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‘I Am Helping Thai Tourism’, Says US Porn Man


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‘I am helping tourism’, says US porn man

by Andrew Drummond on November 28, 2010 (continued from here.)

American Tony Poer the pornographer whose arrest reports were wiped clean from all the newspapers in Pattaya claimed yesterday that women flocked to be filmed and his arrest ‘never happened’.


This never happened

“The matter has been dealt with. As far as everyone is concerned it never happened and that was the agreement reached by everyone.

“Please remove my name from your article. It is all over the web.”

In a phone call in which Tony Poer suggested he was outside Thailand he said that girls flocked to his door to be filmed by him. All were willing and all were compensated well. They could make a lot of money he said. He added that he was helping tourism.

“I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best.”

Brazilian porno makers arrested in Bangna but what happened to them?

He added: “It’s not my fault ....

Full story: http://www.andrew-drummond.com/2010/11/28/i-am-helping-tourism-says-us-porn-man/

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" "I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best.""

The word Narcist isn't a word he has to look for in the dictionary I presume.


'I Am Helping Thai -SEX- Tourism'

would be better...


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I think he fits in really well here in Thailand.

Just think about it. He has the cheek to blame some other people, claims its all a lie and the proceeds to tell us all that now everyone agrees it never happened, there was no story!!

Sounds like the standard report on a Thai MP!!

Oh and i loved "I am not a foreigner with a beer gut. I am handsome, well educated, sophisticated and I dine with the best".

This from a man who probably classes himself filming 3 women having sex for money in a Pattaya hotel as a "Highly respected and cultured International arthouse Film producer!" :jap:

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Besides, I heard that his 'member' isn't as attractive as his frame would lead the girls to first hope...I haven't had the interest to try to hunt his movies down.

Anyway, this guy is of course a creep. I fail to see how banging workings girls without condoms is promoting the nation...instead of promoting problems when some viewers get here and demand the same treatment...

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If these women weren't starring in the porn films they would be selling they're bodies elsewhere.

None of what they do is legal in Thailand anyway, so what's the big deal whether they do their deeds on film or not?

This is what the girls do. What is the difference whether they are available to the public in bars or brothels or to actors making a movie?

Perhaps it`s all about this guy not operating via the system and cutting out the old boys network.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Does this mean that everytime I use the services of hookers in Thailand I am helping the economy?

This is brilliant, now I can tell my girlfriend that each time I visit a bar I am doing this as a duty and as a display of loyalty to the Thai people.

Putting the moral issues aside,

this 1st statement is probably true if you are bringing in outside cash.

You are also likely to be helping at least one family per visit keep

the roof from leaking and granny and the grand kids fed.

And as like keeping grandpa topped up with lao kaew too.

The second basically will get your johnson cut off in your sleep,

but that's a different issue.

"...not operating via the system and cutting out the old boys network."

My guess is the old boys just got caught up and are now permanently in the loop,

as if it never happened...

Edited by animatic
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Two things: #1) This guy is an embarrassment to other Yanks, as if we needed more embarrassment.

#2) I suspect these Thai ladies who work for Poer as well working ladies in general, don't report their "earnings" and don't pay taxes on them. Yeah, a real benefit to Thailand all around. I'd pat him on the back, but his hand is in the way...

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In the grand scheme of things what this guy has done is hardly that important or news worthy.

Were the girls willing ? YES

Were children exploited ? NO

Were people trafficked ? NO

They were willing, knew they were being filmed. How is it his fault if the DVD's where pirated by Thai crooks ?

The fact that he walked from a drugs and gun charge just shows how corrupt the Thai Police are... now thats would be a newsworthy story if it did happen every day.

For all the poor Esan girl syndrome posters...lots of girls who grow up in that area do not prostitute themselves so please stop the lies about them having no alternative. These prostitutes want easy money as they are lazy and prefer to lie on their backs.

The writer of the article is either a naive fool or just writing for the money which is more likely the truth.

Edited by axact
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What a douchebag. As far as i understood, he was saying that he is a businessman. He is in a meat-packing industry, selling meat to insecure people (on video only).

What if his mother and sister were f...ed by different folks every day, instead of working in a store, because they wanted more money ?

He is a SCUM, as most of the porn-makers are.

Why doesn't Government put him in prison , for the guys to enjoy his butt?

Edited by neverback
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Two things: #1) This guy is an embarrassment to other Yanks, as if we needed more embarrassment.

#2) I suspect these Thai ladies who work for Poer as well working ladies in general, don't report their "earnings" and don't pay taxes on them. Yeah, a real benefit to Thailand all around. I'd pat him on the back, but his hand is in the way...

( Qoute:) This guy is an embarrassment to other Yanks, as if we needed more embarrassment.

He is and he isn`t, if that makes sense.

In Thailand we are all labelled as one group; Farangs, no matter what they`re nationality.

Some activities by farangs in Thailand can reflect on us all.

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In the grand scheme of things what this guy has done is hardly that important or news worthy.

Were the girls willing ? YES

Were children exploited ? NO

Were people trafficked ? NO

They were willing, knew they were being filmed. How is it his fault if the DVD's where pirated by Thai crooks ?

The fact that he walked from a drugs and gun charge just shows how corrupt the Thai Police are... now thats would be a newsworthy story if it did happen every day.

For all the poor Esan girl syndrome posters...lots of girls who grow up in that area do not prostitute themselves so please stop the lies about them having no alternative. These prostitutes want easy money as they are lazy and prefer to lie on their backs.


The writer of the article is either a naive fool or just writing for the money which is more likely the truth.

Its going to have to be the former I'm afraid. As for poor 'Esan' girls forget em. His web hoster has announced the site 'Bangkokhisogirls'. Clearly he does dine with the best.

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Good on him.... I really don’t see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

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In the grand scheme of things what this guy has done is hardly that important or news worthy.

Were the girls willing ? YES

Were children exploited ? NO

Were people trafficked ? NO

They were willing, knew they were being filmed. How is it his fault if the DVD's where pirated by Thai crooks ?

The fact that he walked from a drugs and gun charge just shows how corrupt the Thai Police are... now thats would be a newsworthy story if it did happen every day.

For all the poor Esan girl syndrome posters...lots of girls who grow up in that area do not prostitute themselves so please stop the lies about them having no alternative. These prostitutes want easy money as they are lazy and prefer to lie on their backs.

The writer of the article is either a naive fool or just writing for the money which is more likely the truth.

But I think you miss the point of the original story, which was not that Poer was making porn but that he was one of perhaps many pornographers, three others were named, who were arrested in Pattaya for various offences and did not go through the normal court process. In his case it was also reported he had a gun, bullets, drugs and was also on overstay.

You answer questions which you cannot know the answers to unless you were there. Clearly the girls were willing to make porn if they were on film, and that is conceded in the original story, but just how widespread these films would be seen not more than a few are likely to have known I suspect. And then there is a question of the use of condoms. Of course the people selling this stuff do not want to see condoms, the consumer too. But as you are aware there was a very recent outbreak of AIDS in the porno film industry in the US, where he says he was well trained, and even porno star Jemma Jameson appears to be calling for legislation to protect actors. That legislation, if it ever happens will not protect people here.

To quote Meechai, Mr. Condom: "People who come to Thailand to have unprotected sex with prostitutes would be better off at home eating rat poison".

Well of course he was trying to make a strong point. But this is all not too distant from Mr.Poer who I am sure will understand why I mention it. I wish however to make it clear that I am not suggesting he has the virus.

Edited by andrewdrummond
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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

I want to start a manufacturing company. I love manufacturing things. I'm going to help out the Burmese by employing them to work 7 days a week. I'll even pay them more than they are getting now.

Aren't I a great guy. A true entrepreneur.

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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

I want to start a manufacturing company. I love manufacturing things. I'm going to help out the Burmese by employing them to work 7 days a week. I'll even pay them more than they are getting now.

Aren't I a great guy. A true entrepreneur.

Well done... hope you make money doing it while helping out some poor people

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There is a clinic just around the corner from Walking street. They do HIV testing for a lot of bars in Pattaya. I believe it is around 500 Baht. Some bars won't let the ladies work unless they are tested once a month others require testing before they go to work. Some test weekly for other STD's and monthly for HIV.

If the guy had himself and the ladies tested on the day of the shoot and kept them under watch till the results were in it may have helped. Not 100% but a lot better than nothing. I don't think he did this. Too bad 500 baht is a small part of the 10,000 they were getting paid.

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There is a clinic just around the corner from Walking street. They do HIV testing for a lot of bars in Pattaya. I believe it is around 500 Baht. Some bars won't let the ladies work unless they are tested once a month others require testing before they go to work. Some test weekly for other STD's and monthly for HIV.

If the guy had himself and the ladies tested on the day of the shoot and kept them under watch till the results were in it may have helped. Not 100% but a lot better than nothing. I don't think he did this. Too bad 500 baht is a small part of the 10,000 they were getting paid.

And a lot don't get tested at all. Even in the HIV outbreak in California it was spread by a person who had been subject to regular testing.


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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

I want to start a manufacturing company. I love manufacturing things. I'm going to help out the Burmese by employing them to work 7 days a week. I'll even pay them more than they are getting now.

Aren't I a great guy. A true entrepreneur.

Well done... hope you make money doing it while helping out some poor people

You mean, exploiting some poor people, don't you?

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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

You're right.

I think most of it is jealousy.

Who wouldn't want to have a job that involves bonking you're brains out all day with young desirable girls and making money out of it?

I know I would. I bet most of us would take up the offer if given the opportunity, only unfortunately the majority of men don`t have the looks, the stamina or the charisma to be a part of that industry. And sadly I also fall into that category.

Good luck to the guy, he is only doing what most of us can only dream of doing.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Good on him.... I really don't see the big deal. He is a true entrepreneur.

He is making money doing something he loves and helping out the working by even paying them more than they would get otherwise.

Hats off to this guy.

I want to start a manufacturing company. I love manufacturing things. I'm going to help out the Burmese by employing them to work 7 days a week. I'll even pay them more than they are getting now.

Aren't I a great guy. A true entrepreneur.

Well done... hope you make money doing it while helping out some poor people

You mean, exploiting some poor people, don't you?

We are all exploited in some way.... I certainly dont think I get paid enough for what I do...

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