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Flood control and irrgation projects take many years to complete. The only government during the last 10 years that can't be blamed for the lack of flood control is the current one, guess you do don't know that.

Let's hope that the previous governments started projects that the current government can complete or if the previous governments did not start projects, the current government does - projects that future governments will complete

Most of the causes of extra flooding result not only from the rainfall - which may or may not be with predictable parameters - but also by man made problems. Clearing of land for agriculture and building and other development if done without appropriate infrastructure will reduced the land's ability to absorb extra water and then it will need facilities to drain.

The weather patterns in thailand are actually quite predictable, what successive governments have failed to do it develop in a way that accounts for increased run-off.

the current government was aware of the potential dangers resulting from flooding yet failed to act with aid etc in BOTH areas. It has already received criticism for the tardy and insubstantial initial responses.

So what are you trying to say Deeral? We all know that the previous prime minister was heavily criticised for ignoring the South and that the current one is spending more effort down there than any prime minister has done this decennium. Do you think what he is doing is wrong? Or is it just whining that he should have done more? Welcome to the developing world Deeral. There are many issues here where more needs to be done, get in line and the queue will come to you one day.

More important than the natural disaster in the South is the flooding in the North-East and Central regions but there aren’t any projects to complete as Thaksin didn’t start any projects during his time as prime minister.

Flooding in the tropics isn’t unnecessary, it is just unavoidable. We can limit the effect of nature’s temper but we will never be able to totally control it

Now I worry more about Koh Tao actually, radar images shows that it was hit almost all day yesterday and it’s still looking bad today, anyone heard anything?

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No serious problems on Koh Tao, (at least not on Sairee) apart from not being able to leave. The rain finally stopped a few hours ago. The wind is still gusting but things are looking much better than before. Theoretically there's a boat scheduled to leave tonight, I think they got one out already.


Apparently we don't need to worry as we have a photo of the PM standing in water.

THis to some means he's doing something???

To me it means he's well aware of the value of a good photo in the media and has learned fro the mistakes in that respect of both Bush and Obama.


Flood control and irrgation projects take many years to complete. The only government during the last 10 years that can't be blamed for the lack of flood control is the current one, guess you do don't know that.

Let's hope that the previous governments started projects that the current government can complete or if the previous governments did not start projects, the current government does - projects that future governments will complete

Most of the causes of extra flooding result not only from the rainfall - which may or may not be with predictable parameters - but also by man made problems. Clearing of land for agriculture and building and other development if done without appropriate infrastructure will reduced the land's ability to absorb extra water and then it will need facilities to drain.

The weather patterns in thailand are actually quite predictable, what successive governments have failed to do it develop in a way that accounts for increased run-off.

the current government was aware of the potential dangers resulting from flooding yet failed to act with aid etc in BOTH areas. It has already received criticism for the tardy and insubstantial initial responses.

So what are you trying to say Deeral? We all know that the previous prime minister was heavily criticised for ignoring the South and that the current one is spending more effort down there than any prime minister has done this decennium. Do you think what he is doing is wrong? Or is it just whining that he should have done more? Welcome to the developing world Deeral. There are many issues here where more needs to be done, get in line and the queue will come to you one day.

More important than the natural disaster in the South is the flooding in the North-East and Central regions but there aren't any projects to complete as Thaksin didn't start any projects during his time as prime minister.

Flooding in the tropics isn't unnecessary, it is just unavoidable. We can limit the effect of nature's temper but we will never be able to totally control it

Now I worry more about Koh Tao actually, radar images shows that it was hit almost all day yesterday and it's still looking bad today, anyone heard anything?

Actually I think you have a terribly simplistic view of what is going on in the South and as you seem to be connecting to my comments about flooding in the NORTH as well as the SOUTH, it would seem you really don't get what I'm on about. Well i'm not your teacher, I'm making a comment assuming a minimal understanding of how the press etc are assessing the government reaction to the floods. I do this by watching and reading.....and understanding the media. may I suggest rather than just swallowing sound-bites whole you look into things a little more deeply. in the mean time my comments are clearly not for you.


So far the newer storm drains are working, but raining madly now.

Electricity off, and electric repair phones always busy.

No end in sight, but better than many places, so far.

Well finally reached the electric company. On the list,

but who knows when they will fix it. Same as ever.

Hello, respected sir:

In what region do you live?

I hope that you and yours enjoy a prompt recovery.


Hello kind sir.

Yes I am on Samui, and they did get the power on that evening for 3 hours,

but it went off my 11 pm and I had to drive to the electric company and tell,

them they missed our little road, for 17 hours, even if the ring road had power.

They put it right in an hour though.

It has been a wild ride, and I hear Chaweng ring road is still a mess.

But in 2005 I am sure it would have been worse still.

Best regards



When the democrats came into power there was a notable uptick in dealing with flood issues here, not enough for this weeks problems, but 4 feet of rain in 48 hours is too much for any flood control system.

My friend was at a meeting in 2005 where the two losing TRT mp candidates came in and laughed at the Tessaban/town infrastucture board as they delivered the news that the Samui maintenance budget will be cut to the minimum possible, aprox 20% left, an 80% loss of infrastructure budget.. for not voting Team Thaksin in. This message was said to specifically be left to them to deliver and add their own gloating. This inspite of 12 billion in taxes paid by Samui that year. They had to be punished for 'voting wrong'. Any wonder the Red Candidate didn't do too well here?

A few months later it rained for the whole month of November and into December, and pumps were needed and supplies for helping destitute people, and all requests to Bangkok / Thaksins government were repulsed, until people started dieing and a ministry declared a Disaster Area and the taps finally opened. But the main causes or trouble spots were NEVER repaired while Thaksin was in office.

The 2007 floods were bad, but not AS bad, and this year bad, but not AS bad as 2005.


Flood control and irrgation projects take many years to complete. The only government during the last 10 years that can't be blamed for the lack of flood control is the current one, guess you do don't know that.

Let's hope that the previous governments started projects that the current government can complete or if the previous governments did not start projects, the current government does - projects that future governments will complete

Most of the causes of extra flooding result not only from the rainfall - which may or may not be with predictable parameters - but also by man made problems. Clearing of land for agriculture and building and other development if done without appropriate infrastructure will reduced the land's ability to absorb extra water and then it will need facilities to drain.

The weather patterns in thailand are actually quite predictable, what successive governments have failed to do it develop in a way that accounts for increased run-off.

the current government was aware of the potential dangers resulting from flooding yet failed to act with aid etc in BOTH areas. It has already received criticism for the tardy and insubstantial initial responses.

So what are you trying to say Deeral? We all know that the previous prime minister was heavily criticised for ignoring the South and that the current one is spending more effort down there than any prime minister has done this decennium. Do you think what he is doing is wrong? Or is it just whining that he should have done more? Welcome to the developing world Deeral. There are many issues here where more needs to be done, get in line and the queue will come to you one day.

More important than the natural disaster in the South is the flooding in the North-East and Central regions but there aren't any projects to complete as Thaksin didn't start any projects during his time as prime minister.

Flooding in the tropics isn't unnecessary, it is just unavoidable. We can limit the effect of nature's temper but we will never be able to totally control it

Now I worry more about Koh Tao actually, radar images shows that it was hit almost all day yesterday and it's still looking bad today, anyone heard anything?

Actually I think you have a terribly simplistic view of what is going on in the South and as you seem to be connecting to my comments about flooding in the NORTH as well as the SOUTH, it would seem you really don't get what I'm on about. Well i'm not your teacher, I'm making a comment assuming a minimal understanding of how the press etc are assessing the government reaction to the floods. I do this by watching and reading.....and understanding the media. may I suggest rather than just swallowing sound-bites whole you look into things a little more deeply. in the mean time my comments are clearly not for you.

I understood it as your comments were about the flooding in the South when I wrote my answer, if that was not the case, please let me know

I suppose you haven't been here long enough to wade in near waist deep water on Sukhumvit Rd in Bangkok as I have. If you had known about how that LITTLE issue finally was cleared, which you obviously don't but I suggest you look into a bit more deeply, then you would have known that the projects were started in the early 80s'and the flooding were at acceptable levels in guess what? Correct Deeral, excellent guess, the 90s'.

Clearing the flooding problem ( to an acceptable level to be the tropics) in the limited area of the Bangkoks business district(s) took nearly 10 years... And the sad thing is that there is nothing strange with that, it is just the nature of the problem. I would like to see problems cleared faster too, we both love the Thai people and want better for them but I am realistic enough to realise that natural disasters like what happened in the South will always negatively affect the people living in the area.

The navy again, just like during the Tsunami, reacted quickly and loaded truck loads of relief material onto HTMS Chakri Naruebet and steamed full ahead to the affected area. I was positively surprised at how quickly the army reacted during the Tsunami too, while most others were whining about lack of response not interesting in knowing that steaming around the tip on Singapore and up again takes a bit of time you know. If these whiners could come up with a solution how to fly an air craft carrier to the disaster area, then my respect for them would clearly go up, haven't heard any solutions from them yet though...

All the resources the developed country America have failed miserably at supporting the victims of Katrina adequately, what exactly do you want the developing country Thailand to do Deeral?

Can you post a priority list please!


"we can never prevent natural disasters" - as ever some people's view of a situation can be so blinkered as to be laughable.

Do provide me with the answer to how we can prevent natural disasters, or more correctly put, the negative EFFECTS of natural disasters on the population of the affected areas and I will stop laughing at your comment above Deeral


"Let's hope that the previous governments started projects that the current government can complete or if the previous governments did not start projects, the current government does - projects that future governments will complete"

So you are really saying that you don't know what previous governments did.

No point then, is there, in automatically blaming the reds.

Will be a brave man who reins in corruption. Hasn't happened yet.

Sarcasm caf, Sarcasm

I do indeed know that the previous governments did not start the flood prevention and irrigation projects that the people we both love deserve and the current government hasn't done it either.

Corruption is a very serious problem but not the most serious one. Education is even more important. The poor who deserve better wouldn't have accepted phone cards to vote for a specific person had their education been good. The most serious problem that Thailand has is that the middle class is running away from the poor at an accelerating rate

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