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Moving to thailand

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Sorry about this-I bet you've answered these questions a hundred times,but after reading the other posts I find myself very confused! I was planning a final visit in May to sort out all these questions,but now my house in England has sold far more quickly than expected,looks like I'll just have to stay!! I am hoping to stay for 6-12 months or so while I take one of the many teaching courses-and then to get a job,which combination of visas would suit me best?I will be taking around £60k-have read notes about high interest internet accounts,could anyone recommend a good one? Lastly,I was planning to take my car (purely to fill a container as I don't have that many household items)but have heard of some crazy import tax rates of 295%! Is this true-and will it apply to my household goods as well?
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Hi Miles,

Others are more qualified to give you a comprehensive answer

However I would NOT convert £60K into Thai Baht.

I would leave it in my UK Bank.

If you have a Debit Card, cash withdrawals

are easy and economic from ATM's on every corner here.

If you wish to make a complete break from UK, maybe for Tax Reasons, you could place your Sterling in an Offshore Bank

in Channel Islands or Isle of Man.

Hope this helps


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Miles ....forget the car ....the tax rates are iniquitous.   For now you have to forget the container too. Until you get an extension of your Non- Immigrant O visa in Thailand you are unable to bring personal effects anyway. Unless you fancy paying taxes over or under the table.
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Thanks for your advice,have taken it in hand and have found somewhere for short term storage,will also be opening a new account-is this because of a low interest rate in Thailand or instability of ThB? As far as Visa's are concerned,then,my best bet would be to go on tourist and then change to non-imm O once I get settled?
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Miles ..this is a ad I picked up from Dave at Pats-XP Club..sort of thing u might be interested in.

I have 2 Apartments now up for rent. A 2 bed duplex penthouse and a one bed. All have Hot water, cable TV, air & fan and come furnished. Looking for long term at BHT 6000 a month + electric for the one bed and BHT 7900+ for the penthouse. E mail me at [email protected] or call on Thailand 06 5685778

Also as I have mentioned before the old NATIONWIDE BS. do an internet A/C (pay about 4%) and ATM access everwhere with NO bank charges and Inter B. Rate (not tourist).Recon you can save about 1000Bt.on a typical 20000Bt.withdrawal.

The other banks just cant compare..

I am usually really grateful for it at 1 am in morning somewhere in Suk.Rd when I need some dosh for my busfares.??.


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Hi Miles,

Ref your "will also be opening a new account-is this because of a low interest rate in Thailand or instability of ThB?"

The Bht has been very stable these past few years.

But I would prefer to rely on Sterling !!

The other factor is Exchange Control Restrictions.

Thailand is more strict than UK.

Thailand has tightened their EC regulations

as to documentation for outward Remittances

recently and could easily impose further restriction

at any time - as could any country including UK

But I think UK is a better bet.

Rinrada's mention of Nationwide Building Society

sounds very interesting.


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Hi Miles,

In reference to the car, DO NOT SHIP IT OVER, it is not worth it unless you really have a emotional attachment to it... : )  ----> Personal experience, My car in the US had a value "new" of 27K $, when I shipped it here (I did not wanted to sell it, same reasons as above) I had it in a 40feet container, I had to pay 100% of the car value, these are just import taxes, and is crazy, there is no way around it.  The only thing for me to do was to contact a friend of mine who luckily through her cousing got me the million and two hundred baht tax down to 800K, Bahts.  So, have I sold the car over, I would be driving a brand new one here, and still have money left to go around and about.

On the visa issue, you can come in as a Tourist get a company to sponsor you and go out of the country and apply for your non-immigrant visa. (2-3 days turn around) After that, you will be getting a working permit, and if you keep working with the same company, they company will apply in your behalf, and immigration and labor will keep extending you the visa and permit, and so on.  

***Just so you know, the Visa expire date governs the work permit expire date.

Good luck.


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Thanks,all your help much appreciated! Don't I need proof of being able to support myself to apply for the non-imm O visa? Trouble is I won't have this until my house is sold-due to go through about two days before I leave!!
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Why you don't call the Thai consul in Hull and ask if you can send your application there. He will propably give you a one yaer multiple entry. The small Thai consulates are the most generous.

The big embassies and consulates can be hopeless, if you don't have extremeley good paperwork, and even then they seems to be living in onother world, sometimes.

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Well that's great! Ta VERY much! Had heard about Hull,but I was completely unaware I could do this by post-had heard I had to go in person and be prepared to stand around and wait all day in order to see someone(this being at any consulate) Happen I'll ring 'em today,thanks again-will let you all know how I get on :o
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  • 2 weeks later...

:blues: Just a small bit. I have accounts in Panama, Costa Rica and Belize. You can get up to 7.75% on balances over 5k USD and 7% below (most have a minimum amount though). I get ATM cards (2 of for some unknown reason) and a VISA Debit. The interest is totally tax free. These countries will not share info with other countries (i.e. tax hideaway) as their ecconomies rely on the foreign banking - unlike European banks (even Lichtenstien, Switzerland and Luxemberg are being forced to share the info with the taxmen of the world).

ATM charges are horrendous (usually something like 3% plus $5 per transaction as well as the foreign exchange charges you may get from the ATM you are using). However, they tend to be fully Internet controlled, so you can transfer ther funds to local accounts in smaller amounts.

These accounts are held either in sterling or USD.

You can find them readily enough on web if you're interested.

Remeber the old adage about eggs and baskets though!  

Good luck.

PS: If you are intending to stay in Thailand and need to show the 800k Bht (I think that's still the right amount?) in your account, it will probably have to be a Thai account.

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I may well try them then,thanks! Singapore banks appear to require work/residents permits or a reference from somebody holding an account at the branch! Going to try HSBC here though-and see if the account can be transferred...mebbe worth a go?! Tried Hull for VISA and so far no problem-in fact bent over backwards to help me-all I need is a letter from someone saying they will stand the cost of repatriation in case of any trouble,cannot actually apply until beginning April,but they say there shouldn't be any difficulty.
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Miles and others concerned:  May I make a suggestion as a new member.  If you are going to be staying aroind Bangkok or be there regularly then I suggest you open an account with Citibank (not misspelled)  in your home country. This bank is in most countries but usually has few branches or offices in each.  Bangkok is the only one I know of in Thailand but they say more are opening soon.  When you use the ATM to withdraw funds, current daily limit about 40,000Baht, you receive the cash at current exchange rate and no fees charged.  If you need larger sums directly transferred their fees are reasonable but with planning you might avoid through daily atm transfers. The lobby of Citibank has atm machines available 24 hours and the area is guarded after the bank closes at night and well lighted.  Of course you can also access through other bank atm but for a fee. They have a variety of accounts at present; most pay little interest but as you will note from the above posts trying to get high interest or avoid taxes usually results in paying fees and costs that reduce or eliminate most advantages.

PS If anyone knows of other branches opening in Thailand, would appreciate hearing about them...singtau

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