize to the countries and organizations that you falsely accused.

Note that if your intent is to to make credible points in the future, you will always fail since you have posted a false allegation that you refuse to deal with. . If your intent is just to spread hate and ignorance, then you will have succeeded but merely marginalized yourself and undercut the causes you espouse. Think it over.

How does a news release by Reuters prove that Al Qaeda planted the bombs?

I'm not claiming to know either way who is responsible, but I am interested to know how a reported admission on a website somewhere proves anything.

Is just the fact that it was reported in the mainstream media good enough for you to KNOW it's the truth?

The Media and the GOV. get the translation from the the" Co. SITE" . SITE search the Internet and do all the translation from Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, so sometimes thy do misstranslation and in the end, everything is a bit wrong.For Exa. Ahmadinejad transl.

Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom

exists in Persian.” The British Guardian’s Jonathan Steele argued that Ahmadinejad was simply remarking

that “this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Steele continues: “He was not

making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the

future. The ‘page of time’ phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.”

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:4


و امام عزيز ما فرمودند كه اين

رژيم اشغالگر قدس بايد از صفحه

روزگار محو شود. اين جمله

بسيار حكيمانه است.

Va Imam-e aziz-e ma

farmudand ke in rezhim-e

eshghalgar-e Qods bayad

az safhe-ye ruzegar mahv

shaved. In jomle besyar

hakimane ast.

Our dear Imam [Khomeini]

ordered that this Jerusalemoccupying

regime [israel]

must be erased from the

page of time. This was a very

wise statement.

The New York Times translated the statement as Israel “must be wiped off the map,” a non-literal translation



Truth or not truth that is the question. I think, many Al Qaeda VDOs are not Al Qaeda made.

best reg.

How about we just stick to this thread where you claimed that the attempted bombings were fabrications from western agencies and that Al Qaeda did not plant the bombs.

Al Qaeda has now claimed responsibility, and yet instead of admitting that you were wrong to make false allegations, you go off on a tangent.

Just deal with your allegations that have now been shown as false.

Do you retract the allegations?

Will you cease and desist from spreading falsehoods?

Making false claims and posting unsubstantiated allegations is both dishonest and deceitful. Do the right thing and retract and apologize to the countries and organizations that you falsely accused.

Note that if your intent is to to make credible points in the future, you will always fail since you have posted a false allegation that you refuse to deal with. . If your intent is just to spread hate and ignorance, then you will have succeeded but merely marginalized yourself and undercut the causes you espouse. Think it over.

How does a news release by Reuters prove that Al Qaeda planted the bombs?

I'm not claiming to know either way who is responsible, but I am interested to know how a reported admission on a website somewhere proves anything.

Is just the fact that it was reported in the mainstream media good enough for you to KNOW it's the truth?

The Media and the GOV. get the translation from the the" Co. SITE" . SITE search the Internet and do all the translation from Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, so sometimes thy do misstranslation and in the end, everything is a bit wrong.For Exa. Ahmadinejad transl.

Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom

exists in Persian.” The British Guardian’s Jonathan Steele argued that Ahmadinejad was simply remarking

that “this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Steele continues: “He was not

making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the

future. The ‘page of time’ phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.”

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:4


و امام عزيز ما فرمودند كه اين

رژيم اشغالگر قدس بايد از صفحه

روزگار محو شود. اين جمله

بسيار حكيمانه است.

Va Imam-e aziz-e ma

farmudand ke in rezhim-e

eshghalgar-e Qods bayad

az safhe-ye ruzegar mahv

shaved. In jomle besyar

hakimane ast.

Our dear Imam [Khomeini]

ordered that this Jerusalemoccupying

regime [israel]

must be erased from the

page of time. This was a very

wise statement.

The New York Times translated the statement as Israel “must be wiped off the map,” a non-literal translation


Good one and nice to put that old myth to sleep................

I have heard several sources confirming the above.


"this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time."

The New York Times translated the statement as Israel "must be wiped off the map,"

Without all the lies, spin and justifications, they seem pretty darn close to anyone who knows anything about Ahmadinejad. :rolleyes:


The Media and the GOV. get the translation from the the" Co. SITE" . SITE search the Internet and do all the translation from Al Qaeda and Bin Laden, so sometimes thy do misstranslation and in the end, everything is a bit wrong.For Exa. Ahmadinejad transl.

Ahmadinejad did not say he was going to wipe Israel off the map because no such idiom

exists in Persian.” The British Guardian’s Jonathan Steele argued that Ahmadinejad was simply remarking

that “this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time.” Steele continues: “He was not

making a military threat. He was calling for an end to the occupation of Jerusalem at some point in the

future. The ‘page of time’ phrase suggests he did not expect it to happen soon.”

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said:4


و امام عزيز ما فرمودند كه اين

رژيم اشغالگر قدس بايد از صفحه

روزگار محو شود. اين جمله

بسيار حكيمانه است.

Va Imam-e aziz-e ma

farmudand ke in rezhim-e

eshghalgar-e Qods bayad

az safhe-ye ruzegar mahv

shaved. In jomle besyar

hakimane ast.

Our dear Imam [Khomeini]

ordered that this Jerusalemoccupying

regime [israel]

must be erased from the

page of time. This was a very

wise statement.

The New York Times translated the statement as Israel “must be wiped off the map,” a non-literal translation



The topic of this thread is about:

Explosives aboard U.S.-bound cargo jets spark global terror alert

What does the matter of which you posted have to do with this topic? :w00t:


Please tell me exactly what "this regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time." means to you guys.


The issue of explosives on planes should be a concern for everyone, as sometimes cargo can be sent on a passenger flight. This is of particular concern for me since I often use EVA and Thai Airways which send cargo in this manner. It is one of the reasons I don't use the EVA flight on the TPE-SFO route since it is a B747 combi. (Ok, and I admit I avoid transiting the USA now and the EVA jumbos on the route are decrepit.) I appreciate that some people don't mind being martyred for the chance to get to "heaven" and enjoy virgin grapes, but I for one rather enjoy living and would like to stay around for a few more decades.

I also do not understand how the planting of explosive devices on non-military aircraft and the targeting of non-combatants is expected to achieve support for the political causes of the bombers. If al Quaeda has an issue with the government of Yemen, they should take it up with the government and not attack non implicated parties.


I also do not understand how the planting of explosive devices on non-military aircraft and the targeting of non-combatants is expected to achieve support for the political causes of the bombers. If al Quaeda has an issue with the government of Yemen, they should take it up with the government and not attack non implicated parties.

It's a war against all kuffar. Any kafir is a valid target and their death a victory.

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