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Death By Phone Call


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Above Bawd in Pattaya

Death By Phone Call

A great thread on Teak_Door a while ago brought into conflict skeptical foreigners and superstitious Thais. Unfortunately they were often married to each other, and living up-country.

Missismiggins started it: My wife came back from her mother’s today. She had a piece of paper that she briefly showed to me, which contained 3 telephone numbers, which had been given by a local official. The instruction handed out to the locals was that if you receive a telephone call from any of these three numbers do not answer it, as it will kill you. People have died already!

So you can now imagine what it’s like around here at the minute...they are all trying to check their mobiles to screen incoming calls, they all have these bits of paper, can you picture it….all now rummaging around in their bags, wallets, pockets, to find the piece of paper with the list every time their phone rings to try and compare it!

I only managed to grasp at the list, before it was quickly snatched from me as a "NON BELIEVER" (She knew I would ring them to see what happens).

Of course it wasn’t long before a Doubting Thomas actually got hold of the list.

Mousehole said: Our village is rampant today with all this. A man in Lampang got a phone call today and he immediately died with blood spurting out of his ears and eyes. I just cannot stop laughing when they stand trembling and shaking trying to warn me. My wife was at the market today and phoned me to ask if we needed bread. I saw it was her phoning so just answered and made Whoooo, Whooooo ghost noises. She nearly died.

More cynical posters, such as Norton suggested an ulterior motive: Folks will call the number and find it is someone selling time share condos. Well. Maybe in Pattaya. Although here they’d kill you as well.

Withnallstoke asked, What happens if the bastard murderers send you a text? Still death, or just a maiming? The panic hasn't reached here yet. The only numbers no one answers are from bill collectors.

Missimiggins, summoning up the blood, said: I thought of ringing the mother in law, she only has a landline, but if I were to slowly speak out the numbers ...like "I am calling from...0 - 5- 3...do you think it will work? Maybe I could write them down and fax them to her?

He then reported that he was waiting for his wife to fall asleep so he could snatch the numbers and call them. He eventually got them by pretending he was helping someone avoid death by telephone call in Lampang, and instead posted them on the forum. Of course, not wanting to be a party to mass murder, I won’t be quoting them here. He added: if my wife found out I had taken the piss about this, Joan of Arc would have died painlessly.

Norton summoned up the bravery to call them first: All three said "Sorry the number cannot be reached at this time" Either no number or phone off. Mother in law was asleep so I used nasty Sister in law’s phone.

Jandajoy added: Well, my wife called 'em. No answer. I now have to explain why I asked her to call these numbers. She's well wound up. I've told her it's "secret falang business." Missismiggins breathed new life again by suggesting that the autopsy results on phone victims might read: "Cause of Death - Stupidity". I give it a week before the local temples have "smelted" some magical charms that prevent death by 0800 numbers and the like, they'll sell like hotcakes, you wait!

And finally, to give print credibility to word of mouth wildfire rumours, Slackula posted a Phuket Gazette report on the phenomenon:

The reporters called 083-333-5xxx, reportedly one of the most dangerous numbers. Instead of an explosion of blood from the ear, however, they got an angry young woman who complained she had been called more than 100 times that day by people asking if she had really been sending out high frequency death waves.

The woman said she had been using the ‘beautiful number’ since she bought it three years ago. The following day she would buy a new SIM card, she added.

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-- Pattaya One 2010-11-19

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