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Why US Pornmakers Remain Unfazed By Thailand’s ‘Tough Stance’ On The Exploitation Of Women


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  • 1 year later...

In most countries mom and pop can start a profitable at home porn business for the cost of a computer, web cam and INTERNET connection. Not so in Thailand. None of the INTERNET companies will sponsor streaming out of Thailand.

BS I know lots of girls who "got their start" doing per-minute webcam stripping, good money too. The people running the operation are very careful that they are not publicly identified as coming out of Thailand, I think they claim to be filipino.

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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

You do realize the stories on Apple are done simply because it has become too successful and it's competitors are sponsoring a take them down a notch embarrassment plan... which has only had limited success and Apple has told it's suppliers to fix the issues or be replaced.

Of course the same competitors are doing just the same crap in China, often at the same subcontractors, but are not as successful and high profile, and the markets current darings. The King of the Hill always gets the hardest hits, deserved or not.

Porn makers have no problem finding willing 'talent' anywhere and it's not like in Thailand there is a mafia making them do it for Western consumption. If anything the problems arise when the local mafias realized they never got their cut, that they believe they deserve. Bargirls will do what bargirls do, on or off camera. On camera is 1-2 months wage in a night. Puts the roof on the family house now, not next spring. They are nothing if not practical business women in this regard.

Edited by animatic
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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

How high is a slave-salary and how does one get staff that accepts it?

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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

You do realize the stories on Apple are done simply because it has become too successful and it's competitors are sponsoring a take them down a notch embarrassment plan... which has only had limited success and Apple has told it's suppliers to fix the issues or be replaced.

Of course the same competitors are doing just the same crap in China, often at the same subcontractors, but are not as successful and high profile, and the markets current darings. The King of the Hill always gets the hardest hits, deserved or not.

Porn makers have no problem finding willing 'talent' anywhere and it's not like in Thailand there is a mafia making them do it for Western consumption. If anything the problems arise when the local mafias realized they never got their cut, that they believe they deserve. Bargirls will do what bargirls do, on or off camera. On camera is 1-2 months wage in a night. Puts the roof on the family house now, not next spring. They are nothing if not practical business women in this regard.


The other thang just irks me; especially when some folks tell me I will be arrested at home because I sparked a doob in Amsterdam of shagged a hooker in Hong Kong or walked out on a lease in Singapore. I'm like "these companies are violating every EPA reg and Labor Law of the land (in 3rd world countries) and you are worring bout this".

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No mention of drugs here?

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine who owns several condos had an American citizen die in one of those condos. While sorting the belongings out and boxing them up to put into storage they found at least 2 bottles of Ketamine, multiple hard drives, wi-fi cameras and all sorts of other computer stuff to transmit movies and photos to a computer.

With the set-up he had I have to believe he was into making porn movies and most likely without the knowledge of the women. If you ever look at porn with, say, western women, they rarely look drunk or drugged. On the other hand look at the eyes of many of the asian women in porn photos and movies. So many look drunk or drugged.

So iot may be the case that a lot of these women had little or no idea what they were letting themselves in for. Just a thought.

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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

How high is a slave-salary and how does one get staff that accepts it?

Quite easy equation, actually.

Compare the cost of having a slave during the slave trade centuries (feeding and clothing the slaves. Purchasing them. Feeding and clothing them from birth until they are old enough to earn., etc, etc), and compare what it costs to pay a 3rd world person Three U.S. Dollars per day.

The costs alone are less now. If you further explore the equation you will see that in relation to profit margin, todays slaves are easily 100 times more profitable than the preindustrial slaves.

I bought 100 shares of the apple at 50 dollars per share so not only am I complicate, I am also happy.

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This story continues here:

‘I am helping Thai tourism’, says US porn photographer Tony Poer:

Full story: http://www.thaivisa....ys-us-porn-man/


This is the new link to the original story - the one in the original post is now out of date


Similarly, there is a new link for the other article that was the OP of the follow-up thread that george posted up above.



Edited by Buchholz
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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

How high is a slave-salary and how does one get staff that accepts it?

Quite easy equation, actually.

Compare the cost of having a slave during the slave trade centuries (feeding and clothing the slaves. Purchasing them. Feeding and clothing them from birth until they are old enough to earn., etc, etc), and compare what it costs to pay a 3rd world person Three U.S. Dollars per day.

The costs alone are less now. If you further explore the equation you will see that in relation to profit margin, todays slaves are easily 100 times more profitable than the preindustrial slaves.

I bought 100 shares of the apple at 50 dollars per share so not only am I complicate, I am also happy.

Again, if today's workers was paid less than slaves (...) then they wouldn't be taking that kind of jobs.

Do you realize how outrages it is to compare workers that can chose to go to other places to work with actual slavery? Perhaps you should do a speech infront of NAACP and see what they say.

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The exploitation of 3rd world workers could be a bigger story, I guess. If I do something in another country that is currently illegal in my country I will be prosecuted. Unless, I am a business man. Then I can do all kinds of illegal enviromental stuff, pay slave wages, etc, etc and I will be a local hero. Apple?

If you had done any research on this topic, you would have quickly found that Apple does not own or operate any factories in China. Apple is merely a customer of the largest electronics manufacturing company on the planet, Foxconn.


Apple has also joined a global organization to prevent the exploitation of workers, which allows onsite audits of all manufacturers in the coalition.


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No mention of drugs here?

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine who owns several condos had an American citizen die in one of those condos. While sorting the belongings out and boxing them up to put into storage they found at least 2 bottles of Ketamine, multiple hard drives, wi-fi cameras and all sorts of other computer stuff to transmit movies and photos to a computer.

With the set-up he had I have to believe he was into making porn movies and most likely without the knowledge of the women. If you ever look at porn with, say, western women, they rarely look drunk or drugged. On the other hand look at the eyes of many of the asian women in porn photos and movies. So many look drunk or drugged.

So iot may be the case that a lot of these women had little or no idea what they were letting themselves in for. Just a thought.

You watch porno's and look into their stoned eyes? excellent jap.gif

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No mention of drugs here?

The reason I ask is that a friend of mine who owns several condos had an American citizen die in one of those condos. While sorting the belongings out and boxing them up to put into storage they found at least 2 bottles of Ketamine, multiple hard drives, wi-fi cameras and all sorts of other computer stuff to transmit movies and photos to a computer.

With the set-up he had I have to believe he was into making porn movies and most likely without the knowledge of the women. If you ever look at porn with, say, western women, they rarely look drunk or drugged. On the other hand look at the eyes of many of the asian women in porn photos and movies. So many look drunk or drugged.

So iot may be the case that a lot of these women had little or no idea what they were letting themselves in for. Just a thought.

You watch porno's and look into their stoned eyes? excellent jap.gif

Drunk or doing drugs in Pattaya Patpong, or Soi Cowboy...

who could imagine a girl doing that on her own?

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How anyone can be surprised by this story is perplexing ... it starts and ends with "Thailand - whorehouse to the world".

Strong? ... probably ... unfair? ... probably not ... can anyone cite another society that sinks to the standard of moral turpitude Thais have created for themselves and their children? ... for God's sake, the Thais' notorious sex industry is a measurable and significant element to the entire Thai GDP, warranting it's own line item!

All symptomatic of Thailand's pervasive, broadly accepted inferior cultural values ... nice, eh?

Sadly, Thai greed is now greater than the Thai's Buddha.

Edited by swillowbee
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Topics about porn are always in demand, LOL.

Funny how quickly the hang-them-high brigade comes in and abusive associations are made with pedos, child prostitution and slavery.

To put things into perspective:

- nobody was injured

- the girls were willing to have sex

- the girls were willing to star in a porno movie

- the girls were paid the agreed sum

All what remains is a formal breach of Thai Law, but given the circumstances, the breach looks more like an offense than it looks like a serious crime.

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  • 6 years later...
On 11/24/2010 at 2:45 PM, ukfool said:

They still had sex for money, it's illegal so they're criminals too !

Some laws are so inane and bad for society that they beg to be ignored. Laws against the sale of consensual sex are such laws. All laws against prostitution are as inane as the war on drugs in my opinion. So the women here are victims, not criminals. 


Of course having said that, the smart ones would never allow themselves to be videotaped. But cash speaks loudly when you are desperate for it. 

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On 11/24/2010 at 2:42 PM, ukfool said:

Surely if the Government aided the 'poor' girls from the 'countryside' they would not have to resort to prostitution

My guess is they'd take those handouts and continue as usual and laugh at how stupid the goverment (and their johns) is. '


EDIT: Oh wow, walked into the night of the living dead threads. A proper zombie.

Edited by DrTuner
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They still had sex for money, it's illegal so they're criminals too !
They weren't paid for sex. They were paid for a companionship date and to leave in the morning. They would not be there if both parties didn't consent to being together.
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