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Is Thailand A Paradise For Involuntary Celebates?


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But what sort of social misfit stays at the Nana Hotel?

The curious kind. I've only been there once but in a watching-live-male-to-female-vaginoplasty kind of way, it was a very memorable experience.

I agree but bemoan its passing.

The experience that was the Nana hotel (the mother-ship) is gone. It was quite something to experience. It made the bar scene in Star wars seem tame.

My first night there I rode up the elevator with the aerobic dance team that was performing in the in-house disco. Not go go dancers, it was a precision exercise dance kind of thing with all sorts of coordinated hand movements. The dance team changed costumes in a hotel room, happened to be next to my room.

The ladies from the Plaza who were otherwise unoccupied would stream across the street when the go go clubs closed and into the hotel disco.

The parking lot of the Nana was world famous. The breakfast was world famous. The old ex-pats who hung out at 2 AM reading newspapers in the lobby and making comments on the arriving pilgrims were world famous. Hundreds of stories have been written about the place. Thousands of hearts broken and thousands of men fell in love or a reasonable facsimile at that location. When was it's peak? Maybe 99. I'm not sure, maybe 05. I am sure it is not the same today.

If you didn't get there, then you missed something. You missed one of the seven wonders of the world. Don't bother going now. It's not the same. You won't run into Dana or CMK. No one is lighting dead dogs on fire anymore. It's just a memory.

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Celibates (it has an "i" after the "L"--not an "e"). Somebody had to say it.

In defense of the Nana Hotel coffee shop, they do an excellent breakfast that I would be happy to eat every day. A bonus is the opportunity to meet interesting people from around the world.

Note: I have seen several large groups of Thai company people at the Nana breakfast buffet. Perhaps their priority is a good breakfast, rather than buying into a stereotype?

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Just a random thought here .....

But what sort of social misfit stays at the Nana Hotel?

Surely if you are staying there (or eating breakfast there) it sort of indicates what you are doing and what sort of person you are.

(you are either a working girl or using the services of a working girl)

I've only spent a couple of nights in BKK (on the way to somewhere else) and have never been to any of the naughty places, only read stories.

Oh how we laughed!

What's wrong with the Nana Hotel? It's cheap, its convenient; as I recall its moderately clean, but a bit dated. I never used to stay there because of the wiring and telephone system but that's probably changed now.

I can't remember if breakfast was included in the rate, but in any case, I'd have probably had better things to do, like go to the office...


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I loved the old Nana back in 1997 to about 2000. After that I found much better places and the whole scene around Sukhumvit seemed to change. Maybe it was just me, but any new commer would still fnd it fascinating because they didn't know it in the hey-days..

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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

Sure, his wife might not be 20 years younger than him, and his wife probably weighs 60kg more than the Thai version, but despite his ugly mug, they are probably happy...

In Thailand I see a lot of guys who are lazy... don't want to go to the trouble of 'courting' a western girl... Thailand has the answer...

Been burnt in love before, but don't want to take any of the blame, western women are the problem.... Thailand has the answer...

Have a generally disagreeable personality, that would see most any western woman bounce you to the kerb... Thailand has the answer...

but also...

A decent looking guy, probably from a school/professional background where you didn't spend much time around women... find yourself wanting a life companion but the leftovers at home don't appeal, and lack the confidence to approach/engage those that interest you... Thailand has the answer, and it is entirely likely that, if you think with your big head, you can be happy, and so can she...

Some of the least attractive guys I know at home get the most skirt... some of the better looking get nothing... looks, to me, don't really feature that highly...

I am lucky that I am both devastatingly handsome, and have a wonderful personality...



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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

Sure, his wife might not be 20 years younger than him, and his wife probably weighs 60kg more than the Thai version, but despite his ugly mug, they are probably happy...

In Thailand I see a lot of guys who are lazy... don't want to go to the trouble of 'courting' a western girl... Thailand has the answer...

Been burnt in love before, but don't want to take any of the blame, western women are the problem.... Thailand has the answer...

Have a generally disagreeable personality, that would see most any western woman bounce you to the kerb... Thailand has the answer...

but also...

A decent looking guy, probably from a school/professional background where you didn't spend much time around women... find yourself wanting a life companion but the leftovers at home don't appeal, and lack the confidence to approach/engage those that interest you... Thailand has the answer, and it is entirely likely that, if you think with your big head, you can be happy, and so can she...

Some of the least attractive guys I know at home get the most skirt... some of the better looking get nothing... looks, to me, don't really feature that highly...

I am lucky that I am both devastatingly handsome, and have a wonderful personality...



I am lazy. I have to agree with you. It is because I am old.

I don't want to go through the trouble of courting a western girl again. I also don't want to go through the trouble of courting a Thai woman and that's really lazy.

I am a simple man and try and live within my means. The latest dollar thing killed me. I re did my budget and I can only go out and play 4 nights a week.

Monday nights I watch Law and Order, SVU and Criminal Intent. Tuesdays Dr. House MD. That takes up two nights and one posting on Thai Visa. The rest of the evenings I immerse my self in the local culture.

I go out Sundays. I like Sundays out. I go to a special place that is kind of like a church (waitresses dress up in religious costumes). But holidays mess up my schedule. Normally I watch TV Monday nights but because of the holiday I missed Sunday. So I split the difference and only watched one show on Monday.

This in turn messed up my standing appointments and has created havoc among the ladies of the night. The consequences of missed motorcycle payments and rice money may be felt along the length and breadthh of Thailand from Bangkok to Bulilam, Chiang Mai to Hat Yi.


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Sex in Thailand is readily available in/from ????

7/11 ladies or gay guys. This can't be news to anyone living in Thailand.

It's news to me. And I've been here a very long time.

Please explain.

I can only speak for the areas I have lived in, Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai, East coast numerous places. 7/11 hires young friendly employees who are usually happy to meet and talk with a Falang. Smile speak to them ask their name and remember it. Maybe considering the season give them a Christmas present. Even if your intended is in the back on a break the other employees will tell her if you enter or even walk by the store and she will come out and say hi. Can you take it from there?

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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

For most guys, it is not that they could not score at home - with some notable exceptions. It is just that it is so much easier here and with much more attractive women. How many 50 year old guys with an average income are going to get a series of stunners to spend the night back in the West?

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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

For most guys, it is not that they could not score at home - with some notable exceptions. It is just that it is so much easier here and with much more attractive women. How many 50 year old guys with an average income are going to get a series of stunners to spend the night back in the West?

Well your use of the term stunner is debatable, how many of these 50 year old guys living in Thailand are getting a series of stunners to spend the night?

Most of these so called stunners would give Miss Piggy a run for her money, and these guys are actually paying for the pleasure.

A more worrying(?) trend is the number of guys actually taking stunners of the third sex from places like the Nana Plaza to spend the night.

Its all in the eye of the beholder I suppose, but some of these so called stunners you couldnt pay me enough to spend the night with.

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Well your use of the term stunner is debatable, how many of these 50 year old guys living in Thailand are getting a series of stunners to spend the night?

Most of these so called stunners would give Miss Piggy a run for her money, and these guys are actually paying for the pleasure.

I am in my 50s, have been living here 2 years, and had relationships with 3 Thai ladies.

All 3 were very beautiful compared with my former 50YO UK wife.

Two were beautiful by anyones standards (I'm married to one of the ladies now, so series ended).

None of my lovers were in any way 'Ms Piggy'.

So I guess one could say, 'I have been getting a series of stunners to spend the night', but my personal series was quite limited in numbers. Of course I am a very 'hansum man' and that might make a difference.

I am prepared to bet you would have been more than happy to spend the night with any of my Thai lovers!

Edited by sarahsbloke
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My friend back in the Uk, has 3 big things going against him.

1. He is 47 and likes women 27 to 37.

2. He takes care of himself, 50% of UK women are overweight. This is a deal breaker for him.

3. He is a bit shy with women, and in the cold uk that alone can keep you single for ever.

There are millions of guys like him. He wants a slim, attractive girlfriend, and it aint going to happen back home.

What surprises me is that MORE guys dont pack it in and come over.

Spot on. And the other 50% are mostly too concerned with bossing the relationship.

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I've only spent a couple of nights in BKK (on the way to somewhere else) and have never been to any of the naughty places, only read stories.

Of course you haven't no, butter wouldn't melt & all that..

& i bet you only said that because Sarah reads this Forum & you're covering your Tracks..:D

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I've only spent a couple of nights in BKK (on the way to somewhere else) and have never been to any of the naughty places, only read stories.

Of course you haven't no, butter wouldn't melt & all that..

& i bet you only said that because Sarah reads this Forum & you're covering your Tracks..:D

Actually, places like that just never appealed to me, I can pretty much pick up a girl anywhere ...... so why visit those places?

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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

For most guys, it is not that they could not score at home - with some notable exceptions. It is just that it is so much easier here and with much more attractive women. How many 50 year old guys with an average income are going to get a series of stunners to spend the night back in the West?

Well your use of the term stunner is debatable, how many of these 50 year old guys living in Thailand are getting a series of stunners to spend the night?

Most of these so called stunners would give Miss Piggy a run for her money, and these guys are actually paying for the pleasure.

A more worrying(?) trend is the number of guys actually taking stunners of the third sex from places like the Nana Plaza to spend the night.

Its all in the eye of the beholder I suppose, but some of these so called stunners you couldnt pay me enough to spend the night with.

I had two stunner's (out of three) for wives in the States. One was even in the Miss America contest. They were very expensive.

My last significant other in the States was a stunner. She was 18 and I was 50. She was very expensive but I was used to it.

New car, clothes, house, expenses and vacations nothing I didn't pay for the three previous wives. There was always men sniffing around them too.

Stunner's are available in Thailand on every level. Starfish are available too. I have found more stunner's are starfish than non stunner's.

If one can find a stunner that is not a starfish that is truly a find.

It is all an odds thing. Some guys are lucky some not. Some guys would not know the difference between a starfish or not a starfish.

I like a woman who sometimes also likes another woman. This cuts down my available pool of partners. So I am willing to trade off some things. I also don't like big boned women, wink wink. A little fat is OK but I prefer a smaller pelvic structure.

Then there are the mental and emotional characteristics of a woman. Too many to list.

I went out on a date once with a high school principal. She had a PhD in mathematics. She was also a big wheel in the provincial school administration system. Not too pretty. When I arrived at her home to pick her up she she told me our plans had been changed and we were going to a pool party. I said, “honey I didn't bring a bathing suit.” She smiled and said, “at this party you don't need a bathing suit.” She all of a sudden got beautiful to me. So many things to think about. Stunner or not? What difference does it make unless you are trying to impress the boys in the Pub?

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Ugly is only skin deep... I am sure that for 99% of the 'Quasimodoes', propping up a bar in Thailand, there is a virtual doppelganger back in Farangolia, with a wife and kids, and feeling pretty happy with himself... face it, mosy men are ugly, but only a few can't score without coming to Thailand...

For most guys, it is not that they could not score at home - with some notable exceptions. It is just that it is so much easier here and with much more attractive women. How many 50 year old guys with an average income are going to get a series of stunners to spend the night back in the West?

Well your use of the term stunner is debatable, how many of these 50 year old guys living in Thailand are getting a series of stunners to spend the night?

Most of the ones who are willing to put a little work into finding them. There are plenty around and - luckily - they are not all that picky. :)

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I went out on a date once with a high school principal. She had a PhD in mathematics. She was also a big wheel in the provincial school administration system. Not too pretty. When I arrived at her home to pick her up she she told me our plans had been changed and we were going to a pool party. I said, "honey I didn't bring a bathing suit." She smiled and said, "at this party you don't need a bathing suit." She all of a sudden got beautiful to me. So many things to think about. Stunner or not? What difference does it make unless you are trying to impress the boys in the Pub?

Why would you need a bathing suit for a pool party?

Surely all that's needed is a rigid cue and decent set of balls.

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I went out on a date once with a high school principal. She had a PhD in mathematics. She was also a big wheel in the provincial school administration system. Not too pretty. When I arrived at her home to pick her up she she told me our plans had been changed and we were going to a pool party. I said, "honey I didn't bring a bathing suit." She smiled and said, "at this party you don't need a bathing suit." She all of a sudden got beautiful to me. So many things to think about. Stunner or not? What difference does it make unless you are trying to impress the boys in the Pub?

Ah yes, that brings to mind the infamous "pool paries" of Angeles City in the Philippines.... sigh. :whistling: A hotel would put one on every month and sold tickets to the lucky few who could attend. For $30 you could attend the afternoon event that lasted into the early morning hours. The hotel would hire the prettiest of the local girls and put on a buffet meal. The first two drinks were free but after that you had to pay. There were rooms for rent to those who hooked up with someone and wanted a private party. Unlike Thai women who are basically modest, the filipinas are FAR more open to frollicking around topless... or less. They were definitely events that a heterosexual male didn't want to miss. I wonder if they still go on. I haven't been down in Angeles City for 10 years.

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Unlike Thai women who are basically modest, the filipinas are FAR more open to frolicking around topless... Really?? For those Thai girls that got 'em, maybe you just haven't been paying them enough.

Once upon a time, (now I just heard this story and I can't vouch for its authenticity) there was a hotel in Pattaya that rented rooms with three chrome pole dancing stages and hot tubs and multiple round beds in the rooms. Three men had a bet about something. The bet involved hiring 5 dancing women each to perform in one of the rooms. The loser paying the tab. It was way back when the dollar was worth 40 baht.

I also have heard there are pool parties quite frequently if one likes lady boys in Pattaya but again I can only comment on second hand information.

I have also heard about clothing optional pool parties in a certain hotel in Pattaya and even noontime buffet luncheon pool parties at another hotel in Pattaya. But I don't have any direct information about any of these things, might be rumor, just stuff I have heard.

I do agree with Jazzbo. The only impediments to finding anything in Thailand are money and imagination.

As I walk off in the distance humming, “you can get anything you want at Alice's restaurant.”

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OOPS .. and a vivid imagination can prove very expensive.

When I was first learning how to speak Thai I asked the waitress where the restroom was. I thought she said, “same place it was last time.” I told her, “sorry I forgot.” She insisted I wait a minute, got an umbrella and led me to the toilet. She entered the toilet with me, took off her shirt and opened the umbrella, stood there and said in English, “OK,what we do now boss?”

I have no idea what I said or what she thought I said. I really don't want to know. Although I have always wondered what I really should have done next.

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Unlike Thai women who are basically modest, the filipinas are FAR more open to frolicking around topless... Really?? For those Thai girls that got 'em, maybe you just haven't been paying them enough.

For the right amount of money anywhere you can get whatever you want... just not WHOEVER you want. I know lots of Thai women who have the perfect figure, even by western standards, But; they aren't available to everyone. The few that are, know it and show it, but seldom in public. I can't recall EVER seeing a female Thai nudest on any of the many beaches. But I"ve certainly seen lots of European nudists. On any given sunny day in Portugal the beaches will be wall to wall topless babes.

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