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Hi babybrav

Welcome to the forum,

I will echo the sentiments presented in some of the other replies

Thai Visa (TV) is a voluble resource that will put you in touch with people here in Thailand , and others around the world that have an interest in Thailand. I personally have received Invaluable information and advice here, and most of the members are kind and well informed, and then there are the others,you know what they say " misery loves company" and there are those ( a small minority) that troll for misery,as difficult as it might be, try to ignore them.

I look forward to your participation in our little community :welcomeani:

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Browse and see what takes your eye.

Not very reassuring, when you say something will take his/her eye.:o

Thailand is not the best place to be if one becomes a cyclops. Hoepfully, the OP will come and visit his/her family member and do what all visiting relatives do; Stay too long. :lol:

I am more curious to know what this relative is up to. Perhaps there is a good story there, something along the lines of my brother met a hi so Chinese-Thai university educated woman at Tesco, they hit it off, and the family was so taken with him that they built him a house and put on a lavish wedding and bought him all sorts of swag like an automatic lemon peeler and toilet tissue dispenser. I want to know the OP's position on the very important subject of to bum gun or not to bum gun, and of course how does the OP feel about the plague of nescafe instant coffee satchets vs. properly brewed coffee? On the other hand, a story such as, me dad done run off to Pattaya leavin' me mum to raise the 3 kids (4 if one counts Nigel that's in prison) and was walking by Boyztown and met his new lover Bingbong. They now operate an aromatherapy/toenail clipping salon in swingin' jomtien beach. Also, I hope the OP shares personal and intimate details particularly as they relate to whistle blowing and digestive system distress (that was a classic thread earlier today, yet it so beautifully captured the flavour of the land) B)

Have fun. (Aluminum foil hats are available at the 7-11).

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plague of nescafe instant coffee satchets

geriatric, what, exaactly, is wrong with those nescafe sachets.??????????? they kept me sane in korat when i desparately needed my morning cup at the crack of dawn.. after searching for said cup floating int the giant ong water supply...and then again at 15:00 which is when any civilized israeli drinks their nescafe; and in evening after eating roast insects and prawns mixed with praaraa :bah: .

and..... i secretly brought them back with me to israel as they are great for hiking trips when u cant bring milk, or you are visiting thais at their 'work camps' and they dont have nescafe or any other coffee nevermind a refridgerator (and freshily squeezed cow udder milk is awful in any coffee); now of course we have our very own native brand, and its a great great invention....

and ive recently discovered 'birdy' cold coffee as the replacement for a lukewarm cup of nescafe when coffeemate is used rather then milk and the coffee is too hot



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