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I was wondering if some people here are playing FFxiv and how it performs for you? Lag? How many login attempts? What Isp you got and what area you live in?

I can't connect at all for most of the time. Out of a couple of hundred log in attempts I have managed to get into the game 5 times of which 4 had lags over two minutes and was followed by disconnects around 10-20 mins after. One time I was actually able to run around for about two hours but interacting with Npc's took around 30 secs for each chat option.

My internet is really bad most of the time. I have a 8/1 mbps line and usually connect at 6 or 7 mbps. For a month or two I have had terrible connections though with constant disconnects and very slow connection speeds. At&t have been here two times to check (and fix some) the cables and I am a constant telephone spammer to 3bb who also have had technicians sent here, fixing some boxes and cables. But problems remain. Cant even use facebook or google at times. But for the times when it works, when speed seems to be up, I still can't seem to get in FFXiv at all. All computers are ok. Routers/modem are ok. Software is ok with nothing blocking the game and so on.

I am hoping I can change Isp to see if the support gets better so some feedback on your quality with your Isp and FFXiv would be appreciated! (Although I don't think I can change as I live a couple of Km's too far away from most Isp's server locations)




i dont have it, so i cannot answer.

i have though played several other online games, without any problems.

recently i helped a buddy, with his internet connection, he was using a slingbox.

the first thing we did, was to change the router, to anything other than what was supplied from the ISP, TRUE, and TOT, tends to firmware lock, and put some hidden settings as well.

after the change, he was able to use his slingbox, with higher quality, without any stuttering, or delay.


Thanks Storm.

I got 4 modems, none from the Isp. =)

Eq2 works ok with me from time to time but that is the only one.

Any other playing the game?


I have absolutley no problem.

I live in Sukumvit area around On Nhut and have True Online, 6MB Flatrate. Maybe once in 5 days i get a disconnect. But who knows why, can be server too. Game runs very fine for me.

Im sorry you have it like that.

Thanks Storm.

I got 4 modems, none from the Isp. =)

Eq2 works ok with me from time to time but that is the only one.

Any other playing the game?

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