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How Can A Farang Marry A Thai Girl Who Is Pregnant With His Child?


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OP install 5k baht to mum and dads account every month, and they will stop chaising your girl

and if you want to marry now, offer 100k for their daughter.

Thats how thais do :)

if you really love her , a new pick up , will do . :jap:

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20k a month was sent before. This was rejected as not enough. A pick up truck would not do it. They did well with the oldest girl and want the same or more. Money was not an issue, but rejection was also because "he knows too much about Thailand" They want an old guy to build a house near the parents and die soon after. If a pick up truck would have solved this problem it would have been solved a year ago. Thank you however for posting a real suggestion. If it was 5k a month that would be a dream.

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Top 1% don't work as bar whores. Sorry. They'd be swooped up by a rich fellow by now. That's how it works.

If Daddy is the local headman, he doesn't need to milk his daughter's husband. He can get all he wants from public funds.

Maybe, just maybe the parents are trying to do the right thing for their daughter? Maybe this little gem of a lass is a pathological liar. Are you sure the parents sent her to work as a whore? If they have lost face from this incident it just might because the woman has been working the trade. And just how old is the presumed farang sperm donor? This is all too farfetched for me.

That's what is sounds like to me too

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OK, let's answer your question as it was asked and end this nonsense.

1. That she is pregnant is irrelevant as far as being allowed to marry without her parent's consent is concerned, whoever the father may or may not be.

2. The only way she can marry below the legal age of consent (20) without her parents' permission is to apply to a district court to be emancipated from her parents (once legally married, at any age, she is automatically emancipated here, but that is irrelevant in this case as it would require her parents' consent). Few courts anywhere in the world would support such an application under these circumstances (however you dress it up, according to you she left home at 16 to become a prostitute, was a very successful one, and does not want to go home to parents who hold a respected position in their local community) and no Thai court would do so.

3. If she had a passport there would be no need for her to go as far afield as Barbados to marry, as she could do so (aged 18) in many SEA countries (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia, the Philippines and Indonesia). Such a marriage, however, would not be valid in Thailand as it would be contrary to Thai law because it would be made without her parents' permission.

4. From what you have posted here you clearly admit having sex with her when she was under the legal age (18), and it is possible that she may also have become pregnant when under 18. If so, and if you intend making a point of being the father, you need to get a new lawyer - there is no "taking the 5th" here and you would be admitting guilt to an offence which would at best result in your deportation.

5. According to what you say she was evidently working of her own free will, unfettered and unsupervised, making a lot of money, for a considerable time, and she chose to send some of that money to her parents. Her parents stand to gain nothing by having her brought home - the only way they could send her "back to work" against her will would be to a closed Thai brothel where she would make 200 baht a time and stand no chance whatsoever of meeting a rich, old farang.

Far from knowing too much about Thailand, this is a case of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing; according to you her father is a poo yai ban, not Newin Chidchob, and while 200,000 baht may get him a lot of leverage with the local police it would get him little nationwide. If his "wealth" is based on the big house in the village his elder daughter inherited from her old farang husband he is very small fry indeed. Get your paranoia and your imagination under control and read what others such as GeriatricKid (did I really write that??) have said, then get on with whatever you are leaving yourself of your life.

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to guessmouse, we get it, you are a clown, a troll, you are good at what you do. but really i was asking for how to do something specific. you have not been able to answer this. thus not helpful.

I have but the time hasn't come yet when reality sets in and you realise it.

Come back in two or three years tell me you disagree with what I said in my first post.

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I have seen her turn Thai mens heads and other farang walk up to her and start talking if she is alone for a second.

I have the same experience with my gf. Even if I walk close by some Thai men will turn around, look intensely at her, scan her up and down...and not even detect that the tall foreigner walking behind her with all the shopping bags exists until he is within arm-length... or that foreigner try to get eye-contact or approach her every time she goes on the MRT or BTS, so she changes carriage to get away from them...

Top 1% don't work as bar whores. Sorry. They'd be swooped up by a rich fellow by now.

You are correct. Or atleast they have rich bf's until they reach 30 and turn around to look for love instead...

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The marrying in the neighboring country is something that was thought of however we had just assumed Thailand would not recognize it. Does anyone know if they went to Cambodia get married would Thailand be forced to respect it even if she was not yet 20?

Also for the trolls that think this story is not true and are giving response based on their own personal experiences in Thailand can I please remind you that the point of this thread was to find out information about how one could get married if they are under 20 with out the consent of the parents. Just assume the story is 100% made up if that will help you focus on answering the question at hand. Thanks you for your understanding and kindness.

You have provided enough information to cause an infinite thread of unnecessary speculations (deliberately or not), I'll give you that. The real question at hand is if the other members will be able to stick to what you call "the question at hand" or if they'll be led into the temptation of advising your friend to take a cold shower and an icy bath.

Funny that you're mentioning trolls. I do suspect there is a bridge nearby, because something really stinks here.

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Paternity test, hide long enough for the child to be born. If it means the girl doesnt stay with the guy during that time (since he is the way they are tracking her apparantly) then so be it. Once the child is born, you can apply for visas to the guys home. Leave. If they love one another. Good luck to your friend!

p.s. no village headman is going to be able to get his fingers into the "who is applying for visas to leave thailand" pot.

Edited by OxfordWill
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Accepting that everything the OP said was true I don't see a problem.

As already been stated, money does not seem to be a problem. The OP said the father of the unborn child can support the girl... married or not. 80% of Thais live on less than 8000 baht a month. A mother with a new baby wouldn't need much more. Nobody checks who anyone is when they are living in a Thai hotel somewhere. Pay the rent and nobody cares. Tracing someone who doesn't want to be found is almost impossible... unless the person is stupid. Move to anywhere in Thailand and just stay there, and make a new life. It doesn't take long to make new friends. If I can do it then anyone can.

1. The father of the child has to accept responsibility of his own actions. That is what adults do.

2. If that means not living high off the hog like previously, then so be it.

3. You can't have it both ways. If the girl is trustworthy then she also has to accept the result of her own actions. If it means she has to live on her own for a while then so be it. If she's too weak to do so then she's not worth the effort and deserves the results that befall her. That is what adults do.

Their irresponsible actions were put in place the moment they failed to take precautions while having sex. There are no simple solutions that can be fixed by waving a magic wand. Take responsibility for their own actions. Living on their own for a couple of years is not a hardship when there are funds that can cover it.

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Also at the send the 5k to the parents idea... He was paying 20,000 a month in advance. This was rejected by the parents after a while. She was making more than that working. She is a very attractive girl and in the top 1% in Thailand so I dont doubt it. I have seen her turn Thai mens heads and other farang walk up to her and start talking if she is alone for a second.

please forward a link to this rating system you use, there are a few young ladies i would like to have rated.

or please simply explain where you came up with this utterly ridiculous number.

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Also at the send the 5k to the parents idea... He was paying 20,000 a month in advance. This was rejected by the parents after a while. She was making more than that working. She is a very attractive girl and in the top 1% in Thailand so I dont doubt it. I have seen her turn Thai mens heads and other farang walk up to her and start talking if she is alone for a second.

please forward a link to this rating system you use, there are a few young ladies i would like to have rated.

or please simply explain where you came up with this utterly ridiculous number.

I wonder the same thing. I know at least 3 stuningly beautiful Thai women who don't have boyfriends, and it's not because they aren't looking. They just have high standards in what they are looking for. I won't post pictures, but you can take my word for it that they match all the standards of Thai beauty: pale skin, fantastic figures, beautiful face and a nice personality. Unfortunately, I'm too old for them or I'd give it a try.

Some women are natural born flirts and would make excellent hookers. You can't leave them alone for 5 minutes before they start giving off the signals. If that is the OP's gal in question then the prospective boyfriend / father should run away as fast as possible. Otherwise, why would he worry if she was alone for very long?

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I know at least 3 stunningly beautiful Thai women who don't have boyfriends ... Maybe you don't know them as well as you think ... these days many 'stunningly beautiful' girls without boyfriends are Dees... and if they don't want you to know, you won't.

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I guess I should have put this info in the post from the start, The parents are trying to locate her so they will be able to take the girl, abort the baby and send her back to "work". The girl clearly does not like this option and can only stop the parents and police from tracking her down if she is married. She ran away just after she turned 17 because she had been "working" since she was just 16. The parents, wanting more money have paid off the police to find her, she is in hiding but does not want to be for the next 1.5 years until she is 20. We really can't think of any thing for her to do, clearly the police are no help and the lawyers seem to not want to get involved. They always talk about traditional culture.

Is anyone aware how to get the courts permission to marry if she is pregnant or is this not realistic? thanks

who always talk traditional culture.

this is trafitional culture.............farang gets bg pregnant then compounds proble by wanting to marry her!

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20k a month was sent before. This was rejected as not enough. A pick up truck would not do it. They did well with the oldest girl and want the same or more. Money was not an issue, but rejection was also because "he knows too much about Thailand" They want an old guy to build a house near the parents and die soon after. If a pick up truck would have solved this problem it would have been solved a year ago. Thank you however for posting a real suggestion. If it was 5k a month that would be a dream.

man up its obvious its your situation........................lol!

you need to understand thai culture- offer more!

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I know at least 3 stunningly beautiful Thai women who don't have boyfriends ... Maybe you don't know them as well as you think ... these days many 'stunningly beautiful' girls without boyfriends are Dees... and if they don't want you to know, you won't.

I don't dig into people's private lives and I don't make false assumptions about anyone. I know lots of gays of both sexes. It becomes quite obvious after a while. I don't care if these ladies are "Dees" or not. I have enough lady friends and don't need a long term relationship. I was just putting into context the OP's remark that the pregnant girl is hit on by all men because she is supposedly one of the top 1% in beauty. If that is the case then it's the girl putting off the "signals" that she is available. Most men take no for an answer. If they don't then they should be arrested.

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Despite the pleas to avoid non-productive judgmental posts and provide the non-existent legal precedent, I think the OP will have to admit that there's nothing that can be done to trump parental consent, even if it is perceived as being abused.

The OP is obviously the farang who finds himself hooked to a pretty but pregnant coyote; too many slips from first person to third... plus prior TV post history. So I suggest that the solution has already been posted. Separation and patience.

Standing by your pregnant GF is very honorable. I only hope that GH's most succinct observation 'blood is thicker than water' is not lost in this fervent debate. If the pregnancy wasn't front and center, I am sure the OP would have walked away from Miss 1% already. Can you imagine marrying into a family that already despises you? If you do go ahead and lay in the bed you are making, make sure that the kid gets the unconditional love that doesn't seem to exist much with the GF's family.

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... Some women are natural born flirts and would make excellent hookers.

LOL... that brightened my morning immensely. Thanks.

i wholeheartdly agree.

great hookers are born that way. you cannot train one to be a great hooker. its one of those things god gives you or doesnt!

now can someone explain why god gave thailand so many.............lol.

LOL... but it only takes one prat....

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... Some women are natural born flirts and would make excellent hookers.

LOL... that brightened my morning immensely. Thanks.

My comment was a bit tongue in cheek, but from observations over the past 15 years in Thailand it's quite obvious what women get the most attention and how they work it. And, it's not always the most beautiful gals. It's kind of fun watching them work their trade. Glad my comment brought a smile. When I used to be part of the "dating game" in Canada I remember similarities between popular Canadian gals and the successful Thai bar girls. Believe me, it IS a learned skill where part of it comes naturally. :D

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I was just putting into context the OP's remark that the pregnant girl is hit on by all men because she is supposedly one of the top 1% in beauty. If that is the case then it's the girl putting off the "signals" that she is available. Most men take no for an answer. If they don't then they should be arrested.

Don't confuse 'getting attention' (i.e. men look at them when they walk past, often without the girl even noticing) and 'seeking attention' (i.e. look into the eyes of the men they walk past so the men turn the heads to keep they eyes locked in etc). Those are very much different qualities.

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over the past 15 years in Thailand it's quite obvious what women get the most attention and how they work it. ... In Thailand nothing is obvious until someone takes out the cash. There are DEES in Thailand that are stealthy enough to fool their families, certain of their friends, their teachers and/or their employers and to a farang they most certainly would not be 'obvious'.

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over the past 15 years in Thailand it's quite obvious what women get the most attention and how they work it. ... In Thailand nothing is obvious until someone takes out the cash. There are DEES in Thailand that are stealthy enough to fool their families, certain of their friends, their teachers and/or their employers and to a farang they most certainly would not be 'obvious'.

Excuse me, but I'm not familiar with the term 'DEES'. It looks like an acronym or something, but I couldn't find anything on Google about it. Care to explain what it means?

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A 'dee' is the feminine side of a Thai lesbian couple the other half being a 'Tom' or 'butch' as in the USA ... It is well acknowledged that these days some of the most attractive young women in Thailand are 'dees' sometimes openly but very often totally discreet and unknown to those Thais closest to them...

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A 'dee' is the feminine side of a Thai lesbian couple the other half being a 'Tom' or 'butch' as in the USA ... It is well acknowledged that these days some of the most attractive young women in Thailand are 'dees' sometimes openly but very often totally discreet and unknown to those Thais closest to them...

Thank you for the explanation smile.gif

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all the happily married Farang/Thai couples I know each and everyone has the solid support of their Thai in-laws and non are being bled dry by money grubbing wasters.

You're right to warn the OP, those you know; but sometime the exception proves the rule. I've never had to give one satang to my in laws. Wealthy bangkokians I have to confess. ;)

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all the happily married Farang/Thai couples I know each and everyone has the solid support of their Thai in-laws and non are being bled dry by money grubbing wasters.

You're right to warn the OP, those you know; but sometime the exception proves the rule. I've never had to give one satang to my in laws. Wealthy bangkokians I have to confess. ;)

Are they Chinese-Thai?

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