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Can Anyone Recommend A Good Urologist


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First of all, I know your pain and you have my sympathy for having to endure so much pain.

I can not recommend a urologist but as a veteran of passing well over 30 kidney stones in my life I can offer a few preventive tips that worked for me. I used to pass a stone at least every six months or so until I finally started watch what I ate and drinking at least a gallon of water every day. To properly adjust your diet, you will need to screen your urine and capture one of your stones as you pass it. Then you will need to have it tested so you can determine what type of stone it is. The majority are calcium oxalate stones, followed by calcium phosphate stones. More rarely, struvite stones are produced by urea-splitting bacteria in people with urinary tract infections, and people with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce uric acid stones or cystine stones.

In my case I had the more common calcium oxalate stones and adjusted my diet to reduce the amount of calcium intake, for the most part; milk products and soda or soft drinks. I also to this very day drink at least a quart of water in the morning, again around noon, again around dinner time and again in the late evening. Since I started doing this five years ago, I have yet to have a kidney stone problem.

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First of all, I know your pain and you have my sympathy for having to endure so much pain.

I can not recommend a urologist but as a veteran of passing well over 30 kidney stones in my life I can offer a few preventive tips that worked for me. I used to pass a stone at least every six months or so until I finally started watch what I ate and drinking at least a gallon of water every day. To properly adjust your diet, you will need to screen your urine and capture one of your stones as you pass it. Then you will need to have it tested so you can determine what type of stone it is. The majority are calcium oxalate stones, followed by calcium phosphate stones. More rarely, struvite stones are produced by urea-splitting bacteria in people with urinary tract infections, and people with certain metabolic abnormalities may produce uric acid stones or cystine stones.

In my case I had the more common calcium oxalate stones and adjusted my diet to reduce the amount of calcium intake, for the most part; milk products and soda or soft drinks. I also to this very day drink at least a quart of water in the morning, again around noon, again around dinner time and again in the late evening. Since I started doing this five years ago, I have yet to have a kidney stone problem.

Thanks for that BB, my problem is that i don't drink enough water so obviously that must change, but need to get the one inside me sorted first as i'm not sure how much the wife can take of me pacing up and down :(.

Thanks again,Alf

Edited by alfieconn
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I have also had kidney stones a number of times and passed them without medication or medical procedures.

My recommendation is to make sure to drink the water of at least one fresh coconut every day - none of the canned/bottled drinks or drinks with sugar added - as the natural electrolytes help keep you hydrated and (it is said) keep the stones from forming in the first place. Coconut water also might help them pass more comfortably, but I would drink a bunch of them throughout the day.

I can't swear this will work for you, but it really seems to work for me. I had them frequently in the past, but it stopped shortly after I started drinking coconut water regularly.

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It's a 7-45 kick off tonight Alfie, try not to pace too much mate. wink.gif

Chin up. smile.gif

Luckily for me my dear kidney stone decided to stay put for the game, alas he has been on the move for the past hour thus my reason for being on here at this odd hour.

Third night of pain but i actually think that i am getting use to it :(.

Anyway i have an appointment to see Dr.Bunnakit at 12.00 today.

Edited by alfieconn
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