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Thai Girlfriend Schitzo In Another Country


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So, from day 1 she was a monster. Why did you ever get mixed up with her?

I can only imagine that she must be very, very, very good in bed.

Run, run, run, there are plenty more sane girls where she came from.

Next time that you want a long term relationship, I suggest that you do your thinking with your other head.

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that isn't strictly true. Talk to AA about her. Good luck. I think you're going to need it.

From Eagles description she seems to be a "Binge Alkie"! :o !

Still feel he owes it to her to take her back to Thailand before he abandons her.......

I wonder how many Thai GFs/Wives haven't lived up to expectations and have just been dumped in a strange country far from home.

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If I were you, I would take her back to Thailand where her family is and leave her there.  At least she will be in a familiar place with people she knows.  Unless you are prepared to sacrifice your life for the well-being of hers, this is all you can do.

I know it's hard when you have deep feelings for her and want to forgive....but I agree with the above. Take her back to Thailand and her old life, whether it's in the bar or whatever.

You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You should remember that serious, heavy drinking by a woman is not the norm by any stretch in Thailand, and is looked down on strongly. Some of these girls are very disturbed -- their backgrounds, lack of education, their "freedom" of raising h*ll in the gogo bars, their addictions (drink, drugs, gambling, sex) are a "cocktail" for serious behavior or mental problems.

I've seen some try to change, but the ones I know always reverted. Unless she undergoes a psychic change of some kind -- a life altering experience or "hitting rock bottom" -- she will continue to do this. For your own sake, get away from her.

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Even the Google ads on the top of this page recognise the problem... :o

"Are you an alcoholic?

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You aren't handling this right. You accuse her of being a bad mother, classify her religion as absurd, criticize her past profession, classify her as a despicable character, describe her whole life as a one downward spiral, and we are only hearing your side so God knows what other judgemental BS she is getting bombarded with on a daily basis. This is surely damaging her self esteem and you are all she has to hold onto right now. It sounds like deep down you both want this to work. She needs you, so stop the judgemental criticism of her life and start becoming more understanding. Don't look at her like some sort of crippled dog. Listen to her and respect her and every decision she has made because she is just trying to live life the best she can like everyone else. You should learn from her and her religion, not criticize it. When you happen upon an uncomfortable topic that you perceive was not a good decision by her, that's the time to hold her tight, cry together, and tell her you love her.

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You must start to make arrangements to return to Thailand together sometime in the foreseeable near future. She must be a willing party to the trip to visit family or whatever reason you can think of that she will accept. Don't just throw the idea of a trip to Thailand at her, introduce it slowly, if possible get her to suggest it.

Meanwhile, do not antagonise her. Go out of your way to maintain the happy side of her character. Deal with her "bad periods" as best you can.

Never let her know your plans.

Sleep with one eye open.

Work towards getting on the plane and freedom.

Thats what I would do. Best for everyone.

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If I were you, I would take her back to Thailand where her family is and leave her there.  At least she will be in a familiar place with people she knows.  Unless you are prepared to sacrifice your life for the well-being of hers, this is all you can do.

I know it's hard when you have deep feelings for her and want to forgive....but I agree with the above. Take her back to Thailand and her old life, whether it's in the bar or whatever.

You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You should remember that serious, heavy drinking by a woman is not the norm by any stretch in Thailand, and is looked down on strongly. Some of these girls are very disturbed -- their backgrounds, lack of education, their "freedom" of raising h*ll in the gogo bars, their addictions (drink, drugs, gambling, sex) are a "cocktail" for serious behavior or mental problems.

None of this has anything to do with working in a bar! These addictions can be found in any lower, middle or upper class families. Not only in Thailand, but in any Country on earth. My experience is that most of these problems were more visible in people with so called "good backgrounds". Addictions have no socio economic bias. :D Also do you know you are more likely to have mental problems if you are a doctor or a policeman, than if you are a garbage collector :o

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I'm no doctor, but seems to me that you both need counseling, and fast. Have you at all both sat down and talked things through when you have had the time? If so what was her reply? It seems to me that your both too dependant on each other and also take things for granted?

Have drugs ever played a part here?

I'm really sorry for what you are both going through but there is defo a way out and as many other posters have stated there is help if you really want it.

Hope everything works out and good luck.


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You must start to make arrangements to return to Thailand together sometime in the foreseeable near future. She must be a willing party to the trip to visit family or whatever reason you can think of that she will accept. Don't just throw the idea of a trip to Thailand at her, introduce it slowly, if possible get her to suggest it.

Meanwhile, do not antagonise her. Go out of your way to maintain the happy side of her character. Deal with her "bad periods" as best you can.

Never let her know your plans.

Sleep with one eye open.

Work towards getting on the plane and freedom.

Thats what I would do. Best for everyone.

Hi eagles,

I also had this with a farang woman ten years ago. She was the same when she consumed alcohol. Wrecked the house, went to the pub alone,and went to the police and told them a bundle of lies. Fortunately the police new her and to cut the story short she was the one who ended up in trouble. Watch what your doing or she could end up putting you in the nick. ###### knows what she could be telling others and the police about you. These young coppers are apt to take the word of a pretty face rather than the truth. Get her a "one way ticket" back to Thailand and start again. There are plenty more to choose from over here,you don't need to put up with that SH**. Get out now!

Good luck.

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I thought I had a problem woman until I read your story. I live in Thailand with my woman and she has similar characteristics at times, wlthough she does not drink. She will have violent tantrums and is unpredictible as to what will trigger this. As far as I know she has never been in the sex trade, but I don't think she is capable of telling the truth and is very secretive about many things. In general, I thnk Asians are reluctant to admit they have any mental problems, unless they are stark raving lunatics. I doubt that mine would ever get within miles of a "head doctor" I can not even have a rational discussion wiht her about some issues because she is so evasive. As for you situation, you migh have some luck to try to get her treatment. But, if not I would eventually disengage yourself from her, if her behaviour continues.

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If I were you, I would take her back to Thailand where her family is and leave her there. At least she will be in a familiar place with people she knows. Unless you are prepared to sacrifice your life for the well-being of hers, this is all you can do.

I know it's hard when you have deep feelings for her and want to forgive....but I agree with the above. Take her back to Thailand and her old life, whether it's in the bar or whatever.

You can take the girl out of the bar but you can't take the bar out of the girl. You should remember that serious, heavy drinking by a woman is not the norm by any stretch in Thailand, and is looked down on strongly. Some of these girls are very disturbed -- their backgrounds, lack of education, their "freedom" of raising h*ll in the gogo bars, their addictions (drink, drugs, gambling, sex) are a "cocktail" for serious behavior or mental problems.

I've seen some try to change, but the ones I know always reverted. Unless she undergoes a psychic change of some kind -- a life altering experience or "hitting rock bottom" -- she will continue to do this. For your own sake, get away from her.

Be it deep emotional problems or not, drinking is not a normal response and does not occur in many people also with emotional luggage.

You cannot blame her psychologic problems on having been a sex worker. Alcoholism occurs in EVERY socio-educational-economic stratus. Some alcoholics are Dual diagnoses, meaning they have more than alcohol addiction, which btw can be a Primary disease, that is exist all by itself without mental problems having caused it.

While I agree some of the girls are very disturbed, you can learn about similar tales of bizarre behavior in lawyers, doctors, hs dropouts, etc etc. 15% of US lawyers are said to be alcoholic and there is even a website devoted to this.

People with substance addiction (alcohol/drugs) typically deny having a problem. By definition an "impaired mind" is incapable of perceiving an impaired mind. Bizarre behavior and personality changes are common, as is evasiveness.

You should get her to a doctor EXPERIENCED in addiction, as many are not.

It does sound like it could be alcoholism though. Sadly enough I have personal experience with an alcoholic family member. I have also studied addiction medicine and along with woking to mend the wounded and heal the sick.

If it is addiction to alcohol and or drugs, there are basically 2 lovimg options.

# try an intervention read the book "Love First" Jeff Jay all about coping and how to do an intervention

# if above fails, stop enabling her and when the negative consequeces exceed the pleasure of using she may agree to get help.

do not feel guilty. do a google search for three c's of addiction alcoholism

attend alanon and addiction family support groups

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Dude I had exactly the situation as you but here in Thailand. Kept moving house she would break everything and the cops would get called. Only recently I had to tell myself the relationship was doomed and I then called the cops the next time she went bananas - I have been very happy since.

If I was in your situation now I would take her home first and then say bye bye.

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