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Thais Spend 94 Minutes A Day On Average In Reading: Research

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I don't accept the more favourable statistics at all.

The survey is far to small to be of any accuracy or consequence. Equally, question your own experience of Thais' reading. I have never seen a Thai person carry a book let alone read one. I am not including students with coursebooks. Rather, persons with novels. Never seen it.

I've never seen a Thai read in a waiting room. Remember that such places including public offices have TVs showing whatever happens to be the day time programming. Unbelievable. How can any one concentrate in order to perform their job?

Then there is the quality of reading. That is not mentioned. Does it include staring at a bus ticket? It must include those comic books seen and carried everywhere.

Even the newsagents, book shops stock trash below the level of the European air port novel.

The '8 lines' remains acceptable in my eyes. The Thais remain an ill educated or uneducated superstitious people, backward in understanding and incapable of critical thinking. Whereas with many nations it is possible to find a common ground by way of arts, dance, music, painting or literature, with Thais it is not. Culturally bereft and intellectually challenged they are and will remain. This is partly due to being without conscience, morals or responsibilty. They have an education system that allows cheating and fails no one. That makes grading pointless.

The outcome? An illiterate people, incapable of speaking a second language, the second language and unable to write or read their own accurately.

Lottery numbers found on the hides of monitor lizards and a national newspaper that endorses such rubbish.

What do you expect?

Sadly, I have to agree with Housepainter. I have been well and truly shocked by the infantile level of culture and intellect amongst the Thai students whom I teach (at a 'good' university). The glorification of infantilism and stupidity seems endemic here (just go into any Tesco Lotus or Carrefour and listen to the inane ads which are broadcast over the loudspeakers - they seem to be aimed at four-year-olds). The system of Thai education seems to be terribly inadequate for the stimulation of a creative and thoughtful mind. The students are, by and large, lovely people - but critical reading and thinking, plus analysis, seem stellar years beyond most of them. It is all so very sad.

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No intelligent person would make that assumption.

Well, a couple have already.

Intelligent people I said. whistling.gif For a start, to say one thing is like another thing is not the same as saying it is that thing so to say she sounds like an uneducated bar girl is not the same as saying she is one. Also, I specifically said she sounds like that because of her inability to form an extremely basic English sentence ('I can't remember') and made no mention of people who don't speak very good English. I'm simply advising the guy to help his girlfriend speak better English. No intelligence person would read into that a wild generalisation about Thai girls who don't speak very good English. To get back to the subject of reading, 'a couple' of posters here are in no position to criticise Thais when they themselves lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Perhaps you yourself need to develop better English skills so you can express yourself little better, this is something that Intelligent person would do if he/she saw that he/she was misunderstood.


No intelligent person would make that assumption.

Well, a couple have already.

Intelligent people I said. whistling.gif For a start, to say one thing is like another thing is not the same as saying it is that thing so to say she sounds like an uneducated bar girl is not the same as saying she is one. Also, I specifically said she sounds like that because of her inability to form an extremely basic English sentence ('I can't remember') and made no mention of people who don't speak very good English. I'm simply advising the guy to help his girlfriend speak better English. No intelligence person would read into that a wild generalisation about Thai girls who don't speak very good English. To get back to the subject of reading, 'a couple' of posters here are in no position to criticise Thais when they themselves lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Perhaps you yourself need to develop better English skills so you can express yourself [a] little better, [RUN-ON SENTENCE] this is something that Intelligent person would do if he/she saw that he/she was misunderstood.

That's called a typo. You'd look more like an intelligent person if you hadn't already demonstrated your low level of literacy with your "outrages" posts.


That's called a typo. You'd look more like an intelligent person if you hadn't already demonstrated your low level of literacy with your "outrages" posts.

Haha, i was not the one even trying to appear intelligent, was you!!!!! and sadly enough continue to do so but now with excuses.

PS. I was not aware that this thread was English lessons education, so you better save your lessons for the classroom-now that would be very Intelligent.


Mostly comics I would think. Look around trains and buses. Fashion mags don't even get a real look in and iPods also seem to induct trance-like intelligence in the average Thai between phone calls. But who are we to dis the 'facts' being 94 minutes a day reading - which could be justified and even feasible enough as transport times to and from places of abode would give you that with ease.

Asiawatcher is right on the money. During the time I was teaching in a university, teaching a core course, I would walk around the classroom and most of the students had cartoon books rather than the book on my subject.

What is disgusting is these students are the future of Thailand.

One girl did so bad in five semesters (3 "W"'s, 2 "F"'s) that I had to advise her to find a boyfriend and get married. Her next teacher in the subject was a very kind Thai teacher and she passed. The name of the game is pay your money and get your grade. Who cares about studying? That is their thought process.

So I take it that 'teaching a core course in a Thai University' does not appear on your cv either?

PS. I wonder what the average reader from Asiawanke_rwatcherland are reading? Obviously they don't have i-pods and have super efficient public transportation systems.

'trance-like intelligence in the average Thai between phone calls'.... <deleted>?


^^ She probably says that because she can't be bothered to tell you. :whistling:

I know it could be hard to accept, but some people do have "normal" relations where both people talk, so no she does not remember. Just like she studied German for 3 years and only remembers how to count to 10.

Just like she actually studies 1 hour prior to exam because even if she was to fail, she will still pass.

But give her any girly magazine or facebook, or tagged of someone and she will tell me whats on every single page.

Whatever happened to 'my GF is different'?

Must be a blow to find that your Thai uni girls responses are the same as the average bar girl.... except they probably get regular German refreshers.

Maybe someone can chip in here with the dazzling insight on their hi-so Thai GF's reading habits.

I have no idea what you are on about and for the life of me can not see the relevance to the thread.

Seems you have never had a non bar girl, so may be you should try it and it also helps having one close to your age,so you would have similar interests and things in common

Of course ability to speak English is a big plus, and desire to to see things other then the bar or ability to comprehend other many many simple things.

If you even consider Uni student to be hi-so, i can not help but feel sorry for you and can only imagine who you hang around with.

PS. Should you feel the need to come back with something as irrelevant as the this post, my GF is not from a rich family and by no means a hi-so, She is from a family of teachers who care more about daughter education then having her work bar to send them money.

PPS. Yes she non bar girls with education are different and you will know that once you date one for a change

Wow kuff, looks like your sense of humour got seriously trumped by your clichéd assumptions.

Just to note that it was you that came on here first with comments about your GF that makes her sound like... oh, never mind. Someone else has already pointed that out.


Wow kuff, looks like your sense of humour got seriously trumped by your clichéd assumptions.

Just to note that it was you that came on here first with comments about your GF that makes her sound like... oh, never mind. Someone else has already pointed that out.

Make her sound like what?????? sound like an airhead when it comes to study? or sound like she does not speak fluent enough English for some English professors on this forum? because she did not use "do" in the sentence. or sound like a bar girl because she spoke an incorrect English?

And all of this nuisance including this post and previous(65) you made is related to the OP how exactly?I only ask because i did not know TV was looking for comedians, as there are already plenty of them around on pretty much every thread.

I would of thought it is NOT so hard to address the actual thread and state your opinion, rather then either trying to be funny or appear intelligent or try to mock, but as it turns out, it is a challenge for some, selective few.


Let's make this inquiry:

Each of us, please tell honestly how many books we read during the last 30 days.

My answer: 4.

No philosophy or literature, but about 10 in category action, thrillers, SF&F. I've got lots in electronic format, read from my PC at home. This apart from the stuff I read work related.


Well, a couple have already.

Intelligent people I said. whistling.gif For a start, to say one thing is like another thing is not the same as saying it is that thing so to say she sounds like an uneducated bar girl is not the same as saying she is one. Also, I specifically said she sounds like that because of her inability to form an extremely basic English sentence ('I can't remember') and made no mention of people who don't speak very good English. I'm simply advising the guy to help his girlfriend speak better English. No intelligence person would read into that a wild generalisation about Thai girls who don't speak very good English. To get back to the subject of reading, 'a couple' of posters here are in no position to criticise Thais when they themselves lack basic reading comprehension skills.

Perhaps you yourself need to develop better English skills so you can express yourself [a] little better, [RUN-ON SENTENCE] this is something that Intelligent person would do if he/she saw that he/she was misunderstood.

That's called a typo. You'd look more like an intelligent person if you hadn't already demonstrated your low level of literacy with your "outrages" posts.

May I remind you chaps that this topic is about 'Thai spending 94 min ...'. This is not a topic on the correct use of the English language as defined in a.o. the Oxford dictionary.

From your local and genuine Dutch uncle :)


Ok i have no problem with this, as long as it includes the time Thai pupils and students ( amongst some elders who love their daily read ) spend reading. I am aware they survey covers the time Thai people spend in School reading ( besides marching , flagging, singing and reciting ) It is of no practical use , I would really like to know the fact the survey was based on.

In general, I often see elderly Thai reading a book for leisure, whilst young peole I only endeavour speaking to their mobile phone, watching TV, talk talk talk to each other , or just pick noses.


Wow kuff, looks like your sense of humour got seriously trumped by your clichéd assumptions.

Just to note that it was you that came on here first with comments about your GF that makes her sound like... oh, never mind. Someone else has already pointed that out.

Make her sound like what?????? sound like an airhead when it comes to study? or sound like she does not speak fluent enough English for some English professors on this forum? because she did not use "do" in the sentence. or sound like a bar girl because she spoke an incorrect English?

And all of this nuisance including this post and previous(65) you made is related to the OP how exactly?I only ask because i did not know TV was looking for comedians, as there are already plenty of them around on pretty much every thread.

I would of thought it is NOT so hard to address the actual thread and state your opinion, rather then either trying to be funny or appear intelligent or try to mock, but as it turns out, it is a challenge for some, selective few.

Kuff, Kuff, Kuff... you have more buttons than my remote.


Wow kuff, looks like your sense of humour got seriously trumped by your clichéd assumptions.

Just to note that it was you that came on here first with comments about your GF that makes her sound like... oh, never mind. Someone else has already pointed that out.

Make her sound like what?????? sound like an airhead when it comes to study? or sound like she does not speak fluent enough English for some English professors on this forum? because she did not use "do" in the sentence. or sound like a bar girl because she spoke an incorrect English?

And all of this nuisance including this post and previous(65) you made is related to the OP how exactly?I only ask because i did not know TV was looking for comedians, as there are already plenty of them around on pretty much every thread.

I would of thought it is NOT so hard to address the actual thread and state your opinion, rather then either trying to be funny or appear intelligent or try to mock, but as it turns out, it is a challenge for some, selective few.

Kuff, Kuff, Kuff... you have more buttons than my remote.

Oh and more comedy , and again totally off topic


Wow kuff, looks like your sense of humour got seriously trumped by your clichéd assumptions.

Just to note that it was you that came on here first with comments about your GF that makes her sound like... oh, never mind. Someone else has already pointed that out.

Make her sound like what?????? sound like an airhead when it comes to study? or sound like she does not speak fluent enough English for some English professors on this forum? because she did not use "do" in the sentence. or sound like a bar girl because she spoke an incorrect English?

And all of this nuisance including this post and previous(65) you made is related to the OP how exactly?I only ask because i did not know TV was looking for comedians, as there are already plenty of them around on pretty much every thread.

I would of thought it is NOT so hard to address the actual thread and state your opinion, rather then either trying to be funny or appear intelligent or try to mock, but as it turns out, it is a challenge for some, selective few.

Kuff, Kuff, Kuff... you have more buttons than my remote.

Oh and more comedy , and again totally off topic

Bite! (again)

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