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I am not sure if the ###### is having a dig at me but now I have been fed and watered I might make a few comments.

I think this needs to be addressed, are we talking industrial development here or natural intelligence?

I come from a country that started all this, the U.K. and what we have there is the first country to industrialise and the last country to modernise.

Before I saw the error of my ways I was let loose on with the men I employed on very large and very expensive machines, some 200 tonnes plus not only did we install these and at times move them from one place to another and by the way make em' work afterwards.

They were all made in the west.

Over the years these machines were increasingly being manufactured in the east Japan mostly, very high tech and more to the point very reliable with very little down time and cheaper.

In my opinion what the west with having a monopoly on technology for the last couple of hundred years was saying, you get what you get when you get it, what the developing countries were saying you can have what you want when you want it, cheaper and better.

The economies here have not bothered to go through a few hundred years of unions and clapped out managment ideas and even older factories but have come in a generation or so from an agraian economy slap bang into the most modern and high tech machine age.

There are no old factories here or machines older than the people operating them so the west's strangle hold on technology has been broken good style and by all accounts can't cope with it.

This will come as a great blow to all the people more or less married to the state in the U.K.every Monday morning down at the post office collecting their beer tokens but here if you don't work you don't eat, unless of course you are a good looking lady with a farang boyfriend, and no I don't mean me.

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maerim, methinks you got a point. You come from a country where the industrial revolution started. I come from a place where the first car was made.

The problem seems to be that in the West we rest on our achievements.

The Japanese started in the 60s and 70s to copy. After that they developed and improved. Their competitors try to improve again, be it in China, Taiwan, or even Vietnam among others. Starting from nothing the developing countires have this big advantage of new machinery, new ideas, new spirit.

I don't know about the beer tokens but I know, whenever I am in Europe, I cannot reach anybody between Friday lunchtime and Monday afternoon.

Some time ago I was in a factory in Saigon and asked the manager why he is manager. The reply was: 'I studied in the HCMC-university, than I worked in this company on the machines, studied more and now, ten years later I run the factory." This talk was Saturday afternoon, 4:30 p.m and he agreed to see me again next day, a Sunday. "Yes, we work, because we are a young country and want to succeed."


I work for a Company in Thailand that has a JV with a US Company. But the product we manufacture has originated in Europe and dominated in Europe until the late 1980’s. Today, all the Machines {Made in UK} are running in Thailand. All other Factories that operated in this Industry in UK, already been shifted to China. The Companies here are doing well due to lower cost of operations. But sadly now US Companies dominates the ownership of this Industry as many others.

We have employed many experts who had years of experiance in this Industry from UK at a very lower cost [bit above Thai salaries] as they have nothing to do in UK. One of them told me that one guy who worked with them as a Manager is driving a Taxi now in UK.

I have studied the reasons for this high operation cost in UK relevent to this particular industry. It is simply due to high Taxes. Nothing else. The product is 98% Machine Driven. Even today it is the same.

I am sure you guys must be aware of many other Industries that has already disappeared from Europe simply due to high taxes. This gave countries in Asia Incentives to capitalize on this situation.

Many theories we used in Industries and many standards in all the professional fields have originated from Europe. US just a Country that copied these stuff and changed it a bit like ‘American English” or did the same thing upside down to make them “Americanized”. But the truth is, even today many Theories that has lead to increasing cost efficiencies have originated from Europe.

Even today International Accounting Standards (IAS) is always following the changes done in UK Accounting Standards [sSAP and FRS]. This is similer even in UK BS Quality Standards.

If UK set the standard to drive from Right side, Americans will do it Left. If we all use in Ltrs to pump Petrol they will use Gallons.

But the benefits of these theroies have taken by Americans by making them implemented more effectively in Asia Compared to Europe. This is nothing to do with Intelligence. But this is a result of following the US tone when formulating the Economic Strategies by European countries. All your resources are shifting to Asia and then US has taken them back indirectly by force or the strength they have laid down in Asia.

Take China for an example. How many Industries from Europe have shifted to China and now owned by American Brands or American Companies? I do not believe that Asian Economies can grow this fast. I think it is very unrealistic and even challenging the theories of “Adam Smith”. This is a shift of locations and ownership driven by US policies. US could not step into Europe direct. So they structured their Tax systems to allow Asian Countries to Export more and more products to US while blocking Europe. As a result of this ‘Economies of Scale” all Industries in Europe faced with problems. Some shut down, and many shifted to Asia. I do not think much American Companies face with this situation. They are doing well even in US.

The recent tax issue over “Steel” can be taken as another good example.

This is my personal opinion and some thoughts from an Asian.

gfunk stated
the west is more intelligential


and i enquire

are you sure?

He's much more intelligential than you and me Tax. What new words have you contributed to the Lexicon lately ?


Hello ladies, The question i asked is why is the west more advanced, i'm sorry but thats a fact! O.K you can say the west has better schooling my qyestion is WHY, why havent the thais got the best schools, WHY did 90% of the globally changing innovations come from europe? my point is this most countrys in the tropical belt now and even hundreds of years ago, could live a nicer life than those say in scotland, they were content with living of the land around them and didnt have to struggle so hard to make life "LIVEABLE". remember we're talking human mental development over hundreds if not thousands of years


I do not believe that Japan started to copy in the 60s and 70s,,in fact they started to copy in 1945 when they saw the first ZIPPO lighter.and then flooded the world with junk until they finally started to produce quality products.

It is not the intelligent of a people ,but the desire to get ahead and raise their own living standards that count. if you live in a ditch and are happy then you will never live anywhere but a ditch.

It is going to be very hard for Thailand to come up to world standards because most of the people do not want anything better than they have,and most now just want the barest necessity's and plenty of alcohol,It is impossible to get anyone to do quality work,there is no such thing as craftsmanship,just do it good enough to get by.

I have worked crews from all over the world and it has been hard to get them to do good work unless a few were let go and the rest have seen that unless they do it well they will get an early trip home.

And one thing I use here to make my point, the Thai have the best in the world to choose from,anything that is built anywhere can be had here,but just look at the INTERNET service,satellite service for TV or WEB service,,even in china the INTERNET service is superior to that we have here.

No one in business in Thailand gives a ###### about business,they might buy the finest and then forget about it,try to get some info from a web site,you send an inquiry and never receive an answer,so they never get your business and you never receive what you wanted to buy. and this same practice extends from Siam Food Service to Lox Info to machinery sales to welding and building supply's.

It is very hard to get ahead in a country when no one wants to change the way they do business or live.

it has nothing to do with intellect and everything to do with attitude.

Hello ladies,

G funky

You see everything upside down. Are you a day drinker?

I've heard people who drink gets Dumb faster than people who do not Drink!

What do you think?


kwiz read my other post, if you now anything about sport you see i'm no day time drinker, ive got a question or two for you

Where was the phone invented, where was the plane invented, where were fax's scanners and compters invented? where was all the technology we have today conceived? i'll tell ya the west, my question is why the west??? there must be a fundamental reason why we're more advanced than thailand????????

kwiz read my other post, if you now anything about sport you see I'm no day time drinker, ive got a question or two for you

Where was the phone invented, where was the plane invented, where were fax's scanners and compters invented? where was all the technology we have today conceived? i'll tell ya the west, my question is why the west??? there must be a fundamental reason why we're more advanced than thailand????????

Yes, all in your list invented in West. But not by you.

But remember, all your religious leaders are not western and non of them were from a developed country.

Are U trying to say that all these Religious leaders are not Intelligent? But you follow them, isn't it?

You may have invented products. But we have invented cultures, values, religions for you guys to follow.

Development is not only about Products and Tangibles. It has many other things that can not be count in your own definitions of Developed and Under Developed world.

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