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Thais Should Think Before Choosing Trendy Junk Food


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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

"Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct"

All food TOO MUCH is bad for your health

Too much sun is bad for you but does that mean you can't go outside? No

What path are you trippin down. What's with all the "too much coffee"?

Both alchohol and coffee are good for you as long as you don't consume it like it's air.

Why have you got excessive quantities on the brains? I never mentioned excessive quantities of coffee.

Why you stating the obvious? and putting it in bold underlined like you've just made a statement of life changing revelation??

See my signature here ...

Just making a comment on your very intelligent finding that they are correct, mayby something to do with to much alcohol.

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Many Thais believe that coffee is bad. Many times I've been criticised with shocked exclamations "No good no good".

Coffee actually is good for your brain and has other beneficial effects to the body.

But they will blissfully and ignorantly drink Coke in bulk without having any knowledge about it or it's ingredients at all.

Try to tell them about it and they cannot comprehend anything.

The fat receptionist at our apartment block has always got a can of Coke with a straw in it stuck to her face and when I buy a few cans of ice coffee from the fridge she always exclaims in shock "Coffee no good, no good".

Ask her if Coke's ok she says "Yes Colaaa ok, Fantaaa ok

Sugar is used excessively in Thai foods and drinks. They need more education.

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

Get off my back. It's attitudes like yours that prevent people from being educated. I'm not living in other parts of the world, I'm living in Thailand - get it?

I can't speak for ther countries or the rest of the world.

I don't drink Coke, It's awful stuff and if you were half intelligent you would try to educate the Thai people. The people who's country I have been living in for so many years.

You're happy to attack me for making a point. You think I shouldn't make this point. You want me to shut up and turn a blind eye to mistakes that the people and country I love are making. You shut up.

I don't live in Europe, Africa or America, I live in Thailand. I can only talk about Thais and Thais eat too much sugar.

Next you'll be defending them for calling MSG "Thai salt".

If you want to be super hero, why don't you go open up an orphanage or go round giving money to the poor street beggars etc? Instead of jumping on my back when I'm making a valid and constructive point.

You want to talk about the world? Go freaking do it elsewhere. I'm on a Thai forum talking about Thailand.

Get off my back.

Thais eat too much sugar!!! They need educating about it!

How do you propose to educate ? Thais daily drive on the wrong side of the road with no helmets, no lights which is ludicrous and illegal but they do it every day so how are you going to tell them not to eat a hamburger, your theory is pie in the sky. But while we are talking what's not good to eat, my family have one of those charcoal thingy's with a tray on top which gets hot, pile a load of pig FAT on top which has traces of meat in it, the fat runs into a trough with vegetables in as a soup. So they eat the fat that's cooking and drink the fat soup and veg. Now l am no dietician but this meal looks far more dangerous than a burger and it's normal Isaan food. :bah:.

Since McD's first hit the UK shores l have been a constant customer, and l am not fat, seems the fat ones are those who eat to much food at every opportunity.

Another "turn a blind eye to it" attitude. I bet you'd sweep all the dust under the carpets if you could be bothered to do cleaning.

I'm not a professional educater. Not my job, not my department, I can't answer your first question. You'll need to go higher up than me.

But you are most definately not in a position to say it's a pie in the sky theory. You are just a simple layman - I assume by your comment.

As for so called junk food and burgers etc, I too enjoy them very much and eat my fair share.

I'm a beer drinker too.

I'm not fat either, not skinny but not fat.

I do other things to counteract my less healthy aspects. Lots of water, fresh fruit juices, salads, veggies and all, and plenty of 'em too.

50/50 is all good. It's excess and overindulgence that's the problem.

My mother had a thing for lamb fat, beef fat, pork fat, gammon fat, butters, creams, sugar etc. She wasn't fat but she died of a heart attack aged 65.

Bless her. R.I.P. mum, love you and miss you always.

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Just making a comment on your very intelligent finding that they are correct, mayby something to do with to much alcohol.

you don't even realise who you're talking to do you? you don't know who you're replying to and who said what lol.

too much alchohol? Cheers I'll join ya ;):drunk:

actually feel like going out for a few now on this farly sunny day here in BKK :thumbsup:

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#50 Femi Fan "Okay, not so much americans, even though the trend for this unhealthy eating began there. "

I would argue the modern fast food undustry started in the UK not the USA. Fish and chips - deep fried (though British frying is more like boiling) fish coated in a thick batter and salted to near dehydration before being allowed to sit in a warmer soaking in it's own grease. Don't want fish? They'll be happy to fry up some sausages for you. And before that, the miners eating their Cornish pasties (which my Scottish wife described as greasy dough filled with whatever the butcher swept up last night and deep fried in tallow). And while Kentucky colonels were figuring out how to fry chicken in 11 secret herbs and spices, the Scots were perfecting the deep fried Mars bar. Nope. While Americans may be the kings right now, they weren't there first.

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Just making a comment on your very intelligent finding that they are correct, mayby something to do with to much alcohol.

you don't even realise who you're talking to do you? you don't know who you're replying to and who said what lol.

too much alchohol? Cheers I'll join ya ;):drunk:

actually feel like going out for a few now on this farly sunny day here in BKK :thumbsup:

Now let me tell you this if you are the CEO of the company i am working for i maybe apologues, any one else not interesting who are or what you do.

Enjoy your beer.

Edited by needforspeed
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Your first few paragraphs closes the discussion for me. :ermm: Obvious you don't like talking to simple laymen. Snobbery in the extreme.

you've broken my heart transam :violin:

me a snob :cheesy: i was just trying to be serious and constructive about a true point (my last sentence should explain why) and you "brushed it under the carpet" because you were busy eating pies in the sky

i should've said simple layman like me

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Just making a comment on your very intelligent finding that they are correct, mayby something to do with to much alcohol.

you don't even realise who you're talking to do you? you don't know who you're replying to and who said what lol.

too much alchohol? Cheers I'll join ya ;):drunk:

actually feel like going out for a few now on this farly sunny day here in BKK :thumbsup:

Now let me tell you this if you are the CEO of the company i am working for i maybe apologues, any one else not interesting who are or what you do.

Enjoy your beer.

Cheers! :jap:

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I attended a function at an international school recently, in which each nationality was to present a stall of their national dishes, or at least an offering of some of the foods indicative of their cultures.

Not suprisingly the Thai stall centred mainly around somtam and deep fried chicken,(all bought from a food vendour just before the event, unlike all the other groups who actually had to make all their food themselves :rolleyes: )

Anyway, on talking to some of the (youngish) students they seemed to be of the opinion that fried chicken is/was a thai invention :rolleyes:

Funny how when things are considered wholesome and good they are "Thai inventions", yet when these things are discovered as VERY detrimental to health they suddenly become farang inventions :bah:

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I think the people of the region now known as Thailand were the first to domesticate chickens about 2,000 years ago. Or at least they are credited with that.

Having said that taking stroll in a traditional thai markets reveals all sorts of unhealthy fried foods. Western "fast foods" are no improvement but seems a stretch to blame diabetes and weight gain on western influences. I would blame it more on increasing prosperity.

Welcome to the developed world.. Diseases of wealth.

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Junk food is certainly popular world wide....but gotta admit that healthy Thai food :thumbsup: definitely *outweighs* the shit preserved stuff! :bah:

What kind of nonsense is that healthy junk food out weighs the s--t preserved food.

Any healthy food would do that. Fact is Thai's eat to much sugar and it is not a good thing just because other countries do it also. Go to any fast food outlet and order a burger. Tell them just the bun and meat. It will be just as good for you as one you make at home. People choose to eat food that is not good for them be it at home or away. Education is the answer. :jap:

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Get off my back. It's attitudes like yours that prevent people from being educated. I'm not living in other parts of the world, I'm living in Thailand - get it?

I can't speak for ther countries or the rest of the world.

I don't drink Coke, It's awful stuff and if you were half intelligent you would try to educate the Thai people. The people who's country I have been living in for so many years.

You're happy to attack me for making a point. You think I shouldn't make this point. You want me to shut up and turn a blind eye to mistakes that the people and country I love are making. You shut up.

I don't live in Europe, Africa or America, I live in Thailand. I can only talk about Thais and Thais eat too much sugar.

Next you'll be defending them for calling MSG "Thai salt".

If you want to be super hero, why don't you go open up an orphanage or go round giving money to the poor street beggars etc? Instead of jumping on my back when I'm making a valid and constructive point.

You want to talk about the world? Go freaking do it elsewhere. I'm on a Thai forum talking about Thailand.

Get off my back.

Thais eat too much sugar!!! They need educating about it!

Gee...I don't think you're quite ready for a discussion forum.

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i have been walking to school the past couple of weeks and still get quizzed by thai staff as to why i am not riding my motorbike. when i tell them the weather is cool and i am too fat so need exercise - they really don't understand.

Careful, they actually think you are stupid and low class for doing that. :whistling:

Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

What are you babbling on about? Last time I checked we were in Thailand on a Thai forum musing over the subject of junk foods and Thai foods... leave the rest of the world out of it. Fact: Thais do over-sugar foods. Fact: Thais do over-oil food. The retorts add balance to the article's notion that Western fast food was very bad for Thai people, and yet they happily throw all sorts of junk on their national dishes but that's fine.

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Gee...I don't think you're quite ready for a discussion forum.

Because I get annoyed? I see others the same.

My words were twisted, my point missed, irrelevant changes made. Side-tracking. I objected. Too heatedly?

Yes I'm a passionate man.

That person should have made a fresh reply to the main subject

instead of replying to me with an arguement that twisted my point.

Also I was having a bad day at the office. A bad hair day

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Too much coffee is bad for your health, they're correct.

Blissfully and ignorantly drink coke with no knowledge of its ingredients. Even if you're correct, are they any different to people all around the world who are drinking the same stuff? It's an example of marketing in the consumer corporate age where people are persuaded to drink stuff that is bad for them, and in great quantities. It's nothing to do with thais per se, just PEOPLE.

Sugar is used excessively in thai diets? Here you go again, thai this or thai that, but only them is the message. Rubbish. White sugar consumption has gone up several fold in the last generation or so in all developed nations. I believe the frappacinon has several spoons worth of the white sugar stuff in it. Sugar is absolutely everywhere in developed countries, not just thailand.

EVERYBODY needs more education when it comes to food. The western corporations are poisoning us, then their brother and sisters in big pharma step in and give us more poisons with their pills.

What are you babbling on about? Last time I checked we were in Thailand on a Thai forum musing over the subject of junk foods and Thai foods... leave the rest of the world out of it. Fact: Thais do over-sugar foods. Fact: Thais do over-oil food. The retorts add balance to the article's notion that Western fast food was very bad for Thai people, and yet they happily throw all sorts of junk on their national dishes but that's fine.

A pleasure to see your reply to babbling femi fan here. I'd already said the same thing to them but in the wrong way apparantly. I had no patience :annoyed: I think my critic implies.

(See Phetaroi immediately above this and previous page)

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Go to any Tesco Lotus or Big C, never mind the 7/11's and you will see aisle upon aisle brimming over with 'snack foods' and 'cakes'. Besides butter and sardines I've never seen anything in a 7/11 I'd put in my body. It's all complete crap, right down to their awful sugar laced 'sandwiches'. But before we jump all over the sugar obsession, you ever seen a Thai adding salt to their cooking: There's a heart attack waiting to happen.

All that being said, I believe authentic Thai food to be quite possibly the healthiest in the world. Lots of steamed fish and seafood together with fresh herbs and raw vegetables.

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What are you babbling on about? Last time I checked we were in Thailand on a Thai forum musing over the subject of junk foods and Thai foods... leave the rest of the world out of it. Fact: Thais do over-sugar foods. Fact: Thais do over-oil food. The retorts add balance to the article's notion that Western fast food was very bad for Thai people, and yet they happily throw all sorts of junk on their national dishes but that's fine.

Junk food came from countries outside of thailand, specifically the USA. They are therefore relevant to this thread. In addition, the original news article talked about the western and american influence. Perhaps you didn't check the OP?

Macdonals, kfc, pizzahut, burgerking, 7-11, svensens, they're all american fast food junk food companies i believe. They're all over thailand now, after these corporations started spreading their poisonous junk to the rest of the world. Never mind all that coke and pepsi and other poisonous soft drinks.

Yes, thais deep fry a lot of foods in markets, they use a lot of sugar, but until the invasion of western/american junk food corporations and also these companies' processed foods, thailand had an almost zero problem with overweight or obese citizens. Any discussion on junk food in thailand must necessarily include the US, they're the source of all this poisonous 'food'.

But no worries eh, when the thai folk fall ill, they can go to the clinics and hospitals and get pills to fix them. And i wonder where a lot of these pills come from...?

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Gee...I don't think you're quite ready for a discussion forum.

Because I get annoyed? I see others the same.

My words were twisted, my point missed, irrelevant changes made. Side-tracking. I objected. Too heatedly?

Yes I'm a passionate man.

That person should have made a fresh reply to the main subject

instead of replying to me with an arguement that twisted my point.

Also I was having a bad day at the office. A bad hair day

Cool. Glad you agree that at least on that day you weren't quite ready for any sort of logical discussion.

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What are you babbling on about? Last time I checked we were in Thailand on a Thai forum musing over the subject of junk foods and Thai foods... leave the rest of the world out of it. Fact: Thais do over-sugar foods. Fact: Thais do over-oil food. The retorts add balance to the article's notion that Western fast food was very bad for Thai people, and yet they happily throw all sorts of junk on their national dishes but that's fine.

Junk food came from countries outside of thailand, specifically the USA. They are therefore relevant to this thread. In addition, the original news article talked about the western and american influence. Perhaps you didn't check the OP?

Macdonals, kfc, pizzahut, burgerking, 7-11, svensens, they're all american fast food junk food companies i believe. They're all over thailand now, after these corporations started spreading their poisonous junk to the rest of the world. Never mind all that coke and pepsi and other poisonous soft drinks.

Yes, thais deep fry a lot of foods in markets, they use a lot of sugar, but until the invasion of western/american junk food corporations and also these companies' processed foods, thailand had an almost zero problem with overweight or obese citizens. Any discussion on junk food in thailand must necessarily include the US, they're the source of all this poisonous 'food'.

But no worries eh, when the thai folk fall ill, they can go to the clinics and hospitals and get pills to fix them. And i wonder where a lot of these pills come from...?

Sure bring back the good old days when the people of thailand were living half as long. Being devastated by infectious diseases like malaria, typhoid, smallpox etc. Prior to vaccines and pesticides to control the mosquito's. Back when starvation and malnutrition were common cause of death. When peoples teeth rotted out because there was no modern dentistry. Before the internal combustion engine and the roads and soi's would have been covered in horse and elephant dung....

Yeah now that you mention it the good old days before America's influence sounds so great.

Femi.. Maybe you can build a time machine and go back.

Oh snap.. A time machine would probably be American technology like this Interweb thing....Maybe there is a bamboo time machine at the night market. I guess your screwed Femi.. What about moving to Northern Myanmar and living with the hill tribes. No McDonalds and Krispy Kreme... No medical care. ruled by criminal warlords... Slavery... Just like old Siam. You could live the good times up there no problem... Send us a postcard or something.

Edited by CobraSnakeNecktie
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Gee...I don't think you're quite ready for a discussion forum.

Because I get annoyed? I see others the same.

My words were twisted, my point missed, irrelevant changes made. Side-tracking. I objected. Too heatedly?

Yes I'm a passionate man.

That person should have made a fresh reply to the main subject

instead of replying to me with an arguement that twisted my point.

Also I was having a bad day at the office. A bad hair day

Cool. Glad you agree that at least on that day you weren't quite ready for any sort of logical discussion.

Not cool. I'm not saying that.

I was logical but maybe a bit too passionate. I stand by what I said.

I'm me - I'm not you. So don't compare and judge.

Who the <deleted> are you anyway??? You could be anyone, A bad character for all I know.... :crazy:

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Gee...I don't think you're quite ready for a discussion forum.

Because I get annoyed? I see others the same.

My words were twisted, my point missed, irrelevant changes made. Side-tracking. I objected. Too heatedly?

Yes I'm a passionate man.

That person should have made a fresh reply to the main subject

instead of replying to me with an arguement that twisted my point.

Also I was having a bad day at the office. A bad hair day

Cool. Glad you agree that at least on that day you weren't quite ready for any sort of logical discussion.

Not cool. I'm not saying that.

I was logical but maybe a bit too passionate. I stand by what I said.

I'm me - I'm not you. So don't compare and judge.

Who the <deleted> are you anyway??? You could be anyone, A bad character for all I know.... :crazy:

1. Several of us don't agree that you were being logical.

2. Being passionate is not an excuse. You seem to equate being passionate with license.

3. Here's your logic: First you say "So don't compare and judge." Then you say "You could be anyone, a bad character for all I know...crazy."

It's best to discuss and debate when you have calmed down and reasoned things out.

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Fish and chips - deep fried (though British frying is more like boiling) fish coated in a thick batter and salted to near dehydration before being allowed to sit in a warmer soaking in it's own grease.

Stop you're making me hungry. :(

And while Kentucky colonels were figuring out how to fry chicken in 11 secret herbs and spices, the Scots were perfecting the deep fried Mars bar

If we're going to go by your weird grasp on historical events and their dates you might as well say " While Stone Age man was inventing fire Apple introduced the iPad." :huh:

Edited by mca
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What are you babbling on about? Last time I checked we were in Thailand on a Thai forum musing over the subject of junk foods and Thai foods... leave the rest of the world out of it. Fact: Thais do over-sugar foods. Fact: Thais do over-oil food. The retorts add balance to the article's notion that Western fast food was very bad for Thai people, and yet they happily throw all sorts of junk on their national dishes but that's fine.

Junk food came from countries outside of thailand, specifically the USA. They are therefore relevant to this thread. In addition, the original news article talked about the western and american influence. Perhaps you didn't check the OP?

Macdonals, kfc, pizzahut, burgerking, 7-11, svensens, they're all american fast food junk food companies i believe. They're all over thailand now, after these corporations started spreading their poisonous junk to the rest of the world. Never mind all that coke and pepsi and other poisonous soft drinks.

Yes, thais deep fry a lot of foods in markets, they use a lot of sugar, but until the invasion of western/american junk food corporations and also these companies' processed foods, thailand had an almost zero problem with overweight or obese citizens. Any discussion on junk food in thailand must necessarily include the US, they're the source of all this poisonous 'food'.

But no worries eh, when the thai folk fall ill, they can go to the clinics and hospitals and get pills to fix them. And i wonder where a lot of these pills come from...?

Wow...unreal. So the US is the source of all the poisonous food the Thai's eat. Listen, you are obviously a very young person. That's great. But please try to post facts here and not just BS. This thread is about Thais THINKING before choosing trendy junk food. Not bashing the US...as is your usual ploy. It's getting old...Stick to the topic.


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Wow...unreal. So the US is the source of all the poisonous food the Thai's eat. Listen, you are obviously a very young person. That's great. But please try to post facts here and not just BS. This thread is about Thais THINKING before choosing trendy junk food. Not bashing the US...as is your usual ploy. It's getting old...Stick to the topic.


I beg to differ, it is not off-topic. Junk food comes from america, at least the global variety that has been exported all around the world. Therefore any discussion about junk food in thailand must include america, and in any case, the OP does that.

I'm not US bashing, i'm bashing the madness that allows these coporations to produce all this 'food' (at great expense to the wellbeing of our planet) and then advertise and sell it (at great expense to the wellbeing of the citizens eating it).

I would be happy to knock off some of my age, but you've already done that.

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On second thoughts, reading all the arguments, I agree there are big influences from western fastfood here.

But it doesn't take away that Thai food has some fastfood aspects too. For instance, I see many Thai eating very much white rice. It has low nutritional value so the body needs topping up.

But in fact, everything one eat or drink to much is not healthy.

I remember the period of shortage, people earning little money and work hard. There were (almost) no fat people.

Nowadays people seem much more unhappy, and many people try to find happiness in food.

Edited by Joop50
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Wow...unreal. So the US is the source of all the poisonous food the Thai's eat. Listen, you are obviously a very young person. That's great. But please try to post facts here and not just BS. This thread is about Thais THINKING before choosing trendy junk food. Not bashing the US...as is your usual ploy. It's getting old...Stick to the topic.


I beg to differ, it is not off-topic. Junk food comes from america, at least the global variety that has been exported all around the world. Therefore any discussion about junk food in thailand must include america, and in any case, the OP does that.

I'm not US bashing, i'm bashing the madness that allows these coporations to produce all this 'food' (at great expense to the wellbeing of our planet) and then advertise and sell it (at great expense to the wellbeing of the citizens eating it).

I would be happy to knock off some of my age, but you've already done that.

Yes, McD's is from America, but correct me if I am wrong...McThai is wholly owned by Thais.

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Not cool. I'm not saying that.

I was logical but maybe a bit too passionate. I stand by what I said.

I'm me - I'm not you. So don't compare and judge.

Who the <deleted> are you anyway??? You could be anyone, A bad character for all I know.... :crazy:

1. Several of us don't agree that you were being logical.

2. Being passionate is not an excuse. You seem to equate being passionate with license.

3. Here's your logic: First you say "So don't compare and judge." Then you say "You could be anyone, a bad character for all I know...crazy."

It's best to discuss and debate when you have calmed down and reasoned things out.

I still don't know who the <deleted> you are.

But I do know that all you sad lonely people always refer to your solitary self as "us" to try to make yourself appear less irrelevant.

Your inability to recognise logic bores the **** out of me.

I suggest you take your imaginary playmates and go play a game of ring-a-roses in your padded cell :crazy:

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Yes, thais deep fry a lot of foods in markets, they use a lot of sugar, but until the invasion of western/american junk food corporations and also these companies' processed foods, thailand had an almost zero problem with overweight or obese citizens. Any discussion on junk food in thailand must necessarily include the US, they're the source of all this poisonous 'food'.

They also barely had any money to buy their own large variety of junk foods which exist in every country on Earth.

Have you ever had Japanese tempura, Chinese fried rice, Swiss chocolate or English fish and chips? Blaming America for obesity is just trendy nonsense.


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