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Non Immigrant B - Vientiane

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I have tried searching here but no luck. So I was just wondering if anyone has any information on what documents are necessary to obtain the Non Immig B visa from the Thai Embassy at Vientiane? I am British and 31 if that makes any difference!

If anyone has had any personal experience on obtaining that visa from there that would be even better. I have found a general list of what is required in a google search, but I understand that the requirements vary from embassy to embassy and from the whim of the person behind the desk!

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Work Permit or receipt from the Ministry of Labour would be required.

Actually that's not the case as I have acquired 3 non immigrant B visas (from Singapore, Hanoi and Phonm Phen) with previous jobs (with previous work permit being cancelled) with no current WP or receipt. Heading back on topic, any links to a definitive list of documents to obtain a Non Immigrant B would be great (preferably for the embassy in Vientiane). Previously the Thai staff at my previous jobs knew exactly what documents were necessary, but unfortunately that is not the case now!!

Any info would be much appreciated (please no topics regarding the work permit etc!)

Thanks in advance!

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Believe you will also find it matters on what kind of a job your visa is being issued for. Am quite sure teachers do not have to show work permit information most places but could face police check at some. For others it is different. The MFA has a general listing on there website which may include items not required at a specific location but is likely a good guide if specific information is not available. As there is always the 'additional documents may be required' it is not an exact science even when direct information may have been obtained.

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There is a poster here on the T/V Forum whose user name is; "Colabamumbai".

He recently did a trip to Vientiane and received a Single Entry 90 day Non-Immigrant Type-B visa without too much trouble and with just the 'normal’ required documentation.

However, if I remember correctly, I believe he was already in possession of a work permit, so this may NOT be applicable in your situation. Still it is pretty recent info about getting a Non-B visa in Vientiane Lao.

I'd use the search function and look for him under 'members' to find his post(s) about the experience.

Good Luck, and if you use Vientiane, let us know how it pans out for you. .

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