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I usually take certain "food" items with me when I travel

For Example :

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower Kernels

Wheat Germ

and Emergency Anti-Biotic Capsules.

Can any of these items be adversely

affected by Airport X-Ray Machines?

Is it Healthy to subsequently consume such items?


I usually take certain "food" items with me when I travel

For Example :

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower Kernels

Wheat Germ

and Emergency Anti-Biotic Capsules.

Can any of these items be adversely

affected by Airport X-Ray Machines?  No

Is it Healthy to subsequently consume such items? Just the same as it was before they were X-Rayed



no same countrys even XRay food to make it bakteria free, that is many thousands times (or maybe millions) higher dose, and it is under discussion if it is healthy to eat that or not. But it is not approved that it causes any damage (even I don't like that threatment).

So this little bit xray which just checks if it is possible to take over the controll of the airplain with your sunflower seeds or not is not dangerous.

The only danger is, if the airport police sees you with sunflower seeds, they might think you are a muslim terrorist and shoot before verifying it (oh yes also the british likes to do so).

I usually take certain "food" items with me when I travel

For Example :

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Sunflower Kernels

Wheat Germ

and Emergency Anti-Biotic Capsules.

Can any of these items be adversely

affected by Airport X-Ray Machines?

Is it Healthy to subsequently consume such items?



Not sure. But I'll give you this for free - Its not healthy to be concerned about such a trivial matter. read john101's signature above . Be a devil - live a little, skid in sideways! :o


Many thanks for all your replies including the Facetious ones!

I asked because when I consumed some that I had brought home

- I developed an Ulcer.

And the Antibiotics I had carried with me seemed less effective

when I used them.

These were not Trivial matters to me - and I wondered if they were the result of too much sideways skidding ... !!!


If your going to have a face whiter than a ghost and pooing bricks then customs will search your bags.

I was actually accused of having a bomb in my mobile phone and was taken into the back room and searched. How can a 17 year old english girl be accused of that?

And I have a small ulcer. Not good are they dude?

The only danger is, if the airport police sees you with sunflower seeds, they might think you are a muslim terrorist and shoot before verifying it (oh yes also the british likes to do so).

Only if you run away when asked by the police to stop during a time of high terrorist alert.

Hopefully you will be in the country legally and will have no reason to run.


how can you know if Antibiotics are less effective?????????

it depends on the bacteria you are fighting with and on how it can handle the Antibiotics.

Many thanks for all your replies including the Facetious ones!

I asked because when I consumed some that I had brought home

- I developed an Ulcer.

And the Antibiotics I had carried with me seemed less effective

when I used them.

These were not Trivial matters to me - and I wondered if they were the result of too much sideways skidding ... !!!

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