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Car bombs in Tehran kill nuclear scientist, injures another


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Car bombs in Tehran kill nuclear scientist, injures another

2010-11-29 21:34:29 GMT+7 (ICT)

TEHRAN (BNO NEWS) -- An Iranian nuclear scientist was killed and another was injured when two car bombs exploded in the Iranian capital of Tehran, according to the state-run Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA).

The attacks took place between 7 and 8 a.m. local time when the cars of Dr. Majid Shahriari and professor Fereydoun Abbasi exploded at separate locations in Tehran, killing Shahriari.

Both Shahriari and Abbasi were professors at Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran and are believed to be nuclear scientists. Abbasi and his wife sustained minor injuries.

Tehran Police Chief Brigadier General Hossein Sajedinia said a motorcycle approached Shahriari's car and attached a bomb to the car which exploded a few seconds later, according to Iran's Press TV.

Sajedinia added that something similar happened to Abbasi's car, although the professor and his wife were able to escape and only suffered minor injuries.

No group has claimed the responsibility for the attacks, although officials and state media have both blamed Israel and the United States.


-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2010-11-29

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That area of Tehran is Fort Knox, and is teaming with secret police and militia, as well, the photo released shows the car being riddled with bullets , rather than explosion, there are number of these scientists being killed, with no one apprehended, given that Iran has a huge number of police secret services and militia personnel and is highly controlled society , be highly unlikely foreign agents can waltz in ride a bike shoot and take off, as well these people are scientist in the sensitive industries that government is trying to keep secret, are heavily monitored and followed by the secret agents, The most likely scenario would be either the regime susspected them trying to take off and defect, or had something to do with stuxnet Virus that is ravaging their industrial units and nuclear operation etc , few scientist have already been executed, after being accused of and for spreading the virus.

Edited by kujirasan
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It could be an expression of disgust at the antics of the Iranian dictatorship by outraged citizens showing support for the West. whistle.gif

Car bombing scientists in the name of the 'West'? Are you supporting extrajudicial executions and target killing?

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I am not supporting anything, but the typical Iranian citizen wants this tyrannical regime gone! ;)

"Red shirts" in Tehran or what do you dream up?

Or a Persian Ted Kaczynski, killing the scientist because that is "showing support for the West"???

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I am not supporting anything, but the typical Iranian citizen wants this tyrannical regime gone! ;)

"Red shirts" in Tehran or what do you dream up?

Or a Persian Ted Kaczynski, killing the scientist because that is "showing support for the West"???

You never get all outraged when Western interests are destroyed by Islamic terrorists. :whistling:

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I am not supporting anything, but the typical Iranian citizen wants this tyrannical regime gone! ;)

"Red shirts" in Tehran or what do you dream up?

Or a Persian Ted Kaczynski, killing the scientist because that is "showing support for the West"???

You never get all outraged when Western interests are destroyed by Islamic terrorists. :whistling:

I don't post happy smiley icons when people get killed.

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Don't forget installing computer viruses in the computer of an illegal nuclear reactor meant to make offensive nuclear weapons. The outraged Iranian citizens also deserve credit for that.

What is an illegal nuclear reactor?

One meant to make nuclear weapons that Iran promised not to build. :whistling:

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Don't forget installing computer viruses in the computer of an illegal nuclear reactor meant to make offensive nuclear weapons. The outraged Iranian citizens also deserve credit for that.

What is an illegal nuclear reactor?

One meant to make nuclear weapons that Iran promised not to build. :whistling:

And who decided that its illegal?

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The UN.

On 31 July 2006, the Security Council passed a resolution demanding Iran suspend its enrichment program.[29] On December 23, 2006, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against Iran,[25] which were later tightened on March 24, 2007,[26] because Iran refused to suspend enrichment.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran weapons_of_mass_destruction

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The last one before this one, that was killed, he was a member of the opposition and had signed a petition calling on removal of Revolutionary Guards and Police from all campuses, the next day the Zionist agents got him, Machiavelli's Prince is an ice cream vendor, compared to this lot. The whole country is a quasi Mafia state run by a Keloptocracy, 14 years old girls are sold in to prostitution in the Gulf States and there is dire state of hopelessness, while the Mullahs have spend billions rebuilding Lebanon for Hezbollah, unemployment is at 30% !

The Green movement was a vehicle for protest, all of the Green trash were just criminals, but people had no choice, the so called Leader of the Green Movement was prime minister under Khomeini and signed 30 000 executions .

50% of population survives below poverty, while to buy influence out side the country, Iran, is building Sewerage treatment plants for Cuba, producing Tractors for Zimbabwe, assembling cars for Venezuela, building dam for Nicaragua, Mali Burkinafaso , Bank rolling Syria, and virtually flooding North Korea with free oil.

If you are really into shedding tears, you may do that for 1000 of woman who have been stoned to death via the subhuman legal system.

The country is on top of the earth quake zone, know as Iran fault, still large number of towns are in ruin, due to last earth quake , it is incredible to have rebuilt the Lebanese villages and terror centers , when most of the earth quake victims still live in tents!

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The last one before this one, that was killed, he was a member of the opposition and had signed a petition calling on removal of Revolutionary Guards and Police from all campuses, the next day the Zionist agents got him, Machiavelli's Prince is an ice cream vendor, compared to this lot. The whole country is a quasi Mafia state run by a Keloptocracy, 14 years old girls are sold in to prostitution in the Gulf States and there is dire state of hopelessness, while the Mullahs have spend billions rebuilding Lebanon for Hezbollah, unemployment is at 30% !

The Green movement was a vehicle for protest, all of the Green trash were just criminals, but people had no choice, the so called Leader of the Green Movement was prime minister under Khomeini and signed 30 000 executions .

50% of population survives below poverty, while to buy influence out side the country, Iran, is building Sewerage treatment plants for Cuba, producing Tractors for Zimbabwe, assembling cars for Venezuela, building dam for Nicaragua, Mali Burkinafaso , Bank rolling Syria, and virtually flooding North Korea with free oil.

If you are really into shedding tears, you may do that for 1000 of woman who have been stoned to death via the subhuman legal system.

The country is on top of the earth quake zone, know as Iran fault, still large number of towns are in ruin, due to last earth quake , it is incredible to have rebuilt the Lebanese villages and terror centers , when most of the earth quake victims still live in tents!

How many woman have been stoned to death?

go and tell your propaganda lies somewhere else.

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The UN.

On 31 July 2006, the Security Council passed a resolution demanding Iran suspend its enrichment program.[29] On December 23, 2006, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against Iran,[25] which were later tightened on March 24, 2007,[26] because Iran refused to suspend enrichment.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran weapons_of_mass_destruction

A nuclear reactor is a weapon of mass destruction? or are just the illegal nuclear reactors weapons of mass destruction?

And that makes car bombs and killing scientist to a legal act?

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Look who is Talking about propagnada, Listen Mishka Grishka Vnayusha, is nice now that you people can drink CoCaCla, and the your reputation has been greatly enhanced by NATASHs all over the world plying their ware, the criminal behavior of the Iranian regime is well document by the Iranian people, the shooting stoning are well document by human right lawyers in Iran it self, there is no need for Propaganda, but some one with tardition of proganda and child of Stalin, should be less conspicuous than your mouth makes you to be. After all the word Potemkin is now part of English vocabulary for mastering the art of lies and decption, compared to you people Gobbles is a child that just has began talking with a lisp! Now go and visit Tavarish Vikor BUT(BOOT), and see if he is need of some advice and you may ask those Gogol Charters to come with you for the visit, the Nozderyov, Sobakevich , and above all the cream of it all Chichikov!

Has anything changed with you people! No and never! Nozderyov still rules!

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The saddest part of the current Iran situation is that Iran was once a center of enlightenment. It produced some very intelligent scientists and artists, but then it descended into the abyss of gloom. For lack of a better term, Iran is sort of in its Dark Ages period now, and just as Europe had a Renaissance, one day Iran too will have a renaissance. One can only hope.

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The typical Iranian citizen is completely fed up with this evil Islamic dictatorship. It was most likely one of them. whistle.gif

Of course I am not so familair with "the typical Iranian citizen" as you appear to be, but I am willing to bet any amount that the "typical Iranian citizen" is more fed up with the USA and Israel attacks on their country than they will ever be with their leadership. I will even go one step further and claim that the more verbal, political and terrorist attacks the USA and Israel do on Iran, the more the population will support their government in resisting these attacks. :whistling:

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The UN.

On 31 July 2006, the Security Council passed a resolution demanding Iran suspend its enrichment program.[29] On December 23, 2006, the UN Security Council imposed sanctions against Iran,[25] which were later tightened on March 24, 2007,[26] because Iran refused to suspend enrichment.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran weapons_of_mass_destruction

A nuclear reactor is a weapon of mass destruction? or are just the illegal nuclear reactors weapons of mass destruction?

And that makes car bombs and killing scientist to a legal act?

Not to mention the fact that any signatory of the IAEA is entitled to enrich uranium for peaceful purposes. And since there is not an iota of evidence that Iran has a military program, there is no reason whatsoever to comply with unjust UN resolutions. Same as Israel disregards dozens of UN resolutions, and had another few dozen vetoed by the USA.

Besides, talking about illegal nuclear programs, it is of course Israel that takes the first price in that category, not having signed any agreement and not allowing any inspections of their nuclear facilities EVER.

The problem lies not in the alleged "building the bomb" but in the fact the USA and foremost Israel do not want Iran to reach "break out capacity" i.e. to gather enough knowledge to be able to build a bomb if and when they deem necessary to so, for instance when under military attack :


For at least 5 years we have heard the spin that Iran is "only months away" from building a bomb, but still not one piece of solid evidence was ever produced to back up that claim. For at least 10 years the Iranian have been hearing threats by Israel that their country is going to be attacked by Israel.

Killing scientists is definitely not going to improve the chances of Iran NOT choosing the path that will sooner or later lead to nuclear capacity. Iran just has to look to North Korea, which, since it did build a bomb, is not longer at risk of being invaded by the USA and its client regime in Seoul. :whistling:

Edited by Renbe
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The saddest part of the current Iran situation is that Iran was once a center of enlightenment. It produced some very intelligent scientists and artists, but then it descended into the abyss of gloom. For lack of a better term, Iran is sort of in its Dark Ages period now, and just as Europe had a Renaissance, one day Iran too will have a renaissance. One can only hope.

The history part you got right but car bombing scientist isn't exactly a renaissance way to deal with the 'dark age'.

The sad part is that the dumbest, loudest and most aggressive cavemen come forward and declare their club blow business and wars to a defence of the renaissance.

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The typical Iranian citizen is completely fed up with this evil Islamic dictatorship. It was most likely one of them.

Of course I am not so familair with "the typical Iranian citizen" as you appear to be, but I am willing to bet any amount that the "typical Iranian citizen" is more fed up with the USA...

That is a bet that you would lose big time. whistle.gif

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The typical Iranian citizen is completely fed up with this evil Islamic dictatorship. It was most likely one of them.

Of course I am not so familair with "the typical Iranian citizen" as you appear to be, but I am willing to bet any amount that the "typical Iranian citizen" is more fed up with the USA...

That is a bet that you would lose big time. whistle.gif

No, you would lose.

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You big gambler/experts , put your money where your posts are (up for all to enjoy) I will hold the stakes and whoever can prove they are correct will receive the proceeds. Failure to supply proof will result in the monies being donated to the thirsty crowd who will attend the TV Christmas part here in CM this month. Better hurry, daylight is wasting.

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The typical Iranian citizen is completely fed up with this evil Islamic dictatorship. It was most likely one of them.

Of course I am not so familair with "the typical Iranian citizen" as you appear to be, but I am willing to bet any amount that the "typical Iranian citizen" is more fed up with the USA...

That is a bet that you would lose big time. whistle.gif

No, you would lose.

I'm not so sure about that. You didn't happen to notice all those protesters getiing beaten and shot about a year ago did you?

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The Facts are different than speculation.

when the first nuclear scientist was assassinated, and he was : Massoud Ali Mohammadi , the academic staff in the nuclear physics department demand protection, every one that was involved with the project at NATANZ etc was give 24 hour body guards, that is two body guards per person, these body guards would check the car minutely and would use electronic scanner to pick transmitters etc, before the scientist would be allow to drive away, and the followed by one while the other one would be in the car. Now these two scientist that have been attacked are :

Majid Shahriari and Freydoon Abbasi, Mr shariari was Killed and Mr Abbasi is in serious condition. Both these had the two body guards, and the official story that has been put out; was that a bomb was attached to their cars, by motor cyclist and detonated by remote control, but take look at the photo and youtube etc , the Peugeot car is riddled with bullet holes! And there is no mention of what happened to the body guards, 4 in total?

Shariari was the one tasked out with clearing the stuxnet virus, and he was in charge of the counter cybre protection, and had all the centrifuges shut down, as he claimed it is not possible to combat the virus if even one is working.

Iranian regime from the day one has caused trouble for every one in the region, the crusade against Israel is just a cover to gain popularity in the predominately Sunni Muslim world, where Iran is much despised and hated! After all in the Iran Iraq war, the only foreign troups that were brought in to help the country were Isreali officer, stationed North of Tehran, Iran contra affairs is very well documented, Israel had an embassy there before revolution, and Generally the Iranian population had no problem with Jews, This regime has become the refuge for neo Nazis Ku Klax Klan etc, it is run by a an Oil Mafia, given that is has second reserves of oil and gas , it is ludicrous to have nuclear power, at such a huge cost, the only purpose is have a weapon so it can continue to survive, in Iran there is a saying that This Government has one enemy, and no it is not America, nor the Zionist state, nor British Imperialism, it is the Iranian People!

If you look at these supports of Theocratic Keloptocracy , you see one thing obvious and common to them, they collect all the trash from Jihadist websites and spread the defection here, with more venom and vileness.

In Tehran there is usually a Friday Prayer that is attended by the Supreme Ayatollah, and after few versus and a bit of speech the crowed which is hand pick by the regime would shout death to America, then death to Israel, and etc , after the last election, the first Friday prayer, when Ayatollah paused to here the usual death to America, it was instead death to Russia , and second pause was death to China! not to Israel! And these were people that screened by the regime, that shows the whole apparatus of the regime is hated by the one that work for it.

Edited by kujirasan
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