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Free Seminar On Investment At Khun Woodys


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HI Just want to mention this as I was so surprised and am always looking for opportunities to learn something new. As expats we really give up an element of continuing education here.

I went to Khun Woody's Bakery on Thursday night last week for with my friend listening to the Don Freeman give his talk about investment. I know NOTHING about stocks and the financial world and after 1 hour felt like I had learned so much.

For me I felt he was about teaching people how to skip the middle man. I thought it would really boring and only went with my friend who just sold his house and wanted to learn more.

It was really good and has definitely changed the way I am thinking about my savings.

He alternates between Laguna and Chalong and I repeat is NOT trying to sell anything. It's free and informative.

Nothing in it for me I was just really surprised how much I liked it and will be at the next one!

Edited by cdnvic
removed date & time, commercial promotion not allowed
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I've been following Don's recommendations for the past couple of months, and man he's been right on. Amazing. Particularly because he doesn't try to sell anything, doesn't work on a commission (like so many, uh, "investment advisers" in Thailand).

Well then how does he survive? Nothing for free in this world, well except bad advice, please do not think I am suggesting he is giving bad advice, it's just an observation. I will never invest in stocks ever again. I lost heaps listening to friends who thought they knew it all. Sound invests for me are from financial advisors, that's their business. Same goes, would you go to the dentist to fix your car!!!!!

Anyhow for what it's worth, look at this investment

The answer is simple.

Don lives with the stock, FREE Investment Clinic leads to satisfaction and to motivate himself to continue working.

I got money in the Forex market, but also teach others, just for the motivation for further work.

I recommend everyone FREE Investment Clinic, it's ok


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Well he is a registered investment adviser (under the SEC) ... and of course

so his recommendations are a bit more credible then friendly advice!

And of course he has clients but he does not solicit. He teaches and still teaches at a university in America too.

I used SBMS before and now I realize just how much "kick back" my broker was getting on Mutual Funds for example.. but hey what did I know? Nothing. That is why i used SBMS. And now I will go to his workshop to learn more.

He is a pretty down to earth guy not some smarmy guy trying to get me to give him my money and promising returns on something offshore.

This Thursday this is what will be covered:

"Thursday in Laguna I will be starting with the basics of investing. You will have a better understanding of how the global markets, capitalism and the business cycle works. "

Just something to do, it is not a sales pitch, you don't even have to buy anything from the bakery!

As I said it is just an occasion to come and learn. Everything he talks about you can apply yourself. It is not a pitch to buy something from him.

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