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Going To The Bathroom


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What do you guys think of this?

when people walk in to your bar or restaurant to use the toilet but dont eat and have no intention of eating or having a drink. they walk in one will use the bathroom and the other will stand around waiting. would the other restaurant or bar owners on this forum allow this or stop it. or if you do not own one, what do you guys think?

My view on it is that they can at least order a beer, I am not a public toilet and it is my staff who have to clean up after these people.

if they want to spend a penny then they can at least spend a few baht and order a drink as well!

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As a general rule I wouldn't allow it, seems somewhat rude to me. Obviously if someone who uses your eatery from time to time and is caught short whilst passing then that's fine.

In fact, put a sign up in a prominent position, something like "If you don't eat here, you don't shit here" ;)

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It is rude for someone to use your toilet without using your services.


It would be rude to refuse someone the use of your toilet.

Because someone else is rude, should you be rude as well?

I think not ........ I would just smile and be glad I wasn't the rude person!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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I've done it myself before on occasion, and I think it would be pretty unfriendly and unwelcoming if a proprietor refused to allow me to do it in their place, especially if it's a casual restaurant, pub or whatever. I probably wouldn't go back to the restaurant as a customer.

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If you've gotta go, you've gotta go. What are you gonna do? Refuse somebody the use of your toilet where they are clearly desperate? Have them soil themselves instead of just letting them use you lav.

We all get caught short from time to time and frankly I''d hope to never be prevented from doing what comes natural. I've used toilets in numerous places in which I have not used their services and not once have they objected in the slightest.

I always ask first though.

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just put a sign up for a 5 baht charge....waive it for customers......

I occasionally go in a pub restaurant I pass by, I do sometimes buy a drink there too, but if I use the toilet without a purchase I leave10 baht on the way out as I say thank you to the staff, handled properly could be a litle additional earner for the staff.

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I should of added that if a person asks I don't think it's a problem. But it's rude to just walk in then out without asking.

Once I had to go while in Chain Mai, I couldn't find my hotel and was close to crapping myself and as I ran past the bar I shouted one heineken please and I will be back in a minute :-).

I for one couldn't of just ran in and then left again.

Some people are different, that's why I asked on the forum.

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I must admit that I've done this numerous times back when I had a sales job in the U.S. and drove over 1000 miles/week seeing customers and scarfed down caffeine to stay awake while driving. I knew the location of every clean, but low-hassle ladies room in my territory. My favorites were nice hotels, where I could park at a side entrance near the rest rooms. Next on my list were the chain restaurants. This was in the era before mobile phones, so nice payphones were a real plus, too.

I'd really have to be in dire need to enter someplace where I had to walk by the manager. I'd at least buy something to drink, thus perpetuating the cycle.

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Yeah, I've used the bathroom when not a customer, though I've always used someplace big where they wouldn't even notice me. I'm not going to sit around 10 minutes drinking beer just because I had to take a piss for 20 seconds. I'm happy to pay a fee at bathrooms that charge it, and do so all the time, but I'm not going to order something if I don't want to be there.

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It depends on the situation. I would probaby order something after using a facility. I've used gas stations for their washroom. I've used hotels. If I had a restaurant I would not refuse anyone, but if the same person kept coming back without any reciprication I might say something. I know a few bars in the boxing area of Loi Kroh road in Chiang Mai where not all bars have toilets. There is an un-written law that allows neighbouring bars share but people try not to abuse the situation..

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Wow, I can't believe how many people out there would get all bent out of shape from someone just using the restroom! I know if "nature called" and I was getting shaken down for money by some bar owner or something I would probably never come back. I have only had this actually happen to me twice. Both times it was at gas stations in my home state (sad to say). One time they said I had to buy something first so I bought a large fountain soda next to the counter and threw it away right in front of them. I know how much they love taking out a leaking garbage bag. Another time I was refused even though I DID buy something. But that was because I am white, not black......a totally different situation I guess actually.

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Here in Greece it's the norm - in fact I believe it's mandatory that if you own a bar / resaurant that your toilets are for public use. Maybe it's because there are no public toilets here. Personally, I will always buy a drink in an establishment if I need to use the loo, but I've witnessed on many an occasion people walk in off the street, use the loo and then walk straight out again, without even aknowledging the owner. I find it strange, but it happens. When I had a bar here, I had people stop their car to come in to use the facilities and then just leave. At the end of the day it's no big deal. You have to clean the loos at the end of the day anyway...

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A fellow that I know in Chiang Mai had a hamburger restaurant with a toilet in the very back of a long room with tables in the front.

He always seemed one of the most pleasant, calm people that I know - until he opened his restaurant - but he was really offended when people would walk in off the street, march through his (usually mostly empty) shop and then leave without a word. It did not help anything that the rival burger place across the street was directing their customers to use his restroom.

Finally, he put up a sign that said, 100 baht for non-customers". Some people would use it anyway and try to leave without paying, but he told me that he would follow them for blocks harassing them until they paid up.

He eventually had to sell the place as it was driving him crazy. whistle.gif

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The more people through your door, the more people through your door.

Have a nice facility and they will be inclined to return some day, hopefully as a customer

Have a disgusting one and they will surely not be back.

Also true if you turn them away or give them a hard time.

Up to you.

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It is rude for someone to use your toilet without using your services.


It would be rude to refuse someone the use of your toilet.

Because someone else is rude, should you be rude as well?

I think not ........ I would just smile and be glad I wasn't the rude person!

Some days your genius shines like a beacon :)

+ 1 (and then some)

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I should of added that if a person asks I don't think it's a problem. But it's rude to just walk in then out without asking.

Once I had to go while in Chain Mai, I couldn't find my hotel and was close to crapping myself and as I ran past the bar I shouted one heineken please and I will be back in a minute :-).

I for one couldn't of just ran in and then left again.

Some people are different, that's why I asked on the forum.

There you go! I knew you were a reasonable chap at heart! :jap:

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Man talk about cheapie owners...

Over the last several years, here in Tokyo (and I guess all over Japan, but cannot confirm), the convenience stores (7-11, FamilyMart etc) have installed public restrooms. I do not know if it was a government mandate, but I have seen many people walk in, use the facilities and then walk out. No one bats an eye at it.

How many people have used the facilities in a shopping mall without buying anything? I confess to that and I also confess to using some of the better facilities in pubs, without buying anything, when having to drop an emergency load.

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If you've gotta go, you've gotta go. What are you gonna do? Refuse somebody the use of your toilet where they are clearly desperate? Have them soil themselves instead of just letting them use you lav.

We all get caught short from time to time and frankly I''d hope to never be prevented from doing what comes natural.

So use the public toilets then or at least buy something! The guy is running a business; doubtful he's gone to all the expense just so random people can use the bog. Don't let these people take the piss (pun intended), op.

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How many people have used the facilities in a shopping mall without buying anything? I confess to that and I also confess to using some of the better facilities in pubs, without buying anything, when having to drop an emergency load.

Bit daft trying to compare toilets in public places to an obvious, small family-run bar/restaurant.

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It did not help anything that the rival burger place across the street was directing their customers to use his restroom.

This was probably the crux of the matter. Also, setting a sensible charge for usage of the facilities would probably have been a wise idea, putting a price tag which takes the piss (again, pun intended :) ) will only make people feel bitter about it, and would probably be even more detrimental than turning people away.

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I have noticed a few places with "for customer use" signs posted on the toilets. I have noticed backpackers go in and virtually take a shower with the bum hose and never order a thing. I can appreciate both sides but those who charge for the use should keep the place clean. The bus stations seem the worst at this.

Saw a fellow the other day run thru the restaurant for the toilet, he appeared in dire straits and did not seem to have time to make a payment before. He sure looked relieved when he came out and left. I always considered this a shitty charge but those backwater outhouses were nothing to brag about.

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Depends on location and type of business.

A proper restuarant bar that caters for familys etc why not state service charge or tip for staff apreciated for non customers !

This will only work if toilets are clean and well serviced.

Also depends on person a pis55d up bar fly can find some where else to go, a mother with a kid caught on the hop no problem same for elderly.

My wife has been caught short used a resturant toilet and returned later as she found it clean and the staff friendly, she has also stated she will never eat an establishment based on state of toilet and owner barking at her about no toilet for non customers.

But seriously isnt such a big deal, had tourists use my office toilet many times never had an issue.

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Petrol Stations in the UK often keep the loo locked and you have to ask for the Key.

There's a thought :huh:

inoffensive and practical. those in need will ask, those not, will shuffle off to buffalo and no harm no foul.

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I should of added that if a person asks I don't think it's a problem. But it's rude to just walk in then out without asking.

Once I had to go while in Chain Mai, I couldn't find my hotel and was close to crapping myself and as I ran past the bar I shouted one heineken please and I will be back in a minute :-).

I for one couldn't of just ran in and then left again.

Some people are different, that's why I asked on the forum.

Exactly what I would have done, though probably not a Heineken!! :lol:

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