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It is always interesting to read about all those differenty concepts about mindfullness, this I found on Tricylcle:

Weekly Teaching: What did the Buddha mean by Mindfulness?

The word mindfulness is bandied about so often these days you'd think everyone knew—or rather agreed—what it meant. Is mindfulness simply being open and aware to what is happening around you and within you? Alan Wallace says, not exactly:

When mindfulness is equated with bare attention, it can easily lead to the misconception that the cultivation of mindfulness has nothing to do with ethics or with the cultivation of wholesome states of mind and the attenuation of unwholesome states. Nothing could be further from the truth. In the Pali Abhidhamma, where mindfulness is listed as a wholesome mental factor, it is not depicted as bare attention, but as a mental factor that clearly distinguishes wholesome from unwholesome mental states and behavior. And it is used to support wholesome states and counteract unwholesome states.

"A Mindful Balance" from the Tricycle Wisdom Collection.

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An increase in Buddhism content lately, much appreciated.

This is an interesting article. I recall it was discussed at some length a few months ago on Dhammawheel, I think the general consensus was that though Wallace's academic background is impressive his experience of contemporary mindfulness practice is pretty limited.

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  • 3 weeks later...

How about that. And then there is this opinion even printed by Tricycle.


I must admit I am quitre lost here.

I don't know what is Tricycle but I know many things printed in the bible is not right too, so what is this suppose to mean ?

Back to the OP, I read the link. I find the Wallace(?) quite limited in his understanding of Buddhism & "mindfulness". I find him a good attention-seeker.

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so is christiaan

How about that. And then there is this opinion even printed by Tricycle.


I must admit I am quitre lost here.

I don't know what is Tricycle but I know many things printed in the bible is not right too, so what is this suppose to mean ?

Back to the OP, I read the link. I find the Wallace(?) quite limited in his understanding of Buddhism & "mindfulness". I find him a good attention-seeker.

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