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Elite Card

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This card interests me because of the visa perks (I am under 50), but if I bought it I would probably be motivated to take up golf.

Can someone verify my interpretation of the visa priveledges with the elite card. It sounds like with the 5 year multiple entry visa you do not EVER have to leave Thailand for 5 years, as long as you pay the 1900 baht every 90 days for the extension. Correct?

The other detail I am confused about is, why only a 5 year visa? Isn't the card a lifetime card? Are holders able to automatically get a new 5 year at end of the first five, and subsequent ones as needed?

Also, is it fair to assume if you sold the card, the buyer would get a fresh 5 year visa?

(Of course, no guarantees for the future, but what are they promising NOW?)

It is all very interesting, but it is obvious that they don't want to sell a massive amount of these; otherwise there would be ironclad guarantees. The market as stated before is for people to whom 1 mill baht is trivial or for those willing to take a questionable gamble.

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how long is life time in Thailand??????

the land ownership issues are already doubtfull

read the other threads about the noose is tightening

Leslie can you enlighten the panel and give some iron clad guarantees and possibly one of thaskins nuts as a deposit

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It's Christmas day and I promised my family I would spend today with them. However, the two questions regarding visa and land are important. Firstly:

the visa is good for 5 years and renewable (in Thailand) for another 5 years. So the reality is that if you wanted...you may never have to leave Thailand.

The rights to aqcuire and possess land still stand. And I will explain in greater detail Friday morning.

Have a Merry Christmas, Lad's...!

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Thaksin predicts 1 million people will by this card within one year from its release..

I would be very surprised if 1000 people bought it..

In everything he does he is quite the optimist.

Is the drugs really gone now in Thailand ? Nah..

Can he rid Thailand of poverty ? Nope..

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I'd be grateful to Leslie, or anyone, who could provide me with answers to the following questions about the Thailand Elite card. They are a combination of queries raised on this forum and as well as my own. Thanks in advance.


Can a foreigner pay for the land in Baht, or does he have to prove that he imported foreign exchange for this purpose?

Must the area of 10 rai of land be purchased as one parcel or can it be split up, e.g. 3 rai in Chiang Mai, 2 rai in Bangkok and 5 rai in Phuket?

The brochure says that the land privilege is only available once. If the foreigner buys one piece of land and sells it later, can he buy a second piece again at a later date?

Can a foreigner buy land and keep it forever, even if he does not construct a house? Or is there a condition that a house must be built within a certain period of time? If so, how many years does the foreigner have to build the house and is there a minimum amount that must be spent on the house?

Is it acceptable for a foreigner to buy a piece of land and sell it years later at a profit?

Does the foreigner have outright ownership of the land, i.e. is the foreigner’s name on the land deed?

If the Elite card folds or the company goes under, what happens to the card holder’s land privileges?


Does the 5 year visa expire every time the foreigner leaves the country?

What happens if the foreigner leaves the country for a longer period of time, say 2 or 3 years? Does he get issued with a new 5 year visa upon his return to Thailand?

What happens after 5 years when the visa expires? Does the foreigner automatically get issued with a new 5 year visa?

Is it possible to hold a work permit while on this type of visa?

Is the immediate family (foreign spouse and children) of the Elite card holder also entitled to the 5 year visa?


Fast track through airport immigration – Does this also apply to the card holder’s family (spouse, children, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, cousins, etc.)? How about travelling colleagues?

Transfer service – Is there a specified maximum distance from the airport to the card holder’s residence for which the service applies? E.g. if the card holder arrives in at Don Meaung but lives in Chonburi, will the transfer service take him all the way to his residence in Chonburi? What is the maximum distance allowed?

Finally, what are the assurances that the whole Thailand Elite scheme will not be changed or abolished by a future incoming government?

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Excellent questions, JB 1!

If the people behind the Thai Visa card collected these questions, reviewed all their policies, and produced a detailed document they could send people (other than the vague, marketing-centric website) and they could honestly address the very valid sales objections suggested by many of these posts, they could sell a bucketload of these things. And if they don't, the market is really limited. Or maybe, as many suspect, this is a frothy too good to be true vapor card.

Anyway, I would like more clarification on the issue of married foreigners.

Lets say the husband buys ONE Elite Card. Does the wife receive a duplicate card (with the same registration number) so that she can go golfing while he is having his nails done? As JB 1 asked, would spouses also get their own 5 year visa, and would BOTH spouses be eligible for all the miscellaneous priveledges (golf, airport, massage, etc.)? And could the spouses travel separately to and from Thailand, with the one "family" card? Depending on the answers to these questions, the card might be even more attractive to married farang couples.


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Clearification of some issues for JB1 and Thaiquila...

Buying Land:

Land can be purchased in Thai Baht. However, with real estate in Thailand, should you ever want to leave the country and take your money with you as a result of the sale of your land...then the money must have come from abroad, and a Thai Bank must issue a Tor Tor 3 (I think it is called?) so that you will not be taxed 35% (?) for taking money out.

You can purchase up to 10 Rai (up to you), but NOT in bits and pieces all over the country...one 'chunk' of land. You have one (1) year to submit building plans to the authorities, and three (3) years to complete it. There is NO minimum purchase requirement (original website said 20 million baht...currently not so). You also are not limited to just land. If you find the perfect house, cottage, ranch, villa, sweetly calling your name...you can apply for permission to purchase it.

If you buy your property and at a later date decide to sell it, they are telling me at the TAT here that is okay to purchase a new one. And your can make a profit on the one your sell.

The rights to Acquire and Possess land.

In many countries around the world, it is not allowed for a FOREIGNER to waltz in and start buying up real estate. Thailand appartently is no exception. However, the Prime Minister wanted to be able to give something extra to the 'Elite'. Knowing that there would probably be blood on the floor of Government House should some unpatriotic soul suggest that they offer pieces of their sacred soil to FARANG. So, they are forced to deal with the law as it exists. After much research and careful consideration for all parties concerned, they have come to the following arrangement:

The Elite member pays for the property and the Thailand Elite Card Co., Ltd (100% held by the TAT...1 Billion Baht registered capitol)...registers the title with the land department in it's name. However, on the title will be a notation stating that this property is held in...USUFRUCT

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language: Fourth Edition. 2000.



PRONUNCIATION: yz-frkt, -s-

NOUN: The right to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another as long as the property is not damaged or altered in any way.

ETYMOLOGY: Late Latin sfrctus, variant of Latin susfrctus : sus, use; see usual + frctus, enjoyment; see fruit.

This way, should any party in the future for some reason attempt to seize the assets of the Thailand Elite card Co., Ltd., and are successful...by law they will have to honor the USUFRUCT arrangement.


I am holding in my hand a copy of the special Thai Elite 5 year visa (a very distinctive work of art) that you will receive from immigration. The visa works like this: It is a lifetime renewable 5 year multiple entry tourist visa of very special designation. Everytime you come into the country, it is stamped for 90 days. At the expiration of the 90 days you either exit the country or renew the 90 day period for the cost of 1900 baht each renewal. This means that should you choose, you never have to leave Thailand if you do not want to. The costs incurred over a year amount to USD$180.00 annually. And you can keep on doing this until the 5 years are up...go down to immigration anywhere at one of 14 locations in the country, and a new 5 year visa will be applied for free. Whether you stay in Thailand or out of the country...the 5 years is from date of original issue.

This is a very fancy and privileged tourist visa...should you wish to work or if you already hold a class B and a work permit...they will have two visa's in your passport. Working here still requires that you follow the laws of the Labor Department. This visa is from a separate entity we all know as Immigration.

Wife/spouse and children do NOT receive any benefits from the card. Just as if you bought a first class air ticket on British Air and asked if you could bring the wife and kids along...they too must have purchased first class tickets. I sold a couple from Hong Kong two weeks ago...His and Hers Elite Cards...$50,000.00 toal purchase price.


Immediate family and friends can enjoy the fast track service through immigration provided that the card holder is present. Limo service as well can be shared by family. Internation Airpoprts are recognized by the program to date are Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket...and Limo service is NOT to Nong Kai or Hat Yai. Just the city in a reasonable distance.


The Government has really stuck it's neck out on this one, and realizes that anything that could go wrong would greatly damage the reputation of the program/country. So, they are going to great lengths in an attempt to accomodate all aspects of this program and in my opinion are doing the best job possible given the situations and environment. If, for some reason the program looks like it is costing the country too much, etc. they will simply raise the price (already being discussed).

The Prime Minister's goal is the sale of One (1) Million Cards in five (5)years.

I hope I was able to answer most of the questions asked. I will try to find some time tomorrow to get back on the forum and address any new issues.

Cheers, and Happy Holidays...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"You can purchase up to 10 Rai (up to you), but NOT in bits and pieces all over the country...one 'chunk' of land. You have one (1) year to submit building plans to the authorities, and three (3) years to complete it. There is NO minimum purchase requirement (original website said 20 million baht...currently not so). You also are not limited to just land. If you find the perfect house, cottage, ranch, villa, sweetly calling your name...you can apply for permission to purchase it."

Thanks for all that information. It was very informative and I am sure other people will have more questions. At least, I hope so.

That 5 year visa sounds wonderful and convenient. I am sure, however, that people will wonder about the future. If the government changes their mind, the company goes bust, and then what good is the card 5 years down the road in respect to getting the new 5 year visa (which, after all, is based on the holding the valid card)? So for buyers it is really a matter of hope, trust, and optimism, as it sounds like the company is really not able to offer a guarantee. Still, lots of things in life are bought on this basis. Bigger risks are taken all the time, and bigger money is lost as well. Caveat emptor.

I think what you are saying about land and house ownership is big news. The part about being able to buy different kinds of properties and the lack of a minimum price, specifically. However, this also needs additional clarification. If a card holder wants to buy a modestly price house and land, for example 2 million baht, is the company biased against approving such purchases? What I am getting at here is the concept of "getting permission to purchase it." What are the criteria for granting this permission?

I am also curious about the comment about raising the price of the card. Such talk is often the tactic of slick salespeople the world over to stimulate sales at the current price. I am not saying you are doing that, just making an observation. So my question is, what time frame are you talking about for a potential price increase for the card, and what amount of increase?

Thanks again.

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Some more questions came to mind. I would like to encourage others to come up with questions, as this is a great opportunity to get more info about the elite card.

1. Is there anything in the law/card contract about what happens to land owners in the event of the card company's becoming defunct? If not, land buyers would be risking a lot more than the cost of the card.

2. Can you detail any refund policies and schedules, if available. For example, if a buyer wishes out of the card after 2 years, is there a refund of some kind, or is selling the card to another person the only option?

3. What is the sales agent structure for people living outside Thailand. Are there quotas for buyers living in different countries, living in Thailand, etc.?

4. Has the company considered the "blank Thai smile" effect. This occurs when entering a business, flashing a card, and demanding a service for no cash. What will the company do to make sure card holders get treated well at these outside businesses.

5. Someone has to say it, but I already know the answer. It would have been really, really, fantastic if such a card was offered at a more reasonable price (maybe half?) that offered ONLY the visa and land buying perks. Yes, there would be more buyers, and they would not be as elite, but Thailand would get getting thousands of people willing to make a "contribution" and show that they are very serious about their commitment to Thailand. Also, the card company would have no risk of being bankrupted by overzealous golfers/massagees. Such mid-level buyers would be very good risks for being solvent and not a burden on Thailand, as they would have paid that money, and put their money into houses. It would of course be a boon to retirees under 50, and retirees over 50 who don't wish to deal with the annual renewal process and also might wish to buy a residence. I know the answer, the card was designed to boost high end tourism, and this middle non-tourist market is not that. Oh well.

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5. Someone has to say it, but I already know the answer. It would have been really, really, fantastic if such a card was offered at a more reasonable price (maybe half?) that offered ONLY the visa and land buying perks.

Land buying perks? A farang can do the same thing by starting a business with the required amount of Thais. The company will own the land. Thailand will never let a non Thai own land, only a condo. This will never change, period.

There already is a five year visa coming out:

Thai Immigration to issue 5-year multiple entry visas

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Hi Thaiquila (and others)...

Just to try to put this program in a more appropiate perspective, I have to start off by saying that this card is clearly not intended for everybody. At best maybe 5 - 10% of the tourists who come to Thailand for a visit, is what the TAT has targeted. The Thai government did not conceive this as a tool to immigrate to Thailand, or is interested in giving away more value than it receives.

It is an ELITE Card, intended for an ELITE group.

As for being too expensive, I had one European buyer who said that if we really want to make it ELITE..."we should be charging USD$100,000.00 per card...!" (the Governor liked that idea...!). It is intended to be a 'club' of intenational high-quality tourists who are living on a level where a $25,000 price tag offers no hesitation (and we know internationally there is a large number of them).

Having said that, I also agree with the point that for the right individual, the card offers very good value. You just have to decide where you stand and what your own individual needs are. But many people (in my daily mails I receive at the TAT) have asked for certain rules and benefits to be changed in order to fit their own individual agendas. It isn't going to happen.

I apologize if what if what I said has offended anyone, or if the information I am passing on isn't living up to their own individual expectations. I am just the messenger here...relaying as best I can the true intention of the program. So, don't stop trying to ask questions or offer suggestions.

To specifically address some questions:

Regarding the rights to acquire and possess land. The way I am reading it, no matter what government, Card Co. or no Card Co., etc, etc....the USUFRUCT clause in the title deed registration is what protects the Elite Card holder. (refer to my previous thread)

Regarding refund policies: to my knowledge there is no official policy to date. But just to look in another dirction for a moment... I am curious as to what kind of refund General Motors offers on a 2 year old Chevy Blazer...or IBM for 5 year old copiers, for that matter...? They won't touch it...they will say..."go talk to the dealer." The card however is fully transferable with a 10% service charge for the transfer. There is nothing that is saying that you can not sell it to another individual.

Now...what if after 2 years, some of the services promised are not (or have not been) being honored...? This is a whole different issue and one that is being addressed at the TAT. Of course, we are all hoping that all services and obligations are being fullfilled to the customers satisfaction. But I personally would like to see a full or at least pro-rated refund policy to unhappy customers...and have suggested such at meetings. All I can say at this point is that it is being considered.

Sales agents have already been appointed and are on strict quotas that come up for review several times a year. Inside Thailand there are already too many agents and some will be cut by April if their quotas were not met. Internationally, there was a long list of applicants, and appointments have been made.

The 'blank Thai smile'...I have no idea what you are talking about...!

(joking) Personally, I would complain in writing. This is the last thing the government needs, and would be an embarrasment to the PM. Be that as it may, we all know that 'things can happen', and a word to the GM or the MD or the manager of a given establishment would be in order. One of the things about Thailand is that 'a certain substance does roll down hill' A word to the Governor's office will commence heads rolling in all different directions. They truly do not want this program to get off track or go in the wrong direction.

Regarding potential for price increases. The Governor has already stated that in April of 2004, she would like to see the price of the card for Expats be increased to USD$50,000 per member...as was originally intented.


Purely from a business point of view, the card was intened to generate new capitol and spending into the country. 5 Trillion in Card sales and 20 Trillion in residual spending.

Me, I have been residing in the Kingdom for nearly ten years...they already get my residual spending...I offer the country no new financial benefits or gain. I am NOT a target customer.

Regarding a 5-year visa...unles you buy the Elite card, it is unobtainable.

Just for your information, I will be out of town from today (Sunday Dec. 28th) onwards to Jan 5th, 2004, where I will pick up again on all this merryment.

Happy Holidays...!

(and if it was my program...I'd declare January 1, 2004...free cards for everyone...!)

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Hi Thaiquila (and others)...

Just to try to put this program in a more appropiate perspective, I have to start off by saying that this card is clearly not intended for everybody. At best maybe 5 - 10% of the tourists who come to Thailand for a visit, is what the TAT has targeted. The Thai government did not conceive this as a tool to immigrate to Thailand, or is interested in giving away more value than it receives.

Hello Leslie,

I hear you and appreciate you are doing your best at communicating the policies and intentions of the company. As you might expect, I have more comments and questions.

1. Repeat of question about criteria for aproval of buying land/house. Specifically, will there be a prejudice against modest house purchases (for example 2 mill baht)?

2. About the refund anwer, I had heard that there was a policy elsewhere so just wanted clarification. Thanks for that. Its good of you to suggest to your company that there be some kind of refund if promises aren't met.

3. Regarding the target market, well, that is obvious. However, to use an analogy as you are fond of, many people overstretch to buy a Mercedes Benz because they can justify the purchase based on criteria that is very important to them. For example, a real estate broker in a wealthy neighborhood might buy the Benz as an investment to help build the clientele. So, there will be interested buyers to whom $25K is not chump change. Is it your policy to discourage people who do not exactly fit your target market?

4. You state that the card is not meant to be a way for people to immigrate to Thailand. However, I recently read a web article that specifically mentioned that this card would appeal to affluent retirees who are under age 50. The implication is that their main motivation to buy the card is because they cannot get a retirement visa before age 50. I think this is a big potential market. Are you saying the card company is not interested in the business of such persons who see the visa feature as the main selling point? You know, people who haven't golfed a day in their life, and could die happy without it.

5. Regarding your comment about the cost of the expat card going up to $50K in April, what do you mean by that exactly? Do you mean that people who are currently living in Thailand (expats) will be charged $50K while people who are living abroad will still be charged $25K? If so, if a person purchases the card while living abroad for $25K, is there any restriction on that person to then decide to use the visa and move to Thailand? If not, will they then be charged more money when it becomes clear they have moved to Thailand, and no longer reside abroad? Additionally, if a person buys the card before April from abroad, will it be any problem if they move to Thailand becoming an expat (using the visa)?

6. Regarding sales quotas, are these sales quotas or supply quotas? In other words, are there limits on the number of cards which can be sold to resident Thais, residents of US, France, Japan, etc.?

Thanks again for being such a good sport and answering my questions.

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Free cards for everyone, now that's the ticket! Now that would be a happy new year.

Another question about the 5 year visa. If someone buys the card, does buying the card mean that the 5 year visa is automatically issued concurrently? Or, can they choose to wait until later when they are ready to get the visa (closer to travel time if coming from abroad)? Also, whenever the visa is issued, is there a TIME LIMIT for first use of the visa (as is usual for all the other visas I have heard of). In other words, most visas need to be used in a set number of days after the date of issue.

Thanks again for answering, when you get the chance.

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As I understood it (well I thought I did....I was in in festive spirit ...so to speak)...when you arrive at Bkk, you are taken to the visa issuing place (which isn't Immigration) and the 5 year visa issues and the 5 year validity begins that day.

Nope, you have to apply for a visa:

By virtue of Section 17 of the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 the Minister of Interior, with the approval of the Cabinet resolution of 16 September 2003, hereby issues notification as follows:

An alien obtaining Thailand Elite card shall enter into the Kingdom in a special case with conditions and be exempted from compliance with the Immigration Act B.E. 2522 in cases stipulated herein.

The person under Clause 1 shall have the right to obtain special entry visa from Royal Thai embassy, Royal Thai Consulate located in other countries or from the Ministry of Foreign Affair or Immigration Office with no limit on entry for the period of 5 years with exemption from visa fee.

If the person under Clause 1 enters into the Kingdom an immigration officer shall allow him/her to stay in the Kingdom for a period of ninety days for each visit with no limit on entry.

With respect to a permit to further temporary stay after the lapse of the time limit set out in Clause 3, immigration officer shall have power to endorse such request for ninety days on each request. Application for further stay shall be filled in a form as prescribed by and fee shall be paid as set out in Ministerial Regulation.

(Above quoted from TPC Co. - prospect)

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THAILAND ELITE CARDS: Price for privileges will double in 2004

Drastic cut in yearend goal


BANGKOK: Expatriates will be charged Bt2 million next year for a Thailand Elite privilege card – double the present price – because they can avail of services and facilities more often than members who are foreign tourists or visiting businessmen.

“We originally intended to set the price for expatriates at Bt2 million because of the many advantages they have but in the beginning, we reduced it to Bt1 million to build customer interest,” Paisit Kaenchan, director of Thailand Privilege Card Co, said yesterday.

Applications from expatriates – foreigners residing or working in the country – will not be accepted after the end of next year to bring the proportion of expatriates down to 5 per cent of total membership from the present 20 per cent.

Paisit denied the firm was taking the measures because it was afraid of losing money. Income was sufficient to cover the Bt40,000 estimated maximum annual expense for each member, he said.

The price for foreign-based cardholders would also be raised by 20-25 per cent within two years from the current Bt1 million, as facilities and services would be improved and added, he said.

The Thailand Elite card, the brainchild of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, targets one million members in five years. However, since its November 19 launch, only some 200 cards have been sold, at US$25,000 or Bt1 million for individuals and $50,000 for juristic persons. This has forced a drastic cut in the yearend goal to 300 cards from the initial 1,000.

To achieve next year’s sales objective of 100,000 cards, the company has put together a marketing plan that includes going on a road show at least once a month to Japan, China, Korea and other countries in Asia and expanding its sales network from 20 agents at present to 30-40 firms.

Recently, the firm forged an alliance with Unicef, hoping to attract Hollywood celebrities and top executives from all over the world to become members.

“After reaching the 100,000-card level, the company will suspend recruitment of new members for six months to evaluate all services and every golf course, hotel, spa, restaurant and shopping mall participating in the programme,” Paisit said.

Proceeds from card sales are currently stashed in bank deposits but in the future an asset management company will be retained to invest its funds in the same manner as the Government Pension Fund. These idle funds represent 90-95 per cent of total reserves and the fund manager must make an annual return from investment of at least 6-7 per cent.

The remaining 5-10 per cent of reserves will be used to build or take over at least two golf clubs, a boutique hotel and a city club within two years, which will be linked to the future increase in membership fees.

Paisit explained the cardholder privileges in property investment as a form of usufruct – the right to use and enjoy the profits and advantages of something belonging to another as long as the property is not damaged or altered in any way.

Thailand Privilege Card Co, as a Thai-owned entity, retains proprietary ownership of properties that cardholders buy, but the cardholders can enjoy lifetime use of their land and properties, including renting their units out when they are not in the country.

However, cardholders do not get full commercial rights, such as to develop home or condominium projects.

“The first approval of property purchases is expected in January,” Paisit said.

Thailand Privilege Card Co would be around for a long time, not only during this government’s term, because it is a private company and has members around the world who benefit the country greatly over the long term, he said.

“I’m confident that no government would dare to close us. If anyone tries that, he’ll get sued by cardholders all over the world.”

Source: The Nation

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This is the standard BS. The 'Elite Card' is just another Thai ripoff. First, there are no guarantees. Second, no clear concise list of benefits. Third, it is just too expensive for what it doesn't offer. It is simpler, cheaper and easier to do this or yourself.

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Let us be imaginative and say that one million cards are sold, therefore causing ten million rai of land to be tied up by foreigners. That will go over well with the locals. Never mind the half a million or so landless farmers and the much talked about future land reform!

Whenever I hear the words "Elite" or "Luxury", I reach for something to block my nasal passages. More TRT BS. One minute they dislike foreigners, the next they want one million foreigners to "buy" land and play golf.

Get real


And not all of us Japanese play golf.

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Well, interesting to say the least only a supposed 200 have been sold so far. I think the numbers will drop a lot.

Once they raise up the fee to acquire such from one million to two million, this card is heading to the garbage can for good. No one is going to want it.

So if the expats who got this card now which amounts to 20 percent of the total of 200 which means only 40 expats have it now, well they better worry if this card heads to bustville.

Let me put it this way, this card will become extinct by year 2005 like Dino did a couple hundred thousand years ago.

Daveyoti :o

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Once they raise up the fee to acquire such from one million to two million, this card is heading to the garbage can for good. No one is going to want it.

Maybe that is the whole idea. B200M collected, time to scrap it and cash in before too many are sold. (If they would sell too many, foreign governments may take interest when they scrap it... only 200 worldwide, noone will give a s**t.) The official explanation will be that the interest was not as high as anticipated and all the money has already been used to pay for the 'benefits'.

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“We originally intended to set the price for expatriates at Bt2 million because of the many advantages they have but in the beginning, we reduced it to Bt1 million to build customer interest,” Paisit Kaenchan, director of Thailand Privilege Card Co, said yesterday.
lets reduce the price to "build customer interest"
However, since its November 19 launch, only some 200 cards have been sold, at US$25,000 or Bt1 million for individuals and $50,000 for juristic persons. This has forced a drastic cut in the yearend goal to 300 cards from the initial 1,000.

that went over well

Expatriates will be charged Bt2 million next year for a Thailand Elite privilege card – double the present price
great idea, raise the price to 2 million baht and make sure only a real fool buys it.
“I’m confident that no government would dare to close us. If anyone tries that, he’ll get sued by cardholders all over the world.”

the government won't have to close this, Thailand Elite will just beat this dead horse for awhile. Someday it will be embarrasing to even show the card as people will instantly know you don't understand value.

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Suppose you are alive for another 30 years:

30 less visa runs (getting the multiple), each costs say 10,000 Baht = 300,000 Baht

30x4 = 120 less border runs, cost say 3,000 Baht = 360,000 Baht

Total: 660,000 Baht

Bargain? Not sure.

George, you forgot to calculate the walkers. dr. will be very unhappy. :D Just imagine a guy walking every 90 days and flashing his Elite - visa. No loss for TPC.

Anyway, I did the calculation b4 (Posted on: Wed 2003-12-03, 18:46:23)

Now Khun Paisit

Income was sufficient to cover the Bt40,000 estimated maximum annual expense for each member, he said.

I calculate 12 trips p.a. Put all on TG at C-class average 30 K Makes saving 7500 x 12 = Baht 90,000 for flights only. Add to this 24 times limo, maybe Baht 500 each = 12 K. I am not a fan of massage, but maybe change my mind and go 52 times a year, for me foc, the club pays.

Golf: In a group of friends I am the only one who refuses to play. Why WALK for 18 holes, if I can have my drink at the 19th without hazards. Maybe I change my mind and do play. Man o man, the club will pay for me. Regardless of what was said, I know the clubs, there is always a subtle way to deny you a T-off. Of course not because you are an Elite-member. "NO, because we are fully booked for the last 4 months"

Anyway, I wish good luck to this scheme, I made my decision not to join. For my friend who did join good new: He paid 1 million, in future it will be two million, means he saved 1 million and so got the card free of charge.

A mathmeatician could not follow this, but I like it.

BTW: I am PROUD of meself, never believed 1000 member by end 03, more 2-300.

Seems I was right.

Now I am still a bit fan of this idea, same as I believe the Bangkok traffic was cleared up within 6 months. Shoot, how to explain to the Elite members, that it did not work because suddenly and unexpectantly the rainy-season came? :o

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