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Snow White and the Seven Dwarves were sitting in the bathtub feeling happy...

Happy didn't like it so he got out.


Ouch :)

Snow White always goes to bed at night feeling Sleepy. Apparantly the other 6 dwarfs are really jealous.

More please :)

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"


Sorry eek, that was a groaner (ok, I had to read it twice to get it). :D

Another groaner. -------------------------------------

Snow White received a camera as a gift. She happily took pictures of the Dwarfs and their surroundings. When she finished her first batch she took the film to be developed. After a week or so she went to get the finished photos. The clerk said the photos were not back from the processor.

Needless to say, she was disappointed and started to cry. The clerk, trying to console her, said,

"Don't worry. Someday your prints will come".


Why did the seven dwarfs use a biological washing powder?

They wanted their little things to come up snow white!


One evening Snow White decided she was sleepy and announced to the seven dwarfs that she was going to bed.

After the round of “Good Nights” she went upstairs.

Immediately all seven dwarfs rushed outside and began standing on each other’s shoulders beneath Snow White‘s bedroom window to take a peak.

Tonight was Grumpy’s turn to be on the top and as he was the only one who could see in the window. It was his duty to inform the other dwarfs what she was doing.

After a minute or two he hollered down, “She’s taking off her blouse!” and this as echoed down the stack “taking off her blouse", ” “blouse is coming off", “taking off her blouse” etc....

Next Grumpy yelled, “She’s taking off her skirt,” which was followed by the echoes “taking off her skirt", “skirt’s coming off", “taking off her skirt” etc...

Of course the next line from Grumpy was, “She’s taking off her bra!” and so the echo continued down the stack...

Then, “She’s taking off her panties!” which again cascaded down the dwarf tower.

Finally Grumpy looked around and from his vantage height saw someone coming through the woods so he yelled, “Someone’s coming!” And from down the dwarf stack he heard,

“Me too”

“Me too"

“Me too”

“Me too”

“Me too”

“Me too.”


The 7 dwarfs are all excited as the new pope is visiting fairy story land.

All week they nudge Dopey sniggering "Well you can finally ask your question!", to which Dopey replies every time "Shurrup willya!"

Finally the day arrives and all the dwarfs are lined up with the other characters from the Snow White story, he shakes hands with the evil Queen, then Snow White then slowly makes his way down the line of the dwarfs.

As he approaches Dopey theres a small chant which gets louder and louder "Ask him.ask him...ask him ASK HIM>!"

"Ask me what?" Questions the pope.

The dwarfs shove Dopey forward "ASK HIM!",

"What would you like to know?", says his holiness.

"Well", begins Dopey, "Are any of your nuns black?"

"Hm" ponders the pope "As a religion we catholics don't differentiate between creed so its more than probable that quite a few of our nuns are black . Does that answer your question?"

ASK HIM!! shout the dwarfs.

"Is there more to your question young man?"

"Erm......do any of your nuns work in Antarctica?"

"well young man we have nuns all around the globe so its more than likely that we have a couple in Antarctica. Does that answer your question?"

ASK HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yell the dwarfs!

"Is there more to this question?" asks the pope now getting more than annoyed.

"Erm..................................are any of these black nuns in Antarctica dwarfs?!

"WHAT"! Splutters the pope.

"I'm sure if we had a black dwarf nun in Antarctica i would have heard of it. So in answer to your question NO!"

All the dwarfs collapse on the floor pissing themselves laughing.


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