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What Typesof Peopleare Coming Tophuket Now?


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As a fairly long term resident here ihave noticed the demographics gradually changing , post sunami, but particularly more so recently, with more and more young and very young males arriving to holiday/ party here .Today I flew from KL to here and the plane had many young guys sitting around me who were arriving via KL, some first timers and some returning, and the whole conversations were about Budha, temples and exotic Thailand and all things Thai....Joking, 5555 no, the whole talk was of the cheap and easy avialability of SEX with the thai girls, nothing else matters, said a couple of guys.We saved all year purely to come here and bonk as many girls as possible and get as drunk as possible. The conversation that followed was basically xx rated stuff, about what they had done and what they were about to do with the thai girls and how ''accomodating'' the girls are.I said yeh, but guys, these girls are all someones daughters you know and many are supporting family at home, so treat them as human beings. Answer: no way mate, they're f..... whores, cheap and easy whores and we treat them that way....F...em all!! OK i say, but why do young guys need to come here just to have sex, you must have same age girls at home. Answer; yeh sure, but you pay an arm and leg for the priviledge and you go through all sorts of bother to get the end result and most western girls are now fat little f...ers!! Dont want them..and this is coming out of the mouths of trash talking, trashlooking, yobbos, who probably could not ''pull'' a good looker at home.

The product of so called civilised 1st world countries in all its glory. Quite glad when we landed so i could escape these guys. Anyway this set me to thinking and ask this question...

How many men would visit here initially, and how many would settle here as in retirement if not for the desperate plight of most of these females who make themselves available as sex toys to visitors and/or later even marry some of these often unsavoury types in return for financial aid? It takes desperation to do so IMO.Yes true love can and does happen,but the majority?

My belief is that without the availability of the ladies the ''single male''tourist and expat numbers would in fact be miniscule as , lets face it..there are a lot of far nicer tropical destinations and the cost of living here now is fast approaching the nicer places costs.

Also i read that the navy was intown,while i was away, how many of them are here for the ''natural beauty of phuket''.Would they really be here for R & R if not for the easy ,cheap accomodating ladies? Sadly, i think not .I realise that this hasalwaysbeen so , but listening to these rejects got me thinking......

Edited by fatcatkamala
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Got to admit, If it wasn't for the girls I wouldn't of stuck around, and I think neither would the vast majority of of farang that are settled here. Its not the only reason Im here but Its a big part.

Also as I call Phuket my home now, but work away in other country's, I regularly meet lots of guys from all different places, and when we get on to the topic of Phuket no one ever says 'ahh yeah I went there last year to look at the big buddha and the sea shell museum' or 'me and my mates are going there soon, where are the most beautiful beaches and the finest views?' The first thing that people always mention is the girls.

I even know a few married blokes who come on regular 'Golfing Holidays' ....Im not sure that they ever bring their clubs though! It seems that is what Phuket, and in fact Thailand is all about for most.

Whether Its coming to Bang as many birds as you can, or to find the love of your life, the women are the main reason for most men to travel here. Thai girls are a huge part of what keep Phuket going. I mean really, without the availability of easy sex and or the opportunity to get an attractive girl half your age, that you most of you know you would never have a chance with in your own countries, most of the male species would be on the next flight to Pattaya! Lah gone!

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I mean really, without the availability of easy sex and or the opportunity to get an attractive girl half your age, that you most of you know you would never have a chance with in your own countries, most of the male species would be on the next flight to Pattaya! Lah gone!

Speak for yourself mate. My Thai wife is nearly 3 years older than me, and I never used to have any problems hooking up with pretty English girls before I was married.

You take that element out of Phuket and Phuket survives 100%. It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue.

The same could not be said for Pattaya!

I think I'll let you guys have your fun with this thread and stay out of it. Not that I think it will it be open too long.

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The best way IMO, to meet a decent Thai lady, is lay low, mind your own business, don't talk a lot, keep yourself busy with a worthwhile endeavor or two (such as a legitimate business, volunteer work, engage in some sort of physical training, learn to speak Thai, etc). Ladies anywhere in the world are more observant than most guys think, and they ultimately do the "choosing". Sure, throw enough money at them and they are also good "businesspeople".

My TGF and have been together for over 5 years. When we first met, she waved me over to where she was standing and later on she intimated she had seen me around before (in Phuket) and liked the way I handled myself; clean-cut, good physical shape, quiet, stayed in the background, etc. She decided I would make a good BF before she even met me.

Take it slow. Also, the ladies will reveal what they are all about if you just let them get comfortable around you; they will tell you what you need to know about them without you having to ask. It makes deciding whether to hang onto them all the easier.

And the above approach works well in Western countries; I had little problem meeting and hooking up with ladies in the US. The issue I have with many Western women is they are very spoiled, hard to please, ungreatful, and have become quite adept at calculating the "divorce math potential" with men. Even the fat and ugly Western women have bad attitudes.

The main reason I moved to Thailand was I was living and working in Taiwan previously on an expat assignment for a US co. Having read extensively about the financial markets, I surmised that the US housing/debt bomb would go off and end very badly. This was back in 2004/2005. Having two kids in college, my job in Taiwan was coming to an end and the job my co. had for me back in the States was lame, I sold my house in CA near the top of the market, got completely out of debt and moved to Phuket and semi-retired at the age of 47. I started my own business straightaway and things have worked out better than I ever expected so far. I was more attracted to the lower cost of living and maintaining my ability to put my two bright kids through college without going broke. Excellent and inexpensive health care, great culture, etc. were also considered. The abundance of extremely attractive ladies was a nice little bonus.

As for the young "studs" who are taking orders from their One-Eyed Sailors down below, they'll figure things out sooner or later either by means one too many visits to the VD clinic (or worse) or finally wanting a real mate and all the nonsense they engaged in previously got them nowhere in that regard.

Edited by maxman71
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Strange, i would say in kata the opposite is happening. More and more families and couples coming.

I totally agree that Kata and Karon have become more family orientated, most probably due to the number of newer hotels that have sprung up in the past three years on the road behind Club Med. It's also noticeable that the southern end of Kata is now much busier than Kata Centre, which is pretty dead.

The guesthouse customer demographic in Kata/Karon has also changed with fewer single men staying. I have no idea how most of the local girlie bars stay in business.

The major change is in the number of Russians. Most stay at the larger hotels and spend little in bars of any sort.

We've seen people from all over Eastern Europe, North and South America, more and more Italians and of course Asians. The traditional Scandinavian market is still going strong but doesn't represent the same proportion of visitors as it used to.

I also think that backpacker numbers are down this season. Maybe the strong baht and the bad press have had an effect on this market.

I'm only talking about Kata/Karon. I am sure Patong is very different and I have no idea about Bang Tao and Kamala.

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I mean really, without the availability of easy sex and or the opportunity to get an attractive girl half your age, that you most of you know you would never have a chance with in your own countries, most of the male species would be on the next flight to Pattaya! Lah gone!

Speak for yourself mate. My Thai wife is nearly 3 years older than me, and I never used to have any problems hooking up with pretty English girls before I was married.

You take that element out of Phuket and Phuket survives 100%. It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue.

The same could not be said for Pattaya!

I think I'll let you guys have your fun with this thread and stay out of it. Not that I think it will it be open too long.

"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Edited by NamKangMan
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In essence, OP, nothing is different to what's been happening for years.

Europeans, certainly Brits, flock to places like Ibiza and Rhodes for sun, sea, booze and sex. Sex may be not with the local girls, but it's pretty freely available from fellow tourists nevertheless.

I'm not an Aussie, but I suspect that Bali is the equivalent to the above for those down-under.

All that's happening is that young people are travelling a little bit farther, ie Phuket, to find the same attractions. Whether that is due to more affluence, bigger handouts from Mummy and Daddy, or generous overdraft facilities from their banks is a matter for another thread.

The irony for me is that this low-level tourism is actually what's happening 'on the ground', yet TAT is always proclaiming that it's the 'high spending quality market that is the focus and driver.

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I mean really, without the availability of easy sex and or the opportunity to get an attractive girl half your age, that you most of you know you would never have a chance with in your own countries, most of the male species would be on the next flight to Pattaya! Lah gone!

Speak for yourself mate. My Thai wife is nearly 3 years older than me, and I never used to have any problems hooking up with pretty English girls before I was married.

You take that element out of Phuket and Phuket survives 100%. It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue.

The same could not be said for Pattaya!

I think I'll let you guys have your fun with this thread and stay out of it. Not that I think it will it be open too long.

"It's a small percentage of Phuket revenue." :) :) :) :)


Picture Bangla Road with beer bars and no bar girls in them. 90% of the bars would go broke in a matter of months. Picture Tiger, Hollywood, Seduction and Taipan Discos with no freelancers in them. They would be broke in no time. Imagine zero sex industry on the island. Patong, for example, would become like a ghost town. Vacant shops, bars, restaurants, cafes, salons etc. The over supply of bars and accommodation is already seeing many bars and hotels struggle. Families and couples would not spend enough for all of these establishments to survive.

The girls are a big attraction for tourism in Phuket as far as the numbers and dollars are concerned. Whether or not it's the type of "tourism" they want here is a different question, but it certainly keeps the local economy going and puts food on the table in Issan.

Like so many people you have a bit of a problem looking at the big picture. So many people only look at things 10 feet and 5 minutes in front of them.

Yes there would be an adjustment period, where a huge amount of bars would go out of business. Over time however, new business would take there place, and a new type of tourist, ones who are put off by the thought of Bangla being all Phuket has to offer, would flood in.

Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly, but it isn't the heart beat of phuket, cut it out and phuket survuves if not flourishes.

Anyway, I'll match your Bangla, and I'll raise you Laguna! Completely different, but I wouldn't of thought the revenues would be that much different.

Just to clarify though. I'm not anti Patong. I think it's a great place to go fo a night out. I think Phuket has got the balance just right with how prominent that industry is and how readily available, a nice family holiday is as well.

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Like so many people you have a bit of a problem looking at the big picture. So many people only look at things 10 feet and 5 minutes in front of them.

Yes there would be an adjustment period, where a huge amount of bars would go out of business. Over time however, new business would take there place, and a new type of tourist, ones who are put off by the thought of Bangla being all Phuket has to offer, would flood in.

Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly, but it isn't the heart beat of phuket, cut it out and phuket survuves if not flourishes.

Anyway, I'll match your Bangla, and I'll raise you Laguna! Completely different, but I wouldn't of thought the revenues would be that much different.

Just to clarify though. I'm not anti Patong. I think it's a great place to go fo a night out. I think Phuket has got the balance just right with how prominent that industry is and how readily available, a nice family holiday is as well.

The tourists you are talking about are already here, in Karon, Kata, Kamala, Bang Tao and, to a degree, already in Patong.

The problem is that Phuket already has a surfeit of hotel rooms and without the Patong crowd to fill those rooms, where are the additional tourists going to come from? This island is already overdeveloped and has lost most of its charm and this side of things will only get worse.

Your last paragraph is just about right (and I haven't agreed with much that you have posted on this forum recently so take that as a compliment!)

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I have a large group (30+) people here now using my Gym that are on a organized health and fitness getaway. There are 100's of people here training Muay Thai. There are thousands of families visiting each year. hundreds of thousands who come just to see Bangla and all its excitement and never partake in its extra offerings. The yachting community, eco and medical tourism, golf. etc. etc. etc.

So its very narrow minded to think that people are only coming here for sex.

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Has only just become obvious to you why people vist places like Phuket and Pattaya?

It's still isn't obvious to you, it would seem. Please read the post above by ,BillR' and you will be enlightened.

I have a large group (30+) people here now using my Gym that are on a organized health and fitness getaway. There are 100's of people here training Muay Thai. There are thousands of families visiting each year. hundreds of thousands who come just to see Bangla and all its excitement and never partake in its extra offerings. The yachting community, eco and medical tourism, golf. etc. etc. etc.

So its very narrow minded to think that people are only coming here for sex.

Good post. Those of you who like to discuss Phuket, based on a two week holiday, during which you didn't leave Patong, please read and learn.

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eco and medical tourism

I don't think the eco tourism is huge yet, but it's growing, especially on the surounding islands. Plastic surgery holidays however, are very big business these days for Thais and Farang alike. Did you think all those Thai woman had been telling porkie pies to make their noses get so big. :D

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Well, just got an email this morning from some friends back in England who ARE NOT coming now. Their plan was a February visit.

Now, this is a couple in their late 50's who have taken early retirement. They're certainly not loaded, but are pretty comfortable.

Looking at the whole prices of a trip here, they've told me that it is just too expensive. But what they've done instead is the surprising thing. They've booked a 2 week cruise in the Caribbean!

Frankly, given the quality of cruise ships there, with the demanding standards of many Americans, the cruise lines cost overheads, the cost of watersports in that part of the world, well I'm stunned that it is so much cheaper than 2 weeks in Phuket.

Who knows what this high season will bring, but if this is an indication, then many well-off tourists are choosing elsewhere, and we'll get the lads after a bonk that this thread is all about.

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Like so many people you have a bit of a problem looking at the big picture. So many people only look at things 10 feet and 5 minutes in front of them.

Yes there would be an adjustment period, where a huge amount of bars would go out of business. Over time however, new business would take there place, and a new type of tourist, ones who are put off by the thought of Bangla being all Phuket has to offer, would flood in.

Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly, but it isn't the heart beat of phuket, cut it out and phuket survuves if not flourishes.

Anyway, I'll match your Bangla, and I'll raise you Laguna! Completely different, but I wouldn't of thought the revenues would be that much different.

Just to clarify though. I'm not anti Patong. I think it's a great place to go fo a night out. I think Phuket has got the balance just right with how prominent that industry is and how readily available, a nice family holiday is as well.

"Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly." :) :) :) :)

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Well, just got an email this morning from some friends back in England who ARE NOT coming now. Their plan was a February visit.

Now, this is a couple in their late 50's who have taken early retirement. They're certainly not loaded, but are pretty comfortable.

Looking at the whole prices of a trip here, they've told me that it is just too expensive. But what they've done instead is the surprising thing. They've booked a 2 week cruise in the Caribbean!

Frankly, given the quality of cruise ships there, with the demanding standards of many Americans, the cruise lines cost overheads, the cost of watersports in that part of the world, well I'm stunned that it is so much cheaper than 2 weeks in Phuket.

Who knows what this high season will bring, but if this is an indication, then many well-off tourists are choosing elsewhere, and we'll get the lads after a bonk that this thread is all about.

I don't think the fate of Phuket tourism, rests in the hands of a couple of old dears from the UK, who have changed their mind where to holiday this year!!

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"Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly." :) :) :) :)

Always happy to hold my hands up when I say something wrong. ;)

No, you didn't say it wrong, you are WRONG - WRONG - WRONG. :)

I will not "play down slightly" how wrong you are which you have admitted to. :) :) :) :)

If you want to see what downstairs of the The Tiger Complex on Bangla Road would look like, without bar girls, go and have a look at the bars under the new boxing stadium.

Edited by NamKangMan
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"Perhaps saying it is a small percentage was playing it down slightly." :) :) :) :)

Always happy to hold my hands up when I say something wrong.

No, you didn't say it wrong, you are WRONG - WRONG - WRONG. :)

I will not "play down slightly" how wrong you are which you have admitted to.

If you want to see what downstairs of the The Tiger Complex on Bangla Road would look like, without bar girls, go and have a look at the bars under the new boxing stadium.

I think you're letting the English language get you all in a muddle mate :wacko:

I'm not sure what exactly you're trying to get at. Perhaps you're getting confused with the difference between, 'saying' something wrong'

and 'saying 'something' wrong. I was saying the latter, which is exactly the same as being wrong about something.

So basicly, your 'you didn't say it wrong, you are wrong' statement with all the pretty smiley faces, didn't make the slightest bit of sense.

I stand by my statements. Calling it a small percentage was wrong (as I have admitted already) However, I stand by my comment that it was only slightly wrong. Bangla is only one road, and a huge amount of the time it's pretty quiet. A huge amount of people that walk up and down that road are mere spectators, not spending any money at all. If you clicked your fingers, and they vanished, that road would look very different, especially anytime outside high season. As soon as you turn off Bangla toward the beach, all the money is going to the restaurants. As soon as you head off Bangla, away from the beach, the bars are for the best part empty, often being 6 girls to one lonely Farang propping up the bar.

Of course that area and that industry generates a huge amount of money, but it's not a lion share of what Phuket generates as a tourist destination.

Normaly, it's people that only frequent that area, that would be unaware of how much more goes on in Phuket. Not saying that's you, just saying.

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