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Picking Up Girls In Malls


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Kris & Noi Private posts

Not a Spice-Boy

On my first visit to Pattaya, I ate Thai food only in hotels or upmarket restaurants; otherwise I ate Western food. But now I'm here for a long stay and have a Thai girlfriend who says I am wasting money eating at expensive places, and it doesn't taste as good either. She says that the best, real Thai food, is from the roadside foodstalls. This is the only country I've visited outside Europe, so the stalls look so unhygienic to me, what with all the heat and the insects, and also I am not used to spicy or hot food. I am keen to try proper Thai food as I intend to visit here regularly; do you agree with her that street food is best, and is it safe to eat there?


In the same way that Thai restaurants overseas change the flavour of their food to suit western tastes, so upmarket hotels and restaurants here tend to offer bland versions of the original fare. There's no way that Hotel De Costly will risk having an unsuspecting tourist getting red-faced, breathless, and litigious over a chilli-laden dish, so if you want to try the authentic scran you must be more adventurous. Let your girlfriend take you to the smaller, family-run restaurants that are plentiful in Pattaya. The food is excellent and cheap, and she can tell the cook how much seasoning to use; you may eventually be like most expats here, tucking in to the fully-seasoned nosh. As for foodstalls, try the ones where many expats and Thais are eating; they are great value for a quick and tasty meal. And food poisoning has sometimes been suffered by customers of the world's leading establishments, so it can happen anywhere. As you don't see many people collapsing in the streets by the foodstalls, the odds are that you'll survive.

Barfine Bypass

I regularly walk around the shopping malls. I am often given cute smiles by beautiful girls. Are they just being friendly “Thai Style” with no ulterior motive or are they off duty bar girls? If they are off duty bargirls, can I bypass the bar fine system during the day? If they don't work in bars, can I try my luck without getting slapped? I am not used to not paying.

Creature of the Night.

When Thai women give that nice smile, it should be taken as just a friendly gesture to an obvious foreigner, not a come-on. Too many mongers, who believe that all Thai women are gagging for an ageing farang to bed them, embarrass the girls by approaching them and asking how much. Seeing as you always pay for your nooky you are obviously not a pinup poster boy, so better to stick with the baht for bang system. If a girl is a freelancer or an off-duty bargirl who fancies some extra cash, leave it to her to let you know she's available. And of course there wouldn't be any barfine.

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-- Pattaya One 2010-11-03

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