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Where Can I Buy Sea Salt In Chiang Mai?


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On Chanklan road there's a healthfood shop. Coming from Tapaeroad, after apx 200m on the left side.

(not that I know if they have it, but if not, they might know where they do)

Helpfull reply. :ermm:

Edited by Semper
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there are some salt mines in Thailand in places like Nan and southern Thailand. Salt mines typically supply more industrial uses with rock salt Not sure how much they contribute to the supply of food consumption. Generally sea salt is considered more desirable from a culinary and health standpoint but imagine it varies from mine to mine and how it's extracted and processed.

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I've seen French fleur de sel at Carrefour.

It's on the aisle with all the pasta, spices/herbs, imported Spanish olives, etc. opposite the dairy cold display, far left side of the store.

I think I may have seen it in Tops as well one time (coincidentally in the pasta/spice/herbs area as well)- but as the Tops I go to at KSK has completely remodeled and moved everything around I won't swear to it being there still.......

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<br />A restaurant owner today claimed that all salt in Thailand comes from the sea... anyone know about that?<br />
<br /><br /><br />

A wild, wide, and thus unreliable generalisation.

But the first post caught my eye soon after it was made and thus, today, I looked more carefully than before at labels on salt.

I happened to be in Makro Hang Dong Road, checking on the other thread about their new lines of western goods at low prices. Most prices were indeed impressive, but it was amusing that the new feature (the central islands at the front, as you go in) had 'international' goods all labelled with the wrong flags. The Union Jack was over an aisle full of Japanese stuff, the American flag over the Italian goods etc. At my request my Thai wife pointed this out to a supervisor who, after taking our advice in detail, removed all the flags and disappeared!

Oh yes, the salt. On large McCormick dispensers, like all other brands I found, there were no details. But on their small dispensers was a note saying clearly that the product did NOT contain iodide. Top marks for truth, McC, but I thought that was good for us?

Can anyone advise on a properly nutritious sea salt for the table? Is it true that the good stuff is sand coloured and all white salt has unhealthy things added to make it so? I do like salty flavours, but don't want them to shorten what lifespan I may have left.

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