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Agressive Soi Dogs


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Guess everyone meets sooner or later a 4leg fellow in not so good mood.

I have seen Thais handeling this quite well by simply ignore them or calm them or order them to shut.

Well but if the one thinks to protect the whole soi and is not to calm, so what to do then?

Assuming your only weapons are the shoes you wearing.

Since dogs can sense fear guess that is the first to get rid of...

What else ?

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I had the same problem 2 year ago at my old condo.Get yourself a slingshot for 20 Baht and go out late at night before going to bed for one week every single day and shoot that piece of shit. You will see that during the day he than will avoid you.

You should only do this if the dog really likes to attack you. If he is just barking ignore it.

I really like animals but for this problem I have tried many peaceful things and thats the only thing which worked.

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Just ignore them.

Dogs have a natural instinct to guard their territory by making lots of noise, they won't do anything but bark. If you pay attention you will notice that they bark a lot when you get approach, go quiet and avoid eye contact when you get too close, and get the bravest and loudest once you have passed and are walking away.

Call their bluff and run at them, they ALWAYS scarper. Be careful if you have kids with you though.

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Try to buy them something tasty, like the cheap meat those street carts are selling and probably they will soon becomes your friends

I was going to suggest the same thing. If this is a dog near your house/apartment, just feed him something once in a while and he'll start seeing you as a friend, rather than a threat. Works really well and you're doing something nice at the same time.

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I've had a similar experience with a soi dog. I also like animals, but enough is enough. I would gather small stones before entering the soi and even though I once scored a direct hit, it would still chase me. I even fed the dog some rather expensive dog food, yet it still chased me for days afterwards. Finally I added laxatives (senokot) to the food I fed it and I didn't see the mangy dog for about a week, and it left me alone when we did cross paths again. I found the senokot at a Boots store, although Watson's probably also sells it.

I don't care if I was cruel to an animal, the dam_n thing deserved worse!

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Thai dogs are as lazy as Thai people, by which I mean that they walk at half the speed that you or I do. There is something about our rapid walking pace that both annoys them, and makes them want to chase us. I suppose it is the same thing that makes dogs want to chase cars, at least in the west. (I don't think I have ever seen a Thai dog that had sufficient "get up and go" to chase a car.)

So, to get to my point: If you are walking and a dog is chasing you, slow down to about half of your normal pace, while beginning to take evasive action, just in case my advice is not correct. But, I think you will find that my advice works. After encountering frequent problems during my first few months here, I have had almost none in the fifteen years since.

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If you hurt the dog and he recognizes the hurt came from you, he'll always remember you, hate you, and maybe more aggressive toward you. If he doesnt recognize the hurt came from you, you'll get no benefit in any case, and he'll just be all the more grumpy. If he's deranged, nothing will likely work anyway.

Feed the dog, and unless he's deranged he'll be your best friend afterward. You get karmic brownie points and dont come back as a Soi Cat in your next life. The open air market [Talat] vendors with little hibachi pots make a moo ping bbq beef(?) liver on a stick. Very cheap. My black lab inhales it without chewing, and Thai pet dogs get this mixed with rice have happy lives indeed. I'd go this route.

As a point of perspective into BKK Soi dog life. Walking my Lab in the Soi freaked out the local Soi Dog gang, as they saw him as competition for food & females on the tough-to survive on Sois. The pack leader came snarling but I just ordered Buddy [95 pounds didn't hurt the situation either] to sit, and got between them and him, and talked to them. They understood we werent afraid, and werent a threat. Case dismissed. we just keep walking/jogging past the less threatening gangs of uncontrolled, off-lead pet dogs and they don't do anything once they see the pattern of us just moving through.

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feed them, it works every time. i had a dog always try to bite me when i lived at On Nut. after trying running (he was faster), yelling (he was louder), beating him (couldn't hit him with that darn stick he was so fast) and poisoning him (couldn't bring myself to be that mean), i fed him. i would stop at the street vendor and buy 10 baht worth of meat on the way home for him. after the third time, he left me alone. i fed all the soi dogs my scraps of food, no matter whether i thought they would eat it or not (some of it was quite spicy). they ate it all up. good part was they moved about 10 yards closer to my gate, waiting for food, and therefore were serving to guard my house now as well.

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When I was young in the States I had a paper route. Delivered papers at 6am every morning. All the neighborhood dogs were on the loose and loved to chase me down. Finally the last day before I quit the route, I was so fed up with all these dogs that I brought along a huge stick. I will never forget when one saw me far down the street and he started running towards me full throttle. I parked my bike against the tree and ran towards him with my stick at the same speed. He saw me coming and scurried in the opposite direction so fast he slipped on the pavement and hurt himself. My eyes were opened. Never be scared of these cowards.

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I had the same problem 2 year ago at my old condo.Get yourself a slingshot for 20 Baht and go out late at night before going to bed for one week every single day and shoot that piece of shit. You will see that during the day he than will avoid you.

You should only do this if the dog really likes to attack you. If he is just barking ignore it.

I really like animals but for this problem I have tried many peaceful things and thats the only thing which worked.

what about PEPPER SPRAY ? anyone tried that ?

and Klaus, where did you buy that slingshot here in Thailand ?

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Water pistols are great to shoo off most dogs. They really don't like being squirted in the face.

If you want to get nasty, fill the pistol with vinegar. Shouldn't cause any serious injury, but incredibly painful to get that in the eyes. Only problem is that most pistols tend to leak a bit and you walk around smelling like fish 'n' chips.

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Only problem is that most pistols tend to leak a bit and you walk around smelling like fish 'n' chips.

so the dog's will be gone .. but you will have ALOT of Cat-like friends then .. hahahaha

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