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Mystery Of Google Street View'S Naked Guy In Trunk

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Mystery of Google Street View's naked guy in trunk

Google Street View's German launch has truly been like no other.

Germany is not like Brazil, where Street View seemed to unearth more dead bodies on sidewalks than can be seen in the whole repertoire of "Law and Order."

For Germany's bodies are alive with mystery. And no mystery can surely be greater than the one that appeared and has, at least temporarily, disappeared at Zwerchgasse 39 in Mannheim, Germany.


Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17852_3-20023487-71.html#ixzz165OBjCmr


I know our German friends are into some funny stuff, but if you look at this, I dont see nothing wrong! it looks like he is fixing something, the insides of the boot are laying on the floor near the car and he climbed in to get a better look at what he wants to fix.


The dog is dead.

He is just checking that there is enough room in the boot to so that he can take the dog to the undertaker. (He needs room for the pillows, the dog's blanket, the dog's toys and bowls etc!)


Surely it's possible to get some advance information on when these vehicles will be in your area? Enough time to organize a small band of ukulele-playing nudists riding unicycles and wearing KKK hats to follow the van around.

It seems a Streetview vehicle would be a prime target for flashmobbing also. ph34r.gif


Surely it's possible to get some advance information on when these vehicles will be in your area? Enough time to organize a small band of ukulele-playing nudists riding unicycles and wearing KKK hats to follow the van around.

It seems a Streetview vehicle would be a prime target for flashmobbing also. ph34r.gif

Lol, I woke my wife up laughing out loud to that one.


He's wearing brown corduroy shorts and there's nothing that special about a bloke cleaning his car boot without wearing a shirt on a hot summers day.....

...that and one has to be painstaking when removing all the DNA traces from shifting his murdered wife down to the forest to feed her to the boars... :ph34r:


He's wearing brown corduroy shorts and there's nothing that special about a bloke cleaning his car boot without wearing a shirt on a hot summers day.....

..maybe he's doing a Dexter dry run..

...that and one has to be painstaking when removing all the DNA traces from shifting his murdered wife down to the forest to feed her to the boars... :ph34r:


Anybody know Claudia Schiffer's address??

I know our German friends are into some funny stuff, but if you look at this, I dont see nothing wrong! it looks like he is fixing something, the insides of the boot are laying on the floor near the car and he climbed in to get a better look at what he wants to fix.

Surely it's possible to get some advance information on when these vehicles will be in your area? ...

In Germany, Google must inform the residents of every building in advance and in writing about the date and approximate time when the Google Street View vehicle will pass.

German data protection officials required that Google notify residents several weeks before cars with cameras rolled through their neighborhoods. Residents could, for example, tidy up their front lawns or choose another day to sunbathe in the nud_e. But they couldn’t stop the cameras from taking photographs.

Source: www.globalpost.com/dispatch/germany/100818/google-street-view

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