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When incoming travellers have arrived, gone through immigration, customs etc is there the option of turning either left or right before getting to the unrestricted public area, or does everybody come out the same way? I think the left or right option was the case at Don Muang, making it awkward if you needed to meet someone there, a hotel limo driver for example.

Thanks for any help (from someone with a better memory than me!)

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There are two entries into the arrivals hall, turning right will take you to the meeting point, and if you came out of the first one( further-est from the meeting point) you will pass the second entry point before coming to the meeting point.

So yes you could turn left out of either entry into the arrivals hall, but if you came out the second entry you would be going against the flow of people coming out of the first entry.

If you wanted to meet someone waiting on the left hand side public area of the arrivals hall, it would be best to make sure you used the first entry point customs area.

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Yes, the trick is to note what carousel your bags will come in on as they are numbered low-to-high, right-to-left as you clear passport control. The higher numbered carousels are nearer exit C and when you exit, turn left, it's a longer walk to the meeting point. The walk from exit B to the meeting area is shorter but that's where the gamut of authorised touts hang about.

When I am using my 'special pass' to meet people, I tell them to use exit C as that's where I will be waiting because it's much quieter and a faster exit to where I park the car.

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