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Peptic Ulcer Cure?


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I have suffered from stomach ulcers for years and been on Losec daily for the past 8. My problem is not caused by HP infection or asprin etc. All sources only ever talk about these two causes, especially HP which was originally laughed at as causing ulcers until the ozzie Doctor proved it. I seem to be one of the 20% or so with ulcers of unknown cause so any tips would be helpful as all the doc wants to do is keep handing out the acid limiting losec which never actually clears it up, just helps with the pain. I don't smoke or eat spicy food.

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I can sympathise with you as I too have suffered with ulcers for many years.

Have you ever had a urea breath test to eliminate Helicobacter pylori (HP)?

Have you ever consulted a gastrointestinal (GI ) medical specialist?

Have you ever had an upper GI endoscopy procedure to confirm that you do have a peptic ulcer?


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Both the H2 antagonists (Ranitidine etc) and the proton pump inhibitors (Losec/omeprasole and family) only limits acid secretion, that is correct. It is supposed to be taken as a course on a regular basis for about 6 weeks or so continuously to allow the ulcer to heal. If the ulcer/s recurs, then special investigations to exclude and treat H pylori if present or, much more rare, exclude peptide secreting tumours by another organ such as the pancreas (Zollinger-Ellison syndrome).

It has been speculated that taking a drug such as omeprasole long term may lead to the proliferation of acid producing cells in the stomach lining, leading to a viscious circle...

Try taking Sucralfate as an alternative. This drug actually binds to the cells in the lining of the ulcer and protects it against the effects of acids, bile salts and other digestive juices. (Read up on drug interactions and side effects!)

The diet aspect is also extremely important. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates as well as all acidic foods obviously and avoid smoking and alcohol use. To the contrary to what one may think, eating raw chili may actually not aggravate symptoms as the capsaicin may actually help with healing in some cases. (Not to be recommended as a standard approach to treatment!!). Grape skins (red) also contains high levels of tannins and this also binds to and strengthens the stomach lining.

People with A+ blood group may also be more prone to hyperacidity and ulcers..

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Had same reoccuring issue for years, its horrible had all the checks and never more than dietry changes and given Omezrapole in differnt formats this helped but never provided a full cure.

In Australia recently I was suggested to try a herbal suppliment Slippery Elm (Ulmus Rubari)apparently soothes and heals at same time.I was doubtful but after 3 months and back in Thailand can eat what I like enjoy a cheeky beer every now and then and no issues at all.

I know only take occasionaly,it really has worked for me and its natural.

Edited by stiggy
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Interesting topic.

I have a very acidic system (A+ blood type).

Firstly I recommend that you follow the diet for A blood types.

Secondly I have been taking slippery elm for years and also quercetin which assist in preventing gastric reflux.

You should eat small meals and drink lots of water as well.

Foods like bananas, cabbages, carrot and fresh veggie juices will help in alkalinising you system.

Finally if you want to drink take a handful of slippery elm capsules before you go out and some before you go to bed.

BTW Stay clear of beer completely this is extremely bad for someone who has acidic system.

You should be able to get to a point after a few weeks where you hopefully can ditch the medication.

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Interesting topic.

I have a very acidic system (A+ blood type).

Firstly I recommend that you follow the diet for A blood types.

Secondly I have been taking slippery elm for years and also quercetin which assist in preventing gastric reflux.

You should eat small meals and drink lots of water as well.

Foods like bananas, cabbages, carrot and fresh veggie juices will help in alkalinising you system.

Finally if you want to drink take a handful of slippery elm capsules before you go out and some before you go to bed.

BTW Stay clear of beer completely this is extremely bad for someone who has acidic system.

Better advice hear than trawling google for hours! I did have an endoscopy and have tried the anti biotics just in case HP test was wrong but they made no difference. I find beer and chocolate to be the worst causes, also pastry. Will certainly look into the suggestions here, thanks very much. I am never sure if red wine is as bad as beer, I think not as long as you drink it with a meal, but I must admit beer is probably the biggest irritant. Anyone know where to get slippery elm in Thailand?.

Edited by sms747
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Hi SMS747

It is unclear if you have had a negative Helicobacter pylori (HP) test or you just had the antibiotic regime to cover all bases without actually having the test.

Not feeling better after taking the antibotic regime does not mean one never had and still does not have HP.

Sometimes up to 20 % of positive HP cases fail the first antibotic regime and require a follow up HP test and a subsequent second antibiotic regime.


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Hi SMS747

It is unclear if you have had a negative Helicobacter pylori (HP) test or you just had the antibiotic regime to cover all bases without actually having the test.

Not feeling better after taking the antibotic regime does not mean one never had and still does not have HP.

Sometimes up to 20 % of positive HP cases fail the first antibotic regime and require a follow up HP test and a subsequent second antibiotic regime.


I believe they gave me an HP test when I had the endoscopy done, which is why they did not give anti biotics,but it must have been a blood test. It might be worth having another, I see these are available online now cheaply

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SMS747.... I've been "in the fight" since I had HP four years ago. I appreciate some of FBN's suggestions in his excellent and thorough post.

I would add that you should avoid ALL carbonated drinks, especially beer. I can be symptom-free for weeks and a bottle of beer will re-trigger the pain. Red wine seems to be okay to drink, and I wonder if it is the tannins or lack of carbonation that makes it have less impact.

Also, drink plenty of room temperature water, especially as soon as you wake up, and avoid ice.

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Interesting topic.

I have a very acidic system (A+ blood type).

Firstly I recommend that you follow the diet for A blood types.

Secondly I have been taking slippery elm for years and also quercetin which assist in preventing gastric reflux.

You should eat small meals and drink lots of water as well.

Foods like bananas, cabbages, carrot and fresh veggie juices will help in alkalinising you system.

Finally if you want to drink take a handful of slippery elm capsules before you go out and some before you go to bed.

BTW Stay clear of beer completely this is extremely bad for someone who has acidic system.

Better advice hear than trawling google for hours! I did have an endoscopy and have tried the anti biotics just in case HP test was wrong but they made no difference. I find beer and chocolate to be the worst causes, also pastry. Will certainly look into the suggestions here, thanks very much. I am never sure if red wine is as bad as beer, I think not as long as you drink it with a meal, but I must admit beer is probably the biggest irritant. Anyone know where to get slippery elm in Thailand?.

Yes chocolate is really bad too. Avoid it completely. I am not sure where you can get slippery elm in Thailand. I always bring a stack with me from Australia.

You should really go and see a good naturopath and they will steer you in the right direction for diet and supplements.

The best thing i ever did was see a naturopath about 25 years ago and she has kept me in great health ever since.

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Hi sms747

Unless you are 100% confident that you tested negative to a H.pylori (HP) test in the past it may be worthwhile to be tested again.

When you have an endoscopy they usually test for HP with a biopsy or urease enzyme test.

When you are having the procedure you are under sedation so you don't know what tests if any are being done.

If in doubt maybe worthwhile calling your doctor who ordered the endoscopy and ask his nurse to check your records for you.

Blood tests for HP are not that accurate despite what home testing kits might say.

Most large hospitals in Thailand have facilities to do more accurate HP breath tests and can prescribe alternative medication as you cannot take omeprazole for at least 1 week before testing.

I congratulate you in not accepting your doctor's prescription of taking omeprazole long term and starting this very interesting topic

Today I found this very interesting internet resource.

It is a forum set up by the Helicobacter Foundation, one of the forum's moderators is Australian Barry Marshall one of the co-discoverers of Helicobacter pylori.

Check it out!



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